Chapter 9 The system will give you a dao companion for free.

“Luo Qiao?!” Li Fairy was caught off guard, only to feel that his head was hit hard, and his mind was blurred. Fortunately, the wind chime rang on his waist, forcibly shook out the cold light from the sea of ​​self-knowledge!

Li Fairy took advantage of the situation to stabilize his mind, and his eyes swept away. Although the cold light was forced out, it was suspended in the air and could not be patrolled. There was a vague face inside. It was the Outer Sect Elders, who was called “fallen” not long ago. One of Luo Qiao!

She looked dark and shouted, “You still have a soul here?!”

“Fairy Li?” Luo Qiao’s spirit hides Jade Slip. He doesn’t know the outside world, and he realizes that someone is trying to check Cultivation Technique. Then he takes advantage of the situation and makes a sneak attack. At this moment, he finds that it is Fairy Li. He is very surprised. “What kind of identity is Fairy? ?”

Li Fairy snorted coldly: “Who knows how to become a baby? Don’t talk nonsense, and catch it with one’s hands. I’ll give you a good time!”

“Fairy is really joking.” Luo Qiao flew into the air, hesitantly said, “I wait for the people of the holy sect, how can there be any reason to sit and wait for death? Besides, Fairy has a bright future, but Luo Mou is now desperate, Fairy really wants to take risks. Broken the net with Luo Mou fish?”

“If Luo Mou sends Cultivation Technique to Fairy, how about Fairy’s raising your hands?”

While talking, he rolled up the Jade Slip and handed it to Li Fairy. Just when Li Fairy’s eyes fell on Jade Slip, Luo Qiao’s face was fierce, suddenly raised his head and let out a sharp whistle!

Li Fairy sneered: “I have guarded you long ago!”

She has only suffered a careless loss, how can she underestimate the enemy at this moment?

At some point, the wind chimes around his waist opened their mouths together, making a miserable howl, but there was no sound!

Luo Qiao’s soul body seemed to be chopped by an invisible blade, and the scream stopped abruptly! At the same time, Li Fairy’s fingertips flickered purple, Spirit Power jumped into the air like a snake, tied to Luo Qiao!

“Soul-binding force?” Luo Qiao and her teacher went out of the same school, and naturally knew that this technique was designed to overcome the lingering soul. With a turn of his mind, he glanced at Fairy bitterly, suddenly divided into two, two into four, and four into eight, fleeing in all directions!

Li Fairy was not surprised, Senran shouted: “Want to escape?”

She stretched out her five white, tender and slender fingers, opened them in the air, and then grabbed them fiercely!

call! call! call!

The next moment, the wind is strong, the Spiritual Qi is disordered, and the surrounding sky is all dark. The five looming fences centered on Li Fairy suddenly stand up, resembling a prison.

Luo Qiao’s spirit, who had been scattered and fleeing, was forcibly pulled back by the power in the dark, and couldn’t help but cried out in shock: “Five-finger prisoner in the dragon prison! You have actually cultivated this magical power!”

Without waiting for Li Fairy to answer, he already grinned, “Since the old man is going to die today, the secret of the six desires, you never want to get it!”

Before the words were over, the spirit wrapped Jade Slip for a while, and he was about to explode!

“You dare!” Li Fairy was relegating the Mingzong’s status, and chased Luquan City from thousands of miles, so that this rumored Cultivation Technique could change the foundation and break the alchemy. How could he tolerate a waste of effort?

Although I know that the Golden Core period cultivator explodes, the power is not trivial, but I still don’t retreat and advance!

At the same time, the wind chimes rang loudly on her body, and layers of complex lines appeared on her fair skin. She stuck out her bare hands, cut Luo Qiao’s soul abruptly, and grabbed Jade Slip!

The moment she pinched Jade Slip in her palm, Luo Qiao’s spirit burst out!

After a while, the small hillside disappeared. Under the hillside, there were only three holes left in the three figure-shaped locust trees as the landmarks mentioned by Pei Ling. .

It shows that the cultivator of the Golden Core period is horrible!

“Cough, cough, cough…” At this moment, Li Fairy slowly fell from mid-air, before landing, he couldn’t help but cough, then covered his face with a sleeve, and vomited a big mouthful of blood!

But she didn’t care too much about her own injury at the moment. Luo Qiao left and right, this little Luquan City, there was nothing that could threaten her, but she quickly checked the situation of Jade Slip.

I saw Jade Slip split apart even though she tried her best to protect it.

Li Fairy frowned. From her experience, of course, knowing this situation, the Cultivation Technique inside must have been affected. Although it won’t be invalidated, I have to go back to Sect and find someone to fix it before I can get the Secret Code of Six Desires.

Although it was more troublesome than expected, fortunately, the purpose of going out this time was achieved. Li Fairy coughed a few times and put Jade Slip away. With a slight movement of the black gauze skirt, he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After a while, Biwu Academy, Li Fairy suddenly appeared in the courtyard just like when they left.

Positively assumed the self-destruction of the Golden Core cultivator spirit, and galloped back to Pei Mansion. For the least, she was also considered a top genius disciple in the Chongming Sect. At this moment, she couldn’t help but feel a little bloody.

It was another cough just now when he landed. With a wave of his hand, he hung the wind chime back into the eaves and walked quickly into the abode.

Immediately afterwards, the door of the Abode closed automatically without any wind.

In the abode, Fairy Li fell to the cloud bed and took a Medicine Pill to heal his injuries.

She hurriedly stabilized her injury and went back to Chongmingzong to find someone to repair Jade Slip. She had long forgotten about Pei Ling. After all, she was just a small offshoot of Pei Mansion.

Pei Hongnian, the son of Pei Mansion, is not a dog in front of her?

No, it’s not as good as a dog.

After all, Zheng Jingshan is a serious dog.

But Pei Hongnian was at most a dog for Zheng Jingshan.

As for Pei Ling, in Li Fairy’s view, even Pei Hongnian is not as good as Pei Hongnian, so why bother?

So even if this person died under the picture of Rakshasa due to her negligence, it can only be said that Pei Ling was supposed to do so.

What does it matter to her?

At this moment, Pei Ling also forgot about Li Fairy, and was feeling the new Cultivation Technique’s regular cultivation method. Suddenly, the system “dingdong”: “The nameless Cultivation Technique is detected as a dual cultivation Cultivation Technique, and it needs dao companion to continue cultivation…”

Peiling: “?!”

“Dingdong!” The system mechanically said, “Detecting the host lacks dao companion, the system will give a free dao companion…”

The next moment, Pei Ling watched her own body stop cultivation, picked up the projectile next to her, then stood up, strode over to open the door, and ran out at a speed far exceeding her current Cultivation Base!

“System?” Pei Ling was about to explode, he kept roaring in his mind, “How quickly do you stop for daddy! Do you know where this is? Here can be dao companion for daddy, no Daddy’s sister is the woman of Daddy’s brother and uncle!”

He finally realized that if this mentally retarded system is not killed, he will not give up!

Just when Pei Ling was racking his brains to consider how to deal with the aftermath of being found incest by the family, he discovered something terrifying and dying: He went to Biwuyuan again!

He entered the Biwu Academy!

He ignored the upper room in front and the inverted seat where the maid lived, but followed the route when Pei Xuan brought him here before, and went straight to the backyard abode!

Outside the abode, the wind chimes on the eaves suddenly rang out!

Li Fairy in the room noticed it, frowned slightly, and felt it a little, and found Pei Ling rushing towards her.

“Almost forgot!” Li Fairy was a little stunned. She had promised to get the Jade Slip to remove the threat of the Pei’s side branch from the Rakshasa map, just because she was busy unlocking Luo Qiao’s ban, she left the matter behind. .

Now Pei Ling broke in unruly and slammed the door, presumably he couldn’t hold it anymore.

Thinking of this, Li Fairy temporarily interrupted his healing and said, “This seat…”

However, before the voice was over, the door of the Abode was suddenly kicked open!

Immediately afterwards, Pei Ling’s eyes were full of anger, but his face was calm and unwavering. Li Fairy only said that he was in danger at this moment, so that he would do such a rebellious thing. He smashed a projectile at her facade!

The projectile party had already exploded into powder with a “bang” in the air, and instantly enveloped the entire room!

Qi Jue Zhen Hun San! Li Fairy was shocked. This was Luo Qiao’s trump card. He thought it had been consumed by his disciples when he fled, and fell into the hands of Pei Ling!

In normal times, these methods would naturally not hurt her, but not long ago, in order to preserve the Jade Slip of the Secret of Six Desires, she had just assumed Luo Qiao’s spirit to explode directly, and both Hun and Po were injured. At this moment, I was weak, and I thought that Pei Ling came to ask for help. He didn’t expect that a small third-level qi training in Pei Mansion would dare to attack himself!

The fright and anger flashed in Li Fairy’s eyes, but he didn’t even have time to say a word, so he fell softly!

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