Chapter 83 Profiteers. (Seeking collection! Seeking recommendation! Seeking investment!)

The pill furnace that Zheng Jingshan prepared was of course much better than the D-level pill room that Pei Ling had rented in Danfeng.

But at this moment, two bone-hardening pills were lying pitifully at the bottom of the big furnace, not to mention, even the pill incense that haunted the room when it was out of the furnace disappeared.

Pei Ling couldn’t help her face sinking slightly: Missed?

Is the system refining defective products this time?

However, when I picked up the two bone-hardening pills and observed them carefully, I saw that Medicine Pill exuded a faint luminous light, and the color was not gray, but inclined to milky white.

The feeling of crystal clearness is even worse, with a circle of azure lines formed on the surface, which looks like a cat’s eye.

This made Peiling hesitate.

It’s not like a waste pill…

Because Zheng Jingshan was not there, Peiling couldn’t find anyone to ask, so he thought about it for a while and just cultivated first.

Anyway, he does not lack one or two Bone Tempering Pills now.

It doesn’t matter if it fails.

Thinking of this, Pei Ling called out in her mind: “System, I want to cultivate [Bone Forging Technique].”

“Dingdong!” The system went online quickly, and the next step was to take over the control of the body, which is familiar to you, “The intelligent comprehension system is here to serve you wholeheartedly. The lack of pill refining medicine quenching bone pill is detected, please wait…”

“Ding Dong! The system will give you Bone Tempering Pill for free…”

The system manipulated Pei Ling’s body and grabbed the bone quenching pill in the pill furnace.

Pei Ling watched with a bit of worry. There were too few Medicine Pills this time.

Don’t know if it’s enough?

But then I thought about it, this is the Kulan Xiaoyuan, Zheng Jingshan’s residence, this Senior Brother Zheng must also have the Bone Tempering Pill.

If it is not enough, the system will find it by itself.

Anyway, the relationship between him and Zheng Jingshan is not what it used to be.

Thinking of this, he relaxed, but the system only grabbed a Bone Tempering Pill from the bottom of the furnace and stuffed it into his mouth: “Ding Dong! The Bone Tempering Pill has been given away, now continue to cultivate…”

Why only one?

Pei Ling couldn’t help being stunned: “System, are you broken?”

Pill refining is not normal, cultivation is not normal? ? ?

He was worried, but after taking this bone-hardening pill, it seemed like a fire, rising from his Dantian!

The huge medicinal power quickly rushed to his limbs.

Pei Ling only felt that his whole body was burning, and in his eyes, the cold flame that had just been subdued was about to move, glowing with a faint blue glow.

At this moment, the system began to operate the Bone Forging Technique, and the quiet room was instantly filled with the “click” sound of bone fracture and rebirth, which made people feel sore.

With the experience of receiving fire into the body, this kind of pain has become commonplace for Pei Ling.

He felt it carefully, and couldn’t help secretly surprised: the speed of quenching bones is so fast!

If you convince him to use the top-grade bone quenching pill, tempering his bones is like a rushing stream, then the Spirit Power in his body at this moment is like a rushing river.

In an almost unreasonable way, he crushed the bones in front of him that had not yet been jade, and then regenerated them warmly and at an extremely fast speed.

The cultivation time this time has lasted twice as long as before!

After a long while, the system “dingdong”: “This cultivation is over. Thanks to the host for using the intelligent cultivation system, one-click hosting, soaring Wu You! Looking forward to your sharing of cultivation evaluation, please give five-star praise if you are satisfied!”

Pei Ling resumed the operation, first gave the system a three-star evaluation, and then moved his muscles and bones a lot.

I found the Meridians’ pain caused by the drying up of Spirit Power before, and they have already disappeared at this moment.

He was full of power all over his body.

The injury suffered in the Bone Crane Marsh has long since recovered.

With a little cheer, you can see the knotted muscles, the Spirit Power inside is abundant, the whole person is full of energy, and the state can’t be better.

After a closer inspection, there was not much foreign matter discharged from the pores during this cultivation…

Pei Ling was shocked that only two bone-hardening pills were produced in this furnace, and the efficacy of one was even stronger than that of a dozen top-grade bone-hardening pills.

No wonder the system only took one for him this time.

If it is the same as before, and use as much as before, I am afraid his body can’t stand it at all!

With this cultivation alone, the Cultivation Base he just broke through has made a lot of progress.

Although there is still a long way to go before the seventh layer of Qi refining, Pei Ling’s spirit is refreshed. After a little bit of cleaning, he continues to pill refining.

A day and a night are just a matter of flicks.

When the sky was dark, Pei Ling sat down on the ground, panting slightly, but his face was very happy.

In front of him, there were two porcelain vases, each containing ten bone-hardening pills.

One bottle was intended to be sold to Zheng Jingshan, and the other bottle was intended to be kept for his own use.

If all these ten Bone Tempering Pills are used up, one’s own Cultivation Base will surely make progress.

Counting like this, Qi% training is just around the corner.

System cultivation is simply an artifact!

In addition to being more labor intensive, there are almost no shortcomings.

Pei Ling silently gave the system a thumbs-up, and then skillfully sent a one-star bad review.

He put a bottle of Medicine Pill in his arms and was about to take a break, but there was a report from the puppet waiter, saying that Zheng Jingshan was back.

“Brother.” Pei Ling heard the words and went out quickly, “Are you back?”

Zheng Jingshan looked tired, and as soon as he sat down, he picked up the spirit tea delivered by the waiter and drank a big sip, before saying: “Brother Pei, fortunately, I have already negotiated the sales and price with Qiu Elder.”

It turns out that the reason why this senior went out yesterday to find a buyer of the top-grade bone quenching pill?

Pei Ling was busy and worked hard, and then asked what was the result?

“Qiu Elder is one of the Elders of my Inner Sect deacon hall.” Zheng Jingshan smiled slightly, quite glamorous, “The power of argument is second to none among the Elders of Inner Sect. It’s just that Ding Buxing, a family member from the Elder family, is second to none. , Under his own knee, it is a single pass. Moreover, the two generations of descendants have very mediocre aptitudes, and they have long died of old age.”

“The only surviving great-grandson Qiu Song who is raised by my side now is only six years old. It is the time when we need a lot of good bone-hardening pills to lay the foundation.”

At this point, he paused before continuing, “I have already talked to him, 70 low-grade Spirit Stones, a top-grade bone-tempering pill, as much as you want.”

“Seventy yuan of low-grade Spirit Stones?” Pei Ling was startled, “I sold it to Baibaolou before, and they gave fifty-five yuan of low-grade Spirit Stones?”

Zheng Jingshan was not surprised by this, hehe smiled and said, “That is the price recovered by Baibaolou, which is naturally cheap. They sell a top-grade bone quenching pill, and it will never be less than a hundred low-grade Spirit Stones! I sell it to Qiu Elder’s 70-dollar lower grade Spirit Stones is already giving him Face.”

Yes, it doesn’t hurt to have a good relationship with Inner Sect Elders.

When Pei Ling was thinking about it, he heard Zheng Jingshan say again, “After all, you have already sold a batch of high-grade bone-hardening pills to Baibaolou. If we sell too high now, maybe Qiu Elder would rather go to Baibaolou to buy it. Elders, there is a certain discount. When this part of the bone quenching pill is consumed, we will raise the price again, and by that time, it will be one hundred and twenty low-grade Spirit Stones.”

One hundred and twenty lower grade Spirit Stones?

Isn’t this a grab!

No, just because of the efficiency of pill refining, it may not be so fast!

What kind of money would a silly cultivator buy?

“Will Qiu Elder accept?” Pei Ling asked nervously.

Zheng Jingshan smiled contemptuously and said: “He doesn’t accept it, he has to accept it! He is just such a great-grandson. If he doesn’t smash Spirit Stones for Qiu Song, who else can he smash it for? And the top grade bone quenching pill, there are other pill refining masters in Sect. Refining, the problem is, that would have to delay their time to refining the high rank Medicine Pill.”

“Qiu Elder does have this connection, but the price won’t be low, and you have to owe favors.”

“So he earned one hundred and twenty lower grade Spirit Stones.”

Pei Ling was in a good mood, and it was true that she secretly asked Zheng Jingshan to cooperate.

He pondered and asked, “Senior Brother Zheng, how do you divide these Spirit Stones?”

PS: Remember to vote after reading it! Seeking collection! Seeking investment! Ask for a recommendation ticket! Seek everything during the break-up period!

PS: Thank you book friend 161203150817112 for your monthly pass! Thanks for the monthly pass of the Serapis56 brothers!

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