Chapter 81 Order of the butcher. (Seeking collection! Seeking investment! Seeking recommendation ticket!)

Jiao Ni?

Why is she here?

Peiling couldn’t help but startled.

Ouyang Xianxing noticed something, and was about to turn his head, his face changed drastically, and suddenly changed to Ouyang Xianmeng.

The bones chain clashed loudly and was about to strangle Pei Ling further, but Jiao Ni only quietly stared at it, and the bone-grown flowers on Pei Ling’s body had withered silently!

“!” Ouyang Xianmeng was stunned, and his head suddenly twisted to 180 degrees, but before he could see clearly behind him, Jiao Niyao stretched his finger towards her a little bit, and saw her head khakakacha turned back again, “Boom! “With a sound, he fell to the ground.

Pei Ling tore down the bone flowers and chains that remained on her body repeatedly, and quickly stepped forward to thank you: “Thank you, girl Jiao Ni.”

Jiao Ni glanced at him plainly, and the blue silk grew violently behind his head, suddenly curling him and Ouyang Xianxing.

Peiling didn’t have time to ask, and the whole person fell into a trance. He didn’t know what he had gone through. When he recovered, he was already at the gate of the Culan Courtyard.

Next to him is the coffin of the Netherworld Concubine, and Ouyang Xianxing who passed out on the lid of the coffin.

As for Jiao Ni, it has long since disappeared.

He settled down, first checked that Ouyang Xianxing was still alive, and then went forward and knocked on the door.

After a long while, Zheng Jingshan called a female disciple to take Ouyang Xianxing away with a pale face: “What the hell is going on?”

“Back to Senior Brother Zheng, that Xue Ying was originally from Miao Chengyang, and Fang Ji, after Miao Chengyang appeared, also…” Pei Ling quickly said the general process, Zheng Jingshan was angry at hearing it, and did not wait for him. After speaking, he interrupted: “Miao Chengyang, the dignified master of the line, even personally shot and killed an Outer Sect disciple, he simply didn’t want to face it!”

“There is also Xue Ying, this beast, he has low qualifications, but he was only lucky enough to be in the Foundation Building back then. He was in a difficult situation in Inner Sect, and he was struggling. If I hadn’t been soft-hearted and put him under his command, it would be a question of whether he can live to this day.”

“He actually did something like this!”

“You said he was trained into the blood evil Saber Technique’s outer evil? Well done!”

“This kind of gratitude and revenge, even if you don’t die in your hands, when you return, daddy will personally take it and thwart it!”

“As for Fang Ji…”

When referring to this cultivator who specializes in medicine and poison, Zheng Jingshan’s complexion was uncertain for a moment before he continued to curse, “At the beginning I cultivated him in various ways, and even his secluded locust Gu was specially obtained for him. I didn’t expect this. A bastard thing, so greedy for life and fear of death, it is more than guilty.”

He felt a pain in his heart, and Fang Ji died. That locust Gu, but with the qualifications to become the king of locust Gu, originally thought that Fang Ji would definitely be able to cultivate it, and it would save himself some time. Kung Fu, I didn’t expect this junior to be so wasteful.

Settling down, Zheng Jingshan continued to ask: “Then how did you escape from birth?”

“When Miao Chengyang was about to take action, she suddenly disappeared.” Pei Ling said truthfully, “Senior Sister Ouyang opened the coffin of the Nether Concubine in order to save me, so that not long after we escaped from the Bone Crane Marsh, Senior Sister suddenly became The face of the girl in the coffin then wanted to kill me… Fortunately, Girl Jiao Ni appeared at the very moment of her hair and stopped the senior sister and sent us back. I think Miao Chengyang should have been taken away by Girl Jiao Ni too. ”

Zheng Jingshan nodded secretly when he heard this, did he say, since this genius Pei Ling is the genius that Senior Sister fancy, how could Senior Sister not arrange it?

He asked slightly expectantly, “Is that Miao Chengyang dead?”

“I don’t know if I go back to Senior Brother.” Pei Ling said, “After he suddenly disappeared, I didn’t show up again until I was taken back to the door of the Culan Courtyard by the Jiao Ni girl.”

Zheng Jingshan feels a little regretful. He and Miao Chengyang don’t say anything about their grudges. The key is that Jiansang’s line is now in decline. If Miao Chengyang dies at this time, Zhaochuan’s line is unprepared, maybe it’s his own. Mai takes advantage of the fire to rob, the opportunity to restore vitality.

But now that Miao Chengyang’s life and death cannot be determined, it is not easy to do it.

“Okay, I probably knew it.” After a quick calculation in my heart, Zheng Jingshan raised his head and said with a gentle tone, “Senior Brother Pei, this time I am not strict in imprisoning, let you see the joke. Fortunately, senior sister sent Jiao Ni girl. Hidden to the side, you are finally safe.”

Pei Ling quickly said: “The brother is serious, if it is not for the cultivation of the brother, how can I have the opportunity to obtain the cold fire? The brother’s great kindness, I will never forget.”

Seeing his grateful look, Zheng Jingshan smiled slightly and said, “Fine, I’ll take care of this matter. In this way, you have just returned from Gu Yuan, and you only received the fire into your body, so you should take a rest first. Outer Sect first. Don’t go back, just in case. I’ll let you clean up a room for you and settle down for the time being.”

So after sending the waiter to take Pei Ling down, Zheng Jingshan meditated for a moment, got up and left the Kulan Courtyard.

… At about the same time, the embarrassed Miao Chengyang returned to his residence.

The inner disciple who stayed behind saw the vein master’s bruised and bloody appearance, and was shocked, and hurriedly stepped forward to help: “The vein master!”

“How could the pulse master behave like this?” The medical practitioner who arrived later was also shocked. While treating him, he asked in confusion, “But what’s wrong with Gu Yuan?”

Miao Chengyang’s face was gloomy and did not answer this question, but instead ordered: “Find two people to Luquan City and slaughter Pei Mansion!”

Didn’t Jiao Ni ask him to make the Heart’s Demon oath that Pei Ling can’t make a move before entering the Inner Sect?

But he did not promise not to take action against other people.

After Miao Chengan’s death, he learned about it when investigating the murderer. Although Pei Ling’s biological mother died young, his biological father is still alive, as well as a bunch of half-brothers and sisters, and many of the same race who grew up together.

Even if this little beast is not as close to Cheng’an as his opponent, but his blood relatives get along day and night, how can it be possible for an individual to have no feelings at all?

Moreover, Pei Ling entered the sect for a few days, and it was not enough to forget Pei’s family in the time of re-ming the sect. If you know that you have caused the destruction of the entire family at that time, it is impossible not to be affected.

The reason why Li Zhenchuan sent Jiao Ni to defend Pei Ling’s way was because he valued the qualifications of this little beast.

If Pei Ling himself is abolished, will Li Zhenchuan continue to support him?

Thinking of this, Miao Chengyang again urged, “Don’t kill them all at once, keep a few close to him, train them well, and secretly bring back Sect, I’m useful.”

After all, he has witnessed Pei Ling’s determination when he entered the body with his own eyes. In case the bad news of the family’s slaughter failed to make Pei Ling collapse, or re-energize after the collapse… or leave a few people down, from time to time irritation. Fan, more insurance.

“I want daddy to be a sharpening stone for that little beast…” Miao Chengyang sneered in his heart. “Daddy will let the little beast be dusted with Dao heart before the Foundation Building, and it will never be possible to enter the country!”

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