Chapter 78 I have special escape skills. (Seeking collection! Seeking recommendation! Seeking investment!)

Pei Ling!

It turned out to be for Pei Ling! ! !

Miao Chengyang’s heart was shaken, no wonder Zheng Jingshan would seek cold fire for Peiling at all costs.

It’s no wonder that Pei Ling was born in a cold, low Cultivation Base, but was able to kill own Little Brother as well as Li Siguang and Zhou Yi.

It turned out that the backer behind this little beast was not Zheng Jingshan, but Li Zhenzhuan.

Realizing this, Miao Chengyang’s Dao heart collapsed almost instantly: If it was Zheng Jingshan who instigated Peiling, he might avenge Little Brother at any cost.

But if Li Zhenchuan…

What can he do?

Even if he didn’t care, he couldn’t deal with any ghost maid under Li Zhenchuan’s command!

“…” Miao Chengyang’s heart fluctuated and his complexion changed drastically.

Jiao Nihun didn’t care, embroidering the picture of Hungry Ghosts under the moon on his own, obviously not worried that he would refuse.

After a while, Miao Chengyang Shen finally stood up, but did not leave. Instead, he looked directly at Jiao Ni and said in a deep voice, “Girl Jiao Ni, what if I have to kill Pei Ling?”

Jiao Ni raised his head when he heard the words, and there was no emotion in his ink-colored eyes, but the corolla on the bun suddenly fell, and the blue silk on his head rose silently!

At this moment, in the small space surrounded by black chains in the Bone Crane Swamp, the blue flame is still burning slowly and steadily, and Pei Ling is anxious: “System, can you hurry up?”

He is in pain at the moment, very painful.

After all, the remaining cold marrow fire burned his flesh.

However, the situation is critical, and Pei Ling can’t care about this at all. He hurriedly urged the system: “Quick! You are about to end, I will give you five-star praise! I will give you five-star praise in the future!”

The system is as indifferent as every previous hosting of cultivation, allowing the cold flame to burn the body, only directing the fire within the body to slowly swim along the bone marrow Meridians, resisting the burning outside the body, and avoiding the death of the host.

Peiling: “…fuck.”

He knew that he could not count on this mental retardation, so he turned his attention to the outside world.

In the heavy chains, suddenly heard a scream.

Through the gap, she saw Xue Ying’s expression horrified, half of her body drained, clutching her own arm and retreating quickly.

As a formation repairer, he is not good at close combat.

However, Ouyang Xianxing wanted to leave his natal line. He was tortured for Bone Flower before. At this moment, his vitality was severely injured and he lost his main training method. His strength was reduced to 80%. Even with Fang Ji’s helper, he quickly fell. Downwind.

But Fang Ji was not feeling well at the moment.

He has taken out his method of pressing the bottom of the box: a bronze three-legged incense burner carved with Ruiyun patterns.

The green smoke billowed in the furnace, wherever he went, the vegetation instantly withered and withered, and even the swamps quickly showed signs of burning, which showed the strong toxicity.

However, Ouyang Xian whispered, and the chain on his back twitched like a living thing, and the green smoke that was spilled was completely cleaned, and all of it was fed into the black coffin, and there was no movement immediately.

“Master Miao Mai?” Miao Chengyang didn’t show up for a long time.

Xue Ying and Fang Ji realized something was wrong, and their expressions changed.

“Leave her alone, go and catch Peiling!” The two looked at each other, and Xue Ying reminded Fang Ji in a deep voice, “Quick!”

While speaking, he reluctantly stretched out his hand into his arms, took out a black formation flag, and threw it into the air, instantly turning into a formation, enclosing Ouyang Xianxing and the black coffin.

Ouyang Xianxing was furious, and his ten finger nails suddenly stretched out, where the black armor struck, the flag of the formation was faltering!

“Quickly, catch Pei Ling!” Xue Ying slapped her chest, spit out a mouthful of Blood Essence, sprayed it on the formation flag, the formation flag was faintly bloody, and finally barely stabilized, he said eagerly, “This The blood-bound formation can’t stop her for long… I have a way to survive by arresting Pei Ling.”

He didn’t need to remind him about this. Fang Ji had already picked up the incense burner, cut his wrists, and dripped blood. At the same time, he took a bronze dagger from his sleeve, pressed it against his brow, and slowly slipped it down. The dagger was nowhere to be seen. There was blood stains, but there was a white and fat gu worm that looked like a spring silkworm, wriggling out a little bit.

After Fang Ji cut it out, he tore it down and threw it into the incense burner. After a short while, there was a sharp scream from the stove, and a ghost-faced locust the size of a baby’s head flew out of the green smoke!

This locust has red eyes and a vicious meaning lingering all over its body, but this viciousness is a bit like rootless wood and water without a source, revealing the weakness of insufficient stamina.

Fang Ji looked at it distressedly. He had cultivated this secluded locust Gu through untold hard work. He originally expected it to grow into the secluded locust Gu king, which could become a great help and his last support. But now the situation is urgent, and I can’t take care of it anymore!

Under his command, You Locust Gu rushed directly to Peiling aggressively as soon as he came out of the censer.

Ouyang Xianxingren’s coffin was all trapped by the blood-bound formation. Although she frantically attacked the formation, Xue Ying Fangji had a desperate desire to break through the Blood Essence. She was unable to break through the Blood Essence. The chain meets the enemy.

Who knows, the secluded locust Gu saw the chain pull, and did not avoid it. The whole body was misty and transformed into a ghost. The chain passed through its body without obstacles, but it could not hinder its movements at all.

“You dare!” The chain was ineffective, and You Locust Gu drove straight in, taking Pe Ling with his extremely sharp mouthparts! In the blood-bound formation, Ouyang Xianxing was furious, and desperately tore open all the chain talisman on the black coffin!

There was always a flapping sound in the black coffin, but at this moment, there was a dead silence.

But after only two breaths, the heavy coffin lid flew out, slamming heavily on a flag.

Xue Ying, who is still using the Blood Essence to raise the banner and continue to maintain the formation, only feels shocked. A Venus flutters in front of her, her throat is slightly sweet, and she spit out a big mouthful of blood, her body flew out, struggling. After a while, he couldn’t get up, knowing his life or death.

When Fang Ji saw the dead soul violent, he frantically urged You Locust Gu to take Pei Ling as a hostage in his mind.

However, at this moment, Pei Ling, who was scorched and even smoky, suddenly turned her head!

The system in his ears is still “dingdong”: “This cultivation is over. Thanks to the host for using the intelligent cultivation system, one-click hosting, soaring Wu You! Looking forward to your sharing the cultivation evaluation, please give five-star praise if you are satisfied!”

Peiling ignored it, rolled away from the forelimb blow of You Locust Gu, and immediately resisted the pain, and backhand pulled out the knife from behind.

It was only when I was tired of the knife to start, and then it fell down!

Pei Ling was surprised, and after a closer look, she found that her right hand finger was severely burned, and she couldn’t grasp the handle of the knife at all.

“System!” He was eager to become wise, shouting in his mind, “I want to cultivate [Blood Fiend Saber Technique]!”

The next moment, the system was back online, and his body quickly picked up the boring knife that hadn’t completely fallen into the swamp, and ran towards Xue Ying at an incredible speed, leaving You Locust Gu far behind him: “Ding Dong! Detection! To the lack of cultivation material, cultivator Blood Essence…”

“Ding Dong! Looking for cultivator Blood Essence…”

“Ding Dong! The system will give three Foundation Building cultivators for free…”

Almost for an instant, Pei Ling appeared next to Xue Ying, swift like a lightning knife, slashed across his neck, and the blood stains that came out only appeared in mid-air for an instant, and was immediately dried by the blood mist that emerged from Pei Ling’s body. Clean.

Before Xue Ying hummed on the ground, she had already become a corpse. The ground of the Bone Crane Marsh fluctuated slightly, and it was broken into powder and merged into the mud water of the marsh.

In the bloody fog, Xue Ying’s unbelievable face slowly emerged.

System: “Ding Dong! Foundation Building period cultivator gift completed. Cultivation continues…”

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PS: Thank you, brothers who sleep till 12 o’clock tomorrow, for your reward! Thanks to a serious brother Gou Daozhong for his reward! Thank you for giving the name to my brother for a long time! Thanks to the book friends 20170625141941983 brothers for the monthly pass! Thanks for the monthly pass of the world marshal brothers! Thanks for the monthly pass of Fangfengkangsha brothers! Thanks for the monthly pass of Lu Yan brothers!

Regarding the listing, I haven’t received any news yet, so I guess it will take some time.

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