Chapter 75 Arrived. (Seeking collection! Seeking investment! Seeking recommendation ticket!)

This coolness was very faint at first, as if a breeze blowing occasionally in the heat of the heat, and then it returned to the heat wave; again, after a long journey, he stood calmly, and then embarked on the journey non-stop.

If it weren’t for Pei Ling’s pain to the extreme at this moment, he would not even be able to detect it.

But soon, the feeling of cooling began to spread gradually.

In the eyes of outsiders, the blue halo slowly collapsed from Dantian’s position after covering Pe Ling’s body for a long time.

When Ouyang Xianxing saw this scene, the heart that had been put down was raised again.

The most difficult and painful stage has passed, and the next step is to receive the fire into the body, completely refining the cold marrow fire into the own body.

The success of this mission has reached the final juncture.

If you succeed, everyone will be happy, and if you fail, you will be wiped out.

Many cultivators who pride themselves on Dao heart have fallen short of their success.

All in all, the rewards of accepting the fire into the body are extremely high, but it is also extremely risky, and there is no way to be sure of the result until it is completely over.

…Fortunately, Pei Ling still looks calm and unwavering at this moment, which makes Ouyang Xianxing’s uneasy, and therefore reduces a lot.

Fang Ji felt the same way. He sighed in his heart and removed the faint feeling of jealousy. He took a step forward and said to Ouyang Xianxing in a low voice: “Senior sister, don’t worry, I will pay attention to the situation of Junior Brother Pei at any time.”

“Quiet.” Ouyang Xianxing frowned and scolded when he heard the words, “Junior Brother Pei has not finished refining the pill fire, so don’t disturb him.”

“…” Fang Ji asked boringly, but didn’t dare to get angry at the moment, and said with a smile, “Yes, Senior Sister.”

Outside the battle, Xue Ying became mad with jealousy. If it weren’t for being controlled by Bone Flower, he couldn’t move, even couldn’t make a sound. She had already snarled hysterically: “Why? Why?! Why!!!”

“When I joined the clan as a teenager, I am considered Dao heart firm.”

“Over the years, I have been immersed in practice, day and night, and never slack in the slightest, but after the Foundation Building, I have never made any progress!”

“Not only is it watching Zheng Jingshan and other younger generations surpass me one after another, but now that Pei Ling is enough to be my grandson at his age, it is so amazing to be so stunning.”

“When I was born and died for the Kensang line, he was not yet born!”

“Right now, relying on natural aptitude, you will have a higher self before entering the sect…”

“Now that it’s even smoother to accept the fire into the body, the future is boundless.”

“How unfair is God!”

“I didn’t intend to betray the line of Jiansang, but I was hopeless for a long time, so I made this bad move, but why should I get this far!”

Xue Ying’s eyes were almost bloody, staring at the figure in the formation that was lingering in the blue halo.

He sent countless vicious oaths in his heart, as long as Pei Ling failed at this moment and disappeared on the spot, he would be enslaved to the evil demon for life, without any regrets!

However, no matter how angry and unwilling Xue Ying was, she still watched the halo on Pei Ling’s body, slowly extinguishing with a calm and relaxed speed.

Of course he knew that this was not a failure in refining, on the contrary, this was a sign that Pei Ling was about to completely refine the cold marrow fire and merge it into his body.

When all the azure halo of Pei Ling’s body is gone, and he looks like an ordinary person, then the cold marrow fire will become one with his body and grow together with the Cultivation Base. In this process, the nature of the natural pill fire can burn the Impurities in the body at all times and purify the flesh.

And because of the characteristics of the cold marrow fire, it can also give Peiling’s bone marrow to transform into a special situation, which is more powerful than the ordinary cultivator of the same level.

In this way, Foundation Building, the foundation is naturally leading, it is step by step, step by step.

Both Miao Chengyang and Zheng Jingshan had similar encounters, so they rose rapidly among the thousands of Outer Sect disciples of the Chongming Sect, got the opportunity to enter the Inner Sect, and even became the master of the Inner Sect… …

“I’m not reconciled!!” Xue Ying yelled in her heart, wishing to step out of the bone-grown flower, change formation, and strangle Peiling on the spot!

“Huh?” Ouyang Xianxing noticed the abnormal movement in the bone-producing flowers, frowned slightly, and squeezed a gesture, the blood of his fingertips flashed away. At the same time, outside the formation, Xue Ying suddenly widened his eyes. He couldn’t speak because his lips and tongue were blocked, and there was only a stream of purple-black blood gurgling down the chain of bones.

In the armor formed by the bone flower, a white bone chain suddenly pierced his chest.

Ouyang Xianxing’s indifferent voice sounded in Xue Ying’s ear: “Be honest.”

“Meaning maid, this maidservant!” Xue Ying almost passed her anger, hating her in her heart, and said, “I said this maidservant seems to be indifferent and indifferent, so why is she protecting Pei Ling regardless of this time? Secretly show off his coquettishness to the Maid Master, knowing the details of Pei Ling in advance, so I let Fang Ji and I ridicule and sneer secretly, but let her pretend to be a good person…Why hasn’t the Zhaochuan line come here yet?”

“Isn’t the Lord Miao Mai afraid of Li Zhenzhuan, so the thunder is heavy and the rain is small, don’t plan to send someone over?”

Thinking of this possibility, Xue Ying almost died on the spot, “No, no, no, although Li Zhenzhuan’s status is high, Zhou Zhenzhuan is on the same level as her in the end… The Lord Miao Mai is valued by Zhou Zhenzhuan.”

“With Zhou Zhenchuan’s endorsement, the Lord Miao Mai has always loved Miao Chengan, how could he let go of this opportunity to avenge Little Brother?”

“It must have been delayed… Yes, I haven’t kept a secret memory since Yin & Yang. They must be looking everywhere, and they will definitely find it… Definitely!”

I think so, but seeing that the blue halo has been extinguished for most of the time, and there is no change in the surroundings, Xue Ying couldn’t help feeling desperate: “Is Xue Ying, the good fortune is shallow and hopeless road?”

Otherwise, how could he have been in the line of Kensang for so many years before he decided to abandon the dark and cast Ming, but fell into the current situation?

In fact, the situation of Pei Ling at the moment is not easy!

After the cooling sensation deep in the bone marrow diffuses, the pain is indeed greatly reduced.

Pei Ling also secretly breathed a sigh of relief at first, thinking that the tragic experience just now has finally passed.

Who knows, what followed was not pain, but numbness that was more unbearable than pain.

The itch radiating from his bones made him crazy!

If he was in control of his body now, he would have pulled out the horrible knife, pierced into the flesh and blood, and dug out all his own bones abruptly.

But under the custody of the system, no matter how hysterical he screamed, wailed, or begged for mercy in his mind, the system remained indifferent and focused on cultivation.

As the numbness became more intense, Pei Ling’s pores widened, and a kind of silt-like Impurities began to gush out.

Upon seeing this, Ouyang Xianxing and Fang Ji quickly stopped breathing, and the whole formation was gradually filled with a stench.

At the same time, Miao Chengyang rushed to both Yougudong and Chongshan, and he could penetrate the bone Crane Swamp.

Not long after he entered the swamp, he was keenly aware of the cold air around him, much more than when he first came.

In the gray swamp, even on the branches and leaves of some moss and reeds, there is still a little frost and snow that leaked when the cold marrow fire broke out.

“Sure enough, here!” Miao Chengyang condensed his eyebrows for a moment, patted a blade of grass that he was looking at carefully, and sneered. The original speed of flying, suddenly ascensioned, “Little beast, you wait!”

And not far from him, in the unique gray fog of Bone Crane Marsh, a pair of black eyes seemed to be thoughtful, and then quietly disappeared.

PS: Remember to vote after reading it! Seeking collection! Ask for a recommendation ticket! Seeking investment!

PS: Thanks to the rudder master who loves his uncle for the reward! Thanks for the reward from Drunk Jinjiao brothers! Thanks to the lammasfan brothers for your reward!

Thank you Zhang Junqiu for your monthly pass! Thank you for the six monthly tickets of his uncle Aiai!

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