Chapter 64 Inner Sect mission. (Seeking collection! Seeking recommendation! Seeking investment!)

The three faintly regarded the female Cultivation Base as the master.

The female repairer wears a plain skirt with white cloth wrapped around her head, and she dresses like a heavy filial piety. She has picturesque eyebrows and delicate features, but when you look carefully, she doesn’t have the slightest popularity, as if she was just a moving female corpse.

Moreover, the figure is smaller than that of an ordinary woman, but she carries an extremely elegant coffin on her back.

The coffin didn’t know what material it was made of. It looked so black that it could hold at least three people depending on its size. The coffin was covered with talisman paper, and it was firmly locked with a few chains.

That’s the case. When the nun approached, Pei Ling could hear the dull slapping sound from the black coffin. Once, again, and again, the sharp nails across the coffin made him feel annoyed in his chest. , I want to get up and run away.

The two men are dressed in blue robes and blue robes.

The Tsing Yi cultivator is slightly younger and has a fair complexion; the blue robe cultivator has an older face and looks a bit honest.

Zheng Jingshan raised his hand to avoid the ceremony, and after screaming, he introduced to Pei Ling: “These three are all my disciples with the same lineage as Sang.”

The female model name is Ouyang Xianxing, and the Cultivation Base is the middle stage of the Foundation Building. She ranks among the best in Jiansang, and she is also Zheng Jingshan’s powerful arm. The male model of Tsing Yi is named Fang Ji, Foundation Building early stage, and both medical and drug studies; Blue The robe cultivator is Xue Ying, Foundation Building early stage, longer than formation.

“I have explained the specific task situation to Xianxing.” Zheng Jingshan glanced at the three of them, and said in a deep voice, “Inner Sect has not been peaceful recently. Going underground this time will definitely have twists and turns, you must be careful!”

The three cupped fist all responded.

Zheng Jingshan said again: “It’s okay to fail the mission, but Pei Ling’s life can’t be lost. If you encounter danger…”

Ouyang Xianxing immediately said: “Please rest assured, as long as the three of us survive, Junior Brother Pei will not make any mistakes! Even if the three of us fall short, we will definitely die as Junior Brother Pei!”

Pei Ling glanced at her after hearing this, and said that she must guard against this senior sister when the time comes.

After all, he had already seen the so-called fellowship of the Chongming Sect. When it came time to escape, Ouyang Xianxing would be considered kind-hearted if he didn’t throw him out the other way.

“Okay!” Zheng Jingshan looked at Ouyang Xianxing with admiration, and said slowly, “I will rest assured that the task is entrusted to you.”

He waved his hand, “In this case, it is not too late, you set out now!”

At the same time, a misty voice came from Pei Ling’s ears, “Junior Brother Pei, I put a hundred-mile escape charm in your sleeve. If you can’t do anything, you immediately use it to retreat to a safe place.”

The corner of his eye flashed past Zheng Jingshan, and he saw that the senior did not even look at himself, but was looking forward to the three of Ouyang Xianxing, with sincere expressions, fiery eyes, and the corners of his eyes and brows were trust and reliance on them. .

Pei Ling tucked her hand into her sleeve calmly, and quickly touched a strange talisman with her fingertips.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and sure enough, no matter what he said, the treatment of geniuses is different!

Zheng Jingshan urged, and the group did not dare to delay. After saying goodbye in a hurry, he turned around and left the Kulan Courtyard. Ouyang Xianxing told Xue Ying: “Go to Yuankou first.”

Xue Ying nodded slightly, and took out a circle of discs. With a burst of black light, she opened a crack not far away and summoned a huge beast-shaped ghost.

The ghost eyes fixedly glanced at them, opened his mouth suddenly, and swallowed the four of them in one mouthful, as soon as the thunder could not hide their ears!

Pei Ling was startled at first, but saw that Ouyang Xianxing and the three were indifferent and resisted without making any unnecessary actions.

Sure enough, after being swallowed into the belly of the ghost, there was a bizarre scene around him. However, there was nothingness under his feet, but it was as grounded as he could only hear the whistling wind in his ears, as if moving quickly.

The three of Ouyang Xianxing looked at Peiling and saw that he was not panicked, their expressions were different.

After squinting his eyes slightly, Ouyang Xianxing immediately began to arrange two companions: “The main purpose of this time is to chill the marrow fire. When you get to the place, make a quick fight, Fang Ji, you first divide the poison pill and give Junior Brother Pei two more. , His Cultivation Base is too weak. Xue Ying, you don’t need to show up in public this time.

Xue Ying frankly agreed.

Fang Ji glanced at Peiling with a smile, and then said: “Sister Ouyang, since the master of this mission attaches so much importance to this task, I would not hesitate to let you lead the team personally, why only send me and Brother Xue to assist? It’s not that we are timid. It’s just that Junior Brother Pei’s Cultivation Base is really too low. At this time, he goes to the deep prison. If we are not lucky, maybe we have a slight negligence and the others are gone. How can we explain this to the pulse master?”

“Mai Master has his own opinions.” Ouyang Xianxing glanced at him and said lightly, “The soldiers are very fast, and there are few people who can beat the Miao Mai Master by surprise. If there are too many people, it is easy to change. Why, do you think you What can be thought of, the pulse master can’t think of it?”

Fang Ji quickly lowered his head: “Don’t dare, I’m just afraid of delaying the pulse master’s instructions.”

“This is something I have to consider.” Ouyang Xianxing said unceremoniously, “You just have to follow my instructions.”

“…Yes.” Fang Ji paused and bowed in response.

Ouyang Xianxing ignored him and turned to Peiling: “My Jian Sang line is not in a very good condition recently. Under this circumstance, the line master has to force the task of snatching the cold marrow fire. Solution, even I think that the master is too generous to you. I don’t know why the master is always wise, why should he take such a big risk for you, but I hope you don’t let the master down!”

“Senior Brother Zheng’s painstaking efforts to cultivate.” Pei Ling replied sternly, but tightened the hundred-mile escape symbol in his sleeve more and more, and decided to wait a while as long as the situation was slightly wrong, and immediately flashed.

He was quite worried. Before, in Luquan City, looking at Zheng Jingshan’s majesty and power, he thought it was a thick and strong thigh.

But now it seems that it is different from what you imagined?

“Would you like to get rid of Zheng Jingshan and find another backer?” Pei Ling thought to himself, “The problem is that my entry time is too short, and I don’t know the whole situation of Chongming Sect very well… Forget it, let’s take a step. When you come down to meet someone more suitable, it won’t be too late to change the door.”

Thinking of this, he spit out fragrance to the system again in his mind, thinking that he had been low-key in the Pei Mansion for so many years, if it wasn’t for the system to beat him off guard, how would he live his life like this precarious?

After Ouyang Xianxing beat Pei Ling a lot, he closed his eyes and rested. Fang Ji and Xue Ying didn’t mean to speak. The ghost fell silent for a while, only to hear the wind whistling.

I don’t know how long it took. The sound of the wind stopped, and the bizarre scene around was distorted. Soon, the four of them appeared on the edge of a huge abyss.

This abyss is extremely large. Standing where they are, there is no way to see the opposite bank. You can only see the bare ground under your feet, with exposed rocks. These rocks are different from other places, showing the color of ashes, and they look lifeless.

I don’t know if it’s because of this, no grass grows wherever I go, only a few dead trees with twisted shapes like ghosts stand far and near.

There may be a kind of crow bird with blue flame wings inhabiting between the branches, and its blood-colored eyes are extremely crippled when they quietly look over.

Pei Ling glanced into the abyss, and after less than a dozen feet down, there was a black mist churning and obstructing his vision.

The dark fog became denser as it moved toward the center, almost like a pillar of fog, towering straight up into the sky, hazy the Golden Crow above the head into a bleak color.

The exposed wall of the abyss is also a barren land, with black and red interlaced, winding like scars, deeply submerged under the black fog.

Pei Ling looked at this scene quite shockingly, and subconsciously asked: “Here… is still in Sect?”

After all, from the moment he got down to the dust-cutting platform, what he saw, regardless of Outer Sect Inner Sect, although the same door and the rules are very underworld, at least the environment is quite good.

Plants and flowers everywhere, birds and flowers.

On the side of the abyss where I was at this moment, there was a deadly desolation like the end of the day.

Whether it is the dotted peaks of Outer Sect among the mighty sea of ​​clouds, or the quiet courtyard surrounded by Inner Sect orchids, they are incompatible.

“It’s quite a coincidence.” Ouyang Xianxing and the other three ignored Pei Ling, “The next Gu Tide fluctuation is coming soon, first take the poison pill, don’t delay later!”

PS: Don’t forget to vote after watching! Seeking collection! Ask for a recommendation ticket! Seeking investment!

PS: Thank you brother Liang for your reward! Thank you book friend 20200722163915457 for your reward!

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