Chapter 6 There is such a good thing?

Pei Lingba didn’t talk much, and hurriedly said: “I would like to hear the details!”

“Cough cough cough…” Wu Tingxi coughed again, swallowing a Medicine Pill by wiping blood stains on the corners of his lips, and continued calmly, “Wu’s teacher is Outer Sect Elders, is Golden The Core stage cultivator, in the Outer Sect, was originally considered free and easy. It is just that the master has a firm Dao heart and intends to attack the Nascent Soul stage! Not long ago, the master got a high-quality Cultivation Technique by coincidence and intends to change… Originally, this was a good thing!”

When he said this, his expression darkened, “Unexpectedly, Lu Xuan, the three disciples accepted by the master, was a secret room placed by the opponents. He secretly leaked the news when the master was weak in turning to cultivation, so that the master was in The place of Closed Door Training was attacked and died on the spot!”

The next thing is logical, the Chongmingzong originally paid attention to The Weak are Prey to the Strong.

If that Luo Elder is still alive, and his conversion is successful, then of course everyone in his line is happy. However, he died and the disciples under his knees had not yet grown up, which was not enough to protect the interests of his line. So other Outer Sect Elders, and even inner disciple such as Zheng Jingshan, flocked to share their resources.

Wu Tingxi is Luo Elder’s most recent disciple, and he is also the weakest. He didn’t even know about the Master Closed Door Training. After Luo Elder died, all parties started to flee before being led by the seniors.

Also because of the weakest strength, everyone didn’t care about him, and he actually lived to the end.

“Unexpectedly, the Chongming Sect is known as the Saint Sect, so it’s so nasty in private!” Pei Ling said awe-inspiringly, “Thanks to Wu Fellow Daoist for telling me that I originally had a longing for Chongming Sect, but now it seems that it is just a tiger’s den and wolf den! It is really disgusting to treat Elder in the door like this!”

He said this sincerely. After all, he was mixed up in the Outer Sect Elders of the Chongming Sect, and his life was still so precarious. The Demon Sect is the Demon Sect. This ghost place is so unfriendly to the people of Gou Daozhong!

He just wanted to fly away immediately.

But before he ran off, he had to figure out one more thing, “By the way, dare to ask fellow daoist, Zheng Jingshan’s picture of Rakshasa, what’s the problem?”

“Have you taken any Heavenly and Mortal Treasures before?” Wu Tingxi asked instead, “Or is there something very unusual in your body?”

Pei Ling thought: “I have been suppressed by my stepmother since I was a child, even if I have Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, where can I get it? As for people with very abnormal bodies… I don’t know what fellow daoist is talking about?”

Hearing this, Wu Tingxi felt that 80% of this kid had a special physique, and jealousy flashed through his heart, and said indifferently: “This is hard to say. Mingzong’s record may not be complete. But when you are born in a small marginal place like this, you are in such a dilemma that you need to be brave enough to steal Zheng Jingshan’s things, and you can still train into the best iron bone. Presumably your physique is a little abnormal, otherwise you won’t be able to hold the Rakshasa. The picture sucks.”

He explained, “The picture was obtained by Zheng Jingshan accidentally from a site when he was on mission. It is said to be quite weird, and there are even Foundation Building late stage disciples who are in the aisle. As for the specific situation, Zheng Jingshan is secretive, and Wu is not very clear. . But with your Cultivation Base, since I have seen that picture in person, I must have been eyeing it.”

“Generally speaking, unless Zheng Jingshan takes the initiative to untie it for you, since the Yan Bone Rakshasa picture remembers your breath, it will follow you and suck your spirit…Anyway, Wu has never heard of it. During the refining period, the cultivator who was stared at by the Rakshasa map of Yan Bone can escape the catastrophe.”

Seeing Pei Ling’s face gloomy, Wu Tingxi’s thoughts changed, and he said, “No, there is one.”

“He is also a disciple of the Chongming Sect. He has been away for a short period of time and spent a full year and a half before returning to the mountain gate. At this time, Yangu Rakshasa Tu was too hungry to bear, so he turned to look for it. The next goal was given up.”

“Thank you Wu Fellow Daoist.” Peiling doubted what he said, and was muttering to herself, when Wu Tingxi suddenly smiled and said: “Boy, since you and I have to avoid Zheng Jingshan, how about Wu and you making a deal? ”

Pei Ling was wary in her heart, and said on her face: “I don’t know what the fellow daoist is talking about?”

“This is the Cultivation Technique that Master Wu intends to change.” Wu Tingxi took out a Jade Slip, shook it in front of him, and said, “It is also the reason why Chong Mingzong pursues Wu Moujie’s Qi training cultivator. To be honest, Mr. Wu is already exhausted, and if you can help Mr. Wu escape from Yuanmao Mountain, this Cultivation Technique will be copied with you, how about?”

“Ding Dong!” Pei Ling was about to speak, when a system prompt suddenly came from her mind, “I found Cultivation Technique unfamiliar to the outside world, the system is collecting…”

I’m gonna!

There is such a good thing? !

Pei Ling was overjoyed, for fear that after Wu Tingxi took it back, the system would not be able to record it, and quickly said: “So this is Jade Slip. This is the first time I saw it, fellow daoist Wu, how do you use this kind of Jade Slip?”

Wu Tingxi was dumbfounded, and a touch of unnaturalness flashed across her face: “When you and I are born, Wu will naturally teach you, why, don’t you believe Wu?”

“No, no, no, Wu Fellow Daoist misunderstood.” Pei Ling racked his brains to procrastinate, “It’s just that I have never seen Jade Slip… By the way, Wu Fellow Daoist, you think we will escape from Yuanmashan later. After that, which direction is more appropriate? To be honest, I have grown up and have not left Luquan City. If I need to travel thousands of miles away, I really don’t know where to go?”

Seeing that he had not pursued Jade Slip, Wu Tingxi secretly breathed a sigh of relief. While putting Jade Slip away, he said casually: “At that time, go west first… Then Wu will tell you.”

Pei Ling watched his movements, feeling very anxious, and was looking for an excuse to let him put away Jade Slip slowly. Fortunately, the system “dingdong” at this time: “Unfamiliar Cultivation Technique is collected, please name the host!”

“It’s called Wuming Cultivation Technique!” At this moment, Pei Ling had no intention of naming it, so he sent the system at will, and said to Wu Tingxi: “Okay, I know this Yuanmashan, Wu Fellow Daoist, although you can rest assured, I will take you out safely. !”

Wu Tingxi listened, smiling slightly, and said weakly: “Then you’d better hurry, otherwise Zheng Jingshan will arrive in person, it’s hard to say. By the way, Wu is currently in serious injury, I am afraid I will have to trouble you to help.”

“Wu fellow daoist, don’t worry.” Pei Ling just recovered a bit of strength, struggled to get up slowly, and gasped, “Everyone is my own now, and Wu fellow daoist’s business is mine.”

He stood up with a vow, moved his hands and feet a little, and felt that the problem would not be big in a short time, so he turned and ran without hesitation!

Wu Tingxi: “?!”

A touch of cruelty and surprise flashed across his face, and he hurriedly scattered the five poisonous fingers that were ready to go, and got up to catch up!

Pei Ling ran deep in the strange dark corridor, secretly praying that Wu Tingxi’s injury would be heavier, or simply fearing that Zheng Jingshan would not dare to catch up, but it was counterproductive, and it didn’t take long before he heard a rush from behind. Footsteps.

“Wu fellow daoist, I’m going to find someone to save you. You’re hurt so badly, it’s better not to move!” His eyes flashed, he turned his head and shouted, running faster.

Wu Tingxi sneered: “Does Wu look like a fool? What a kid, he is so mean and vicious at a young age, he deserves to be the minion of Sect!”

Peiling no longer said much, and ran sullenly.

But after a while, he found trouble: there was a fork in the road ahead!

At the critical juncture, Pei Ling didn’t think much about it, and randomly chose a windy fork to run in. Who knows, not long after entering, he heard Wu Tingxi’s sneer from behind.

Soon he understood the reason: it didn’t take long for this fork to run, and there was a mountain wall in front of it!

The wind I felt before came out of a few holes not much bigger than a fist.

This is a dead end!

Pei Ling’s heart sank and turned quickly, and she saw Wu Tingxi chasing after him playfully, her fingertips flashing green, and she grinned and said, “Run, why didn’t you run?”

Without waiting for Pei Ling’s answer, Wu Tingxi had already pointed his eyebrows!

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