Chapter 53 Demon Sect Welfare. (Seeking collection! Asking for a recommendation ticket!)

This cultivator seemed to be only twenty-seven or eighteen years old. After he appeared, his sleeves were lifted, but when he was seated, he had the voice of an old man.

He first said two scenes, and then said: “These days, I have explained the entire steps of refining the bone quenching pill one by one. Then today, I will start the pill refining on the spot, and let you watch it from beginning to end. During this process, you are not allowed to speak or interrupt. After the refining is over, you will be given five opportunities to ask questions for free.”

Yu Pai took out a palm-sized pill furnace from his sleeve and threw it into the air. It quickly grew bigger and soon became a three-legged copper furnace half-person tall and black in color, as if it were mixed with a little silver shavings. The body of the furnace is carved with some demon patterns, but the lid is like a Buddha statue.

After landing, the entire Great Hall felt a little cold.

I saw the cultivator hand seals again, and a cluster of blue flames ignited silently in front of him, with a sense of icy tranquility, quickly escaped to the bottom of the furnace, and quietly licked the copper furnace.

“This is the chance I got when I was young, a seventh-grade pill fire.” The cultivator then took out some Medicinal herbs, metals, etc., and introduced it as he swayed, “You don’t have pill fire now, if there is one in the future. It is better to rent the Pill Refining Room in the Peak if it is only Grade Nine. After all, the formation of the Pill Refining Room installed by Sect in the Pill Refining House above Grade C can directly lead the Pill Refining of the Nine Underworld Pill Refining at the bottom of the Peak. Even the Pill Refining D-level The room, you can also purchase the Jiu Minghuo sealed in the talisman to use… The Jiu Minghuo is also considered superior in the Nine-Rank Pill Fire.”

Pei Ling was engrossed in the memory. Although he couldn’t understand it at all, it was obvious that this cultivator could not teach him alone. He could only memorize it by rote, and then try to make up for the missing parts from the same door.

As he watched carefully, a screaming scream suddenly came!

Pei Ling only felt dizzy in front of him. When he recovered, he saw the cultivator holding a vague flesh and blood, and said indifferently: “This is what I said before, the most difficult medicinal material to deal with, the ghost river cart. ”

“The Ghost River Chariot can attack the spirits with crying and howling. You are just a Cultivation Base during the training period. It is easy to control it.”

“So we must strictly follow the steps taught in my class.”

“If you can’t handle it, it doesn’t matter. There are stalls with the ‘Yan’ flag in the Danfeng Market. There are ready-made Ghost River carts for sale. You can give me a discount if you quote me Yan Gu’s name!”

The lecturer named Yan Gu made a clean operation while talking. Soon, the cry of crying quickly fainted, and finally it became a mass of plasma-like thing and was thrown into the pill furnace.

Next, it was the refining process that dazzled Pei Ling. He couldn’t understand at all, and even some of the terms discussed in a low voice by other disciples around him couldn’t understand it.

Just when he thought he might not have the talent for pill refining, did he go to other peaks earlier, the system “dingdong”: “Pill refining has been detected from the outside world, and it is being included…”

Pei Ling was stunned. After reacting, she was overjoyed. He didn’t expect that in addition to Cultivation Technique, pill refining could also be included. This mentally retarded system was finally smart!

After a while, the pill fragrant filled the room, and as Yan Gu explained the opening of the furnace while hand seals, a furnace of freshly made bone quenching pill was presented in front of everyone, the system: “Dingdong! Pill refining is finished, please Host naming.”

Pei Ling said: “It’s called [pill refining technique·Bone Tempering Pill].”

His mind suddenly became alive. Since the system can include pill refining, then talisman, casting, and beasts… can it also?

Thinking of this, Peiling didn’t want to delay, and hurriedly ran all the free courses of Outer Sect.

The second one he went to was Fufeng!

This mountain is significantly higher than the surrounding peaks. After entering, you will find that the entire mountain is full of engraved runes, which are as small as a petite, as large as a few feet, and densely scattered everywhere.

The lecturer who teaches is no exception. His bare hands, arms and even his neck and face are all engraved with various runes!

“There is a cloud in the world. If you want to be good at your work, you must first sharpen your tools.” The lecturer looked stern, unsmiling, and opened straight up. “The same applies to the talisman. I want to be a talisman. Master, you must first learn to make talisman paper.”

As he said, he waved his hand to escort five mortal prisoners to death.

The five death row prisoners, one old, one young, and one young and strong, in addition to two women, both young, one with delicate skin and tender flesh, and the other with rough faces.

All five of them were imprisoned by spells, and their eyes were full of horror, but they were like puppets and could not move at all.

The lecturer looked at them with the gaze of the material, and asked with sincerity, “Do you think, of these five people, whose skin is the most suitable for making talisman paper?”

“Gudong…” Pei Ling swallowed silently, glanced around quickly, and saw that everyone in the same family looked serious, and some people raised their hands enthusiastically: “Lecturer, I think that young man is the most suitable! He is young, still The boy’s body, although the Innate’s skin brought in the womb has already escaped a lot, but the Spirit Power that can be carried should still be higher than the others.”

“I think it should be that woman! The female sex, the demons in the shop, the female ghosts are obviously more aggressive than the male ghosts, these two women seem weak, if they are made into talisman paper, the quality is probably better than the three men! ”

“No, no, that youthful spirit is complete, his skin is the best.”

“What about the old man? I think this old man’s skin is also good?”

“I’m relying on you to guess when I hear it!”

“What about guessing? It is also a kind of strength to guess correctly.”

The lecturer on the stage was pleased to watch the discussion among the many disciples, and finally waved: “Since you can’t argue, then give you five people to make talisman paper on the spot! The best, there is a reward!”

Before long, there were screams one after another in the classroom, and blood quickly spread.

The lecturer looked calm and commented on the knife skills and skills of a certain disciple from time to time. He soon noticed Pei Ling who was wiping cold sweat and frowned, “What’s your name? You seem to be a little unbearable?”

“No!” Pei Ling suddenly vetoed, “I just think that the senior brothers and sisters are more skilled in knife skills, and I am afraid that I will be dragged down.”

“It’s okay.” The lecturer stared at him for a while, and said with a smile, “The knives are not good, so you can buy ready-made ones. I have a shop in the Fufeng market, which was opened by an incompetent junior of mine. My name, I guarantee good quality and low price… If you want to practice knife skills, my juniors also have death row prisoners like today, men and women, old and young, old and weak, sick, disabled, pregnant, everything…”

Pei Ling smiled: “Yes, yes, I will definitely buy it when I look back! I must buy it!”

He was sitting on pins and needles, and finally got through to the end of this class, and immediately fled, until he left Fufeng, he didn’t dare to look back.

“I didn’t expect Pei Hongnian to survive such a course?” Pei Ling is not a soft-hearted person. If his own survival or even major interests are threatened, he will not hesitate no matter how weak and innocent the other party behaves.

The problem is that making talisman is not his only way out at the moment. Let him just pick up the skin of a living person, some of which are children’s skins to practice making talisman paper, which is really against the three views he has cultivated in his previous life.

On the way to Qifeng, Pei Ling complained in her heart, “That’s not a good thing… he was still played by Sun Yinglan? What’s the matter, this clan brother hasn’t seen a woman when he was in Luquan City?”

Qi Feng, this time the lecturer is a middle-aged beautiful woman with a beautiful face and an elegant temperament. She has a soft voice and a graceful manner. She looks weak and windy.

Pei Ling took his seat cautiously, holding his breath, waiting for the lecture to begin.

PS: Please collect! Ask for a recommendation ticket! After reading the brothers and sisters, please give a ticket easily!

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