Chapter 51 Don’t hesitate to tell me if you have any trouble with Junior Brother! (Seeking collection + recommendation ticket!)

In the small courtyard, Zheng Jingshan, with a blue nose and swollen face, was rushing to give himself medicine.

He was inexplicably beaten by Miao Chengyang that day. If it weren’t for the fear of Fairy, his life might not be saved.

In the past two days, although eagerly sent people to Outer Sect to find out the culprit who planted and framed the owner, Zheng Jingshan’s face was badly damaged after all, so he used cultivation and curled up in the dry garden not to go out, and even ordered his brothers and sisters. If there is nothing urgent, don’t get close.

At this moment, I heard the knock on the door, first frowned, and then secretly asked: “Could it be that you have found the person who framed me?”

When the next pinch and withdrawal of the formation, he waved his hand to open the courtyard door, and said solemnly: “Come in.”

“Brother Zheng!” Pei Ling breathed a sigh of relief outside the door. It is always a good thing that Zheng Jingshan would like to see him.

He cupped fist as soon as he entered the door and saluted, “Since entering the sect, I have always thought about repaying Senior Brother Zheng’s kindness! It’s just that the Cultivation Base is humble and has no body, and thank you in an empty mouth, which is insincere. Now the task is back, I entrust Senior Brother Zheng. Hong Fu, I was lucky to have gained something, so I came to talk about it before.”

Speaking of taking out ten lower grade Spirit Stones from the storage bag, holding them in both hands, respectfully handed them to Zheng Jingshan.

Even if Pei Ling had passed on the way, he now has a task in his hand to reward 167 low-grade Spirit Stones, plus inherited legacy of Chen Huan and others, it is not even two hundred low-grade Spirit Stones. For a fine of more than 70,000 yuan, it is meaningless.

If Zheng Jingshan can significantly reduce the fine, or get benefits such as extension of the time limit, it won’t be enough to deter the three Li Siguang…In short, he will not lose any goal.

If the pellets are not collected, you will also lose 13 low-grade Spirit Stones. At this point, Peiling can still afford it.

Thinking about this, Peiling raised her head slightly so that Zheng Jingshan could see the sincere gratitude expression on his face.

“…” Zheng Jingshan was startled. He didn’t expect Pei Ling to come, let alone Pei Ling to thank own.

For a while, he didn’t even react.

But Pei Ling, after looking up, saw the wound on Zheng Jingshan’s face and couldn’t help being sluggish: “Brother Zheng, are you…?”

“A few days ago I had a discussion with a Foundation Building late stage pulse master.” Zheng Jingshan was startled when he heard the words, and hurriedly coughed, and concealed, “Although the opponent won a trick, after all, the Cultivation Base is a little higher than me. It is inevitable. Some skin injuries.”

Pei Ling couldn’t help but admire. In his opinion, Outer Sect’s Chen Huan and his party did not have a fuel-efficient lamp, and the inner disciple promoted from Outer Sect was definitely more brutal.

Zheng Jingshan can leapfrog and even narrowly win a move like this. No wonder he can follow Li Fairy.

He hurriedly said: “That’s it. Brother Zheng was able to defeat the late stage of Foundation Building with the Cultivation Base of the Foundation Building middle stage. He deserves to be Inner Sect’s genius, Sect is the future!”

Zheng Jingshan was still aching everywhere. Hearing these words, his face was slightly hot, and he calmly said: “Junior Brother Pei has passed these words, I am among the Inner Sect masters…cough cough…”

He still wanted a face after all, and when the truth was halfway through, he swallowed it again.

Who knows that Pei Ling nodded immediately, and said with a serious face: “Brother Zheng, I understand! Although the Cultivation Base is advanced and powerful, he doesn’t like publicity… I won’t say it!”

Isn’t it just Gou? I know too well!

Thinking of this, Pei Ling can’t help but feel a little worried: If Senior Brother Zheng is a member of Gou Daozhong, then there is a high probability that he will not interfere with his troubles. Could it be that his thirteen low-grade Spirit Stones today have been lost?

“Don’t talk about this.” Zheng Jingshan didn’t want to continue the topic, and hurriedly turned away, “By the way, you said you just came back from a mission? You did the mission when you entered the clan? What mission did you do? What trouble did you encounter?”

“Return to Senior Brother Zheng.” Peiling waited for him to ask about this, so he respectfully said, “I saw the door rules when I entered Sect, but I was penniless, so I picked up a few to avoid accidents. The task. It is to go to Luoshan City…”

When it comes to Luoshan City, Pei Ling has a “thump” in his heart, and finally remembers Duanmuyan’s advice.

“Wait later, go to the deacon hall!” He hurriedly wrote down the matter, settled down, and introduced the general task situation to Zheng Jingshan. At the end, he said about the trouble encountered during the task: “On the way to Luoshan City. , Brother Zhang Zhongqin said that I would weigh my strength so as not to cooperate at the critical moment. Brother Zhang Zhongqin’s Cultivation Base is only first-level higher than me. I didn’t last long before I was defeated… It was still Brother Zheng. It’s great, even facing a cultivator that is a little higher than Realm, you can win.”

Hearing this, Zheng Jingshan twitched at the corner of his mouth, and he felt better.

After all, since he was beaten to faint by Miao Chengyang in front of several juniors, his prestige has plummeted. However, the senior sister has already Closed Door Training. He is inconvenient to ask for the protection of senior sisters, so he can only face this situation on his own.

And Miao Chengyang deliberately publicized what happened. It is said that in private, he also got the support of Zhou Zhenchuan, who had always been at odds with her senior sister and was suppressed by her senior sister… For a while, this matter was passed on as a laughing stock throughout Inner Sect.

Otherwise, Zheng Jingshan would not excuse cultivation, hiding alone in this small courtyard to avoid the limelight.

Now that Pei Ling has been touted so repeatedly, I can’t help but feel embarrassed that this seems a bit reasonable?

After all, that damn Miao Chengyang is Foundation Building late stage!

He is a Foundation Building middle stage, is it a losing face to Miao Chengyang? No, that is a matter of course.

It was Miao Chengyang, who seemed to be very strong at the door, but in the end he didn’t dare to really kill himself to avenge Little Brother?

It’s just a bullshit.

Pei Ling didn’t know the thoughts of Senior Brother Zheng, but after he noticed that Zheng Jingshan’s expression seemed to be a little relaxed, he was secretly happy, and didn’t mention the own task.

If it is concealed, once Zheng Jingshan notices the clues, who knows if he doesn’t trust him, thereby lowering his favorability?

So he never mentioned the situation of the mission, and only repeatedly described the scene where he could not beat Zhang Zhongqin on the corpse cloud, to set off Zheng Jingshan’s “remarkable record.” He smiled and felt that the atmosphere was almost the same. That’s why he said: “Brother Zheng, I am new to Sect. In desperation, I really encountered some troubles. I wonder if you can give me some pointers?”

Zheng Jingshan was in a good mood, and he quickly figured it out after hearing the words: This Pei Ling is the person Sister Li fancy, and now Sister Li Closed Door Training, he would have to take care of it for him.

In addition, Pei Ling is not a high-born, and is so sensible and sensible. He also offered Spirit Stones as a gift. Although the mere ten dollars of low-grade Spirit Stones are not worth mentioning, it shows that this kid is not incompetent…

It is expected that the so-called trouble will not be borrowing money, nor will it be major-trouble.

That being the case, he patted his chest proudly and promised: “Senior Brother Pei, don’t worry, although Brother Yu is only one of the thirteen channel masters in Inner Sect, the Outer Sect matter is not decided by a single word, but there is not much To put. in one’s eyes, don’t hesitate to say if you have any trouble!”

Seeing this, Peiling breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly praised the value of the 13 Spirit Stones.

He hurriedly said: “This is the brother. On the day I entered the sect, Li Siguang, Miao Chengan, and Zhou Yi saw the horrible knife that the brother gave me. ! I, Pei Ling, are greatly gracious by brothers, how can I tolerate them treating brothers like this!?”

“Even if my strength is low, but in order to defend the brothers and fight for my life, I must kill them to vent my anger to the brothers!”

“…In short, after a desperate struggle, I slashed all three of them under the knife!”

Pei Ling polished up the whole process a bit, expecting, “Brother Zheng, now those three bastard relatives and friends, all have a grudge against me, and they also ask Senior Brother for protection!”

PS: Brothers and sisters, the last round of recommendation has been cold, this time the recommendation data is not strong, it is estimated that the results are really not good! Seeking collection! Seeking recommendation!

PS: Thanks to the Bijiang Yingyue brothers for their rewards and monthly tickets!

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