Chapter 47 I’m going to leave, hiding the name of the black pot. (Seeking collection! Asking for a recommendation ticket!)

City Lord Duanmu hurriedly stepped forward to help: “The little friend is serious, and both are the children of Shengzong. It is time to support each other. By the way, the child Duanmu Mingyan is also in the Outer Sect Guiliufeng of Shengzong. May as well interact with children a lot.”

So you greeted me with a few words, Duanmu City Lord repeated the old saying, urging Pei Ling to return to the sect, and said, “It’s not that I don’t want to leave the little friends down for a long conversation, but this is for the little friend. After all, the little friends and his party People come out, but now only the little friend returns safely. According to common sense, how can one not suspect that the little friend has harmed a group of companions?”

“City Lord, I…” Pei Ling was interrupted when he argued, and City Master Duanmu said with Yan Yueshen: “Of course I know that Xiaoyou is not that kind of person! But people are terrible! There will be many people who doubt you at that time. Now, the deacon hall has repeatedly checked. Isn’t it a waste of the young friend’s time and delay the young friend’s cultivation?”

“So the little friend has to go back and report this matter quickly. So, the deacons will investigate thoroughly immediately, and I can testify for you and get rid of your grievances!”

“Otherwise, if someone is suspicious, when will they come out and attack you? Wouldn’t it become a hidden danger?”

When it comes to this, how dare Pei Ling say to stay?

If he makes another excuse, what if this old guy is suspicious and contacts Li Siguang and his family and arranges for him?

“What the city lord said is extremely true!” So Pei Ling nodded his head, said something very grateful, and said, “Then I will pack my bags and set off right away!”

City Lord Duanmu smiled slightly: “I will send my little friend to Yuntai.”


Pei Ling immediately understood that it was the high platform when he came, and he quickly said: “Don’t use the city lord, the corpse cloud is too expensive, I can’t afford it, I’ll go back!”

“Little friend is really joking, go back? How long does it take?” Duanmu City Master laughed dumbly, and immediately said, “And little friend, don’t worry, the corpse cloud is in charge of going back and forth. When you came before, the cloud was only temporary. Sink into the cloud platform. Now go back and call it out.”

Damn it, doesn’t daddy even have a chance to get out of the city? !

Pei Ling’s face changed, but she had to thank her again with a strong smile.

In this way, City Lord Duanmu personally sent it to the side of the Yuntai, personally summoned him Huizong’s corpse cloud, and finally sent two missions, Demonic Beasts and Pei Ling, and waved goodbye…

“City Lord, this kid is only at the fourth level of Qi training, why give him a face like this?” When the corpse cloud rose to the sky, Pei Ling couldn’t hear the movement, the housekeeper stepped forward and said, “The left and right face spiders are chasing and killing them. In fact, if he is also killed in it, wouldn’t it be clean?”

City Lord Duanmu glanced at him and said faintly: “What then? Chen Huan and his party are also well-known in Outer Sect Huaiyin Peak. They brought a newcomer to Luoshan City, and everyone knew what they wanted to do. In the end, they even brought the newcomer. I’m gone, but the spirit-recruiting banner fell into my hand. After the news spreads, what will the Holy Sect Outer Sect think?”

“They must think that I am killing people to win treasures for Mingyan!”

“Using the Foundation Building to kill and practice qi is to rely on the strong to bully the weak, and the fines are high enough to make deacon hall’s mad dogs hysterical inquiries!”

“If you hide the holy spirit banner, or resell it, you might conceal the news, but doesn’t it delay Mingyan? After all, the path he walked is most compatible with this holy spirit banner.”

“Leaving this Pei Ling, a team is all dead, only he returned alive, and even completed the original sable sable mission…At that time, just a little bit of guidance, no, you don’t even need to do anything. Some people suspected that it was Chen Huan and the others who licked the wild geese all year round, but they made the geese pecked their eyes.”

“This kid Pei Ling not only calculated Chen Huan’s party in turn, he even used the homing banner as a favor to buy me open one eye and close one eye!”

“Let’s take such a big benefit, the black pot, Pei Ling’s back… Give him a few Spirit Stones and two Demonic Beasts, what is it?”

The butler listened solemnly and quickly said: “The city lord is far-sighted, and his subordinates are smart!”

“Now let’s just wait.” City Lord Duanmu stroked the short beard and said, “When this kid goes back, he has notified Deacon Hall to come…At that time, he will be able to deliver the holy spirit flag to Ming Yan.”

He raised his eyebrows slightly, “Although this Pei Ling is young, there is still some turbulence. Looking back to find out his details, if it is possible, it is okay to walk around with him more with Mingyan.”

“This kid is really fortunate for Sansheng to be in the eyes of the city lord!” The butler nodded, “When the subordinates turn around, let people ask.”

At this moment, Pei Ling on the cloud of corpses didn’t know that he had been appointed as the student of the young master of Luoshan City, but was thinking worriedly, what if he was bumped into by the family of Li Siguang’s trio this time when he returned to the sect?

No, there is no case, the three of them all have backers. He escaped quickly before, so it’s fine. If you go back now, it’s strange that the other party doesn’t come to him!

“Fortunately, before I leave, I will destroy the corpse. The Outer Sect is so large, maybe they are still looking for someone…?” Pei Ling comforted herself, “This way I might still be fooled…”

However, at about the same time, Chongmingzong, Outer Sect, Huaiyin Peak.

Outer Sect Elders, where Li Ping lives, a woman with gorgeous dress and milfs, tearfully knelt in front of her feet, begging: “Master! Si Guang is your grandson! Let’s His son has fallen, but now there is only a little bit of blood, you can’t ignore him, you have to avenge him!!!”

The woman burst into tears, “How old is the poor thinking? You were murdered! You are the Elder of Huaiyin Peak, the little beast named Pei Ling, how dare he… how dare he?! He is not only frantic. , I don’t want to put you in one’s eyes…ohhhhhhhhhhhh…”

Li Ping frowned slightly, looking at the concubine in front of him who consumed a lot of resources but was limited in aptitude and aspiration, and so far was only a second-tier concubine: “Is it sure that it is Pei Ling?”

“Yes!” The woman wiped her face indiscriminately. She couldn’t even care about the fat powder. She choked and said, “The little beast entered Sect, and the disciple responsible for arranging the accommodation was unable to blackmail him, so she deliberately arranged him in their room.里. As a result, the next day, Shuwu Peak sent a message, saying that the night before, Siguang and the three of them had their life soul lights off, and the location was at the residence of Huaiyin Peak! After that, the deacon hall sent people to investigate. Say…say that all three children…have been thwarted!!!”

Thinking that her grandson had fallen to such an end at such a young age, she felt a pain in her heart and could hardly say anything, but seeing Li Ping’s expression still and listening carefully, she could only hold back her grief and continued, “That little beast I just entered, and I don’t understand all the methods of the Saint Sect. Some of the hands and feet I did are all mundane thoughts. The deacon hall speculated that it was the little animal who cultivated an extremely powerful Saber Technique and an extremely fast escape. Fa, however, after the conflict, he showed the enemy’s weakness and deliberately fled to the secluded forest.”

“After the three children relaxed their vigilance, they killed a carbine abruptly! First we killed our Siguang with a sneak attack, and then killed the Miao and Zhou children…”

“The little beast is so conscientious!!!”

“Why are you arguing, you can’t just say that you are so deliberate and put the three-year-old fellow in the same place to death!?”

“I heard that he is only eighteen years old, so he is so vicious. Will he have it in the future?”

“Where is the disciple who arranged him in Siguang’s house?” Li Ping suddenly asked when he heard this.

PS: Please collect! Ask for a recommendation ticket! Alas, the recommended stop next week is coming, and it feels cold.

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