Chapter 45 Brother Chen will definitely approve! (Please collect! Please recommend!)

After a while, Pei Ling, who had just cleaned up, was notified by the housekeeper and arrived at the main hall with anxiety.

As soon as he entered, he saw the neatly dressed and personable City Lord Duanmu sitting in the hall, holding a holy spirit banner in his hand.

“Little friend Pei.” The city lord Duanmu saw Pei Ling and immediately showed sorrow. He gently placed the hoisting banner on the long table next to him and sighed, “I’m really sorry. The human face spider is fierce, but I’m too late to go. In one step, my senior brother Chen Huan had fallen into the beast’s mouth. After many setbacks and desperate struggles, I snatched his relics.”

“!!!” This is really great! !

The face spider is such a good Demonic Beasts!

Pei Ling was overjoyed and tried to calm down. Then he suppressed the corners of the upswing mouth and stepped forward to give false consolation, “Don’t say this to the city lord. You don’t want this kind of thing to happen to the city lord. The deceased is dead. Please also ask the lord to mourn. .”

Having said this, I was still a little worried, and asked tentatively, “By the way, the city lord, besides Brother Chen, other senior brothers and sisters…?”

“Oh, when I arrived, I happened to see Chen Xiaoyou being harmed by the human face spider.” Duanmu City Lord looked sad, “After that, I also searched carefully, but unfortunately, I didn’t find anything. But I hope they can return safely. .”

Pei Ling’s heart sank when she heard it, and secretly said that those people must die in the hands of the human face spider.

Otherwise, even if they don’t have the evidence to frame them, it is difficult to use the door rules to deal with him, and they will definitely find ways to retaliate.

This kind of hidden danger is too troublesome. Should we wait for a while and go lurking outside the city?

He was thinking about it, and suddenly heard the Duanmu City Master sighed: “Anyway, you are in the same team. Now you are here, so let Xiaoyou Chen’s relics be handed over to Xiaoyou Pei. This holy spirit banner is a top-grade talisman. , It is still the best among the several high-grade talismans recorded in the Outer Sect of the Holy Sect. Hold it for you. It can protect the way and is also a thought.”

With that, he handed the hoisting banner with one hand.

so good?

Pei Ling was stunned when he heard the words, the corners of his mouth couldn’t be suppressed with a smile, he subconsciously stretched out his hand to pick it up, only the polite words came to his lips, looking up to see the clean outer shirt of Duanmu City Lord, suddenly aroused!

“City Lord!!!” Pei Ling pushed back the spirit-calling banner suddenly, and said sternly, “Who do you be me?! Our group of younger generations come to do the task under your control, just to help you. It’s a letter from the family. It’s just a handy effort, but it’s your kind hospitality, not only tells you about the face spider, but also gives me spiritual wine that will help you practice.”

“Such love is as straight as a nephew.”

“I didn’t expect it to be repaid, and even because Brother Chen and the others provoke the human face spider, they also caused you and Luoshan City a lot of trouble.”

“These city masters don’t care about it. Now, the city master has worked hard to retrieve this spirit-recruiting banner. If I have to follow along, won’t I become a brazen villain?!”

He squeezed the holy spirit banner into Duanmu City Master’s hand, and said in a deep voice, “I also ask the city owner to accept this holy spirit banner, and I will apologize for waiting!”

“Is this not so good?” City Lord Duanmu sighed and looked sad, “This holy spirit banner is also well-known in the Outer Sect of the Holy Sect. Xiaoyou Chen and his party are from Jinzong. many years……”

“So the city lord must accept it.” At the moment, Pei Ling’s clothes on his back are all wet, and the so-called underworld Sect is indeed underworld Sect. See the ferocious nature of this old guy.

He just said what the city lord had done before carefully interrogating the directions, thinking that he was going to save people with all his heart, and he was in a hurry to kill people for treasure.

If it weren’t for Pei Ling’s carefulness, he noticed from the other party’s clothes that there was a problem with the so-called “retrieving the relic after a few twists and turns of desperate struggles”. If he just took this hoisting flag, I’m afraid he would have to follow in the footsteps of Chen Huan and be killed by the human face spider. Mouth.

At this moment, Pei Ling will look at this spirit-calling banner again, hell with the top grade talisman, this is really a reminder!

He pressed the hand of Duanmu City Lord firmly, and said earnestly, “The city chief is not willing to accept it, just to look down on my younger generations in the Qi training period. We feel that our strength is low, and the talismans we refined are not on the stage and not worthy of you! ”

“This…” Duanmu City Lord hesitated.

Seeing this, Pei Ling continued to work hard, licked his robe and knelt on the ground, and said with sorrow: “City Lord! Everyone is a Saint Sect. If you don’t accept it, it will be cold for my cultivator’s heart during the training period!”

“As you said, this spirit-recruiting banner has cost Brother Chen countless efforts, so even if Senior Brother Chen falls, he will definitely hope that the spirit-recruiting banner will be able to meet the Lord.”

“How can I be worthy of learning after a brief introduction?”

“Only in the hands of the city lord, can this high-grade talisman be insulted.”

“Even if Brother Chen Quanxia knows, he will definitely approve of this!”

“Hey, Xiaoyou Pei, what are you doing? Get up! Get up!” Finally Duanmu City Lord looked loose, took the hoisting banner in one hand, and went to support Peiling with the other, and said in his mouth, “Isn’t it enough for me to accept it? Like you They are all Saint Sect people, so why do you give this great gift?”

Pei Ling’s heart was also loose, and got up.

After the scene has passed, the soul-seeking flag has been given to this old thing, should I be safe?

and many more!

Suddenly he thought of something, the horrible knife on his back seemed to be quite good! Otherwise, how could the three of Li Siguang make up their minds as soon as they meet?

Pei Ling was shocked in a cold sweat!

Although after killing Li Siguang and others, he wrapped the horrible knife tightly so as not to cause trouble again, but this is the Foundation Building cultivator in front of you! Who knows if there is any way to discover the quality of a horrible knife through disguise?

How to do?

Hand it over by yourself?

But don’t worry about handing over this old thing, what about killing people?

Moreover, after handing it over, what will he use?

Pei Ling’s mind turned around, and finally gritted his teeth and decided to watch the changes.

Maybe City Lord Duanmu didn’t even notice that he was tired of knives.

In fact, Duanmuyan did not notice Pei Ling’s weapon. After all, this was just a small cultivator of the fourth layer of Qi training that had just entered the door. It was not from a big family. In his opinion, what good things could be there?

“Little friend Pei, something like this happened.” City Lord Duanmu was very satisfied with Pei Ling’s knowledge, stroking the short beard, with a gentle attitude, and whispered softly, “But I don’t know when you plan to go back Sect?”

Back to the sect?

Pei Ling, who had just settled down, hung her heart again.

It’s impossible to return to the sect. Earn Spirit Stones and have no clue. Only by staying outside can you save your life.

In other words, if he hadn’t rushed to escape from Sect, he wouldn’t have been trapped by Chen Huan and the others.

Now that Luoshan City is far away from Sect, the family members of Li Siguang’s three people will not be able to reach out for a while. However, Chen Huan and others were scattered and scattered, and the spirit-calling banners became the spoils of the city lord. He also survived numerous hurdles and had a good chat with Duanmuyan. Although this Duanmuyan is also very underworld, it is a talent in the end. It sounds good, and it’s more comfortable than the so-called home in the Pei Mansion of Luquan City.

He didn’t want to leave at all!

Thinking of this, Pei Ling’s face was embarrassed: “This…City Lord, we are here to do the task. Now although the brothers and sisters are all… But I still want to try to complete the task by one person, so this can be regarded as comforting Chen. Senior sister and their spirits are in the sky. Therefore, I am afraid I will disturb the city lord for a while.”

PS: Please collect! Seeking recommendation!

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