Chapter 39: Natural Enemies? (Seeking collection! Seeking recommendation tickets! New book requests!)

“…” Chen Mei suddenly gave a sharp shot, her pupils dilated suddenly.

It took her a breath to realize what it meant, and her voice changed in an instant, “Sister Xiao! Didn’t you say that Pei Ling is absolutely impossible to get out of your cloth formation?! Then why is he no longer in the canyon? ?”

Chen Huan, who was still coaxing Xiao Tasha softly, suddenly raised his head and shouted, “What did you say?!”

“Big Brother, look at the Seeker Bee.” Chen Mei quickly hand seals the Seeker Bee and cried, “The road in the canyon below is too difficult to walk, and I am not sure not to get lost, so I plan to let the Seeker Bee lead the way, but who Knowing that it is flying south. Pei Ling is not in the valley at all now!”

“How is this possible?!” Chen Huan hadn’t answered yet, Xiao Tasha was already shocked, “Zizhen is not what his Cultivation Base vision can come out of, let alone I have a puzzle outside…he again It’s not everyone’s son, his brother is the ancestor of the Pei clan. How ignorant was when he first entered Outer Sect. Who of us didn’t see it?!”

“Otherwise, Pei Hongnian can still be held by someone like Sun Yinglan?!”

“How could this Pei Ling get out of my set?”

Xiao Tasha couldn’t help but questioned the Seeker Bee, “Could your Seeker Bee be confused?”

“If you don’t understand, don’t talk nonsense.” Chen Mei’s Cultivation Base is not high, most of the value is on this Seeking Bee, she couldn’t help changing her face when she heard this, and said, “This Seeking Bee has taken a lot of effort from my family… There has never been anything wrong!”

Xiao Tasha wanted to say something, but Chen Huan held her arm.

Chen Huan looked gloomy and shouted: “Don’t fight. Junior Brother Huang, please go down with Mei’er to see what’s going on?”

He said faintly, “The Seeker Bee has indeed never gone wrong. We have also witnessed the formation ability of Junior Sister Xiao. Now this situation may not necessarily be Pei Ling’s escape from birth, maybe he was in despair. Throwing shirts and the like out of the battlefield, and being taken to the south by the passing beasts?”

“It’s better to go down and take a look.”

Having said that, Chen Huan’s heart jumped suddenly, always having an ominous premonition.

This hunch was quickly confirmed: Huang Xian took Chen Mei down the canyon for a trip, and soon came back with a black face: “Brother Chen, that Pei Ling really is no longer in the formation. And I’m by the stream outside the formation. I saw a footprint, very fresh, compared to the size, most of it belonged to him.”

Before he finished his words, Zhang Zhongqin had already changed his color, and said angrily at Xiao Tasha: “Did you keep saying that Pei Ling can never get out? That’s why we don’t feel relieved to come up to the formation, the result?!”

Xiao Tasha straightened her eyes and lost her senses for a moment before she cried out: “This… how is this possible?!”

“How can it be impossible?” Huang Xian said with a cold face, “Could it be possible that you think that Junior Sister Chen and I would make jokes about this kind of thing?”

“Okay, let’s just say a few words!” At the critical moment, Chen Huan came out of the round and said in a deep voice, “Although the kid is new to Sect, he has some secrets in him. If you don’t say anything else, just say that he was in the formation before. We can all see the Saber Technique used, not to mention the Pei family’s family, it is the Outer Sect Pavilion, I am afraid that we can’t find a few sets of similar.”

“I’m afraid I have some chance before entering the sect.”

“Otherwise, a fourth-level qi training, or the fourth-level qi training that came out of the backcountry in Luquan City, how could the physical body be so strong?”

“Although it is surprising to escape from the sub-array, it may not be impossible…”

He raised his head and looked at the sky, “Fortunately, it’s still a few hours before midnight. Let the Seeker Bee lead the way. Let’s catch him and come back.”

“Brother Chen, that kid was frightened by us.” Huang Xian said, “I don’t dare to go back to Luoshan City. I’d rather run into the mountains. We have to hurry over so that he won’t enter the Demonic Beasts site by mistake. Random branches.”

So after a brief discussion, it was decided that Huang Xian and Zhang Zhongqin would lead Chen Mei to capture Pei Ling, while Chen Huan and Xiao Tasha would recover on the spot. The two sides each hold a sound transmission talisman, and then use the sound transmission talisman to contact if there is any change.

After all, no matter how eager to get Pei Ling back, the formation starts at midnight, and Chen Huan and Xiao Tasha are the main forces. Once the wear and tear are excessive at this moment, if the homing banner cannot be suppressed by the time, the fun will be great.

Huang Xian and Zhang Zhongqin didn’t dare to neglect, and asked Chen Mei to communicate with the seeker bee and track them all the way in the direction of Pei Ling.

Fortunately, for the sake of safety, they had eliminated all nearby troubles in advance, such as the fire-eyed blue apes. At this moment, there was no interference from Demonic Beasts that were not long-eyed, and the speed of travel was not too slow.

The only thing holding back is Chen Mei. The problem is that she needs to control the Seeker Bee. This is Chen Huan’s blood relatives, and she can only endure it if she is impatient.

Chen Mei was also very anxious, but after all she only had the fourth level of Qi training, even if she tried her best, she fell behind.

After a long while on the road, Seeker Bee continued to fly forward. Huang Xian couldn’t help but cursed: “Xiao Tasa is really unreliable. If that kid is damaged when he breaks the formation, he can’t run so far.”

“Xiao Tasha’s formation ability is still okay.” Zhang Zhongqin shook his head slightly, “She is also considered a highly valued talent in the formation. I personally tried to get out of the formations she deployed before, but you I also know that I walked for three days and three nights, tried various methods, and finally gave up… For the sake of Brother Chen, she couldn’t fail to do her best. It is still the problem with that boy Pei Ling. I will see him later and never plan to stay. hand.”

“At this point, even if you can’t bring it back intact, it’s better to keep a breath than to be slipped away by him again.”

Huang Xian nodded: “I know…”

Before she finished speaking, Chen Mei suddenly said “Ah”.

The two hurriedly guarded and asked: “But did you find that kid?!”

“… Seeking bee seems to have encountered a natural enemy, so she dare not go forward.” Chen Mei looked surprised, “have you taken the map? What is the Seeking Bee fearing around here?”

“Fear?” Huang Xian and Zhang Zhongqin looked at each other, with doubts in their eyes. “The map is with Brother Chen. We forgot to ask for the map in a hurry. But remember this way, until the site of the Human Face Spider, There aren’t any decent Demonic Beasts anymore?”

After all, the human face spider is close, even if there was a relatively strong Demonic Beasts before, after feeling the breath of this Demonic Beasts in the Foundation Building period, the interesting ones have long gone away; the uninterested ones almost entered the human face spider’s belly.

When Chen Mei heard this, she blurted out: “Should we not approach the site of the Human Face Spider, right?”

“It’s impossible.” Huang Xian shook his head and said, “I have been counting the distance. We are now nearly a hundred miles away from the foraging boundary of the human face spider. According to Duanmu City Lord, the human face spider will not easily change the hunting range. After all, it left the depths of Luoshan Mountain to lay eggs and hatch offspring more safely. In this case, it will not easily stay away from the nest.”

Zhang Zhongqin frowned and said: “It may be the snakes and insects of natural enemies…let the Seeker Bee ignore it. It really doesn’t work. Tell us where the Seeker Bee is now. Let’s see if there are traces of Peiling in the past?”

“Okay!” Chen Mei nodded, and was about to take them to the place where Tracer Bee is staying. Huang Xian suddenly moved his ears and shouted: “Hold on! There is movement!”

PS: New books for collection! Seeking recommendation! Seeking investment!

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