Chapter 35 Sachets. (Recommendation ticket! Please collect!)

Huang Xian deliberately emphasized the word “run”. After Peiling looked at him for a while, he scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and said, “Then… is it troublesome brother?”

Then he turned and walked towards the flowerbed, but after walking only two steps, he stopped again, seeing Huang Xian’s eyes condensed, and the fierce light was revealed.

Seeing Pei Ling turned around, he seemed to be worried and warned: “Brother must look carefully, that sachet is really important to me!”

“…Don’t worry.” Huang Xian scattered to kill intent, and said with a smile, “As long as the thing is in the mansion, I promise to find it for you. If you can’t find it, then ask the younger brother to think about it. Yours is very important. Where did the sachet drop?”

Peiling didn’t seem to hear the meaning of what he was saying. After thanking him again and again, he turned and left.

Huang Xian watched him go back to his own house again, and then snorted coldly, “Junior Sister Chen, did you hear what this kid said just now?”

Chen Mei walked out of the shadow of the bushes, and Yuehua was mottled on her face, illuminating her expression with a green expression: “I’ll let the Seeker Bee find it!”

Before long, the sachet that Pei Ling had deliberately dropped was placed on the table in Chen Huan’s room.

“This was found in the bamboo forest. When we came back just now, we did pass by there.” Chen Mei said with some relief, “Moreover, he didn’t wear any weapons when he went out. It doesn’t look like he found anything.”

“Regardless of whether he finds out or not, after entering the mountain tomorrow, he won’t be able to help him.” Chen Huan said lightly. .”

Chen Mei ain: “Yes!”

At the same time, in the small building, Pei Ling’s face was gloomy, rubbing against the knife.

He just went out without the knife on purpose. If it was a false alarm, or if Chen Huan and the others hadn’t thought of staring at him, then it would not take much effort to turn back and get the knife quietly; if someone stared at it, it would be just like Huang Cai. As apparently, he can appear harmless and ignorant without a knife.

Don’t think about the situation now, there is a yellow display in the rear window, and there is probably someone guarding the front door.

With his strength, he can’t escape at all now!

Although I don’t know what these people want to do, it must be against him, otherwise, why should he be afraid of him running away?

What should I do now? Pei Ling was thinking about countermeasures one by one, asking Duanmu City Lord for help? But he and the city owner are not close to each other. Why does the city owner offend Chen Huan for him?

And since Chen Huan and the others specially tricked him here, Yan knew that they were part of Duanmu City Lord?

Otherwise, a Foundation Building cultivator is still a cultivator. Huang Xian and the others are watching them at night. Is Duanmu City Lord really not aware of it? Being aware of it but not showing up is an indication of his attitude.

I rushed to the door…not to mention Huang Xian and the others, whether they had this opportunity or not, even if they did, I guess they wouldn’t get any response.

“Junior Brother Pei, are you up yet?” Pei Ling thought left and right. It was midnight, and he didn’t think of any reliable way. When the sky was dark, he was still racking his brains, but Chen Mei had already come briskly. Knocked on the door, before Pei Ling could answer, she broke into the bedroom, put a sachet on the table with a smile, looked at Pei Ling and said, “Since you are up, clean up, let’s go! By the way, you I found my sachet, such an important thing, put it away quickly, don’t drop it again!”

Pei Ling’s heart sank and she forced a smile and said, “Thank you, Senior Sister.”

He slowly put the sachet into his arms and asked casually, “By the way, where are we going?”

“Of course I’m going to do the task.” Chen Mei curled a strand of long hair around her fingertips, and asked with a smile, “Don’t you forget our purpose? We are not here to visit Luoshan City. of.”

“Senior Sister, I mean where is the flower demon?” Pei Ling was stared at by her. In desperation, she quickly packed up her luggage, tied the horrible knife to her waist, and followed her out of the small building, “What’s the matter? What needs attention?”

Chen Mei said meaningfully: “What’s the hurry? There is time on the road. I will tell you carefully when the time comes. Let’s start now.”

Is there time on the road?

Pei Ling suddenly felt a “thump” in his heart. He vaguely remembered that Chen Huan and Chen Mei had said before that the flower demon was near Luoshan City!

Could it be that this task is fake, they don’t want to take him to the location of the flower demon?

This suspicion was confirmed soon after leaving the city: After leaving the city, the group went to a quiet place, and Chen Huan said to Xiao Tasha: “Sister Xiao will have to work hard next.”

Xiao Tasha glanced at him affectionately, and said, “It’s not hard, Brother Chen, don’t worry, I will definitely achieve what you want.”

Speaking of taking out a formation, pinched a few times to break in, and yelled, “The wind is rising!”

A gust of wind suddenly surged on the flat ground, which stirred up everyone, and quickly moved towards the foot of Luoshan Mountain in the distance!

Pei Ling was caught off guard and was wrapped up high in the air. She couldn’t help being shocked. He didn’t grasp the strength for a while and rolled in the wind for a long time! I only felt dizzy, and my waist suddenly tightened, but Chen Huan shook a long whip and pulled it, and then adjusted his posture from the top of the head to the feet.

He settled down, before he spoke, he caught a glimpse of a pink, pink and white color in the southeast corner, which seemed to faint an extra bright bloom between the wild and green colors, and it was a huge flower forest!

However, their direction is the southwest intertwined with deep emerald and light green!

In that direction, although there are vegetation and luxuriant flowers, they are all green trees.

No matter how you think, it will not be where the flower demon is!

The wind blessed by Xiao Tasha for everyone was extremely fast, and it didn’t take long before it flew to the dense forest at the foot of Luoshan Mountain.

It was just that after a group of people fell from a high altitude, they saw Xiao Tasha’s face pale and crumbling, but she couldn’t even speak.

Obviously, the rush just now was extremely costly to her.

Chen Huan hurriedly stepped forward and personally helped her to hug her and asked her to warm up, and then said: “I will have the younger sister to do it myself later, let Huang Xian drive on your back first.”

Xiao Tasha was a little unhappy when she heard the words, her beautiful eyes looked at Chen Huan frequently, and it was obvious that she actually wanted Chen Huan to bear herself.

But Chen Huan explained a few words in a low voice that the situation in the mountains and forests is complicated. He is the strongest and must always pay attention to the team. It is not convenient to take care of her personally… Xiao Tasha reluctantly agreed.

Peiling watched this scene, her heart sank completely.

He pretended to be ignorant and asked Chen Mei: “Senior Sister Chen, is the flower demon inside?”

“Flower demon?” Chen Mei was also looking at him, smiled playfully, and said, “You just follow.”

Seeing Pei Ling still want to ask, she sighed, “Junior Brother Pei, our schedule is very fast and there are a lot of things. Don’t ask anymore. When you get to the place, if you want to know anything, the senior sister will tell you, okay?”

Pei Ling pressed the handle of the knife in an instant, and the blue veins on the back of her hand violently, but looking around, she still showed a harmless smile: “Okay.”

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