Chapter 33 Doubts. (Seeking recommendation! Seeking collection! Seeking investment!)

At dusk, Chen Huan and his party dragged their tired bodies back to the city lord’s mansion.

Especially Xiao Tasha, her face pale, almost unable to stand, half of her body leaned on Chen Huan, almost framed back.

“How many immortals are…?” The guest house manager who came out of Ying was surprised when he saw this. “Would you like the younger one to report to the housekeeper?”

“No need.” Chen Huan’s face was not very good, and he breathed a little, then said, “It’s just that we have walked a long way today, it’s not a big problem. Please give us some water to freshen up… That’s right, Junior Brother Pei Woolen cloth?”

The movement of the group of them was not small. A mortal in the guest house was shocked, and Pei Ling, a cultivator, couldn’t hear it without reason.

But he hasn’t shown up so far, can’t he still be asleep?

Seeing that the steward was at a loss, Chen Huan immediately said to Chen Mei: “Go and see, Junior Brother Pei, don’t feel uncomfortable!”

Chen Mei didn’t dare to neglect, regardless of being tired, she went busy, but when she went to the small building and asked, she suddenly changed her expression: “What?! Pei Ling is not there? Where did he go? When did he go out?”

The maidservant who was in charge of serving Pe Ling knelt on the ground tremblingly: “If you go back to Fairy, the maid doesn’t know.”

“What does she know as a mortal?” Chen Huan personally rushed over after receiving the news, glanced at the maid, and thought of the city lord of Duanmu. After all, he abruptly pressed the urge to anger, took a deep breath, and rebuked, ” Instead of asking her, you might as well ask yourself, even a fourth-level qi training kid can’t coax him, why do you eat!”

“Didn’t you put a thousand miles of incense on him? Hurry up and let the Seeker Bee look for it, where did the man go?!”

Chen Mei didn’t dare to refute, and quickly took out the Seeker Bee, closed her eyes and communicated with her for a while, she couldn’t help but be happy: “Brother, others are still in the city.”

“In the city? Is he hiding?” Chen Huan sneered slightly, “where is he probably now?”

“It seems like…” Chen Mei was at a moment’s notice, showing doubts, “It seems to be in… a market?”

“The market?” Chen Huan suddenly turned to the maidservant just now, shouting, “So courageous! Dare to lie in front of me! Junior Brother Pei is here for the first time. Since I want to go to the market, why wouldn’t I ask you for the route?! I don’t know anything!”

That maid had a bitter heart, she was just a mortal slave, how could she afford to offend any cultivator?

Originally thinking of fooling around, I can only confess honestly at this moment: “If you return to Master Xian, Master Pei specifically confessed not to reveal his whereabouts…”

Hearing this, the brother and sister both changed their faces and said in unison: “How could he know?!”

At this moment, Luoshan City Market, the teahouse is up.

Pei Ling was sullenly drinking a pot of tea.

The local customs are very different from Luquan City, and there are more cultivators. He wandered all the way and gained a lot of knowledge.

The problem is that he is not here to increase his horizons, he is here to find a way to earn Spirit Stones.

The results of it?

Gained nothing.

There were even a few daring brokers who saw his identity as a cultivator and came up to sell the so-called “ancestral transfer power method”, “secret realm Magic Treasures fragments” and the like, trying to get some Spirit Stones from him, and Ling Ling was annoyed. , After revealing his identity as a disciple of the Chongming Sect, he dismissed him.

When he was holding the lamp, Pei Ling drank the last sip of tea, stood up, threw a little bit of silver on the table, and turned downstairs somewhat dejected.

Just when I went out, I suddenly heard a loud shout from behind: “Peiling!”

Peiling heard Chen Mei’s voice, a little embarrassed, touched his nose, and turned around.

Seeing Chen Mei rushing over first, Zhang Zhongqin followed closely, the two quickly walked to Pei Ling, and immediately caught him from left to right, Chen Mei sternly shouted: “You didn’t mean you are going to be in the guest house today. Rest, why would you run out?!”

“Senior Sister Chen, I originally wanted to rest, but I lay on the couch for a while but couldn’t fall asleep, so I came out and walked.” Peiling knew that he was in a bad position, and quickly explained, “Thinking that the brothers and sisters might also be resting, so I didn’t say anything. .”

Zhang Zhongqin said with a sullen face, “Since we are a team, you should say a word when you enter and exit, otherwise it will disappear inexplicably. Why don’t we worry about it?”

“Yes, yes, it’s all because I didn’t think about it.” Seeing Pei Ling’s repeated apologizes and sincere expressions, the two of them secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After exchanging glances, Chen Mei slowed down a bit and hummed: “Forget it this time. I will ignore you next time.”

Pei Ling laughed dryly: “It’s all my fault, and I have to ask Sister Sister to have a lot of it.”

After such an apologetic apology, the scene finally relaxed. Zhang Zhongqin glanced at the sky and said: “It’s getting late, let’s go back to the city lord’s mansion.”

Pei Ling had nothing to say, so the three of them walked back together. However, when they met a shop on the road, Chen Mei hesitated: “Senior Sister Xiao said that cinnabar and talisman paper are not enough. It seems that this shop sells?”

Zhang Zhongqin frowned and said, “Send Junior Brother Pei back first.”

Chen Mei no longer hesitated when he heard this, but Pei Ling was slightly startled when she saw this scene: Since Senior Sister Xiao has a need, she has all passed the shop door, why not go in and buy things and then go back together?

He was about to ask his doubts when he suddenly noticed that Chen Mei and Zhang Zhongqin had both intentionally or unintentionally sandwiched him from just now to now, as if they were afraid that he would run away.

“What’s going on?” Pei Ling was shocked, her thoughts turned, pretending not to notice, and only asked Chen Mei: “Senior Sister Chen, what are you doing today? It looks like she is tired.”

Chen Mei said indifferently: “We naturally have something, you will know it then.”

She seemed very dissatisfied that Pei Ling came out to go shopping in private. Her attitude changed from the enthusiasm of the previous day and became a lot colder. She also urged, “Junior Brother Pei, you go faster, we will go to the mountain to do the task tomorrow. Just rest.”

“Yes.” Peiling became suspicious, but calmly said, “Sister, don’t worry, I will rest when I go back.”

While they were talking, they passed by a group of mortals. Because the road was narrow and it was not easy to run together, Pei Ling walked behind Zhang Zhongqin, but Chen Mei approached him and took the initiative to hold his arm.

She held it very tightly, the kind that Pei Ling couldn’t break free.

This made Peiling’s heart sink.

I feel more and more that something is wrong.

After a while, the three returned to the city lord’s mansion. When they passed a bamboo forest in the mansion, Pei Ling naturally asked Chen Mei, “Senior Sister Chen, how much does Senior Sister know about the flower demon?”

Chen Mei’s eyes flickered and said, “Anyway, it’s just the fourth floor of Kaihui, which is similar to our Cultivation Base, two to one. What are you afraid of?”

Pei Ling seemed to listen carefully, but secretly flicked his finger and threw a sachet that had just been stolen from those mortals behind a bunch of bamboo.

He acted in a concealed manner, and first asked to distract the two of them, so that Zhang Zhongqin and Chen Mei didn’t notice this scene when they got out of the bamboo forest.

PS: The new book is being tested and the data is very important. Seeking collection! Seeking recommendation! Seeking investment! The conditions are OK and I trouble my brothers and sisters to give me a reward, thank you.

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