Chapter 29 Duanmu City Lord.

Soldiers guarded the high platform, and when they saw a group of people, they knelt down and saluted, saying: “See you fairy masters, Fairy!”

“Let’s go to the City Lord’s Mansion first.” Chen Huan and the others were used to seeing similar scenes. They didn’t even watch the soldiers. They said to Pei Ling, “The Duanmu City Lord here is the senior of the Foundation Building. After you see it, don’t be rude!”

Pei Ling nodded: “Senior Brother Chen, don’t worry, I’ll take it down.”

After a while, they arrived at the City Lord’s Mansion. Although Luoshan City was under the same rule of the Mingzong as Luquan City, it was obviously much richer. The City Lord’s Mansion is also far larger than Luquan City’s City Lord’s Mansion.

When I arrived at the door, I knew my identity, and after a short while, a housekeeper would come out to greet him.

Only after stepping into the threshold, I suddenly felt light all over, as if a breeze was blowing, the whole person relaxed a little.

Noting that Pei Ling seemed to be suspicious, Chen Mei chuckled and explained: “City Lord Duanmu is Formation Repair. This city Lord’s Mansion has a Spirit Gathering Formation, which is a simplified version of the Spirit Gathering Formation on Huaiyin Peak, which can nourish it. Muscles and bones, and conducive to spiritual practice.”

“Thank you, Senior Sister Chen.” Pei Ling thanked him and looked around, but saw that the courtyards along the way were deep and the vegetation was scattered, and occasionally servants and maidservants passed by. Seeing the housekeeper personally greeted the guests, they retreated one after another, lowering their eyebrows and showing respectful gestures. .

Not long after, they were greeted into a side hall.

The hall is beautifully furnished and surrounded by eight melon-style floor-standing palace lamps. The lampshades are embroidered with many jugglers. When the housekeeper greets a group of people to take their seats, the maidservants serve tea and give a light high-five. These jugglers jump out of the lampshade. After coming out, falling on the ground and shaking, it is like a stranger.

Bowing his head upwards, he began various juggling performances.

The steward said with a smile: “The city lord is busy with government affairs. I will only come to see the distinguished guests later. Please take a seat less.”

While they were talking, another group of beautiful women entered the house, holding a silver pot of marigolds in their hands, filled with fruits and pastries, and serving them diligently.

“Don’t dare to disturb senior Duanmu.” Chen Huan said quickly, “I was waiting for a little effort. How dare I work for senior? Junior brother Duanmu’s handwriting is here, and the housekeeper is asked to forward it to senior.”

The butler said politely: “The city lord said that you come from afar, and you have to leave the distinguished guests to rest in the mansion for a few days. As for the letter from the young city lord, the city lord will arrive after the meeting and ask the distinguished guests to deliver it in person.”

Chen Huan and the others didn’t really want to leave either, and after a few greetings, they waited on the female performers together and watched the singing and dancing juggling.

About half a day later, when it was time to palm the lamp, a light cough came from the outside, and the juggler suddenly turned into silhouettes and returned to the lampshade.

The female dancers immediately stopped and persuaded the wine to make a joke, and they gathered their faces and stood upright.

The housekeeper looked respectful: “The city lord is here.”

Chen Huan and others stood up in awe.

After a while, a group of entourage escorted a middle-aged man into the house.

This man looked forty years old, with a magnificent appearance, with a short beard under his chin, and his eyes shone brightly between Gu Pan, and he appeared very shrewd and capable.

When Chen Huan and the others saw him, they quickly got up and left their seats and greeted respectfully: “If you don’t wait for many days, the demeanor of the city lord will be better than before!”

“I am old, unlike you who are young, and the future is limitless.” Duanmu City Lord is very polite, “The child is in the clan, and I have to ask you to take care of it.”

The two parties exchanged a few words. Chen Huan took out his son’s handwritten script. After taking it, the city lord Duanmu thanked him, but did not leave immediately. Instead, he smiled and asked, “Do you have any other tasks this time? If it’s in Luoshan City. Nearby, maybe I can do something convenient?”

“City Lord Lao sees and asks.” Chen Huan respectfully said, “I’m about to ask the city lord for advice: here we have two more tasks, one is the flower demon outside the city; the other is the purple eye in the Luoshan mountain. mink.”

“The flower demon outside the city is just the fourth floor of Kaihui.” After hearing this, the city lord Duanmu stroked his short beard, and said with a smile, “For you, it is not a fear, I will not say more. As for that Purple-eyed mink, although the speed is extremely fast, since you have taken this task, you must have come prepared. It was not a problem at first, but it has been a little troublesome recently.”

“Trouble?” Chen Huan was taken aback, exchanged quick glances with Huang Xian and Zhang Zhongqin, cupped fist said, “Please also the city lord for advice!”

City Lord Duanmu said slowly: “Because a human face spider from the Foundation Building stage came out from the depths of Luoshan to lay eggs recently, and it happened to be near the site of the purple-eyed mink.”

When Chen Huan and his party heard this, their expressions changed: “Human face spider?”

“Yes.” City Lord Duanmu sighed, “After I discovered it, I originally wanted to remove it so as not to bring hidden dangers to Luoshan City. It was only 20 years ago that I had an accident. Not only was promotion hopeless, but also ill. I couldn’t make a full shot. Although the human face spider was badly injured by production, I was not fully sure, so I could only let it build a nest outside of Luoshan, but the people under the order were not allowed to approach it rashly, so as not to hunt for it. .”

Seeing Chen Huan and the others hesitated, after thinking for a while, they said, “However, you may not be unable to complete this task.”

“Please enlighten me from the lord!” Chen Huan asked quickly, “but I don’t know what we should do?”

Although the main purpose of their trip was for Pei Ling, no one would think that there were too many Spirit Stones, and the task of Purple-eyed Mink was paid for Pei Ling.

City Lord Duanmu said: “Although I have not been able to remove the Human Face Spider, I have been observing for many days in secret, but I have probably understood its current range of activities. I will ask the butler to pick up a map for you later. You will work harder. Just go around in a circle.”

Chen Huan and others breathed a sigh of relief, and solemnly thanked the lord.

After speaking some more scenes, City Lord Duanmu left with the excuse that he was busy leaving, and he also found an excuse to leave, leaving only the housekeeper to entertain them.

This time I won’t be in the side hall, but moved to a waterside pavilion, where delicious food has already been prepared, and two jars of low-level spirit wine made from a special kind of spirit fruit according to Chen Mei’s introduction. Contribute to spiritual practice.

“City Lord Duanmu is really generous.” Seeing these two pots of spirit wine, even Chen Huan, who had always been very decent, couldn’t help showing a touch of joy, and said happily, “It’s not in vain that I won this task specially.”

This kind of spirit wine seems to be very rare. Chen Huan even put one of them directly into the storage bag in public, and only opened one to the people at the banquet.

Pei Ling couldn’t help asking Chen Mei: “Sister Chen, is this kind of spirit wine expensive?”

“It’s not only expensive, but it’s also hard to buy.” Chen Mei nodded, and then she was afraid that he would want to soothe it. “Don’t worry, Big Brother just thinks that our Cultivation Base is low-minded, and now we have drunk both jars of wine. It’s also a waste. It’s better to collect an altar and use it later. When the time comes, you will definitely not lose your share.”

“Senior Sister Chen, I didn’t mean that.” Pei Ling said quickly, “I was thinking, since this kind of spirit wine is expensive, is it possible to brew it yourself and sell it?”

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