Chapter 11 Rebate for praise.

Pei Ling in the house is almost suffocated!

Zheng Jingshan outside the house was also very anxious, why did the senior sister keep not talking?

Did you study Jade Slip, or did you bother to pay attention to me?

At this moment, he hates Pei Ling even more penetrates the bone!

After all, Zheng Jingshan wanted to come to the place where he was able to annoy the senior sister recently, that is, as the inner disciple of the Chongming Sect, one of the pulse masters, unexpectedly searched for Wu Tingxi, so that one of the children of the Pei clan took the lead!

Presumably when Pei Ling came to the senior sister with something, her heart became more and more convinced that he was a trash!

Without Fairy’s permission, Zheng Jingshan didn’t dare to leave without permission, but thought that Pei Ling not only made him embarrassed in front of the senior sister, but also secretly broke into his room to cultivate, if he let him go so far, how could he swallow this breath?

After hesitating for a moment, just as he was in a dilemma, he suddenly heard a familiar cold voice, mixed with anger that was rarely seen before: “Get out!”

Zheng Jingshan was afraid of Skull Wind Chimes and did not dare to approach the Abode. He was also shocked by this violent drink and his blood floated. He stabilized his mind and bowed his head and said: “Yes. Then I will go back!”

In the abode, Pei Ling watched stiffly as Li Fairy slowly sat up from the cloud bed. Her skirts were torn to pieces by the system controlling Pei Ling’s body. At this moment, she was innocent, and her icy muscles and bones were full of dual. From the traces of cultivation, there are a few points of redness on the cloud bed. This scene is mixed with the original fierce and arrogant temperament. It looks holy and depraved, and has a unique style.

It’s just that Li, Fairy’s face mask is frosty at the moment, and his eyes are even more angry, and he looks at Peiling Senran!

Peiling looked at her blankly.

No way… he doesn’t know what expression he should put on to face this Fairy now?

Li Fairy stared at Pei Ling for a moment, and suddenly took a picture!

Pei Ling’s hair was upside down, thinking that he was bound to die, who knew that the palm wind could touch his face, suddenly he tilted, and patted a small picture not far away as a fan!

Next, Li Fairy was furious and took out his palms again and again. All the furnishings selected by the Pei family in the Abode, including the cloud bed, were all destroyed!

After some venting, she seemed to calm down a little bit. She got up from the couch, but just stood up, she frowned subconsciously. The pace she had taken out suddenly stopped. The next moment, a burst of Spirit Power lifted her whole body. , Head sideways, coldly glanced at Peiling.

Just when Pei Ling thought that Fairy was going to say something, she suddenly turned around and went inside.

Before long, there was the pattering sound of water, as if washing up.

Pei Ling stood still, not dare to let out the atmosphere.

He didn’t know why Li Fairy didn’t kill him, didn’t dare to ask, and didn’t dare to run. He could only pray silently that Li Fairy was kind, and let him go…

At this time, he noticed that the system evaluation panel was still floating in front of him.

“Do you still have a face for five-star praise?!” Pei Ling was furious in an instant, and furious in her mind. “If daddy can uninstall, I will let you go in minutes! Knock you, do you hear it, knock you! Don’t get into trouble this time, won’t cultivation?! The first two times Zheng Jingshan and Wu Tingxi let Daddy escape. You are so disappointed. You just want to kill Daddy completely with a big vote?!”

Swearing, Pei Ling was suddenly afraid for a while, the loss is dual cultivation Cultivation Technique, not the sunflower treasure!

“Dingdong!” The system mechanically said, “The intelligent cultivation system will serve you wholeheartedly, with one-click hosting, cultivation Wu You, and fulfill your dream of ascension! Looking forward to your sharing of cultivation evaluation, please give five-star praise if you are satisfied!”

Pei Ling vomited blood: “Go away! Do you give daddy to go immediately now!!!”

He yelled, “daddy*** mentally retarded system****! Still want five-star praise?! What are you special******! **System***! daddy****!!! daddy gives you One-star bad reviews are too many!!!”

With that said, his backhand without hesitation gave a five-star praise.

“Ding dong!” It may be because of the praise. The system is different from the silence after getting a one-star bad review the previous two times, and the prompt sound was issued again, “Thank you for the host’s careful evaluation.”

Immediately afterwards, a terrible scene appeared again!

System: “Ding Dong! If the host is detected and has given a five-star praise, the system will give a free Yang Yuan Dan.”

Pei Ling: “! Me Gan?!”

The system has not changed his mind, the system has quickly taken over his body, strode forward, digging out a purse with a mysterious silver pattern from the torn dress of Fairy on the ground, and after opening it took out a jade bottle, decisively Pour out the only Medicine Pill in it, hold it in his hand, and then throw the purse at will: “Ding Dong! The Yang Yuan Pill has been given away, thank the host for using the intelligent cultivation system, one-click hosting, cultivation Wu You, and your ascension. Dream!”

Pei Ling was stunned!

After sleeping in the future Holy Maiden, steal the things from the future Holy Maiden to reward daddy? ? ?

What kind of scumbag system did this do? ? ?

He hurriedly took advantage of Fairy before he came out, picked up the silver purse with mysterious background from the ground, and wanted to return the Yangyuan Pill.

But just before he opened his purse and had not taken out the jade bottle, the sound of water suddenly stopped.

Pei Ling was agitated, closed her purse subconsciously, and stuffed it under a few broken clothes!

The next moment, I saw that my long hair was slightly damp, and Li Fairy, who changed into a black gauze skirt with a slightly different style, came out lightly.

She was cold and didn’t look at Pei Ling, but went straight to the skirt that had just been torn apart, and began to search for something.

Peiling: “…!”

Li Fairy quickly found the purse hidden by him. After opening it, he took out the jade bottle inside, and when he poured it, there was nothing. This made her beautiful face floated a little bit of amazement, staring at the jade bottle and fell into contemplation.

Pei Ling, who had witnessed all this, held her breath, her eyes were empty, and her thinking was almost stagnant.

The only Yangyuan Pill, still holding the position when the system returned the control of the body, was held tightly in his palm…

Fortunately, at this time, the wind chimes under the eaves suddenly disappeared automatically, making a few crisp sounds.

Pei Ling only felt dizzy in her head, and she bit her tongue quickly, forcing herself to wake up!

And Li Fairy looked out the door suddenly, with a faint murderous look in his eyes!

“Senior Sister.” A moment later, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and immediately Pei Hong’s lack of breath tentatively said at the end of the year, “Dare to ask Senior Sister, do you have to live in our mansion for a few more days? Senior Brother Zheng has been chasing dozens of miles outside the city. But I never found out…”

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Li Fairy’s cold voice: “Zheng Jingshan!”

“… In reply to Senior Sister, I am here.” Pei Hongnian lost his voice for a moment. After a short silence, Zheng Jingshan’s voice sounded cautiously after Pei Hongnian. “Senior Sister, although Wu Tingxi was already seriously injured when he escaped into Yuanmao Mountain, but After all, it’s Luo Elder’s disciple. Pei Ling is only able to find and kill him before everyone else, but he can only find and kill him before everyone else. It’s not easy to take the cultivation jade slip!”

“I thought, there might be a secret in this person, so I went to arrest him personally, not just to vent my anger…”

Not waiting for Li Fairy to answer, Zheng Jingshan’s tone became more and more nervous, “So dare to ask Senior Sister, can you give me three days to find it out and frustrate my bones?”

Peiling didn’t dare to make a sound, she peeked at Fairy.

Li Fairy was expressionless, suddenly pointed a little, shook the gate of the Abode, and walked out slowly!

Outside Zheng Jingshan originally forced Pei Hongnian to come to explore the way, but Li Fairy broke through. He was panicked when he saw the senior sister came out. He was a little relieved, thinking that the senior sister was going to ask the details, so he quickly stepped forward and was about to speak, but was surprised. Seeing Pei Ling who looked hesitantly standing inside the door.

“What a Pei Ling! How dare you come to disturb Senior Sister?!” Zheng Jingshan was taken aback, and quickly said to Fairy Li, “Senior Sister, but this person is so smart…”

Before he finished his words, he saw Li Fairy suddenly raised his hand and slapped his face heavily!

Although she was seriously injured and unhealed, this slap knocked Zheng Jingshan upside down and flew out, hitting the courtyard wall without fighting back!

Sliding down the cracked wall to the ground, he opened his mouth with “Wow” and spit out two teeth, ignoring the high and swollen cheeks, looked at Li Fairy in amazement, with a dazed and dazed expression.

Pei Hongnian beside him was also very surprised at why Pei Ling was here, but where did he dare to make a sound at this moment?

Even from Pei Ling’s point of view, this Pei family’s son, the young genius recognized by the younger generation as the most outstanding young genius two battles, almost want to go first!

Li Fairy ignored them, but didn’t know where to take out a small black jade boat. With a pinch, the boat rose up against the wind, and instantly turned into a three-story boat floating in the air.

The skull wind chime didn’t need to act Fairy, it flickered on its own initiative and made a pleasant soft sound. Peiling was in a trance, and saw that it had hung under the battle of the boat.

Li Fairy went up first, flicked his sleeves, and said in a cold voice: “Return to the Sect!”

Pei Ling breathed a long sigh of relief, hoping that everyone would leave so that they could hide the Yangyuan Pill. Who knows, after Pei Hongnian helped the limp Zheng Jingshan to go up, the boat did not move.

Just when Pei Ling was puzzled, he saw Zheng Jingshan was also startled, and immediately turned his head and yelled at him: “Asshole thing! What are you still stupefied? Roll up quickly!”

PS: Brothers and sisters, please give me a collection + recommendation ticket! Thanks!

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