[Absolute Holy Monument (empty)] Effect: Reflect one's own path, imprint the path, and project the path (I would like to engrave all my own paths and methods on this object for the reference of my disciples, hoping that everyone who comes after me can surpass it. Bound by the sea of ​​stars, you can travel in countless worlds. Remember, those who learn from me will live, and those who resemble me will die. - Anonymous poem)

"What the hell?" Su Lin frowned, looking at the only prop item drawn in the three draws.

This is a translucent stone tablet with a light amber color, five meters high, two meters long, and two meters wide.

He could understand that the first two skills were skills that he had obtained through Venerable White's good luck because he needed them. What was this Absolute Holy Monument?


"Come on, Special Forces."

"The eldest lady is here!"

Su Lin walked to the wooden guardrail and glanced at the divine baby Yu Feng downstairs surrounded by bookshelves filled with various exercises. At this time, the eldest disciple was still playing three different games.

"Is it possible that I have always wanted to be a good teacher in my heart?" Su Lin opened his eyes slightly, and a sense of responsibility and mission called sect inheritance and passing on the fire from generation to generation emerged spontaneously.

This is a noble emotion that transcends vulgar taste, allowing his holy heart, which was originally made of light, to sublime.

Is that so? The teacher is strict and Taoist, and the teaching can be given.

Su Lin, I actually always keep my sect’s mission and mission in mind.

This is true.

"Blood loss.".

Su Lin complained, slammed the door, and turned back to the Zen-style room.

The only use now is to use it to study what to do next. By rubbing it into this holy monument, it can be seen more intuitively.

By the way, you can also practice the Dharmakaya you just obtained. Anything that can improve your combat power does not matter whether it is Buddhism, Taoism, or Western Omagode, as long as it is harmless to you.

According to the introduced usage method, he injected a little bit of his true spirit into it to establish a connection between himself and this holy monument.

Afterwards, Su Lin felt as if he had passed through layers of barriers with slight resistance. The six-winged golden elixir resonated with essence, energy and spirit, and the light-winged phantom appeared behind him. , the halo of merit hangs on the back of the head.

The scriptures echo, and the white lotuses are in bud.

Liuyang Lingxiao Zhenlu and Tianwang operated at the same time. In a short time, the Taoist rhyme circulated, and a light like the sun bloomed from Su Lin. His face was expressionless, and there was only the truth of heaven in his eyes without any emotion. The machine is faintly integrated with the world.

I almost forgot, there was also the pregnancy gaze given by the Confucian sage.

As a result, Su Lin's left eye and the left eye of the dharma body that was vaguely about to take shape also lit up with a strange light. The runes were still being built, indicating that they were ready to go.

At this time, rubbing has begun, and Su Lin is also preparing to condense the Dharma Body.

In the chaos, Su Lin sat cross-legged in the void, clasping his hands together. The formless body of the Buddha that he had initially mastered began to appear through Su Lin's true self. A little bright and clear firefly light emerged from the void and gathered in the void. A huge figure gradually formed around Su Lin.

The light golden light continued to gather, and at the moment when the dharma body behind him was about to take shape, Su Lin's true self was completely revealed before his eyes.

Formlessness is the ontological characteristic of the mind. On the prerequisite of facing the original mind, Su Lin has already set foot in this field.

In the world of dragons, Zhuan Tianwang ascended to the throne of light, and later experienced a face-to-face experience with himself. Under the influence of artificial intelligence No. 217 in the prop [One-time Fusion Evolution Device], he accidentally saw himself again original intention.

But one thing he understands very well is that those shadows of the past are all the shadows of today's self, but today's self is not the shadow of the past.

Now I go alone, and I can meet him everywhere.

He is exactly me now, but I am not him now.

In the mirror, flowers, water and moon, if you see all forms but no appearance, then you will see the Tathagata.

"Neither birth nor death, neither dirt nor purity, neither increase nor decrease."

The white lotus blossoms are in full bloom, the fragrance of the flowers is fragrant, and the purity is self-generating.

The Dharmakaya is initially taking shape. The golden Buddha's expression is neither sad nor happy, but his eyes are full of redemption. The mark in his hand instantly blooms with boundless light.

With a smile on his face, Su Lin turned into a stream of light and merged with the golden Buddha.

At this moment, the Buddha became invisible. His body was dazzling with brilliance. A sea of ​​immeasurable light emerged. Countless feathers of light fell slowly between the waves. A dark cloak appeared on the "Buddha"'s body, surrounded by There were bursts of loud and powerful sounds coming from the void.

Congratulations, it seems that the dharma body has been initially successfully condensed. There is nothing wrong with it except that it consumes a lot of money.

Su Lin: "."


"Seriously, that's about it."

Su Lin muttered to himself: "You looked very handsome when you appeared like that just now. Can you two crawl a little further away?"

No one responded, because essentially, the golden elixir and Yuanying were part of his body and part of his path.

"What kind of Buddha am I playing with?"

The "Buddha" collapsed in the sky and the earth, and the rubbing of the holy tablet had been completed. It turned from a translucent crystal to turbid, and there seemed to be chaos and light flashing inside.

Su Lin stared blankly at the ceiling above, falling into another round of deep thought.

"Why don't you change your form?" Su Lin said to the glazed ten thousand-character seal: "We can have a mahjong table together."

In the sea of ​​consciousness, an illusory glazed ten thousand-character seal appeared. Although he had not actively practiced during this period, he had improved a lot by eating spiritual fruits. The cultivation base has not reached the stage of transformation into gods, but the spiritual power required for cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage has been reached to perfection.

Under the irrigation of many resources, his spiritual sea of ​​consciousness is naturally extremely broad.

As if in response to his request, a golden shadow of Buddha appeared on the ten thousand character seal.

Snap, snap, snap.

Su Lin clapped, his eyes lost their vitality, True 6. With an inexplicable smile on his lips, he walked out of the door and walked up the escalator towards Wangshu Pavilion.

"Why do I keep calling myself myself? That's naturally because I am the future emperor." Yu Feng was still chatting with netizens, not noticing anything unusual about the old sect leader.

Su Lin, who came to the rooftop of Wangshu Pavilion, looked at the blue sky and white clouds in the distance, opened his hands and took a step forward.

Don't get me wrong, of course Su Lin didn't jump. He just stepped on the void and walked in the sky, looking at the system store while relaxing.

"I can't play anymore. I can't play like this anymore."

A chaos like this is a dharma body without any sense of beauty. Let’s not mention the damage. Being handsome is a matter of a lifetime.

If you can't let the enemies in the world see your handsome face, what's the point of showing off your Dharma body other than to crush them? !


Su Lin sighed and browsed the store while walking in the sea of ​​clouds, hoping to exchange it for something better, more cost-effective, something that could solve the current problem.

Unknowingly, it was like looking at a shopping app. Although he did not place an order, his purpose had shifted to satisfying his curiosity and novelty.

【Sky Hub】

It’s all fancy, and Shuijingfeng can be made like this with a little bit of crafting. Although it has an additional function of traveling through the void, it sells for 139W. I can also travel through the world using chat groups.

【Getting Started Guide to Creation】

170 W is enough to enter the door. It does not include creation cultivation, only knowledge. Sorry to bother you.

[Intellectual Soul of the Eternal Lord (1/1)]: Consume a legacy of the Eternal Lord to allow the sealed soul space of the Eternal Lord to come to the space for guidance. After the guidance, the separated soul can return to the main body.

(Are you still worried about the uncertain future of your life? You might as well try asking the great eternal master to enlighten you on a path forward that suits you. It is tailor-made, perfect, and highly capable of growth.

By the way, I am only responsible for enlightenment and initial education. I do not accept fight orders. I fight to find the fighting spirit. If you are the one, don’t disturb me. ——Eternal Lord)

(PS: If the guidance cannot be completed, the intellectual soul space of the Eternal Lord will exist for a long time until the guidance is completed.)

1 million, how dare you sell for 1 million if you don’t help fight? !

Su Lin slid past this thing smoothly, but his footsteps suddenly stopped. He stood in the sky in a daze for more than ten seconds, until a plane flew by.

"One million. The road ahead. Is it necessary?" Su Lin hesitated, "But it's impossible to rely on lottery all the time."

Su Lin never thought about the problem of losing money. Except for the direct exchange for permanent cultivation, the items produced by the system are the most cost-effective, and other items have their own reasons for being expensive.





Try to save your own painting style.



Above the blue sky, a piece of exquisite jewelry made of unknown material glowed dimly. Not far in front of Su Lin, a huge scar was torn apart in the space.

Su Lin followed the light from the jewelry and walked towards the scar. The moment he entered, he seemed to have fallen into the Netherworld. The rich smell of blood made him frown.

It didn't take too long, and I saw a being wearing silver-gray armor appearing in front of me. I couldn't tell whether he was a man or a woman, with a neutral appearance and a strong bookish aura.

The place where he is is the only bright place in this dark space. There is a unique metal square table in front of him.

"I originally thought that all the backup plans I had arranged were destroyed." The wise soul of the Eternal Lord wrote on a piece of white paper without raising his head, but Su Lin could not see any words, "As a thank you, at the same time I also In order to cut off the shackles of this fate, so that I can return to my true form, show everything you have, I can feel the immortal aura leaking out of you."

His expression was full of confidence and arrogance, a kind of overlooking attitude.

"It's good to follow the Tao with one's body, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. For your current civilization, this may be the pinnacle."

"You're lucky, young man."

The intellectual soul of the Eternal Lord stopped the object that could be called a 'pen' in his hand, raised his head, and said with a smile: "I can easily find a way forward for you. This is not a barbaric power at the personal level, but "Extensive knowledge brings"

The voice of the eternal ruler Zhihun became smaller and smaller, and the smile on his face showed an unnatural look.

Because at this time, Su Lin in front of him showed everything he knew without reservation.

"What the hell are you?"

With mountains on its back and water on its side, it feels like Liyue Harbor is a paradise.

Even before the most important day, there are already naughty children releasing Xiao Deng in broad daylight in advance.

People were coming and going in the noisy streets. Children were holding brand-new toys, and adults were walking towards home with newly purchased cloth and ingredients.

In areas where street stalls and hawkers are densely packed, teams of Qianyan Army soldiers pass by in an orderly manner from time to time, patrolling to maintain public order.

This time period also happens to be a favorite time period for thieves and unscrupulous profiteers.

"Hey! Zhongli! Ah, Young Master is here too." The white-haired emergency food floated in the air and waved this way, followed by a blond boy.

"It turns out it's Paimon and Sora." Zhongli had just come out of the Glazed Courtyard, accompanied by Dadalia, who had paid a high deposit without knowing anything.

"We have found the sprouting bamboo shoots!" Paimon said with his hands on his hips and his head held high, "I have searched all over Liyue but I can't find you, and Hutao asked us to leave you a message!"

The matter of sprouting bamboo shoots was a task that Zhongli gave the two of them according to the plot of the game when he returned to Liyue last time. After all, he did need this thing for stew.

"Well, thank you. I'm about to go back to the Hall of Rebirth." Zhongli nodded and said with a gentle smile, "Thank you."

"We have been looking for you for a long time, but you ended up eating delicious food in Liuliting! Humph." Paimeng crossed his hands, looked to the side, and looked at the young master with a scrutinizing look: "It must be your money again. ."

"Hahaha, what do you mean?" Dadalia showed an awkward yet polite smile and said, "This preconceived notion will reveal its flaws in battle."

"Your bamboo shoots." Kong handed the bamboo shoots over and asked Dadalia, "Have you just finished eating?"

"No, I just came to make a reservation." Dadalia rubbed her hair and asked Zhongli: "Mr. Zhongli, is this enough? There is no need to pay anything else."

Zhong Li thought for a while and said, "Please go to the New Moon Pavilion alone. Just ask a chef to come over and cook together. There is also Xiang Ling from Wanmin Hall. She should be in Liyue at this time."

"Okay." Dadalia was a little helpless and waved his hand in the air: "Then you guys chat first, I'll go run some errands."

Dadalia crossed the crowd and walked towards the direction of Xinyuexuan.

"Wow! Zhongli, what are you going to do?!" Paimeng's eyes flashed, as if he had seen some extraordinary scene in his fantasy, and he hurriedly wiped the corners of his mouth a few times: "You two are going to hold a Liyue Kitchen King Contest! To tell you the truth, I am a professional judge!"

Seeing Paimon showing such a gluttonous expression, Kong smiled helplessly, but he was also a little confused.

“A group of friends are coming to Liyue as guests, so I want them to taste Liyue’s delicacies.”

Zhongli did not shy away. He crossed his left arm in front of his chest and raised his right hand naturally, explaining:

“Liu Li Pavilion specializes in Li dishes, and its expertise in making delicacies from the mountains is unparalleled in Liyue.”

"Xinyuexuan specializes in moon vegetables, which is an indispensable cuisine in Liyue. Liyue is rich in seafood, and Xinyuexuan is better in cooking seafood."

"Wanmin Tang is the restaurant that best represents the taste choices of the common people in Liyue. Even the home-cooked dishes are the best. You and I both know Xiangling's talent in cooking. With her, we can even taste some innovative dishes. dishes.”

“The above two restaurants represent tradition and authenticity, while Wan Min Tang is ordinary yet extraordinary, full of novelty.”


"You just finished eating." Sora covered his head and took out a Mondstadt potato pancake from the space prop.

"But, but, it was a feast." Paimon felt that the hot potato pancakes in her hands were no longer so fragrant, but she was even hungrier, but she suddenly realized:

"Wait! Then why did the young master pay for it?!"

"Of course it's because I don't have that much money." Zhongli said matter-of-factly.


"It makes sense." Paimon nodded, took two more bites of potato pancakes, and then choked: "Ahem! That's not right!!! Have you finally evolved into the same guy as that alcoholic poet?"

"The time is probably scheduled for the day after. You two can come if you are free." Zhongli did not take Paimeng's words to heart and said with a smile: "This banquet is hosted by me and another friend. I just asked After passing him, he is also very interested in you and wants to meet you."

"Is it really possible?" Pamon stamped his feet excitedly and said excitedly: "Great!"

She didn't notice that Zhongli said he had just asked.

"Wouldn't it be troublesome?" Sora asked.

"I guess they must be admirers who have heard of me and the traveler." Paimon put his hands on his hips and said happily: "What a good man! You can take photos if you want~~~"

"Paimon, please be polite." Kong reminded.

"It doesn't matter." Zhong Li took a step forward and said, "I want to go back to the Hall of Rebirth now, so I'll take the first step."

Zhongli: "There will be a singing performance tonight at the Sea Lantern Festival. If you are interested, you can come and have a look."

Su Lin looked at the chat record, turned to the wise soul of the eternal master and asked: "Are you still okay? It's been almost six hours, are you okay?"

The intellectual soul of the Eternal Lord covered his head and collapsed: "Why don't you refund the money! Let me return to the seal. What the hell are you!!!"

Chaos, order, divinity, immortality, magic, Buddhism. It’s not that I have never seen more chaos, but why do these things not collapse when mixed together? ! Why is there a group of such things standing in front of me and talking humanly? ! !

Do you still want to practice Taoism with this kind of thing? ! I'll fix you! @¥! ! @! ##beep————

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