I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

Chapter 300 Spring and Autumn Cicada, take me through the long river of time again

"It's not the seasonal disaster, it's me, brother." A familiar voice came from under the copper coin mask.

"I'm lucky." Ling Ye smiled and said, "You probably ran away after releasing the thing, and you didn't go back to see the contents because you had to arrange a method, otherwise you wouldn't have left a complete set of them. The wonders of heaven were given to us, and I happened to get some materials on the way here, and I was able to activate these items despite the suppression for a short time."

The original Gu Yue Fangzheng disappeared from the spot, as if he had never appeared.

Qu Yanping's God's Eyes can see that the previous Gu Yue Fangzheng was the product of refining the fake and turned it into the real thing, but now it is Gu Yue Fangzheng who wears the copper coin mask and the blood-colored Taoist robe.

'Why didn't they tell me this plan? ’

‘Where am I exposed or not trusted? ! ’

He looked at Gu Yue Fang Yuan who was pierced by the purple sword in front of him, with a gloomy expression on his face. Unfortunately, he did not have the ability to kill and silence him now.

The Eye of the God showed that Gu Yue Fangzheng did not kill directly at this time, but injected a trivial but crucial mana into the opponent's center. If the sword was pulled out, Gu Yue Fang Yuan would be dead.

"What a dramatic scene." Gu Yue Fang Yuan glanced at Ling Ye and said: "If possible, I really want to refine you into the Good Luck Qitian Gu. I have used Spring Autumn Cicada too many times, and my luck has been so bad that I can no longer Difference."

"Then you probably have no choice. In terms of my attributes now, I can completely restrain you." Ling Ye smiled nonchalantly:

"Since my contact with Daoist Qu Daoyou not long ago, I have been wondering why you are planning to control the Sky Vase. I asked Fang Zheng about your situation and performance in this world, and I roughly guessed that you know many of us."

"But since you entered the Sword Tomb, you have been too cautious. You don't look like someone who knows the future direction at all. I don't feel that kind of strategizing from you. Instead, I feel a sense of exhaustion."

"So, I am sure that due to the emergence of some other factors, you are not fully aware of the current future, and there are even many things that you cannot control. You sealed me in another world fragment in order to further reduce variables. "

Listening to Ling Ye's analysis word for word, Gu Yue Fang Yuan smiled hard and laughed at himself: "There are so many heroes in the world."

"Fang Yuan, brother! Stop it!" Gu Yue Fangzheng tried to dissuade him: "The brother I remember is not an evil demon like Lian Tian Demon Lord! If you open the third generation copper coffin and release the contents, everything will be gone. Got it!"

"Fang Zheng, don't be stupid, pff" Gu Yue Fang Yuan spat out a mouthful of blood: "Who do you think the undead evil thing is talking about? It's our group of souls who were forcibly sealed in the cage by Yang Jian!"

"Your and my physical bodies no longer exist, the remaining cultivation bases are stripped away, and the past scenes are repeated above the tombs of the old world, while the souls are separated separately and thrown into the human world."

"The supreme realm. I have never been exposed to it before. This time may be an opportunity."

Qu Yanping glanced at everyone. Are these monks the ghosts who escaped from reincarnation? ! But in his eyes, these are all living people.

"Even if what you said is true, I think life is very good now." Ling Ye put a hand on Gao Sheng's shoulder, who was holding his head in pain:

"All the past has disappeared, and the past cannot be recalled. Only the present is worth cherishing."

Hearing this, Gao Sheng trembled all over and looked up at Ling Ye in disbelief.

"Senior brother, thank you for taking care of me in this life." Ling Ye relaxed his brows and smiled slightly, and the world seemed to have lost its color.

Even the camera turned its attention to Ling Ye, forgetting what he wanted to think about for a moment.

What kind of brotherhood is that, like the gentle sunshine mixed with the spring breeze blowing slowly, warming the soul, and the open-minded and broad-mindedness makes people want to get closer to each other unconsciously.

It's no wonder that such a person can become a supreme power. If Ling Ye cannot become a power, it would be an injustice to the world.

‘It would be nice if it was a girl’ Qu Yanping thought in his heart.

Suddenly, the radiance that eclipsed the world disappeared. Qu Yanping shuddered and realized what outrageous things he had just been thinking.

"Brother! Ling Ye is right, it's time to turn around! Stop being a devil. If you insist on doing this, I can only..." Gu Yue Fangzheng, played by Xiao Yan, looked a little unnatural, because he was briefly attracted just now. Although The first thing that came to my mind was Xun'er, but it was too scary.

"I haven't finished reading that book yet, but Song Shuhang is really okay." Xiao Yan suddenly felt some sympathy for Song Shuhang: "It happens to be a man." ’

"Let's do it." Gu Yue Fang Yuan smiled miserably, turned his back to Gu Yue Fang Zheng and said, "I am already walking on the road, even if I die, I will have no regrets."


Everyone fell silent, as if they didn't know what to do with this demon. At this time, the battle in the sky became more and more intense. Golden blood continued to fall from the sky with the most powerful aura, and there were also endless waves of blood. The evil energy turned into the ocean and gave birth to the evil green lotus.

But Qu Yanping's pupils shrank. With the insight of the God's Eye, he saw that Gu Yue Fang Yuan was continuously transmitting power to a cicada on his chest.


The hysterical sound of insects suddenly sounded.

Gu Yue Fang Yuan also took a step forward at this time, and took the initiative to break away from the purple sword. Gu Yue Fang Yuan's energy was still wreaking havoc in his body, with a fanatical and give-and-take smile on his face.

"What are you doing?!" Gu Yue Fangzheng exclaimed.

The red-haired Heavenly Emperor in the sky turned into a red sun at this moment, and the monstrous evil energy turned into clouds, as if the setting sun was setting in the west, spreading a splendid sunset like fire in this restricted area of ​​life.

"Stop him!" Han Li took a pill, flying lightning surrounded him, and pointed the sharp blade at Gu Yue Fang Yuan.

However, Gu Yue Fang Yuan still looked calm and calm, his eyes as dark as an ancient well and deep pool.

With a bang, Fang Yuan exploded himself.

Only a sad voice echoed between heaven and earth - "Spring and Autumn Cicada, please take me through the long river of time again."

The deafening chirping of cicadas sounded, and ripples appeared in the sky. In the center of the ripples was a cicada as exquisite as a handicraft. Its body was as green as emeralds, and its vitality was visible to the naked eye.

As the cicada chirps, the long river of time manifests, but the difference is that this long river of time is extremely pure, arriving here across endless years, while the cicada's wings quickly become withered, like ginkgo leaves in autumn.

"Is he going back to the past?" Gu Yue Fangzheng murmured.

"There is a chance of failure." As Han Li spoke, he glanced at Ling Ye, who had a solemn expression over there.

Ten seconds later, the Spring Autumn Cicada disintegrated into dots of brilliance and was carried away by the long river of time. Just when Qu Yanping thought Fang Yuan succeeded, a shadow suddenly fell from the sky.

"Haha." Gu Yue Fang Yuan smiled helplessly and looked at Ling Ye with a complicated expression:

"All efforts are just a joke in front of people with great luck."

"Want to leave here? Unfortunately, there is only one way left for you."

His remnant soul quickly faded and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

‘Gu Yue Fang Yuan died like this? ! ’ Qu Yanping’s eyes widened with fear, and he died like this?

"Cut this section. Cut this section as well." Su Lin pointed to the scene on the computer screen where everyone was looking at Venerable Bai and was attracted, "Keep this section of Gu Yue Fangzheng for him and enlarge it for a close-up. "

"It feels like Venerable White is the protagonist." True Lord Bai He stared at "Ling Ye" in the picture, and his whole person was absorbed in it.

That's not it. The moment Venerable Bai read out the lines and patted Gao Sheng on the shoulder, the entire style of the painting changed. It suddenly became a resolute male protagonist facing the past right and wrong.

"Big bad guy, your phone." Yu Feng was operating three mobile phones at the same time to play Nong, Zhou and Yuan, one of which belonged to Su Lin.

Su Lin took the phone and saw that it was Tony's number.

"Come here." Tony said simply and hung up the phone.

Su Lin narrowed his eyes, and then looked at the live broadcast screen behind him.

Inside, everyone discovered that the children in the iron cage were phantoms transformed by Gu insects, and all the children had been thrown into the bronze coffin of the third generation by the cruel Gu Yue Fang Yuan.

A barrier called doubt arose between Qu Yanping and everyone, but no one broke it.

Ye Fan and Lu Mingfei in the sky are getting more and more brave as they fight, and now they are no longer filming. It seems that they want to practice for real.

The stars that were originally used as background boards continued to shatter, and huge cracks even appeared in the sky, like upside-down ravines on the sea floor that kept swallowing up everything.

On other screens, Liyue Immortal Court was at war with the Alliance of Destruction Star God and the Church of the Fool. The Dan Alliance and the Zhetian Chamber of Commerce were fighting, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

"You guys take your time, and the other leading actors will take him to the small world inside the copper coffin." Su Lin sent a message, and then flashed to Tony's current location.

The Bermuda Triangle is a triangular area in the western Atlantic Ocean formed by three points connecting the British Bermuda Islands, Miami in the United States, and San Juan in Puerto Rico.

To Su Lin's surprise, this time Tony also brought a dozen men and women with him using magic weapons, the oldest among them was in his thirties, and the youngest looked to be twelve or thirteen years old.

These people have weak cultivation fluctuations, but if they are more than ten miles away, they may not even be able to see Sutoni's shadow.

Su Lin looked in that direction and asked doubtfully: "Who are these people?"

"The talented young talents of the future era are considered to be the top ones at present." Sutoni pointed to the area below and asked: "How much will it cost to solve it yourself?"

It was a blood-red crystallized whale with a huge ferocious horn on its head, but now this creature was stuck in a strange formation, as if it had suffered great pain, and a wailing sound came from the bottom of the sea. .

"It's just God's will." Su Lin made an estimate: "According to the analysis you gave before, shouldn't there be a Zhou King?"

Not long after he finished speaking, the single horn on the creature's head peeled off layer by layer like bamboo shoots, and finally an oval-shaped blood jade fell out. When the blood jade appeared, the bloody whale gradually dried up, and was finally killed. The formation is swallowed.

"Ju Chang's character is not one that will give up casually. I guess she must have revealed the world's resource information to Palea. The commander of Palea knew that Ju Chang might be hiding something. But he still chose to spend the price to explore in advance." Seeing Su Lin writing and drawing in the notebook, Sutoni wondered: "What are you doing?"

"I was wondering if I would have the chance to see you being stabbed. It would be very interesting. Write it down first so as not to forget it." Su Lin noticed the look in the other person's eyes, put the notebook away, and apologized: "I'm sorry, I couldn't hold it back." ,Go on."

Sutoni bit his left back molar, his expression a little distorted. He really couldn't figure out what this thing encountered in other worlds, or what went wrong that led to his current personality.

To be better than him is to be worse than him.

You should find a way to return to your own timeline in the future, otherwise you will be tortured if you fall into the hands of the other party.

At this time, cracks began to appear in the blood jade below, and a small piece fell apart along with the cracks. It was in this gap that the two of them saw a humanoid creature.

He is naked, his gender cannot be distinguished, and his skin is even shriveled than that of an old man. But these are not the most eye-catching parts. The position of his head, from the bridge of his nose to the upper part of his head, is dark and boundless, but with stars twinkling from time to time. Globular objects.

"I didn't expect it to be the world of Palea. They chose to use Field Lee. This guy is also a poor man." Sutoni said: "Although the universe I am in is a natural universe, it is not a mature natural universe and has not been born. A true world consciousness, or master, that exists in infinite parallel worlds and time and space.”

There are relevant records in the information given by Sutoni. The Zhou Emperor of the Parlea world is good at hiding. If he is willing, he can even hide the traces of many world entities from the observation level and the causal level into the void.

The world that Field Lee lived in was originally a world that was born naturally but was immature, or about to mature.

"He is like the protagonist in a traditional urban novel. When he was decadent, he picked up an ancient martial art. He kept getting stronger and defeated all enemies."

One day in the distant past, this world was targeted by the Zeus Emperor of the world of Palea. He came to this world in ancient times and knocked down the first domino of the incident with one sentence, making it reasonable and natural for Field. Lee became the "protagonist."

When Field Lee became the strongest in the world and wanted to move to the next level with his body and soul, the whole world became one with Field Lee. From then on, Field Lee could only live in the world in his eyes forever. .

"The world of Pallea has since gained a weapon that is almost immortal but cannot be fully controlled. It is not because they are incapable of controlling it, but because they need characteristics that cannot be traced back to them by magic."

"Although Field Lee is unconscious and not very aggressive, when he is activated, external things will be subconsciously involved in his body and become part of his inner world."

"In short, they have done all the bad things, but the magic divination has concluded that it was not Palea's fault, so they have completely ignored it. However, they will regularly salvage the things in Field Lee's inner world."

Sutoni introduced, but his words were full of praise, and he cherished the other party's abilities.

"Okay, I know you are awesome." Su Lin stretched his shoulders and asked: "The rated power of God's will carried by my clone of the God of Light may not be able to handle it, unless I or the clone's personality raises it further. So, what do you mean?”

"Ahem." Sutoni coughed and asked tentatively: "If I can't handle it, what will you do?"

"Try to go to other worlds, let me see." Su Lin looked indifferent: "My current assets are probably enough to try out the Red Dust Fairy Experience Card for a period of time. The Fairy King Experience Card is probably not enough, so you can take it here. , I’ll go out and upgrade and come back.”

"It doesn't seem to be necessary. I have recently picked up some pretty cool props, such as a new system and so on. Do you want to hear about it?"

"Maybe if I chase Stud while it's hot, I might be able to get some props to solve the problem. Although it's risky, but if it doesn't work, I can go to other worlds and work in the sea, right?"

"Shameless old thief! You @!%*\u0026amp;amp;amp;" Sutoni didn't know who he was scolding. He pointed at the sky and the ground, probably unable to distinguish reality.

It seemed that the experience of fighting the enemy in the past was too brutal, and Su Lin secretly sympathized with his brother.

After scolding for a long time, Sutoni finally stopped and sighed: "You can keep it, I'll do it."

"Oh? Do you have any good stuff? Lend it to me." A light flashed in Su Lin's eyes.

"What a fart!" Sutoni cursed: "Extremely sublime, open!"

[Holy Manifestation Points: 100100]——[Holy Manifestation Points: 0]

This level of sublimation is not expensive, but in a sense it is also very costly.

The moment the Manifestation Points were cleared, Sutoni's whole temperament completely changed. His translucent soul-like body regained a physical body, and his power was constantly returning, in sync with his own personality.

He originally had hundreds of thousands of points, but he used them all in order to maximize his sublimation, a trick that could only be done through stud.

[Extreme sublimation (range from 100,000 points to 1 million points): Even if there is only one drop of blood left, you can return to the peak, and your combat power will be greatly improved. The effect and duration depend on the points in the system (PS: Undecided in times of trouble) , and it’s all done with the utmost sublimation!)]

"Brothers! Just do it and it's done!"

Su Lin watched Su Tony put on the COS suit and rushed directly to Field Lee, who was swallowing the sea water and just woke up, and clapped his hands: "Wonderful."

Huan Yu Realm, Immortal Palace.

Ju Chang frowned. After waiting for several days, the spies finally sent another message. She originally thought that the spies would have the opportunity to obtain the power to bring out the "old world" and erase her own third eye, but she didn't. I thought that contact could be re-established, and the new experiences of the spies during this period were conveyed.

One experience after another flashed by and came to the present.

Inside the bronze coffin of the Three Generations, an ancient universe is constantly being staged with birth and collapse. The light and mist are hazy, making it impossible to see through.

In the center of the starry sky, twenty-seven immortal figures were divided into two rows and placed in the darkness. The starry sky was like their bed, and they were sleeping quietly with their eyes closed.

The emperor in the middle is a figure she is familiar with, Taiqing Immortal Emperor.

Behind the other party, an ancient bronze coffin stood quietly there.

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