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Chapter 287 Yang Jian Cause and Effect, Yuanshi Demon

Yuanshi Tianzun, the legendary "ancestor who presides over the heavens".

Born before chaos, before Taiwu, and at the beginning of vitality, it is called "Yuanshi".

He is Yuanshi, and this Taoist is Yuanshi Tianzun!

‘He knows where I’m coming from! ’

The secret of the Celestial Eye supernatural power was exposed to the outside world's monks due to unavoidable factors. But when it comes to his own origin, this is Qu Yanping's biggest secret!


Without much thought, Qu Yanping instantly gave up any thoughts of resistance. The aura of the Taoist in front of him was extremely powerful. He breathed out the energy of chaos, and billions of rays of light bloomed and shrank on a bronze wick.

Plop it.

Qu Yanping knelt in the void in fear. In this unparalleled mist, he felt uneasy and uneasy, like a mayfly in the turbulent sea, feeling the terrifying power of heaven.

‘He didn’t kill me directly’

‘I have a chance, I have a chance! ’

Even though his thoughts were somewhat blocked, he still instinctively yearned for the hope of life. After experiencing life and death crises again and again, his instinct to live not only did not fade away, but became more important.

"Qu Yanping, a casual cultivator from Hengyu Realm, pays homage to the Great Heavenly Lord of Yuanshi!" Qu Yanping imitated the monks in his impression, bowed to the Taoist, and then bowed down.

If the Taoist doesn't make a sound, he won't take any other actions.

As for using heavenly wonders to resist or escape? In the current situation, he wouldn't even dare to give him a thousand courages.

Why he appeared here, and how the Eye of God on his forehead fell into the hands of Yuanshi Tianzun, these things can be understood at a glance.

There is an absolute gap. In the face of this kind of existence, you cannot and should not even have any disrespectful thoughts!

The surroundings were chaotic and indescribable, and there was no sense of speed. Qu Yanping only felt as if he was waiting for the verdict. Sweat dropped from his forehead one drop after another, but his body was as cold as ice, and his soul felt that the Taoist whose direction he could not identify began to appear everywhere. But if you look carefully, you can only see "one".

"In the old days of Taichu, even if a poor person didn't care about human affairs, if he saw a practitioner like you, he would easily get rid of him. It has nothing to do with right or wrong, good or evil, just because of preference."

The Taoist's voice seemed to come from an extremely far away place, making Qu Yanping's prostrate body even more nervous.

"In the old days of the Middle Ages, your existence or not had nothing to do with me. Everything in the world has its own cause and effect."

Qu Yanping was delighted when he heard this, but he still didn't dare to make any mistakes.

Then, in the void where chaos evolved, Qu Yanping felt the surge of time, the rushing of water, and the birth of order out of chaos.

"Get up."

After the Taoist spoke, Qu Yanping was as happy as if he had been pardoned. He stood up respectfully and tried to say a few words for himself:

"I am forgiven by the Heavenly Lord. I have never done anything bad since I entered this world. All the karma I have accumulated in the past is my fault. If I succeed in cultivating the Tao in the future, I am willing to do everything I can to make up for it."

He didn't know why Yuanshi Tianzun spared his life, but as long as he could survive, he was willing to change his ways and do good deeds from now on.

"Haha." Yuanshi Tianzun just smiled softly, as if he didn't take his words to heart, then picked up the Eye of God, looked at it, and said to Qu Yanping: "That is all for the future. Now, Yang Jian ,Come here."

Yang Jian? !

Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun is also here? !

He looked around hurriedly, and what he could see was the mist that contained everything, and there seemed to be all kinds of possibilities, pasts and futures in it.

"Why don't you come over?" Yuanshi Tianzun's voice was stern but not scary, like a kind elder questioning the younger generation's faults.

Qu Yanping was stunned for a long time. It wasn't until he confirmed again that he realized that the other party was looking at him with a half-smile.

His eyes widened and his mouth opened slightly. The blood in his body seemed to have stopped flowing briefly at this moment. A sense of absurdity spread throughout his body, and he couldn't believe what the other person said at all.

‘Tianzun is calling me? ’

‘I am Yang Jian? ! ’


"I don't know if I'm being used as a chess player." Yuanshi Tianzun's tone was slightly reproachful. A bright light shot out from the ancient bronze lamp in front of him, and penetrated into Qu Yanping before he could react. out of his mind.

[The origin of the magical power of the Heavenly Eye is Ji Juchang, the Taiqing Emperor. The so-called chance is that the other party does it intentionally. Every move will be transmitted back to the Hengyu Realm. All of your actions can be affected by the other party. I am.]

"A chess piece?" Qu Yanping's lips turned white and his blood was gone. He didn't expect that he had always been a chess piece in the hands of the indescribably precious Emperor Ji in the legend of the Hengyu world, used to explore this world. piece!

"I see."

"I see."

Now it all makes sense, why over the years, from time to time, I have behaved in ways that are completely inconsistent with my own behavior, and why when I see the wonders of heaven, I will ignore the danger to satisfy my sudden curiosity.

It's all because I am a chess piece that can be discarded at any time. Why did I encounter those things in mortal novels in the cave of Hengyu Realm.

"Tianzun, I." Before Qu Yanping could finish his words, another light from the dense Qing Ming penetrated into his body. He felt itchy between his brows, and then there was a divine eye under the celestial eye that was run by runes. Gold lines appear.

"The remnants in the long river of time have actually come up with a good show, turning the eye of heaven they know into reality and delivering it to you. It's a pity." Yuanshi Tianzun pinched the eye of the god in his hand into endless glow, as if to declare the fact:

"The success fell short."

"From now on, you will be Yuxu's disciple, Yang Jian!"

Qu Yanping's heart trembled. He didn't know why he suddenly turned into the legendary god, and he didn't know what Yuanshi Tianzun meant by doing this.

"The matters in Hengyu Realm, whether it's grudges or karma, it's up to you to resolve them in the future." As soon as Yuanshi Tianzun finished speaking, another golden light flew like a meteor from the newly opened universe.

Qu Yanping raised his hand to catch it and found that the meteor was actually a token.

"Later, you can use this token to relearn the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques." After Yuanshi Tianzun finished speaking, his figure was no longer elusive, but transformed into a handsome young man in black Taoist robes and came to Qu Yanping. Staring at him condescendingly.

"Re-me." A possibility flashed through Qu Yanping's mind, and then he denied himself and asked in fear: "May I ask Tianzun, am I the reincarnation of God Erlang?"

After saying this, even Qu Yanping himself didn't believe it. He just didn't understand why Yuanshi Tianzun did this.

‘Are you worthy? ’ Meng Qi despised it in his heart, hid the Azure Jade Void Sword in his arms, turned around and borrowed the resonance between the two, and at the same time let the power that could not be completely absorbed be filled, showing a scene that would open up the world.

He slowly walked around in the void, while letting his true self appear in front of the camera as much as possible, slowly opened his mouth, and recited the lines:

"After the ancient disaster of destruction, all realms collapsed and merged with each other. Countless beings at the apex of their respective worlds fell one after another. Places such as the Nine Netherworld, the Underworld, the Sea of ​​Reincarnation, and the Underworld could not accommodate the souls of so many powerful people, nor could they survive their reincarnations. As a result, the six realms collapsed, and countless ghosts opened the door to the underworld."

"There are also soulless beings who have returned from the ancient times relying on the memories of sentient beings and their own way. However, the long river of time has been cut off, the main road has been obliterated, and the blood of heaven has blocked the ancient history. Therefore, they turned themselves into the long river of time in the new world. .”

"Ghosts contaminated with the aura of reincarnation merge into the residue of the long river of time in order to survive. They are immortal and immortal. They are immortal evil creatures."

"In times of crisis, two friends from another world sacrificed their lives and used themselves as tombs to suppress eternity. They built a tombstone on the remains of the old world, so that the river of time cannot interfere with the new world."

"Yang Jian had fallen into a deep sleep after the battle, but he saw that the world had turned into hell, and evil ghosts were rampant in the world, so he found the ruins of the underworld, replaced his own divine power with the endless power of reincarnation, and at the same time used the stars as his body to His soul is connected with the life paths of all beings, turning into a star god who patrols the life paths."

Along with the blue stars rising around Yuanshi Tianzun, there seemed to be countless stars in the newly opened universe. Those stars turned into existences that looked like humans, beasts, gods, and indescribables, and the avenue of the universe flowed through it.

The creation of the world is in these words and deeds, casually, this is the existence of the supreme realm! ?

Following Yuanshi Tianzun's words, Qu Yanping understood why that kind of monster appeared in the long river of time, and why that kind of monster could stop the long river of time at will.

He himself is part of the river of time!

What is the Disaster of Destruction?

Why did these ancient powerful men fall one after another?

This world has a complex power system and so many resources. Is it because it is a new world born from the corpses of all the worlds? !

But why did they, in the long river of time, give themselves the eyes of the gods before? !

"The Hunting Star God was infected by the power of reincarnation, and he only relied on a law to hunt down the undead evil creatures. But now, with the collapse of the sword tomb, the two undead evil creatures merged. He has lost consciousness and magical powers and is already on his own. "Yuanshi Tianzun projected a picture, on which was a god-man composed of golden light and stars. He occasionally acted, sometimes was sluggish, and had no self-awareness.

"What about you?" Qu Yanping understood the reason and tentatively asked, "What if it was you who took action?"

"Pindao has passed away long ago." [Yuanshi Tianzun] Meng Qi smiled and said: "What you see now is just a trace of thoughts left by Pindao."

Just a thought! It wasn't until this moment that Qu Yanping felt the power of these supreme beings. How could a single thought reach this level? !

"In the first half of your life, you used any means to achieve your goals. As long as you could gain power, you did not care about the reason. You fell into the devil's path and regarded ordinary people as stupid dogs."

"Now, Pindao will give you a chance. From now on, you will be Yang Jian, not a reincarnation."

"I want you to absorb the existence of the hunter who devours him, and run for the people of all worlds, and hunt for these things."

"The immortal ghost!"

Meng Qi waved his sleeves, and a three-pointed, two-edged sword that was incomplete, had an ancient aura, and was full of cracks fell from the sky, heading straight for Qu Yanping with enough power to destroy the world.

"The cause of cultivating the Heavenly Eye and the fruit of the wonderful way to clear the source, Yang Jian! Are you enlightened?!"

Qu Yanping did not hesitate, he understood that this was an opportunity, an opportunity for him to reach the sky in one step!

Demonic way? Villain? Ha ha ha ha

When he becomes the True Lord of Qingyuan Miaodao, everything in the past will disappear.

Qu Yanping caught the three-pointed two-edged sword and knelt down on one knee towards Yuanshi Tianzun: "Yang Jian takes the order!"

Meng Qi smiled slightly, and the chaos of the surrounding universe was like a curtain being pulled into his body: "You have to remember that although Pindao died, he will return sooner or later from the legends of the heavens and the world. If you find out in the future You failed in your mission."

"Yang Jian deserves to die!" Qu Yanping said righteously: "Please don't worry, Master!"

"That's right." Meng Qi raised his hand, and a portal appeared next to Qu Yanping: "Go and join this hunt. Any rights and wrongs you have had in the past are nothing but necessary sacrifices in the face of this great achievement."

"Yes!" Qu Yanping stepped into the blue portal without hesitation. The next moment, he appeared on a barren land made of bronze.

The golden lines between his eyebrows cracked, and the Eye of God reappeared on his forehead. The token in Qu Yanping's hand was shining brightly, and illusory stairs appeared, as if to lead him to the infinite heights of the sky.

At the same time, a Taoist technique of refining the false and turning it real appeared in his mind, which was how to devour the fate of "hunting".

The corners of his mouth twitched, as if he wanted to laugh loudly, but he still restrained his emotions because he didn't know if the Yuanshi Tianzun was still looking at him.

"The right way? The devil's way? The way of hunting!" Qu Yanping walked along the illusory stairs, reciting poems about this world in his mouth. Years of depression were wiped away: "Isn't the golden scale a thing in the pond? It will melt when it touches the water. dragon!

On the screen of Shuijingfeng, the scene was progressing to Qu Yanping walking into the portal.

Then, the disappeared Yuan Shitian appeared again, but this time, layers of darkness appeared around him.

"Yuanshi Tianzun? Yuanshi Tianzun?! Hahaha" Yuanshi Tianzun covered his face and laughed, the laughter echoed melodiously, ups and downs irregularly: "It's been a long time since I heard it, and someone still calls me Yuanshi Tianzun!"

"Yes, I am Yuan Shi!" The eyes of the handsome young man he transformed into shed blood and tears, the yin energy and filth condensed, and the yin and yang fish under his feet gradually turned into a completely black color.

The black Taoist robe on his body turned into a robe woven with light, but the image looked extremely strange. The dark evil energy burst out and dyed the world with a layer of ink color.

"Before the era has not come to an end, I am indeed Yuanshi Tianzun hahahaha."

He transformed back into the image of a Taoist priest that could not be described in words and could not tell whether he was old or young. He looked up at the sky and said coldly:

"I am now"

"Yuanshi Demon!!!"

The mist emerged, one after another, and the newly evolved world was full of devastation and death.

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