I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

Chapter 285 Su Lin: Meng Qi, your camera is here

After finishing a short period of filming, while the protagonist entered the next copy of the matryoshka doll, everyone came to Shuijing Peak to watch the edited scene above.

"Hey." Xing pointed at the progress bar and said, "Although I was born not long ago, I know this is called a TV series, right?"

"My name is neither Hey nor Chu Yuxun." Su Lin was enjoying the tea and water served by his own historical projection. He turned over in the special armchair and said lazily: "As long as it can be shown in the cinema, Then it’s a movie.”

"No movie theater would show this kind of thing." Irena complained: "It's not like I haven't watched TV series and movies in your world."

"They will broadcast it." Su Lin pointed to the rows of monks not far ahead and said: "Guess how many theaters and industries these rich guys have? It's easier for me to solve it here. Well, the TV series Fighting Po Sangqiong was played for 24 hours continuously without asking."

"What's wrong with the TV series Fighting the Sphere?" Xiao Yan turned around and asked.

"It's nothing. The special effects are very nice and the horses are pretty good too." Su Lin gave a thumbs up: "But our shots are a little better than his."

"Oh." Xiao Yan turned around with a strange look on his face. He always felt that there was something in Su Lin's words, but the monk in the row in front was feeding dog food and he immediately forgot about the problem.

‘No, I must bring Xun’er here next time. ’

If Xun'er is by his side at this time, he can hold Xun'er's hand and watch a movie like a young couple on earth.

But there is still a question, what is the situation with Queen Medusa?

After struggling for a while, Xiao Yan still focused on the movie above.

What was playing on the screen was yesterday's follow-up plot.

Gu Yue Fang Yuan, played by Su Lin, and the protagonist and his group went to the outside of the sword formation that blocked all means of forcible entry, preparing to watch the saint activate her ability to sacrifice her own life force and fulfill the wishes of others.

According to the methods of the Holy Light Church, the Saint will not die. In order to be able to "use" the Saint for a long time, they have exhausted all means. The Saint who has been suffering great pain every time she fulfills her unimaginable wish. , a part of one's own soul will be stripped off, and then it will be repaired in a hazy way over a long period of time.

A prop, a prop given by God to maintain their rule. Although when asked about that god, the attitude of the top leaders of these churches was somewhat ambiguous.

After all, it is well known that no matter which realm it is, in order to prevent the existence of the supreme realm from fighting with each other and triggering the destruction of all heavens and realms, those supreme beings have not appeared for countless years. They only occasionally speak orally, or will show great power in times of crisis. .

Two rows of angel guards wearing red armor clashed with each other with swords raised high above their heads. The saint played by Illya wore a pure white sacred robe and came to the center of the ceremony's formation accompanied by senior officials of the Holy Light Church.

She finally looked back at the starship direction of the Three Realms Allied Forces camp, and her inner voice sounded in the screen: "I don't know how many years it will be before I wake up again. At least let me take this opportunity to make a wish, and wish you and your junior sister." .'

'happiness. ’

The saint who turned around closed her eyes and flew to the center of the formation under the influence of the ritual. Along with the chanting of prayers, colorful particles rose up. In the gorgeous light, a kind of crystal condensation was similar to that of endless years ago. On countless sword tombstones.

The sword energy disappeared and dissolved, and the saint's soul state was also revealed. The soul began to be gradually stripped away, and the memories of her and the sword cultivator disappeared bit by bit.

At the same time, the camera switched to the swordsman played by Emiya Shirou.

The room was kept spotless, and Jian Xiu was taking a shower and changing clothes.

"Dude, you're not a scumbag, are you?"

"It's over, it's definitely after the fact."

"Crying of pure love."

"Heh, man."

There was a lot of discussion. If Su Lin hadn't given small transparent buffs to the chat group participants except Song Shuhang, the red-haired guy sitting in the front row would have covered his face with clothes by now.

However, this evaluation did not last long, because after tying up his hair, the swordsman played by Emiya Shirou changed into black clothes and took out a golden page with wet ink stains on it.

He put the letter on the table and turned to leave.

Sunlight shines into the house from the window, and there is a line of neat font written on it - [Shushan traitor, betrayed the sect today, established his own sect, and pursued the swordsmanship in his heart]

Jian Xiu opened the door and met the junior sister in the corridor outside the house. He said hello with a normal expression and was about to leave when he was stopped.

"Is she better than me?" Junior Sister asked.

"She is willful and unreasonable, and will hit and kill you at every turn. But you are gentle, considerate, generous and kind, so naturally you are better." Jian Xiu stopped and said even though he did not look back, he said seriously. .

"Then why did you reject me last night..." The junior sister clenched her hands into fists and placed them on her heart.

"I don't know either." The sword cultivator pushed open the opposite door, a ray of gold shone in his eyes, and a little white light flickered in the amber pupils:

"It's like I don't know what's wrong with my sword. It seems that if she is not by my side, I will be unable to move forward with the sword in the future."

"This is probably the so-called magic, right? What an annoying guy. He's obviously a saint and yet he cast a strange witchcraft on me."

"Curse and magic are not the same thing. You obviously only cared about swordsmanship before!" The little junior sister suddenly dropped her hands, leaving a tear in the corner of her eye, and threw a sword in her hand: "Get out of here, we are going back to the sect! "

"The White Emperor Sword, a rare artifact of heaven given to you by Master." The sword cultivator looked at his hand in astonishment, then showed a smile and said, "Thank you, junior sister."

Seeing the opponent's figure disappearing like a mirror, the sword cultivator stepped onto the deck of the starship facing the light, while six young and handsome male and female sword cultivators stood on both sides. One of them, a man who looked like an immortal, opened a scroll and Then, hundreds of magic weapons with different auras flew into the scroll and became patterns drawn with ink pens.

"I will tell Master that you have subdued demons." He gathered up the scroll and threw it to the sword cultivator, saying: "Those who bully my sect disciples are all evil demons. Anyway, you are the one who got rid of the demons from the sword tomb." Take the weapons you found."

[Tian Xing Sword, Bai Dai Kun Wu, Six Paths of Pearl and Moon, Sun and Moon Divine Breath, Dragon's Roar in the Box, Night and Fire, Seven Deadly Sins]

"You guys." Jian Xiu glanced at the scroll in his hand and bit his lower lip with difficulty: "Thank you."

A trace of sword light wraps the sword cultivator inside like a silkworm spinning silk.

At this time, the steady and somewhat chivalrous voice-over began to explain the thoughts of the junior brothers and sisters.

'The forbidden method is to feed the sword with the body. This is a retrograde spell. Shushan disciples will never use it until the last moment, because no one can keep the body from breaking down after raising the killing sword from the source. The best The ending is just to turn into a sword spirit, even the person who created this magic is the same. ’

‘Except for one kind of person, a person who possesses sword heart, sword soul, and sword bone is himself a sword. ’

'Those bullies have no idea who they are threatening.'

‘This is the most outstanding disciple of Shushan in thousands of years! ’


The volume gradually increased, and the sound of the sword's cry was harmonized from noisy to the same thick frequency. In an instant, the cocoon transformed by the sword energy melted like spring snow.

A figure appeared with long red hair hanging down. The white satin originally used to tie the hair was tied around his eyes. There was a small silver-white sword pattern in the center of his eyebrows, and he was holding a seven-foot long sword with the energy of Gengjin compressed to the extreme.

"You leave as soon as possible."

As soon as the sword cultivator finished speaking, he took a step forward, and his whole body turned into a white rainbow and flew toward the center of the sword tomb who didn't know how many miles away.

And the scene turned to the Saint. She instinctively wanted to gather those memories, and wanted other memories to replace the damage. But no matter how hard she tried, the first thing to be destroyed as a price was always the most precious part of her. Every minute and every second since they met.

"Don't take it away! Please! Don't take it away!" Seemingly numb, she finally started to panic and stretched out her hands in her conscious space.

But she can realize any wish, except her own wish.

The saint was heartbroken, and finally her consciousness sank into darkness, choosing to face it by escaping.



The sound of gold and iron intertwined, and the strong wind rippled, accompanied by angry shouts and panic, shock and howling

The environment where she could hear the silver needle hitting the ground just now became extremely noisy. She opened her eyes slightly, but she saw the stumbling guards in prepared postures, and hundreds of miles away, there were continuous waves of remnants above the clouds. Broken limbs fell from the sky.

The white rainbow flashes, and the sky is startled.

The soul in the starry sky shocked the gods and demons with a single strike of sword.

Su Lin looked at Shirou Emiya, who was killing everyone on the screen and gaining many emotional fans, and suddenly felt a little regretful. Shouldn't he have secretly acted behind the scenes to add drama to him?

I originally thought that with a dedicated mentality, I could exchange my acting skills, psychology proficiency, and actor's self-cultivation proficiency from the systematic living area, and I could successfully win the title of a powerful actor in this simulated universe movie.

Didn't expect

"Come on!!!"

"Brother Yu Jian, come on!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Heaven and earth... uh uh"

"Stop the mouth of Dharma King Creation!"

"Quiet! Hush!"

This group of monks didn't care about intrigues at all, and even the close-up of his micro-expression when the camera turned to him was just a gain - "Master, that big brother is so scary." "Don't imitate him, everyone will kill such monks when they encounter them. "

Su Lin gritted his teeth and sighed: "Abominable rice circle culture."

But then he glanced at Shirou Emiya, who was sitting in the front row and was blushing as Illya hugged his neck and launched a special attack, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously raised an exaggerated angle.

It’s not a loss, it’s more interesting. How about going to the other side’s world next time to read Fuyuki’s love story.

Lu Mingfei suddenly shuddered, looked around, locked his eyes on Su Lin, and followed his gaze.

So, he stood up and passed by Shirou Emiya, gave him a sympathetic look, and said in a broken Japanese accent:

"Yo Xi! Wei Sang, your hometown sakura is open, Smecta."

Emiya Shirou: "???"

"He means that you performed well." Klein explained from the side: "You are very talented in acting, and you are worthy of being a man who can grow into the Fuyuki actor in the future."

"Can you forget about that awkward guy?" Emiya Shirou remembered that the man in red with a back looked a little disgusted. At the same time, he struggled a little and blushed: "Hey, Illya, you are hugging me too tightly."

"Really?" Illya tilted her head, pointed at the screen in confusion and said, "Didn't you ask me to do this?"

In the picture on the screen, the swordsman who fought bloody battles was holding the scarred saint in his arms. The fatigue visible to the naked eye did not cover up the happy smile.

"Why do you come to me again at this time!" The saint left a few lines of tears, "Obviously. Obviously I always argue with you and still don't let you practice swordsmanship."

"Obviously. I've already said that I don't want to see you again!"

"I don't know either." The sword cultivator slashed down an angel guard with a broken wing with one hand and said slowly: "But I always feel that if you are not by my side, practicing the sword will be in vain."

"Hold me tight and never let go."

Emiya Shirou held his head, almost burying it in his legs.

‘Master Tunyun, look what you have done! ! ! ’

Although his scene with Illya is almost over, doesn't this have too great an impact on reality? !

‘Obviously I just asked him to arrange an insignificant supporting role to make Ilia happy, but why did I change it along with my previous script? ! ’

‘And I told you, she’s my sister! Why would you assign such a role to your sister? ’

‘Shouldn’t I have a background board from the beginning? It's very bad.' Shirou Emiya stood up and looked back at Su Lin's position. The moment they met each other's eyes, Su Lin waved to him, but his heart was full of guilt and uneasiness: 'You have caused trouble to Su Lin. ’

Su Lin retracted his hand, patted the snack crumbs on his clothes and stood up from the chair.

The picture on the screen has come to a scene where the saint is in a desperate situation, relying on the power of her wish to escape to the center of the sword tomb with the sword cultivator, and the saint, who has lost the help of the church, is dying because of this wish.

In despair, the sword cultivator discovered a sword with a snow-white hilt in front of the broken giant tree. Following the guidance and call in his heart, he pulled out the divine sword.

The void and the world began to shatter with him as the center, and countless fragments of past lives appeared in his and the saint's minds.

The sword tomb in the outside world began to collapse and shatter, and the long river of time that was forcibly suppressed by the wonders of heaven was surging forward. Although it occasionally declined due to the methods of those strong men, in the end after the sword tomb disappeared, the giant of time who had lost the greatest seal would all The person is caught in the hand.

Including Qu Yanping, Gu Yue Fangzheng and others.

And beyond the layers of bubbles and the infinite void, in the world where the deformed time giant originated, there was a giant god who traveled on the bronze earth. A gap opened between his eyebrows, and the divine light of the eye of the god burst out. Make chains of laws, transcending the boundaries of time and space and coming to the void where the time giant is.

He grabbed these chains and pulled them back, and the giant of time was pulled back from the void like a powerless child.

It seemed that the Time Giant's action this time angered Him. He condensed a three-pointed two-edged halberd in his hand and threw it toward the sky. The Time Giant, which even the magical objects could not completely suppress that day, was shattered into pieces of illusory tides, from The sky drops.

It was sprinkled on dozens of black dragon corpses the size of mountains.

Sprinkled on the dark red soil where blood had solidified.

Sprinkled on the 10,000-meter-high bronze altar.

The gray ocean, the sun twisted into a creature, and the golden monument engraved with mysterious words.

And, on top of an ancient bronze coffin.

Su Lin appeared at the position where Qu Yanping was about to free fall, and he issued a cross-border talisman application to Meng Qi.

Su Lin: "Xiao Fei Guan is not coming to the camera. Hurry up and open the door."

Meng Qi: "Come on!"

A portal emitting blue light appeared on the ground in a flat form, and with a swish, Qu Yanping fell into it.

Meng Qi: [Picture]

Meng Qi: "You call this a camera?!!!"

Su Lin: "Don't mess up. If the devil appears, pretend I didn't tell you."

I hope the other party is bolder and maybe can save some effort. Forget it, let’s be smaller. After all, the filming is about to be finished.

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