"In order to cope with the impact of the long river of time, everyone must stay in the starship?" Su Lin looked in the mirror and gave himself a hairstyle:

"That's just a reason that a bunch of incompetent actors came up with just to take advantage of the situation."

"While our Mr. Qu was practicing hard in his room, these guys were eating, drinking and having fun outside and playing a few games of mahjong."

"I don't deny that we eat, drink, have fun and play mahjong, but..." Xiao Yan put on an ancient robe, and a warm and bright white flame burned fiercely in his hand, "We spend more time on practicing, but you, I feel that your cultivation has not improved for a long time, is it because you have become bored with things?"

Any lasting influence and derivative products created by the power given by God will disappear the moment Su Lin cancels it. The knowledge will leave no trace, and the power gained from it will also disappear.

To put it bluntly, if you want to rely on God's will to fight and cause trouble, it's okay to be a fat tiger in this world, but if you want to have bugs, you can't do it.

Of course, there are always exceptions, so I went into the restaurant with programmer Ah San, wrote down the name of the dish, and ordered stir-fried river beef instead of eating beef.

The sword tomb in front of me is similar to this product.

Although there is no ridiculous cultivation time difference of ten thousand years in an instant or a hundred years in one day, nor can he feel the same flow of time as the 'protagonist' of the VIP experience, during this period of time and space, Xiao Yan has cultivated into a Dou Huang , Ye Fan ate up 1/10 of his family property again, Li Ge went into retreat directly on Shuijing Peak, not even participating in eating, drinking and having fun, and only occasionally bubbled up in the group.

Klein and Song Shuhang were not idle either. In addition to checking in on time and popularizing science settings for the 'protagonist', and encouraging the protagonist to stabilize his mentality, they were busy with various things the rest of the time.

However, the cultivation path of these people in the group is not the Shilipo Sword God type, so most of the time they go out to relax.

"What you said makes sense." Su Lin changed his face into the black hair and black eyes of 'Gu Yue Fang Yuan', and nodded: "Dark blue, add a little more."

A ray of light fell from the sky, a strong wind blew, and a suit of black clothes rustled in the strong wind. The avenue of time surrounded him. His right hand was slightly raised, and there was a strong flow of immortal power on his fingertips.

"Alas." Seeing Su Lin's casual look, Xiao Yan sighed, turned into the face of 'Guyue Fangzheng', and said: "I'm telling you seriously, forget it, good brother, give me one too. "

"It's not that I don't want to improve my body, but there seems to be something wrong with my body." Su Lin snapped his fingers, raising Xiao Yan's temporary cultivation level to an extremely terrifying level.

"Can you still encounter problems?" Xiao Yan looked like you were teasing me and said, "Today is not April Fool's Day."

"Let's talk about it later. Let's settle things here first." Su Lin shrugged and flew towards the passage of the Sword Tomb.

After taking a short vacation, Su Lin, who was practicing again, didn't notice anything strange at first. However, as his cultivation gradually improved, the golden elixir and Yuanying in his body started to fight again.

Although these two things would not hurt him if they fought.

But what should you do if someone is playing basketball next to you while you are practicing, and the sound of the basketball is like a stereo with the highest volume? Go up and give him a set of five lightning whips?

Before Su Lin entered the passage, he took one last melancholy look at the blue sky. He was not worried that he would not be able to improve his strength if he could not practice. The system also had high-priced infusions. Buying high-priced exercises would give you a matching cultivation level.

‘But that’s money! Every bit of it was earned through my hard work! This way is definitely not possible. ’

‘I don’t believe it anymore, these two things can’t be cured. ’

‘If you’re in a hurry, change your account! Rebuild! ’

‘In my situation, there is a 100% probability of eradicating the influence of chaos and improving the whole body’s qualifications. The cheapest item seems to be the Forgotten Spring Water. 30W? Are you trying to steal money? ! ’

‘Spirit Realm Holy Spring, 41W comes with marrow cleansing and pseudo-Spiritual physique. Isn’t this what I originally planned for Zhongli to use? ! ’


‘Forget it, they are all our own children, give me another chance’

Qu Yanping no longer knows how long he has been traveling in the Sword Tomb. To be honest, for a practitioner, this environment is not bad.

It would be better if there weren't these weird things.

He touched the Eye of God on his head. What was certain was that he was entangled by a terrifying monster. As for what the other party's purpose was.

Is it to break free from the long river of time? Complete your unfulfilled last wish?


He glanced at the sea of ​​sword energy outside and the infinite sword under the sea. If he was asked to lift the seal of that powerful man, he would be in big trouble.

After spying on the river of time, Qu Yanpingzhi described the origin of the sword tomb, but he didn't mention a word about the person in the river of time.

Fortunately, the people from the Church of the Fool were not vegetarians. They sensed something from him. They learned some information through divination and gave him some means to block that person's sight.

‘Are the so-called fools also of that level? No, it must be. According to the clues and hidden information discovered in the Garden of Eden, the Fool may also be a terrifying monster. ’

'If only they could fight each other, dog eat dog. ’

Boom, boom, boom!

"Mr. Qu, we have reached the boundary of the deep area of ​​the Sword Tomb. Don't worry, the river of time has been completely cut off by the sword energy here." Merlin Hermes's voice sounded outside.

Qu Yanping breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

Opening the door and walking out of the room, many monks stood in the corridor and walked out.

Probably because these people are at least 'true immortals', there is not much fatigue or stress on their faces, as if everything they have experienced is not worth mentioning.


He looked at the gap between himself and these immortals, not only in terms of cultivation, but also in their calmness in dealing with danger.

Qu Yanping thinks that his Taoist heart has been infinitely firm since he embarked on the path of heretical cultivation. However, in the past, he had almost nothing. Now that he has had many opportunities, his Taoist heart has become somewhat shaken.

So what if the road ahead is full of dangers? It's just a matter of surviving in the cracks like before.

The greater the risk, the greater the reward.

"Have you heard? There is news from the talisman, and we have contacted the immortals who first entered this place. We will reach the temporary camp they established in three hours."

"Have they received any information about the Sword Tomb? This place is too weird. The last time I encountered such a terrifying place was in the ruins of Xian Qin. The entire underground country is full of immortal-level terracotta warriors and horses."

"There is no useful information yet, but I heard that several unknown worlds are also exploring the Sword Tomb. The first group of monks had some conflicts with each other at the beginning, but they are better now and are at least willing to establish diplomatic relations with us. , explore together.”

"The top priority is to find ways to establish new gates and spread the news."

The communication between these immortals did not hide the thoughts of others, so Qu Yanping naturally listened attentively to the news in the crowd.

"The appearance of Time Changhe was too sudden this time, and the losses were heavy, but the Three Realms Allied Forces are so anxious. I think that besides the value of the Sword Tomb, there should be some other secrets."

"Silence! These matters are not something we can discuss. We, the casual cultivators, came here voluntarily to explore with the Allied Forces of the Three Realms. We want to find an opportunity! But no one is forcing us!"

"Yes, I know."

Qu Yanping frowned inadvertently. What the other party said was exactly what he expected. Even in a secret realm like Sword Tomb, it was a bit strange for the powerful to assemble the coalition forces like this.

It seems that even if you become an immortal, you cannot escape the law of the jungle. This group of coalition forces should have a special role on the powerful chessboard.

It's just a pity that those immortals and gods, who have practiced many times and gone through many catastrophes, are just buried in the long river of time and completely destroyed.

"Liu Jianyi, where did your junior sister go?" A Confucian Immortal asked a somewhat lazy Immortal: "Isn't she also on this star boat?"

"It fell into the river of time." Liu Jianyi replied nonchalantly: "After the news spreads, let Master go and fish it out. I'm so tired. If I had known, I would have fallen in too. I still have to explore with you. This sword tomb.”

Qu Yanping: "."

what's the situation? Is there a second-generation top immortal here?

This idea did not stay in his mind for too long, because at this time all the people in the starship had arrived on the deck, and a golden immortal with a lotus mark between his eyebrows said:

"When we get to the camp later, we must pay attention. Among the great worlds we are in contact with, there is a world that also has a heaven, but they are Gu Immortals, and the information is here. We must be careful when the time comes."

"According to information from the Gu Realm Heavenly Court, a peerless demon from their world has also come to Sword Tomb. Now I will pass on the portrait and information to you. You should pay attention to the person in the portrait, although you may not be able to see his true appearance. But be careful, even if you meet, you can’t provoke the other person!”

"If there is any news, please report it as soon as possible."

When the golden immortal described it, Qu Yanping's heart skipped a beat, and a piece of information entered his mind.

[The Heavenly Refining Demon Lord: Gu Yue Fang Yuan]

"There is a destiny commander in the Gu Realm Heaven who looks very similar to Gu Yue Fang Yuan. Don't admit it." Jin Xian sent another message.

[Lord of the Demon-Slaying List: Gu Yue Fangzheng]

Qu Yanping looked at Gao Sheng calmly. The other person's eyes were wide open with a look of horror on his face. Sensing Qu Yanping's gaze, Gao Sheng turned his head, opened his mouth but said nothing in the end.

[Seven days after arriving in the inner domain of Sword Tomb. 】

"Brother Qu, Brother Gao, I'm relieved to see you two are fine."

In a floating city hundreds of miles away, in the fortress of Gu Realm Heavenly Court, Gu Yue Fang Yuan was playing with a jade sculpture in his hand with a smile, and greeted Qu Yanping enthusiastically.

"Brother, please take your time and chat. I have to go out and do some business." Gu Yue Fangzheng led Qu Yanping and Gao Sheng into a secret room made of gold and jade, nodded to them, closed the door and left.

Even Qu Yanping didn't expect that when the people from the Church of the Fool went out to explore the news and had no time to follow him like a dog-skin plaster, he and Gao Sheng originally wanted to find out something from Gu Yue Fangzheng, but they didn't expect that the other party would Brought here.

"How should I call you, Brother Gu Yue, or Demon Lord Liantian?" Qu Yanping understood what was going on after a moment's thought.

Most likely like Gao Sheng, when outsiders come in, they will replace the corresponding identities in Penglai. Therefore, when Gu Yue Fang Yuan entered this place, he and his brother began to join forces.

"The Demon Lord is mighty, please spare my life." Gao Sheng smiled and begged for mercy: "I didn't expect Brother Gu Yue to be a super evil existence in this world, so terrifying, so terrifying!"

"What Heaven Refining Demon Lord?" Gu Yue Fang Yuan smiled helplessly and said, "I'm really confused. Except for some things I heard in Fang Zheng's ears, I don't have any memories of the past after I took on this identity."

"I've heard a lot of rumors about Lord Demon Lord along the way." Qu Yanping said with admiration in his eyes: "The things you did are really a model for the devil."

What he heard these past few days made Qu Yanping seem to see his past figure, but this 'Gu Yue Fang Yuan' did something more ruthless than him.

"Brother Qu, Brother Gao, you two, please stop teasing me." Gu Yue Fang Yuan waved his hands, looking like he couldn't resist: "How could I do those things that are harmful to nature? The setting imposed on me by this illusion is terrible. It’s hurting me.”

"Sit down, I know you have many questions in your mind. Although I am not talented, I have gained something by relying on my cultivation in this illusion."

After some exchanges, Qu Yanping obtained a lot of useful information from Gu Yue Fang Yuan.

This fantasy world is somewhat similar to what it was like in ancient times, when the world had not experienced the great destruction, but there are also many differences. For example, there are many differentiated worlds that appear to be the embodiment of legends spread around the earth, and there are also some unique small worlds that have never been heard of before. .

The concept of heavenly wonders exists in countless worlds in this illusion, and the heavenly wonders here are absolutely real and can even be brought out of the illusion.

If the monk who enters here has a corresponding fantasy identity, he will directly replace it and obtain his cultivation level, but there will be no other memories, whether it is interpersonal relationships or past experiences, none of them can be retained. Just like you took away the people of this world.

The fundamental reason why the swords in the Sword Tomb cannot be obtained at will is the ocean of sword energy above those swords. Every sword, regardless of its grade, has a sword force that is linked to the ocean of sword energy. The hair moves the whole body. Although monks with strong cultivation base can take away some swords that are not too strong in quality, the risks always outweigh the rewards. The stronger the sword, the stronger the sword energy impact will be.

"But it's not impossible. Occasionally, some swords will be left behind when the river of time ebbs. That's an opportunity." Gu Yue Fang Yuan took out a gold and silver long sword that exuded a deep chill and said, "For example, This weapon."

After communicating for a while, Qu Yanping asked the question in his mind:

"Brother Fang Yuan, why do you think this world is false? The world here has a complete history, and everything is extremely real..."

He was interrupted by Gao Sheng before he finished speaking.

"Brother Qu." Gao Sheng looked at Qu Yanping with a complicated expression and said:

"If this is the real world, then we..."

"What is it?"

Qu Yanping was stunned. He didn't expect Gao Sheng to say such a thing.

"Gao Sheng here has a Taoist companion, a fairy that I don't know at all." Gao Sheng said with a solemn look on his face and cold eyes:

"If the world here is real, then who am I? A man who takes away his husband..."

"Extraterritorial Demon?"

There’s another chapter tonight that’s a little late…

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