Under Miss Tracy's meticulous care, Qu Yanping recovered quickly and has now been in the Garden of Eden for half a year.

The injury has fully recovered, but apart from retaining his physical strength, he cannot use any cultivation skills. During this period, he has made various attempts, but all ended in failure without exception.

Garden of Eden.

He had heard this name mentioned by many monks before, and the word also appeared in the common sense he had acquired among mortals.

This planet is the paradise in Western mythology, the paradise where all things first lived.

According to the information he obtained, the Garden of Eden had been completely destroyed in the ancient war, and its ruins had long been visited by many strong men. In the Western practice world, you can even enter by buying a ticket.

But what does this town look like to him now?

Prosperity and harmony, all intelligent creatures coexist peacefully here, and those rare races in mythology live here mixed with humans.

"If you can't finish it, I'll give you one." A ferocious dragon beast walked past Qu Yanping. He kindly took out a blue fruit the size of a human head and placed it in front of Qu Yanping.


Qu Yanping placed the fruit on the chair next to him, and the other party just interrupted his thinking.

This place doesn't even have a currency system. When you're hungry, you go to the woods to pick fruits, and when you're thirsty, you go to the river to fetch water. Producing items all depends on preference. Some creatures produce a bunch at a time and leave them on the roadside for others to pick up. Occasionally When encountering rare things, some creatures will use barter to exchange items.

"We clearly entered the Penglai ruins, why did it appear in the Garden of Eden?"

He has tried to deal with the extraordinary creatures here, but without exception, these extraordinary creatures do not know what is happening outside the Garden of Eden. To them, the Garden of Eden is the entire world.

And what chilled him the most was that two months ago, he once asked a giant dragon how big the Garden of Eden was, and the answer was infinite.

‘The great God created this vast paradise where all creatures in the world coexist harmoniously. ’

‘You asked me about the starry sky? There is nothing interesting in the starry sky, and those bare planets are not interesting at all. ’

For Qu Yanping, this is undoubtedly another bad news, which means two things.

The first point is that he is not trapped in a certain area on the earth, or even a secret place. It is very likely that he is on another planet or even a complete world.

The second point is that if nothing else happens, he will not be able to return to the previous place relying on his own strength.

Although he had no sense of belonging, he had no way to practice in the Garden of Eden.

what does that mean? This means that if he cannot return to his previous place or cannot find a way to practice, he will remain in the same place for the rest of his life without making any progress!

"Mr. Qu? I didn't expect to see you here. Good afternoon." A brown-haired man in a suit came from behind the fountain. He spoke in Chinese: "The sun is as bright today as it was yesterday."

"Mr. Jonas, I have said many times that instead of trying to find information about Eastern cultivators here, it is better to use your MI6 expertise to collect intelligence." Qu Yanping looked at the dazzling sun in the sky. With a smile on his lips, he said slowly:

"If there's a way out, I'd be happy to tell you some information. At least it will be valuable at that time."

There was always not only him who was "lost" in the Garden of Eden, but also many mortals on the earth.

Miss Tracy mentioned the word monk while chatting with her friends, and then these foreign intelligence agents came to her door.

It wasn't until he came into contact with these people that Qu Yanping knew that about half a month ago, a strange island would appear in the South Pacific at twelve o'clock every day. This island was twenty kilometers away from the Northern Mariana Islands. Location, only appears for an hour.

During this period, many adventurers and intelligence personnel from various countries who joined in the fun landed on the island.

According to these people’s descriptions, one year here is equal to one day in the outside world. The first people who came in lived here for a year and then met the people who came to the island the next day. However, this state has not always been like this. According to a mistake made more than ten years ago, Judging from the information provided by people who entered this place, the flow of time at that time was still normal.

"Just call me John, and you may have misunderstood me. I'm just here for afternoon tea. You seem a little anxious?"

John smiled. He was holding a suitcase in his hand. After sitting down next to Qu Yanping, he opened the suitcase and found a few pieces of bread, two white ear-hanging ceramic cups and a few packs of instant drinks.

"I have been here for almost ten years. It took me six years to find this city-state. I was twenty-seven years old when I first came here, but now I am thirty-seven."

While chatting, the other party leaned out and scooped a glass of water from the fountain behind him. After shaking the package twice, he tore open the package of the brewed drink.

"I heard that you Eastern cultivators can live forever after practicing until the end, and you can live a hundred years when you first start. Logically speaking, a cultivator like you shouldn't be anxious."

"After all, you have only been here for less than half a year, and you still have a lot of life left to waste."

"And I, if nothing else happens, will go to see God in a few decades. Well, luckily there is a God in this world, and I am in the Garden of Eden."

"Hey, do you think God will forgive me for the first half of my life? I once castrated a priest who liked little boys."

John handed a cup of brewed drink to Qu Yanping.

"Try it. If you don't drink it, the shelf life will expire. A beautiful afternoon should have a beautiful afternoon tea. This is our country's tradition."

"Those idiot sons of bitches in the logistics department actually prepared drinks for me with a shelf life of only 10 years, FXXK! Now my only thought is gone."

Qu Yanping did not refuse. He took the drink, glanced at the man next to him and said, "The fruits, crops, and even the water here have the effect of extending life. They can make you live hundreds of years, every day." It won’t be a problem if you drink it for a thousand years.”

"Wow." John Jonas raised his eyebrows and said in surprise: "I thought they were only over a hundred years old at most. After all, the oldest outsiders here were from Queen Victoria's time."

Qu Yanping didn't answer, and John didn't continue to look for topics. It seemed that as the other party said, he was here just to enjoy afternoon tea.

About half an hour later, John cleaned up at the sink. After wiping the cup with a rag in the box, he started to pack up and prepare to leave.

"An Oriental came to the Iris Hotel. He seems to be the same kind as you." After John finished speaking, he picked up his small suitcase and walked in the direction he came from.

Libraries, hotels, taverns, fountains, glass. These are all things brought by outsiders, and the creatures in the Garden of Eden love these foreign things.

"Same kind..." Qu Yanping's smile gradually faded: "Will it be Gao Sheng and the others?"

He was actually a little touched by Gao Sheng's sacrifice of his life to save Cun.

"But at this time, it would not do any good if it was promoted."

After all, the opponent is not very strong and does not have any magical artifacts from heaven, so he cannot help him get out of trouble.

He stood up and called to a five-meter giant eagle who was about to spread its wings and fly, and handed the blue fruit on the side to him.

"If it's convenient, please take me to the Iris Hotel in the west of the city."

"Come up here, I'm about to go over and fight."


"That unfortunate thing named Sanlang is back."

Suck it~

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Su Lin was eating instant noodles at the Shuijing Peak martial arts arena, while Klein was editing videos.

Su Lin was a little confused when he saw the edited video. He pointed at Kuangdao Sanlang who was breaking into the only church in Eden with Qu Yanping in the video to explore the truth.

"Why is Sanlang inside?"

"Random factors, he ran into the Eden City State a few days ago when it was still in closed beta, so he lived with the time perception bug and fooled cognition created by Amon for several years."

Klein felt that his DNA as a social animal had awakened again. It had been a long time since he had to work overtime at 11 o'clock. His unscrupulous colleagues fished in troubled waters while he was still fighting for his boss's family business.

"He seemed to be being chased, and he ignored the construction sign in a panic."

Song Shuhang on the side heard this and looked at Zhongli cautiously. His expression was calm and he didn't seem to have any anger at all.

"Senior Zhongli, I want to apologize on behalf of Senior Sanlang. He went a little too far this time." Song Shuhang thought for a moment before taking the initiative and said, "Is Senior Ping's health okay?"

"Well," Zhongli held his chin in thought for a few seconds and said, "I haven't come out of the obsession yet."

Song Shuhang broke into a cold sweat and asked again: "How are the other seniors? There are no sequelae, right?"

If it were the concert of Senior Dharma King Creation under normal conditions, then forget it, but

But that was the senior Dharma King of Creation who chose to cultivate immortality through music in this simulated universe, and reached the perfect level of false cultivation in the realm of perfect immortality!

Doudou even held a challenge where you could get a magical item from heaven if you persisted for one minute!

In order to recoup his money, he even told Senior Ping before the competition started that an immortal who was proficient in music was holding a concert, and gave him ten concert tickets in the name of visiting Senior!

Is that a concert? ! That is the Jedi, the forbidden area of ​​​​life! ! ! !

Originally, Douzhan Buddha Sect had prepared emergency measures to escort fellow Taoists out through sacrifice and nirvana, but Senior Sanlang actually welded the door shut.

The house leaked and it rained all night, so Yu Rouzi asked Dharma King Creation to play another song.

Su Lin was stunned for a moment, then realized: "I'm just telling you how the number of people who came to line up for resurrection that day was ten times as usual."

Zhongli nodded: "General Protector Yasha is still a little unwell, but the others are not seriously affected. As for the sequelae."

"That's good." Song Shuhang breathed a sigh of relief for Senior Sanlang.

"After a resurrection, there will be no problem."

Look to the sky! Only Dharma protector Yaksha is in the best condition? !

Song Shuhang looked at the bright moon in the sky and hoped that Senior San Lang would hide in the Garden of Eden for the rest of his life and not come out.

【Little friend! If you hold on a little longer, we'll be out in no time! 】

It was a scene of Kuangdao Sanlang and Qu Yanping helping each other to find a way forward in the fog of history.

In the mist, many twisted and depraved crazy beasts roared, and tsunami-like tentacles of flesh and blood gathered from the ground and attacked the two people on the cliff.

In an emergency, Kuangdao Sanlang took Qu Yanping to a height of 1,000 meters, but he lacked spiritual power and was unable to fly.

[Oh, wow, it’s so stupid! 】

After summoning the magic-modified heavenly artifact, the huge robot took out a gun full of technology from its back shoulder. An energy beam capable of destroying heaven and earth penetrated the sky, breaking through the endless fog of history and shooting towards the sky above. Bright moon.

After the moon was broken, a space appeared where the moon originally was.

It was a desolate land, with the dry riverbed and bloody earth covered with the bones of living beings. Occasionally there were raised hills, which could vaguely be seen as the remains of buildings.

The huge robot held Qu Yanping in its hand, and light particles fell from the sky. The next moment, the two of them broke through the blockade of flesh and blood and flew toward the ruins at infinite heights.

But when they were about to reach the exit, the energy of the magical objects of heaven was exhausted, and the two people suddenly appeared high in the sky. The gray mist that descended began to surge and spread towards the sky at an extremely fast speed, and the false moon also began to heal.

Extremely desperate here.

[Sorry, little friend! Confucius said: As the saying goes, a dead Taoist friend will not die but a poor Taoist! I will take the first step hahahaha! 】

With lightning speed, the three waves of the mad sword stepped on Qu Yanping's chest and jumped upward.

Qu Yanping was swallowed up by the gray mist while yelling, while Sanlang happily embraced the space in front of him.

But at this time, in the bloody sky of the alien space, a green light flickered like a star.

[Where did the golden-winged roc come from? ! 】

The camera suddenly zoomed in and out, and a golden-winged roc tore through space with its wings and flew towards the Three Waves of Crazy Saber.

In an instant, the opponent suddenly stopped after watching three waves, but it took less than a second for the opponent to react. He closed his wings and summoned a spear in front of the wings.

The barrel and tip of this spear both give people a jade-like texture. With the movement of the golden-winged roc, the tip of the spear becomes increasingly emerald green.

[He who had no grudges in the past and has no grudges in the recent past! Your Excellency, you are lying on grass! 】

The scene suddenly changed to a slow-motion playback mode. A kite made of jade and rock rock had come into face-to-face contact with the Three Waves of Crazy Blade.

In response, the three waves of Crazy Knife were nailed into the gray mist, never to emerge again.

The false moon in the sky also gradually healed. As time went by, the Garden of Eden below returned to its original appearance after a round of battles.

The edited video also ends at this time.

Bang bang bang bang!

Re Nian’s applause rang out.

"Okay!" Su Lin applauded and said happily: "This movie will definitely be a big hit!"

"Is anyone paying attention to the future of Senior San Lang?" Song Shuhang covered his face: "But it is just what he deserves."

It's over, Eden is no longer safe now. Fortunately, this is a simulation. Damn, I was almost brainwashed by the setting. Fortunately, this is Senior Su Lin's territory. Otherwise, Senior Sanlang would be trapped in an endless pursuit for the rest of his life.

"Su Lin, what about the soundtrack?" Klein asked: "I feel like there is no scary music suitable for the scene just now."

Everyone watching the movie was stunned. Indeed, the editing of the scene just now was good, and the flesh-and-blood monsters were also very scary, but they always felt that something was missing.

Su Lin thought for a while and took out a black disc.

"What is this?" Klein asked.

"A remix rap of the King of Creation and the True Creator."

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