"Di Ji, do you want to continue the investigation?" Mi Yilong frowned and asked with a worried look.

The Immortal Emperor indeed ordered Di Ji to create formations to eliminate the rejection of the other world and establish a complete channel, so they had no doubts about Di Ji conveying the Immortal Emperor's instructions.

But facing this world.

It’s not that he has never traveled to other realms. He has even been traveling to other worlds for thousands of years. During this period, he also gained many opportunities. After all, now is the time when all realms are gathering together.

He has seen a lot of dangerous, bizarre, sacred, primitive, and vast worlds, and he has also seen a lot of strong people. But like this world, he even thought at first that it was just a mortal civilization that was still developing. A world where immortal civilization is separated from mortals.

But ever since things like [Tiandao Rare Objects] appeared, something started to go wrong.

The monks in the world opposite have various systems. Well, the monks alone have several different systems. Through the perspective of the spies, they saw at least four different general directions and dozens of different small directions.

That world also has different supernatural powers such as magic, divine power, witchcraft, etc.

If that's the case, forget it. Although it's very wrong, there are still more fun things to do in all the worlds.

Those powerful heavenly wonders, spiritual stones with extremely high concentration of spiritual energy, various methods of resurrection spells, and heavenly materials and earthly treasures that low-level monks can touch at will make them feel itchy in the hearts of immortals.

But until the broken flute started, the level of that world in their hearts had risen several steps.

The information obtained by the spies also led them to speculate that that world had experienced extremely horrific things in the past. If everything was true, and the legacy left after the war could reach this level, then how did that world in its heyday be shattered? To the present extent?

The war in the scenes involving the real dragon was not bad. If it was to that extent, they wouldn't worry about any accidents.

However, the Heavenly Dao related to the [Tiandao Rare Object], the Heavenly Emperor related to the broken flute, the origin of the fat Taoist priest, and the Heavenly Dao mentioned in the mouth of the real dragon made them feel that that world might have a more secret and grand history.

"I think it would be better to report the matter here to the Immortal Emperor." A divine general hesitated for a moment, and finally stood up and said: "Emperor Ji, this is no longer our decision."

"Then you go tell the Immortal Emperor." Ju Chang did not panic because of the other party's words. After the first two setbacks, she set up a blocker in the spy's body. Once she encounters any situation, she will first cut off everything here. Contact, if the spy is not dead, the relevant information will be transmitted back after a delay.

The god general left, and Ju Chang continued to watch. He frowned slightly when he saw the other party put the collected spiritual stones into the black and yellow talisman seal.

"Emperor Ji." Mi Yilong and other immortals from the Taiqing Sect wanted to persuade her.

"The Taoist, the dragon, and some items are not from the same universe." Ju Chang turned around and said, "The origins traced back to them all point to other locations in the void."

"This?!" The immortals looked at each other, looking very surprised.

"Is it possible that many great powers came to that world in the past? Or is it now connected to other worlds?" Star Officer Yancang speculated.

"Who knows." Ju Chang said calmly:

"Ji Ping, leave your life soul as a means of return and go to Du'e Palace to cut off the cause and effect. In a few days, you will go to that world to explore."

"The information that the juniors of Taiqing Sect have access to is completely different from the information that the spies have access to. You should check it carefully."

"Yes." A woman in a golden mask walked out from the left. She obeyed Ju Chang's orders completely without any hesitation.

clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang

The crisp sound of armor contacting the ground sounded, and the general who went to report came back.

"How is it?" Ju Chang asked.

"The Immortal Emperor said he didn't know about this, so you pretended to pass on the emperor's order." The general looked directly at Ju Chang, then turned back to the Immortal family's team: "But he seems to have no intention of interfering with you."

Ju Chang raised a smile: "Really?"

If one day Su Lin is asked to choose between "saving the world" and "doing business with the Black Emperor, Ruffian Dragon, and Duan De", he will definitely choose the former. At least the former will not do him much good, but it will not do any harm.

In order to maximize profits and realize the return of currency, Su Lin issued more than one lottery ticket, which was not even considered a rarity among the monks.

It's just that this demon cultivator is new here and doesn't collect enough information.

Su Lin never expected that these three guys, who didn't seem to be the same species, but were the same species as Black Emperor and Doudou, could do this.

In front of his eyes, spiritual stones were constantly being transferred to his Water Mirror Peak along the talisman. Su Lin twitched the corner of his mouth, cut off the chewed part of the unfinished fruit in his hand, and then threw it directly towards the talisman belonging to Qu Yanping. Throw it away from the seal.

The speed of throwing spiritual stones on that side was obviously slower and gradually stopped. Su Lin felt that it was almost done, so he threw another jujube fairy fruit with a slightly higher value.


After receiving the two hundred spiritual stones, Su Lin threw in another photocopy of the artificially aged technique. It used to be an escape technique.

As expected, more spirit stones were put in.

But this time, even after reaching Five Hundred Su Lin, there was no movement, and the other side also stopped, seeming to have given up on this plan for the time being.

With a sigh, Su Lin immediately looked not far away, took out a bag of melon seeds from the history, and sat on a chair while watching the excitement.

I've heard a saying in the past that it's a drama with three women, but there are three animals on the opposite side. This is far more exciting.

"You two are capable of killing a thousand swords! Hurry up and return the things to Pindao!" Duan De continued to launch offensives in his hands to kill the ruffian dragon and the black emperor in the formation. His eyes were glowing red. It's time to get serious.

"Damn fat man, Uncle Long has given you money. This is a fair deal." Zijin Shenlong stroked his beard with his claws and said with a sinister smile: "Do you understand honest management?"

"You fart! The spirit stones have to be recycled, and your storage bag is empty! Your grandma has a leg! The fraud is on your head!" Duan De kept waving his arms. If you look carefully, you will find that his left and right arms are There was a tooth mark on each of them and he cursed angrily:

"Either you give me money or I'll take your skin off and use it as underpants!"

"And you damn dog, hurry up and remove the formation patterns for Pindao!"

"Wow! Go and have your sweet spring and autumn dreams! What's the point of getting out after being in Mr. Dog's pocket?" The Black Emperor was sitting cross-legged on the ground wearing big red flower pants. Although he was cursing, the corners of his mouth were filled with laughter. Do a bunch of: "Brother Long, we really hit it off."

The Purple Gold Dragon stuffed something into the Black Emperor's paw: "Yes, we really hit it off, this is your share."

Although the three of them completed their mission, apart from the longevity lock that was used as a prop at the beginning, Duan De set up a stall with many things that he had "scrounged". Although some things had lost their aura, there were also a few that slipped through the net. of fish.

Among them was the gun head, which was contaminated and damaged by all kinds of blood. He usually put this kind of thing in a pile and only took it out to study when he had time.

I originally wanted to try that boy Xuanhu's magical power this time, but I didn't expect it to be really useful. However, I didn't expect to be tricked by these two ungrateful things.

He originally planned to find a place to knock a sap somewhere and bring it back if the kid bought it, but the Purple Gold Shenlong cut him off halfway!

Su Lin sighed. If he didn't want to maintain his image as a master and a strong person, he would actually like to get a share of these things. Sometimes idol packages are too heavy and affect his own income.

Time rushed to the day before the appointed time.

Among the white clouds on the green peak, Qu Yanping looked at the pile of debris on the ground with some confusion.

He still didn't stop earning spiritual stones, and at the beginning, he was quite sensible about the use of this heavenly wonder.

This heavenly wonder contains a spiritual fruit that can increase lifespan, a fairy grass that strengthens the body and soul, an escape technique that turns into wind, and a resurrection spell that serves as a guaranteed reward.

Although he doesn't understand why some human things appear, such as unbranded potato chips, hot pot base, and mobile phones.

Moreover, why does Mr. Guangming’s resurrection coin appear in the guaranteed reward of Tiandao Lotto?

If you randomly spend 400 spirit stones to join the Ten Company once, you will have a good chance of getting a resurrection coin from Mr. Guangming. If you are less lucky, you will also get one in the Ten Company three or four times.

Overall, it's a bit of a loss, but not completely.

It was originally a small profit, but he couldn't control his desires.

The items he drew at first made him feel itchy. When he thought about getting a lot of good things for only spending a small part of the spirit stones, he felt that the probability was quite high at the time, so he couldn't help but invest some spirit stones. .

But gradually, when he invested five hundred spirit stones and got nothing, he already regretted it, but probability is cumulative. Since he has spent five hundred spirit stones, he either stopped or continued to draw. .

Therefore, his schedule these days is basically the same.

Make money by watching games during the day, practicing with a few spiritual stones in the afternoon, and gambling on stones at night. Half of the earned spiritual stones are reserved for the next day's capital, and the rest are invested in the lottery.

"It's time to take control." Qu Yanping shook his head helplessly. He put all the items on the ground into a storage bag. He didn't think about the matter of drawing the rare objects of heaven for the time being. According to the current probability Come to think of it, I don’t know how many years or how many spiritual stones it would take.

spirit stone

When Qu Yanping came back to his senses, he realized that he had already lost almost half of the Qu family's property during this period.

His cultivation level has not declined much, and the spiritual fruits he took and the spells he obtained also improved his strength.

He even obtained a barrier-breaking pill today. With the existence of this pill, his cultivation speed has accelerated a lot. The only regret is that there are not enough spirit stones to create an artificial lake of liquefied spiritual energy, and there is no extra spirit stone for the time being. Shi went to rent a training place with a high degree of time difference.

"That's all." Qu Yanping put away his thoughts, left the hotel where he was staying, and flew in a certain direction.

The flight was not far, and in almost a few seconds he arrived outside a bus stop, ready to take transportation.

Although Gao Sheng and others have cultivation bases, they will not be able to use their power for a long time.

Naturally, there is no need for him to show off in front of mortals. He is not within the protection range outside Dongting Lake, and there is no need to take the risk of being seen by other monks.

[The Bad Map will continue to guide you. 】

Qu Yanping clicked on the location that Gu Yue Fang Yuan sent him. The other party lived not far from here, and he invited him to discuss exploring the Penglai ruins.

Gao Sheng and Li Feiyu both agreed to go. Naturally, they couldn't be independent. What's more, they might gain some important information.

This bus journey took about more than an hour. The passengers on the bus changed from being mainly monks at the beginning to being mostly ordinary people.

The road conditions along the way also changed from flat concrete roads to winding and rugged mountain roads.

Qu Yanping actually didn't understand why these monks still integrated themselves into the lives of mortals since the agreement of non-intervention had been broken.

Maybe it's because you're used to it? Or maybe it has just started to be lifted?

In the Hengyu world, most of the daily life of monks and mortals is separated from each other. The life levels and entertainment methods of the two sides are completely different. Apart from relatives, most of the monks' contacts are also monks.

But the monks in this world enjoy it.

[Daai Welfare Institute is on your right, this navigation is over.]

Qu Yanping got off the bus and looked at the surrounding environment.

Surrounded by mountains and fields, bamboo leaves and withered yellow leaves fell on the side of the road. In front of it was a red-painted push-type iron gate with a small locked door in the middle.

There is a guard's room on the right. Looking in through the iron bars and half-open glass windows, there is only a dusty bed.

I originally thought it was just in the suburbs, but I never thought it was halfway up a mountain.

Welfare home.. Is this the orphanage home for orphans in this world? Qu Yanping thought about the common sense he had gained.

He was a little confused. Could it be that this fellow Taoist Gu Yue was still a loving and kind-hearted monk? I didn't expect that the other party would still do such good things on weekdays.

From this point of view, the reason for the photos with children in the other party's circle of friends was that he originally thought they were the descendants and children of the sect.

Qu Yanping walked to the iron door and knocked, but no one responded.


The white plaque that read "Daai Welfare Institute" suddenly fell, and there was another plaque behind it - "Daai Mental Hospital"

Qu Yanping: "?"

"Sorry for the long wait." Gu Yue Fang Yuan opened the small iron door and said to Qu Yanping: "Brother Qu, please come in quickly. I didn't expect that Brother Qu was the first to come."

Qu Yanping suppressed some unimportant doubts in his heart, raised the corners of his mouth, and said with a smile: "Brother Gu Yue, it's been a long time."

Gu Yue Fang Yuan glanced at the fallen plaque, looked around, moved his fingers, and the plaque hung back up automatically.

"I'm sorry for making Brother Qu laugh." Gu Yue Fang Yuan stretched out his hand in a gesture of invitation.

"Please." Qu Yanping returned the salute and walked inside.


The iron gate gradually closed, and the sky that was originally sunny became covered with dark clouds.


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