I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

Chapter 245: Galaxy Bat Man’s Bat (5900 words, please refresh)

Surrounded by various oriental-style visions and auspiciousness, a group of Western 'angels' are singing the modern oriental song "Good Luck Comes". These sounds coming to their ears can even make Taoist friends with lower realms understand something.

This is quite magical, but considering that this song of good luck is mixed with sacred sounds that are like sounds of nature as the background music and there are avenue resonances around it, it is not unacceptable.

But what to say?

"Little friend Shuhang, the senior Tribulation Immortal you know is quite down-to-earth." True Lord Huangshan didn't know what to say, but he still needed to say something at this time, so he could only try to break the awkward atmosphere in this way.

"Yeah, yes, it's very tasteful." Lord Bai He nodded. The scene was grand and spectacular. When he was living in the West, he also had a choir, but everyone liked to listen to different music.

"I didn't expect that this senior is a member of the same sect!" Dharma King Creation suddenly realized something. He excitedly asked Song Shuhang: "Little friend Shuhang, you said before that there is a senior who likes music theory, and he asked me for it through you. An album can only be made by this person."

Song Shuhang stiffened for a moment and nodded with difficulty: "That's the senior."

When Su Lin came to him to ask for the special album of King Creation, he made it clear that he would use the work to evaluate it. Later, he said that the effect was very good and he would continue to place an order next time.

Dharma King Creation's eyes seemed to be a little bright, and his voice trembled as he said, "My dear friend! In this situation, I really want to sing a song with this senior."

True Lord Huangshan: "."

Lord Lingdie: "."

Venerable Seventh Cultivation: "."

Except for Yu Rouzi, everyone fell into silence. Master Tunyun, the junior disciple of Dharma King Creation, turned a little green.

Kuangdao Sanlang said with a smile: "Well, can I go back first?"

Even the Three Waves of Kuangdao understand one thing. Seeking death is not asking for death, nor is it 100% giving away one's life.

Everyone in Jiuzhou Group No. 1 has no doubt that there is a Tribulation Immortal here. After all, other than the Tribulation Immortal, even the eighth-grade Saint Lord cannot do this.

Just like everyone in the group has some little-known little hobbies, I originally thought that this senior’s hobby was just a little more down-to-earth. But now this hobby is directly down-to-earth.

Many people began to want to retreat. Even Su Clan's Ah Qi didn't look very good. Everyone had seen the power of Dharma King Creation's singing.

"So, are we going to visit this senior now?" Lord Lingdie said, pointing to the six-winged figure above.

"No." Song Shuhang relaxed his toes and stopped clasping them: "That is the clone of the senior. The true body of the senior should be in that building."

"It's just a clone?" Lord Seventh Cultivator was stunned. The six-winged figure did not hide its power. At a glance, it was like seeing a vast ocean of light, but it turned out to be just a clone?

Song Shuhang said to Su Clan's Ah Qi: "For Sixteen's injury, we can rely on our senior's clone of the God of Light. As long as his soul is not shattered, he can be resurrected."

"Oh?" True Monarch Huangshan looked at the building on the top of the mountain. Not to mention, he liked the style and charm very much, and he also built a cave in the same style when he returned.

Just when everyone was about to go up the steps to visit the Tribulation Immortal, a young voice suddenly sounded.

"Didn't you eat?! Sing louder!"

That was the sound coming from the building on the top of the mountain.

“Good luck to you, really good luck to you!!!”

The grammar of the voice is resonant, and it has been upgraded from "if you are in the city, you will be detained by public security for disturbing the public" to "the level of criminal detention for endangering public safety."

Fortunately, everyone present is a monk, and their endurance is much stronger than ordinary people.

"Haha..." True Lord Huangshan smiled: "This senior really has a lot of personality."

At this time, Doudou spoke to Song Shuhang and said, "Shuhang, did you notify the administrator in advance that we are coming?"

Song Shuhang was startled and replied: "No, what's wrong?"

"Is it possible that the other party doesn't know that we are coming? After all, the portal is open for a long time." Doudou gave a strange look.

Song Shuhang: "."

Well, Song Shuhang can only say that he knows how to play.

Did I accidentally discover Senior Su Lin’s secret? Senior Su Lin shouldn't be so stingy, right?

With this thought, Song Shuhang followed the others and continued walking up the steps to Wangshu Pavilion.

At this time, True Lord Bai He asked curiously: "What do you call this senior? Is he easy to get along with?"

He was the last to arrive, and he only had a general understanding of what the other party wanted to do, what was special about this artificially created secret world, and what rewards he could get from coming here.

"His surname is Su, and the single word is Lin." Song Shuhang thought about it and said to everyone: "Senior Su Lin is quite amiable and amiable. He looks very young and has a fairy-like spirit. Just get along with him casually."

"Surname is Su?" Su's Ah Qi frowned slightly.

Song Shuhang hurriedly said: "Senior Ah Qi, I asked him, he has nothing to do with the Tianhe Su Clan."

Song Shuhang knew that the Tianhe Su clan was a sect that inherited Taoism, and there were immortal ancestors in the family. It was only because Ah Qi and Shiliu were not qualified to see those ancient elders in the family, and the resources allocated to them were limited. This is the case.

It’s better to talk frankly with Ah Sixteen if you have the chance.

When Song Shuhang saw that the avatar of the God of Light and the vision above him had dissipated, and his group arrived at the door of Wangshu Pavilion, he immediately wanted to knock on the door.

"Su" Song Shuhang was about to shout.

"RNM! Refund!!!" A wave of air shook out from Wangshu Pavilion, and the powerful momentum shocked everyone present. It was like the terror of facing the power of a natural disaster that enveloped the hearts.

But soon, this aura disappeared.

Not long after, a roaring sound like a house being demolished came from inside this ancient building.

"Little friend Shuhang, why don't we come back another day?" Beihe Sanren felt that his voice was trembling a little. Just now, he actually felt the terror of being surrounded by heavenly tribulation.


The opposite door of Wangshu Pavilion was opened, and everyone quickly pushed it several steps.

I saw a man with long white hair, his eyes covered with bloodshot eyes, and murderous intent pouring out from all around him, walking out of the door of Wangshu Pavilion. He had a kind of chaos, distortion and sacredness all over his body. There were sawdust in his hair, and in his hands Holding a real and illusory bead.

"Well" Su Lin was stunned when he saw Song Shuhang, and the aura on his body disappeared after a moment of convergence: "Shuhang, why are you here?"

"We just arrived." Song Shuhang smiled awkwardly, retracted his hand that was about to knock on the door, and asked uncertainly: "Senior Su Lin, are you okay? Refund the money. What is the refund?"

Su Lin's appearance just now seemed like something went wrong in his practice, giving people the feeling of falling into the devil's path.

Since we just arrived, there is no big problem, Su Lin nodded secretly in his heart.

"It's okay." Su Lin suddenly clenched his palms tightly, holding the bead fiercely, and said with a forced smile: "I was so excited just watching the national football match."

"I bought the National Football Team Sheng for 200,000 yuan! The middleman even made a profit of 1,000 yuan off the price!"

What a national football team!

Everyone in the Jiuzhou Group No. 1 felt that they had to complain about an old rant in their hearts: You just gamble with the Tribulation Immortal! How dare you buy the national football team? !

Su Lin looked at the group of people behind Song Shuhang. Except for Doudou and Venerable Bai, most of them were unfamiliar faces.

he was silent

Came here early in the morning? Are you so efficient?

Song Shuhang immediately introduced him at this time: "This is True Lord Huangshan, the leader of our Jiuzhou No. 1 Group, a reliable senior."

True Lord Huangshan gave a greeting and said, "Hello, Senior Su Lin."

"Nice to meet you. Just a moment!" Su Lin closed the opposite door of Wangshu Pavilion with a bang.

By using the authority he had gained in the dragon world, Su Lin completed repairing the ceiling, washing, bathing, changing clothes, and giving himself a look while still in a state of pause.

The next moment.


"Fellow Taoists, it's a pleasure to meet you." Su Lin opened the opposite door, flicked the whisk in his hand, and said with a smile, "Welcome to Shuijing Peak."

"You can think of this world as a virtual but real world. Although the background is an imaginary background, it incorporates a lot of real-life data."

"In fact, when you enter this world, your personal information has been entered. You only need to start the game after the simulated universe is started."

In Wangshu Pavilion, Su Lin was walking in front and talking, and one secret book after another flew out of the bookshelf and floated in the air.

"These are the loading secrets that you can choose. Each one has a different path, from practicing Qi to becoming an immortal."

"Of course, it is not given to you, but you can use the corresponding data and power during this virtual world, and it will disappear once you leave."

"That fellow Taoist, what do you want to ask?"

Kuangdao Sanlang raised his hand and asked: "Senior, aren't those the realms of cultivation in the novel?"

Su Lin nodded and replied:

"That's a good question. This question is actually related to the topic we have been studying."

"Can we create a new cultivation system based on mortal novels? Judging from the current results, there is still a lot of room for improvement."

Su Lin pointed at the technique beside Kuangdao Sanlang. The next moment, an illusory figure walked out of the technique called "Xuanshuang Shenlu".

Qi training, foundation building, and elixir formation. A completely different cultivation system was displayed in front of everyone in Jiuzhou No. 1 Group.

Everyone was horrified. Although this cultivation system had similarities with their cultivation system, it was still very different in nature.

"Is this a new way!?"

There are also Taoist friends with extraordinary backgrounds and extensive knowledge in the Jiuzhou No. 1 Group. They can see at a glance that this system takes in the spiritual energy of the world and is not based on one's own innate true essence, condensing the true energy and constantly sublimating it.

"Are you interested?" Su Lin smiled: "Earn enough points to exchange for some basic skills, by the way."


Su Lin snapped his fingers, and a majestic aura descended on Song Shuhang.

Second grade, third grade, fourth grade. Song Shuhang's realm is rising rapidly, and finally reaches the ninth grade realm!

"Tribulation... Tribulation Immortal!" Crazy Blade Sanlang felt as if his tongue was about to get knotted. Song Shuhang directly changed from a second-grade monk to a ninth-grade Tribulation Immortal? !

The aura and power of the body made the monks present feel as if their noses were covered by something thick, and their breathing was a little unsmooth.

Even Song Shuhang was stunned. He felt the almost boundless power in his body. This was a rather strange feeling. This power did not belong to him, but he could use it and knew how to use it.

Yu Rouzi opened her little mouth slightly and exclaimed: "Senior Song has really become Senior Song!?"

"Senior Su Lin, what is this?" Song Shuhang was a little surprised when he felt the power in his body.

"The power given to you by the simulated universe. You have left your skills with me before. Through data deduction, you can even experience the power of the ninth-grade Tribulation Immortal." Su Lin explained: "If you are willing to use your own skills If you enter the entry-level version into the simulated universe, I can also adjust different upgrade routes for you."

This is the template that Su Lin came up with later. Since he wants to copy, no, learn from it, he must restore it as much as possible. In the mode of God's blessing, he can give temporary power to the opponent, or use the opponent's skills to Strength template after basic manufacturing deduction.

"In other words, senior is interested in our skills?" True Lord Huangshan asked.

"I have interest, but not much." Su Lin told the truth, "You can describe the attributes of your own skills or set up your own skills, but your experience will be better if there are actual skills. "

"By completing tasks or fighting in the simulated universe, you can upgrade your skills and strength, and you can also obtain the wonders of heaven."

"But don't think about sensing the path of cultivation in advance through the simulated universe. When you leave, all power and knowledge will be taken back. Only in the simulated universe are you powerful."

"I don't want to take advantage of you, so I suggest you choose the Qi training and foundation building system. If someone wants to upload their own skills, I will give you points according to the value or directly give you the equivalent new system skills."

This is the truth. Compared with the initial poverty, Su Lin is now quite wealthy, and there is no shortage of good-level exercises. To put it bluntly, the more he practices now, the weirder the direction, then he will practice another system. I really just found something to do when I was free.

It's good to draw parallels, but that's what the boss should do.

You said Su Lin is the boss?

‘Please, I’m just Nascent Soul, so I’m just cannon fodder in the novel. ’

With Su Lin's demonstration and Song Shuhang's cooperation, everyone in the Jiuzhou No. 1 group became more and more looking forward to this trip to the simulated universe.

"That is to say, I can even become a Tribulation Immortal in this world, and kill Su Clan's Ah Qi with one sword?!" Kuangdao Sanlang yearned for it: "This is simply - so cool!"

Su's Ah Qi: "Haha."

If the senior hadn't been here, he would have drawn his sword to let this big monkey know why the flowers are so red!

Yurouzi listened carefully on the side, and she listened very seriously. She also raised her hands like the Three Waves of Kuangdao and asked: "Senior, I probably understand the rules, but what is the wonder of heaven you are talking about?"


Yurouzi's words seemed to trigger some mechanism, and the surrounding space shattered like a mirror. In the blink of an eye, everyone came to a wide pure white space.

In this space, many weapons and strange items float on display stands, each display stand about two meters apart.

Knives, spears, swords, and halberds are all neatly arranged on one display stand after another. There are long spears that are curved like tree branches, long knives that are all green, and ancient Chinese long swords.

If these were all relatively normal, normal people would only regard this as a weapons exhibition room, but there are also some strange items, such as: monocles, bats, dice, harmonicas, potions, cards and belts, and patterned fruits. , blue crown, cross

Even giant steel robots? !

"Isn't that a Gundam?!" As a screenwriter who has been around the world all year round, Tun Yun is quite familiar with all kinds of movies and TV shows. He seems to have seen some things in the movies and TV shows.

"The Cyber ​​Flying Sword, the Seven Deadly Sins of Alchemical Dragon-Slaying Weapons, the Blasphemer's Monocle, Odin's Spear of Destiny, the Mysterious Knight Transformation Device, and Adam's Cross." Soft Feather walked from one to the next with light steps. The exhibits were passed in front of me: "These things look so powerful!"

"It always seems like there are a lot of elements." Yu Jiaojiao whispered in a corner of the crowd. She suddenly saw an empty place not far away: "Eh? Why is this row empty?"

She and Tun Yun and others walked to the empty row. There was a sign dividing the area, which said "Negative Strange Objects".

"What are the negative objects?" Yu Jiaojiao was a little curious, and she immediately looked at the empty exhibition stand. There were only some business cards there: "Lu Mingfei's blood, Xiao Yan's aphrodisiac, Ye Fan's parking fee, Han Li's Team application, Drunk Irena, Hungry Luffy, People will die when they are killed. What are these? Are there any characters from anime novels in this world?"

"Hahaha." Tun Yun reacted and smiled: "Come to think of it, the script that friend Song Shuhang gave me does have these elements. Haha, to be honest, it challenges my skills as a screenwriter."

Most monks are not only exposed to human society all year round, but some monks are also often exposed to entertainment projects in human society, so some monks know the provenance of certain items.

So in this case, they regard this world as a highly realistic virtual world, and even look forward to seeing more interesting things.

"Each heavenly wonder object has different effects." Su Lin smiled warmly: "These objects will be randomly scattered throughout the simulated universe. Before the script is written, you can search for them while fighting. After the script is written, It can become your strength in the script.”

Su Lin wanted to release them to the earth, so as to increase the frequency of monks appearing in this world.

‘This place is super interesting, isn’t it? ’

For a time, each of the monks in the Jiuzhou No. 1 group became very interested.

Su Lin explained some things that needed attention and some rules, and then brought everyone back to the open space on Shuijing Peak.

"Then, that's about it. The test will be open tomorrow. You can come through Song Shuhang's portal when you have time." Su Lin said slowly. He still had to make some preparations today and use God's blessing to provide some protection to the surface world.

"Tomorrow." Soft Yu was a little disappointed.

Song Shuhang touched his head and said, "I'm sorry, seniors, I was too impatient and didn't understand the server opening time."

"Little friend Shuhang, what you said is unheard of." True Lord Huangshan smiled and said, "We still have to thank you. It just so happens that some fellow Taoists are still in seclusion. For this kind of thing, I have to come and bring them out in person."

"Senior, this simulated universe is really interesting. Can I bring my little wolf cubs with me?" the Snow Wolf Cave Master requested. His little cubs have not yet transformed and have always wanted to play in the human world. .

Su Lin touched his chin, as if this kind of thing didn't matter: "Yes, yes, but there is no reward."

"Thank you, senior!" the Snow Wolf Cave Master said happily. He immediately took out a box from his storage bag: "Senior, please don't dislike the Tianshan Snow Lotus that I grew at home."

"Well" Su Lin took the box and said, "Thank you."

"Senior, this junior also has a few close relatives, can you please be accommodating?" Zhenjun Jiaoba said with cupped hands.

"Okay, no reward." Su Lin said.

"Thank you, senior. This is a pearl born in the abyss of the sea near the junior cave. It will be of some help to the practice of illusion. Senior, please don't dislike it." Zhenjun Jiaoba also imitated the master of Snow Wolf Cave and sent a brocade box.

"Uh, thank you." Su Lin was stunned and accepted the box.

As soon as they saw that Su Lin was so easy to talk to, the others quickly shouted: "Senior!"

After a while.

Su Lin was a little confused looking at the treasures of heaven and earth piled around him.

what's the situation? Didn’t I pay you to come and work? I don’t remember that I did this to promote recharge games?

"Senior, let's take our leave first." True Lord Huangshan said with a smile, "Thank you very much, senior and little friend Shuhang."

Su Lin came to his senses and nodded, and everyone was about to leave.

"Senior's mind is as broad as his singing voice." Kuangdao Sanlang said with emotion.

Su Lin: "?"

With a bang, Song Shuhang, who was walking at the front, hit a wall of air.

He turned around tremblingly and asked, "Senior Su Lin?"

Su Lin blinked and said happily: "Shuhang, when did you come here?"

Kuang Dao San Langkou quickly replied: "Senior Su Lin, just before your clone starts singing."

"Yes, yes, that's it." Su Lin smiled and took out a bat: "I have a cosmic wonder here, please enjoy it together."

"Isn't it a rare thing from heaven?" Crazy Saber was stunned for three waves.

"This thing is called Galaxy Batman's bat." Su Lin waved the bat in his hand and said with a smile, "Another name, memory reset stick."

The initial update was not finished, so I added 300 words. Please refresh and take a look again.

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