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Chapter 242 I established the Immortal Court in Liyue

"Goby fish! Grilled goby fish! Fresh goby fish, sir, let's take one to see!"

"Selling night lanterns~! Children are innocent! Quality guaranteed!"

"Qingce Farmhouse, all the ingredients come from Qingce Village! There is a discount for booking the Hai Lantern Festival dinner now!"

"Mond's Dandelion Wine! Special offer for the Festival of Lights!"

"Inazuma's special snacks! Colorful dumplings, tempura, and grilled sweet fish. Okay, they'll be here soon. You guys wait a moment!"

In the bustling streets of Liyue, because the Hai Lantern Festival is coming soon, the flow of vendors and people is a bit denser than usual.

From time to time, there are one or two stalls scattered or gathered in a row near the street. Some are vendors who are already doing mobile business, and some are temporary stalls from businessmen in the city or other countries.

Only during the period before and after the Hai Lantern Festival does Liyue Port, a port city surrounded by mountains on three sides, allow vendors to set up stalls on the streets in an orderly manner.

Of course, the General Affairs Department and the relevant departments of the eight departments will conduct open and covert inspections to ensure that no vendors will deceive and deceive during the Hai Lantern Festival.

The fumes from grilled food, flowers, and cooking mix together and penetrate into the nose of every passerby.

On the streets where people are coming and going, there is endless chatter and exchange.

People talk about their daily leisure activities, complain about trivial annoyances, how much they have earned this year, how much they have spent, and their plans and aspirations for next year's life.

Zhong Li looked at the scene in front of him and relaxed his brows as he listened to the various exchanges in his ears, feeling a little relieved.

The sun and the moon alternate, and the stars move.

This scene has appeared thousands of times in his past life. Under the protection of Emperor Yanwang and the Immortal Family, the people of Liyue hold a Sea Lantern Festival every year.

After Emperor Yanwang left, Liyue was still the same Liyue.

The people will not stop because of the departure of King Yan. They will still take steps towards the future, with longing and yearning for the future, and retain memories and remembrance of the past.

"That's good."

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Zhongli's mouth, and he turned around and walked into the bustling crowd.

The city of Liyue is much larger than the model in the game. The model in the game is actually pieced together by intercepting parts of Liyue's area, and the locations of those places are also different.

Along the main road, he passed through the red-painted gatehouses on both sides, stepped on the stone bridge, and passed by Mingxingzhai and Yanshang Teahouse. After passing by many people, he finally returned to the place where he worked named "Zhongli". The place - the Hall of Purity.

The moment you push the door open, the first thing you smell is the faint smell of scented wax paper candles, and the second thing you see is the darkly decorated room with black as the main tone.

Zhongli glanced around and saw no one, but he looked calm and walked forward a few steps until he reached a wooden shelf with vases and porcelain. There were some additional handicrafts of Mond and Daozhu that he did not purchase.

In an instant, a black shadow suddenly struck from the beams.


Zhongli's face was expressionless, as he had expected it and sensed that someone was above him.

"Long time no see, Hall Master." Zhongli said slowly: "This position is more dangerous, it is better to come down."

In front of Zhongli was a girl with an oval face who was hanging upside down, wearing a Qiankun Taigua hat, with reddish-brown gradient twin ponytails drooping due to the hanging posture, and two plum blossoms in her eyes.

She was maintaining a posture of baring her teeth and claws, with black nail polish on her hands, and her expression was pretending to be fierce.

It is Hu Tao, the 77th generation leader of the Rebirth Hall.

"Ouch!" Hutao bulged her eyes and yelled again. Seeing that Zhongli still had the same expression, she let go of her feet and landed on the ground with a backflip.

She dusted herself off and said a little boringly: "It's really boring, there's no reaction at all."

"Come back?" Hu Tao blinked and put his hands on his hips and said, "You came back from a place outside Liyue so quickly. I thought it would take you at least a month or two."

Zhongli asked her for leave before leaving Liyue, saying that he was going out to visit some friends and it might take some days before he came back.

It wasn't the first time anyway, and Hu Tao didn't care too much.

"I'm back." Zhong Li nodded, and then said: "Master, I still need some time to deal with some personal matters. It shouldn't be long, and I will be back during the Hai Lantern Festival."

Zhongli, who returned from other worlds, neither intends to resume his identity as the King of Rocks, nor does he intend to give up his identity as ‘Zhongli’, the guest minister of the Hall of Rebirth.

The journey of the man named 'Zhongli' has just begun, and this journey is far more interesting than he imagined. He will continue to witness the changes in the world as Zhongli, but

This time the recorder is no longer just the 'traveler'. The eternal rock has found a way not to be worn, so he will also participate in the record, engraving everything with his own eyes, and measuring the world with his own feet. .

Hutao narrowed her eyes. With her keen sense, she seemed to feel that a crack suddenly appeared on a rock that had not changed for thousands of years. However, this crack did not represent destruction.

Zhongli's body had a hint of 'life', which was really strange.

"Well, go and do your work. During the period when you were not in Liyue, the bill expenses at the Palace of the Dead were reduced a lot." Hutao waved his hand and said jokingly: "But I have a request. Remember to help the Palace of the Dead when you are away. The hall is selling business, don’t forget that you are our guest at the Hall of Rebirth, business matters cannot be taken care of by the hall owner alone."

"Definitely." Zhongli nodded slightly: "Thank you, Hall Master."

"By the way, do your friends need our business recently?" Hutao was very interested and raised his voice: "This hall master will give you a 50% discount."

Zhongli thought about it seriously and said, "They may not even need it."

"We can't use them. It seems they are all worthless customers. It's a pity." Hu Tao said regretfully, "Okay, if you want to leave, leave quickly. By the way, take this list. I'll help you if you have time." Go to the Purity Hall to purchase some things.”

The slender arms handed over a list, listing everything needed from ingredients to utensils.

"Okay." Zhongli nodded, picked up the list and walked outside the house.

Shortly after Zhongli left, Miss Yiguan walked into the house and said, "Is Mr. Zhongli leaving again?"

"Hmph, it's mysterious, let it go~" Hutao stretched out, "This hall leader also has to prepare activities for the Hai Lantern Festival to promote the business. This Hai Lantern Festival is for us to expand the business of Shengsheng Hall. Great opportunity.”

"Yes." The little girl Yiguan had to echo. It was not the first day that the hall master had these weird ideas, although I am afraid that no one would know about the business of the Rebirth Hall on the Hai Lantern Festival.

"Yo~ da da da~ da da da da"

When the sun is at its peak, as a coastal city, you can enjoy the prosperous beauty here even more from the Yujing Terrace in Liyue Port.

Yujing Terrace is close to the North Pier. Artificially planted glazed lilies stand one after another in the nearby green belt. Their blooms are ready to bloom at the right time with alluring beauty.

This kind of flower is like an epiphyllum from another world. Its flowering period is extremely short but extremely beautiful.

The road is intertwined with red and pink. It is the season when the colorful flowers are in bloom. Both foreign travelers and local residents can see the colorful flowers in bloom even if they cannot see the blooming glazed lilies.

Zhongli walked through the viewing area and the lotus pond corridor paved with gray stone slabs. He remembered that in the game, you could catch fish here, but in reality, even fishing was prohibited here.

He touched his chin and wondered whether travelers had come here to collect ingredients in the dead of night.

Schools of fish are crowded together, waiting for tourists on the shore to feed into the water.

‘You shouldn’t be able to tell if there are a few missing, but the fish here are for ornamental purposes. If they are used for cooking, the taste will be much worse. ’

Zhongli shook his head and continued walking towards the Jade Capital Tower. He walked through the arch and stepped onto the steps. Near an artificial rockery in front of him, an old woman wearing glasses was sitting on a simple chair and watching the people coming and going. .

There was a ceramic teapot and a porcelain cup on the table in front of her.

"Why do you have time to come to my place today?" Grandma Ping said with a smile: "You rarely come to visit us old friends, but it is strange that you made a special trip to visit us today."

"I have nothing to do, let's take a walk around." Zhong Li glanced at the people passing by, with a dim golden light shining in his eyes.

Little bits of rock elements gradually condensed in front of Grandma Ping’s desk, eventually forming a Liyue-style stone chair.

People were coming and going, and even a child holding a kite was passing by chasing after him, but no one was aware of this.

Zhongli sat down by himself, picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup.

"Your power?" Grandma Ping was a little confused.

"The strength has improved a bit, not much, but it is enough." Zhongli blew on the hot tea in the cup, and the tea water rippled: "Wear and tear is no longer a problem I need to worry about."

Grandma Ping's pupils shrank, she looked at Zhongli in disbelief, and said, "That's really something worth celebrating."

"Give me the dust-cleaning bell for a while," Zhongli said.

"It's not my belongings in the first place." Grandma Ping smiled: "You seem to have something else to tell me?"

"How many immortal families can you contact after leaving Liyue and traveling abroad?" Zhong Li took a sip of tea and said, "Call them back."

"Not much." Grandma Ping straightened her stooped body slightly and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Thousands of years have passed since the Demon God War. Some of the remaining immortals have retired to the mountains, and some have hidden themselves in the world. However, more and more of them traveled around the world and gradually lost contact.

I'm afraid some immortals still don't know about the news of the death of the Rock King Emperor.

Today I learned that the emperor's power has been enhanced and he intends to summon all the immortals

Zhongli put down the teacup in his hand and said calmly:

"The path to immortality has bright prospects."

"I got some opportunities and saw the road ahead, the sun, the moon, the stars, the earth, wind, water, and fire. It was only after I made the breakthrough that I felt how vast the boundless ocean was."

"Gather all the immortals in my name. The time is set in three days, and the location is Qingyunding."

The floating island above Qingyunding is the mansion where Liuyun borrowed the wind. It was once lent to Emperor Yan to conduct assessments on mortals visiting immortals and attaining enlightenment.

Zhongli raised his head and looked at the leaves above that blocked the sun and brought shade. Some of the leaves there were withered and yellow and would fall from them at any time.

"In front of this road, even those who have passed away can reappear."

At this time, Grandma Ping stood up in shock and wanted to ask. Her eyes were full of eagerness, but a breeze blew by, and pieces of withered yellow leaves fell. These fallen leaves briefly blocked her sight.

When the fallen leaves dispersed, Zhongli in front was gone.

Grandma Ping looked around but saw no trace. Her heart was beating wildly, fearing that what she had just heard and seen was an hallucination caused by her wishful thinking.

She then looked at the table. The teacup was steaming, proving that someone was sitting across from it not long ago.

Suddenly, she raised her head and looked upward. The original yellow color on the trees had disappeared, and patches of out-of-season green had sprouted.


Grandma Ping looked at the tree for a long time. As time passed, a hint of black appeared on her white hair, and her waist gradually straightened up.

Her face is still old, but it no longer gives people the feeling of being old and aging.

"The Emperor is here to save you."

It's night, and the glazed lilies can't wait to bloom, quietly bursting out sparks of life.

The lights of thousands of houses in Liyue gradually went out, leaving only the streets and scattered houses still illuminated.

The night watch Qianyan Army was patrolling the streets of Liyue in groups, deterring some people with evil intentions or inhuman things, and the people gradually fell asleep.

Outside Liyue Port, in Liyue, the immortals who originally did not need sleep and were engaged in self-interest research gradually felt tired.

Among them was Yasha, who was struggling with his own karma. He suddenly felt that the distracting thoughts in his thoughts and the murderous intention in his heart were washed away by a comfortable refreshing feeling, and his heart suddenly became extremely peaceful.

The long-lost peace left him too late to find the reason. As if racing against time, his body instinctively wanted to enjoy the peace of the moment. He slowly closed his eyes and fell into the reeds.

The slowly blowing wind swayed the surrounding reeds, and pieces of withered yellow reeds rustled. The flocks of wild birds living nearby were not disturbed, and Dihua Island remained so peaceful.

In a trance, the immortals came to a place filled with clouds and mist.

In the haze, they seemed to see a familiar figure. The figure was as majestic and simple as it had been many years ago.

"Times have changed. Although I let go of Liyue, I have never forgotten the time in the past. Now that I have an opportunity, I have made some progress in the immortal way. I want to establish Liyue Immortal Court and share the complete immortal method with you."

"Three days later, we will meet on top of Qingyun."

After an unknown amount of time, Mandrill suddenly opened his eyes and woke up from the reeds. He immediately wanted to get up and take precautions because he felt that there was someone beside him.

"Do not move."

The voice was so familiar that it immediately made him relax from his alert state.


Zhongli put a hand on Mandrill's forehead, and a warm and powerful force came from his hand, as gentle as the morning sun but extremely domineering.

"Have a good rest and leave the rest to me." Zhongli smiled gently.

Zhongli tapped his fingers lightly, and among the dark reeds, streaks of golden light penetrated into Yaksha's body. Filthy and chaotic murderous intent burst out from Yaksha's body and even wanted to follow the connection and attach to his body.

‘Morax! ’

'kill! kill! kill! ’

‘Kill them all! All deserve to die! ! ! ’

‘Hahaha, kill them all, it will be easy if you kill them all! I am you! You are me! ’

The remnants of the remaining power after the demon god was killed carried the most vicious curse, wanting to spread destruction and bring everyone alive into the same situation as himself.

The evil wind swept through them, and they wanted to come back to life and return to the world.

But that finger was like a towering mountain pressing down on their heads.

"You are still far behind." Zhongli's tone was calm but unquestionable, and he wrote lightly: "You were like this in the past."


An extremely bright golden light rose into the sky and turned into a pillar of light connecting heaven and earth, and runes emerged and fell like rain.

The entire land of Teyvat is responding to Zhongli. Whether it is Liyue, Zhidong, or Mondstadt, wherever his feet set foot, they are all within the authority of the God of the Earth.

At the dawn of clear light, the remaining remnants of the demon god throughout Teyvat, together with the karma in Mandrill's body, let out a shrill wail.

"It's the same now."

Change first and then change

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