In the chat group

Su Lin: "That's the general situation. In order to make the opponent worry and delay the time, I plan to create a live-action stage play to intimidate the opponent."

Su Lin's idea is very simple. He wants the other party to think that this world is not an ordinary world, but a world with such high status that there will be big trouble.

Although most of the people in the group are not skilled enough to see each other face to face, the key lies in "more", which means more people, more varieties, more systems, and more golden fingers.

Su Lin: "Publish a group commission. If you are free, you can come and make a guest appearance. The more people, the better."

Su Lin: "Tasks: extras, screenwriter, director, lighting engineer, special effects artist, stuntman

Based on the performance scores, the five with the highest scores can choose the following prizes: three pieces of Enlightenment Tea, Divine Source, 3 Chaos Air Crystals, one Gravel of Time, one Level 0 Sealed Object, and one private Sutra Pavilion Seat at Shuijing Peak. , a resurrection coin (produced by the God of Light) that can only be used without losing one's soul, and a training manual from the beginning to the burial of dimensional magic. Including but not limited to these items, each person can choose one.

Fixed reward: 2 kilograms of gravel or equivalent spiritual fruit and elixir.

PS: The final interpretation right of this task activity belongs to the organizer. "

Su Lin: "If you have time, you can come over and we will discuss the script."

Although it is not a major bloodshed, the actual value is quite high. In order to save the world, Su Lin decided to mobilize the power of the masses.

Ye Fan was a little puzzled: "Where did you get the Enlightenment Tree tea leaves?"

Su Lin replied: "You guess."

Ye Fan: "I'm too lazy to guess! Keep the Enlightenment Tea for me, I'll definitely win the Best Actor!"

When Ye Fan said this, he suddenly came up with the idea of ​​the small piece of fairy source in Su Lin's hand: "How about you stop using the fairy source to carve a little golden man and award it to the best in the audience?"

Su Lin: "Yes, as long as someone can beat the group."

Ye Fan: "That must be me!"

Ye Fan, who was far away from the Zhetian Chamber of Commerce in the holy city, put away his crossed legs and directly greeted Ruhua and sent all the guests out.

He shouted into the inner room:

"Shirou Emiya! Ma Xianhong! Let's close the business today and go collect the wool of the big dog owners!"

"Black Emperor! Go call Pang Bo! We agreed to take him to see other worlds."

Emiya Shirou actually took one day's leave before he took the initiative to come back. Ye Fan didn't know why he was even more haggard when he came back than when he left. Those dark circles and bloodshot eyes shouldn't appear in a cultivator. on the person.

Ye Fan has wanted to contact Pang Bo for a long time. He went to the Monster Clan before and had no news for a long time. It was not until Ye Fan found him not long ago.

Except for Duan De, who has not been heard from at all, it’s great that the founding team of the Zhetian Chamber of Commerce is back together again.

And Su Lin smiled when he saw Ye Fan being so confident. He didn't say that the judges couldn't leave the competition. What kind of golden man? The thing about left hand and right hand.

Xiao Yan: "I passed out from practicing too much before. When I woke up, we all talked so much."

For those rewards, even if Xiao Yan hadn't figured out the reason for the sudden broadcast, he couldn't care less about it.

Klein teased: "Isn't this the number one lover in this group? Have you settled your family affairs with Miss Cailin?"

Xiao Yan: "Why do you taint someone's innocence?!"

Lu Mingfei: "I saw you planting seeds in the tower with my own eyes."

Xiao Yan: "The next broadcast is to give birth to a child?! Vulgar!"

Su Lin sighed and replied: " @Xiao Yan, you are also a talent."

Song Shuhang immediately reminded: "Well, senior Xiao Yan, it seems that no one has mentioned having children."


Xiao Yan hit his head directly on the wooden table. Yao Lao on the side shook his head when he saw this scene.

My disciple's mental state is a bit abnormal during this period, so I'd better make some soothing medicine for him. Medicinal materials from other worlds, such as wolfberry, deer antlers, ginseng, and Yang Lingcao, may be added to try.

Zhang Chulan: "When will I be able to climb the ladder of men? Woohoo, can I change reality if I go to other worlds and let the author arrange a Three Palaces and Sixth Academy for me?"

Su Lin: "Don't think about it. We, the four single kings, can't play mahjong without you."

Zhang Chulan: "Who wants this weird title of Four Heavenly Kings! I want to get rid of my virginity!"

Irena: "Please, next time the newcomers will be more female. I am the only pretty girl in the group and I feel a lot of pressure."

Zhang Chulan in the hotel saw this news and awkwardly summoned a portal and walked in. He laughed to himself and said: "I almost forgot that Irena is a woman, eh."

As soon as he stepped out of the portal, the witch wearing a pointed hat was looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Because Miss Irena's beauty transcends gender!" Zhang Chulan stood at attention and shouted.

Not long after, Ye Fan also brought people to Shuijing Peak. In addition to Shirou Emiya and Ma Xianhong, two people he was familiar with, there was also a tall and strong man behind him. The other person was looking around curiously. His eyes were full of excitement and anticipation.

Since Song Shuhang's portal opened next to Ye Fan, when Song Shuhang, Venerable White, and Doudou came out, the Black Emperor was obviously stunned. He didn't expect that there was a dog demon here.

Black Emperor: "Woof?!"

Doudou: "Woof!"

Black Emperor: "Woof!!"

Doudou: "Woof woof!"

Song Shuhang's eyes widened, and he said in surprise: "Is it possible that this dog language is universal in all realms?!"

Ye Fan said to the Black Emperor: "Damn dog, don't lead me astray."

The Black Emperor glanced sideways at Ye Fan, with a look of disdain on his face. He bared his teeth and said, "This will be my little brother from now on!"

Doudou happily shouted: "Wow! Brother Black Emperor is my idol!"

This Beijing bus came up and bowed to the pier, which was obviously very satisfying to the Black Emperor's heart.

Song Shuhang's face turned green and he was upset. Doudou had already given Senior Huangshan a headache, but Doudou, who had been influenced by the Black Emperor, returned to Huangshan True Monarch and caused an uproar.

Oh no, no, no, no, the naughty kid is about to evolve into a bad boy.

Su Lin was curious about what they exchanged in just a few words, and how quickly they became involved. At this time, Xiao Yan walked out of the portal, and everyone in the group turned their attention to him.


Xiao Yan still maintained an indifferent attitude and a calm expression.


Xiao Yan adjusted his cloak and looked at the clouds on the horizon.


Xiao Yan took out a few pills from the Najie and walked up to everyone: "Yin Yang Xuan Long Pill, the teacher refined it as a gift for everyone. There are also some Soul Resurrection Purple Pills here. I personally refined them for your family members. You are welcome." .”

The Yin-Yang Black Dragon Pill can allow the user to stand up again after suffering a serious injury, recover from the injury very quickly, and be reborn to enhance his talent. It can be taken in advance but can only be used once in a lifetime.

Resurrection Purple Pill can restore the original damage and has a certain restorative effect.

"Hey, Lao Xiao, you can come here and bring these things." Su Lin picked up a box and stuffed it into his pocket: "You're welcome, you're welcome."

"You must have been knocked unconscious by Fallen Heart Flame when you suddenly went off the air during live broadcast some time ago. You shouldn't be arrogant and impetuous, brother." Ye Fan picked up a box and put it into Lun Hai.

"Thank you." Han Li patted Xiao Yan's shoulder and said via voicemail as he passed by: "I've been here too."

"Thank you. I'll bring some weapons back later." Shirou Emiya stepped forward and thanked him: "I have some emotional problems recently and I need to ask you for advice."

Xiao Yan nodded and said confidently: "Leave it to me."

Everyone was busy with their own things.

Su Lin saw people arriving from other worlds one after another. After saying hello to Luffy, he began to prepare to discuss relevant matters with everyone. As for the magic cultivator, Tony had been keeping an eye on him and there was no need to worry about him in the city. Hurtful.

[Purple Gold Shenlong applies to enter your world. 】


This was an accident. Su Lin originally thought that the ruffian Long who had an appointment with him would never participate. It seemed that the things Su Lin presented were still tempting.



A portal lit up, and with the roar of the dragon, a purple-gold dragon that was more than ten feet tall stood upright, with its tail on the ground, and swayed out of the door step by step.

"When the sun rises in the east, I am the only one who is undefeated. I am the Purple Gold God. I have boundless magical power, vast supernatural powers, and amaze the world."

The Purple Gold Dragon held its claws in front of its torso, and streaks of pale lightning twined around the dragon's body.

The anthropomorphic appearance of Lang Lang Shihao and the ruffian dragon were extremely inconsistent. Everyone did not feel cool and cool, but felt an indescribable desire to complain in their hearts.

"Longlong!" The little girl was a little scared at first, and then a little head popped up from behind Ye Fan with some curiosity.

Ye Fan held the little girl in his arms and covered her eyes: "Don't look at that dragon, it won't grow taller in the future."

Ye Fan already had a formula in his mind, a ruffian dragon = (Black Emperor + Duan De) X1.3.

"Even Su Lin is better at showing up than him." Lu Mingfei whispered.

Klein nodded: "Indeed."

"What does 'even' mean?" Su Lin grinned and looked at Lu Mingfei unhappily. That was a way of appearing "on the shoulders of giants".

copy? What copy? Cheat sheets are not copied, that’s called learning.

"Ahem." Purple Gold Shenlong coughed lightly, glanced at everyone present, walked up to Su Lin, and said, "What about that, Su Lin, right? I think we had a small misunderstanding before, but now this Shenlong is here You came into this world when you needed it most, so let bygones be bygones."

"That's okay." Su Lin said lightly: "At least multiple species."

As soon as Su Lin finished speaking, Zijin Shenlong looked happy. He didn't expect that the other party was so easy to talk to.

"Zhongli." Su Lin called.

Zhongli heard the sound and took out a contract that had been prepared. He let the contract float in front of Zijin Shenlong and said, "Mr. Zifeng, please sign this."

Zijin Shenlong asked suspiciously: "Who is Zifeng?"

He took the silk contract and read the contents on it.

[1. No group members’ property may be taken away without permission. 】

[2. Without permission, you are not allowed to seize opportunities in the world of group friends. 】

[3. You must not seize Chen Nan’s opportunities, and you must not be enemies with Chen Nan. You must not]

[30. Do not engage in a series of behaviors such as deceiving and abducting group friends and family members]

"Forget about the others, Chen Nan is my good brother." Zijin Shenlong touched his beard and said in a dissatisfied tone: "You can't trust me."

He then made a sad look and sighed several times.

The scene was completely silent for a while

"I don't care what you see about me in the stories, but those are just words and cannot truly represent the Shenlong. Your understanding of me is one-sided, single, and full of arrogance and prejudice." Zijin Shenlong wiped the corners of his eyes, as if tears were welling up.

There was still silence.

"Alas, the world is declining, and people's hearts are not as old as they used to be." The Purple Gold Dragon seemed to accept its fate, biting open its claws, "Has the trust between humans and dragons been fed to dogs?"

Doudou: "Woof? Don't look down on dogs!"

Black Emperor: "Wow! Loach, what are you talking about!?"

Zijin Shenlong waved his paws to show that he didn't want to argue. As he guessed, that boy Chen Nan was the protagonist of their world, and he came here to get relevant information about their world.

"Uncle Long's underwear has been completely stripped off. Oh, what a big loss. This is not allowed and that is not allowed. There are more rules than those bald donkeys."

‘No, Uncle Long has to take a good look at the plot of his own world to see if there is anything to be gained from it. ’

Ye Fan took the contract and looked at it. He touched his chin and said thoughtfully: "You can prepare a few more copies and change the contents. I think Dead Dog and Duan De will use them, ah!!!"

This time, the little girl couldn't help it. The Black Emperor bit Ye Fan's leg directly and let go before the little girl could speak.

"Dogs can't do this!" the little girl said eagerly: "Don't bite my brother."

Ye Fan gasped in pain.

Doudou looked at him with admiration. He was indeed a well-known canine in the dog world, even Emperor Ye Tian dared to bite him.

Under the expectant gaze of Zijin Shenlong, Su Lin uploaded a novel called "The Tomb of the Gods".

"What a bad name, it's not auspicious at all." Zijin Shenlong stopped pretending and started making jokes again: "Uncle Long, I'm still returning the immortal tomb."

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, he closed it, and there was a sentence written on it - "God is dead and the devil is destroyed, why am I still alive." ’

Immediately afterwards, he saw the scene of Chen Nan crawling out of the cemetery.

‘Uncle Long is beating your lungs! Did this kid survive before the immortal world was destroyed? ! ! ’

Zijin Shenlong looked at it seriously, but the others were not interested.

Because they can travel to the modern world or are already in the modern world, everyone present except Luffy has mastered the search function. The people in the group have basically known the story of the world where Zijin Shenlong lives.

"Okay, now let's talk about how to stage a cool and stunning copy for a bunch of immortals on the opposite side to watch." Su Lin pulled out a long table from the historical projection, originally planning to use it to make a few The chair was made of ice, but he suddenly remembered the time when he had frozen his butt during the war on the top.

He used the Five Elements spell to raise stone chairs from the ground. Su Lin sat on the main seat, flanked by "elites" from various worlds.

In terms of specifications, Su Lin felt that he had won.

Emiya Shirou spoke first: "Um, is there anyone here who is proficient in creation? Mr. Zhongli?"

Zhongli shook his head: "I only know a little bit but I'm not proficient."

Su Lin replied: "Judging from the current situation, it definitely doesn't exist, so I'll let everyone think of a way. You can chip in and I can sew it together, ah no, just write it out."

Xiao Yan asked: "I have a question. The other party observes the world through that kind of magical power, and there are a group of strong people on the other side. When we perform, won't the other party see the truth and falsehood?"

Su Lin snapped his fingers and said:

"Good question, but don't worry about this. The evil cultivator is the source of the signal. Even if he has magical powers based on his strength, the content relayed may not be able to achieve the effect of an immortal using this magical power."

"I can be responsible for supporting the special effects, so you don't have to worry about quality issues, but in terms of quantity, there is a limit to what God's will my clone of the God of Light can withstand."

"Creating infinite horror with limited special effects is what I need now."

Everyone was thinking. At this time, Venerable White said to Song Shuhang: "Shuhang, do you still remember the plot of the movie we will make in the future?"

Song Shuhang was stunned and replied: "Remember, Yu Jiaojiao took Naiqi to write a movie script?"

After saying this, Song Shuhang's eyes lit up: "Yes! It can still be like this!"

The other party’s true identity is his roommate, Gao Moumou.

"Tie that author here?" Su Lin clapped his hands, "Try it."

Song Shuhang nodded, and then hesitantly said: "That is my good roommate and good brother. I still respect his personal wishes and invite him to come over and give it a try."

"I'll add money." Su Lin said.

"Haha, Senior Su, this is not about money." Song Shuhang hadn't finished speaking.

Su Lin added: "A piece of Enlightenment Tea."

"Done!" Song Shuhang patted the table and stood up. He then saw everyone looking at him with strange eyes, touched his head in embarrassment and said:

"I mean I will definitely invite him over. Our brotherhood is totally fine."

"Well, that's what it means."

Change first and then change

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