Huan Yu Realm. Human World

A border town of Nansang Kingdom within the jurisdiction of Taiqing Sect.

In a courtyard, the white mulberry flowers that were colder than the snow were suddenly stained red by splashing blood.

"It has been several years since I obtained this secret method, but I have been unable to seize the opportunity to make a breakthrough. In the final analysis, there is still too little blood food." Qu Yanping frowned as he looked at the corpse at his feet. Although he had accumulated spiritual power, his progress was too slow. So that it cannot be condensed into elixir.

The scarlet aura was like a spider web, gathering into his body from the corpses of men, women, and children in the courtyard.

"Blood Diary of Heavenly Demon"

This is a secret book passed down from generation to generation. It was obtained from an outsider monk thousands of years ago. It can allow people with poor talents like him to achieve extremely high cultivation speed.

The price is just the flesh and blood of some intelligent beings. To be honest, this is not even a price.

If it weren't for the intervention of those so-called "righteous" people, why would he be hiding like this? This world is originally a place where the weak prey on the strong. Those in power absorb the blood and sweat of mortals throughout their lives. He just condensed this wave of plunder into a moment.

"You are their blood food today, and I will be their blood food tomorrow, why do you need to show such a look?" Qu Yanping looked at the bride who was detained by him in the room, licked the corners of his mouth, and said with a smile:

"The pure yin body can be used to refine medicine and save a lot of hard work."

"Those hypocrites in the Taiqing Sect missed talented people like you when they screened the young cultivators. Haha, God help me."

After he extracted the last traces of essence from the bodies in the courtyard, the corpses dried up and dissipated.

In order to avoid long nights and many dreams, Qu Yanping decided to take the woman away directly and find a suitable day to put her into the elixir furnace to refine a spiritual elixir.

The moment he stretched out his hand, a wisp of sword light flew in from the red copper gate with a cold feeling, smashing the Nansang flowers floating in the air and smashing the illusory array he had arranged.

In the blink of an eye, the sword light came to a position five inches in front of his eyebrows. A floating red jade blocked the sword light, and a harsh sword cry erupted from the intersection of the two.

Foundation building completed? !


Qu Yanping spit out a mouthful of blood essence, decisively abandoned the bride with a pure Yin body, and flew to the side with the impact, where there was a prepared formation.

There is no magic way these days that goes out without preparing a way out in advance.

"Monster! Stop leaving!!!"

A handsome young man with angry eyes flashed towards the sword light, and three green lights flew out of his hand.

Still a step too late, Qu Yanping turned around to avoid the vital point, and a blood flower bloomed on his right shoulder. At the same time, his body turned into escaping light and broke through the space to escape.

The two magic weapons broke through the courtyard wall and returned to the young man's hands with a sound of breaking through the air.

"Senior Brother Mi! This bride is still alive!"

Mirui Nian glanced at the blood and gray powder around him, his eyes full of remorse and anger. During his jurisdiction, a massacre of demon cultivators occurred.

He held the sword tightly in his hand, and the blade trembled with his emotions.

"Xiao Wu, you stay and take good care of her." Mi Ruinian said to the other disciples: "The demon was hit by my green bird dart. The green bird dart will take root in his flesh and blood meridians. I can feel it. His place.”

"Senior Brother Mi, his little moving formation may have flown thousands of miles away." A young and relatively small man reminded.

"I know, so I ask how many of you are willing to hunt down monsters with me!" Mirui Nian asked in a deep voice: "If it exceeds one hundred thousand miles, my Qingque Dart will lose its position."

Hunting? !

During the Taiqing Sect's assessment period, if there are civilian casualties as long as it is due to force majeure, it will be fine. However, if you leave the border town without permission during this period, it will mean that you have failed the eight-year assessment, and you will have to wait for another eight years before you can leave the border town.

All you need to do is report this kind of thing. If you go there in person, it may take many years to successfully pursue him. During this period, there may be many troubles and the possibility of death.

"Senior Brother Mi, I am different from you. My ancestors have been mortals for ten generations. I must fight for my reputation."

"Senior Brother Mi, take care."

"I'm not going either"

In the end, only two fellow students were left.

"Okay, then you must strengthen the maintenance of order during this period to prevent this from happening again." Mi Ruinian didn't say much. This kind of thing depends entirely on voluntariness: "Junior brother Banxi and junior sister Zhu Ling will come with me to help this place." The people take revenge!”

Mi Ruinian immediately took out a shuttle from his storage bag, and in less than a few seconds, he and his two other classmates disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Shuizeshan, thirty thousand miles away.

Qu Yanping stared blankly at the dilapidated cave in front of him. He originally wanted to escape immediately after the move was completed, but he did not expect that there was an abandoned monk's cave where he landed.

A faint aura came from the depths of darkness. Not surprisingly, there should be a spiritual grass there. This kind of aura

The grade is not low!

Qu Yanping looked at the dart growing out of plant roots on his body, and it was sucking his flesh and blood.

"I just said they are a bunch of hypocrites. This kind of shady magic weapon can also be used." Qu Yanping showed a miserable smile. He took a pill and walked towards the cave, and released a stream of talismans from the talisman. The refined puppet is used to explore the path ahead.

Things have been revealed on this planet, and it won't be long before he is wanted.

If you really can't find a "broker", it is also a good choice to develop overseas.

Qu Yanping didn't have too many emotions. He had already thought about it when he chose this path. If he chose that method, he would be separated from his family, and if he was killed in the future, his family would not be implicated.

Although a mortal can live a life without worries about food and clothing, he is not willing to waste his time.

Just a hundred years, what is enough?

There are no mechanisms along the way, and even the restrictions are decayed.

"Haha..." Qu Yanping couldn't help laughing when he saw the spiritual grass in front of him, but soon his laughter stopped: "This is..."

There is a simple formation around the spiritual grass. The formations on it are complicated and mysterious. Even he has never seen such formations in his family before.

He saw a white skeleton sitting cross-legged in the center of the formation, holding a picture scroll and a small box in his arms?

Qu Yanping summoned the puppet and asked him to walk into the formation and take out the scroll from Bai Gu's arms.

Being cautious is not a bad thing. Imprudent demon cultivators have long been publicized as typical examples and become a topic of after-dinner conversation among mortals.

"Speaking of which, could it be that the opportunity circulated in this novel about mortals happened to me?"

He took the scroll and opened it, and instantly information appeared in his brain.

[The formation leading to foreign lands.]

[Tongxuan Dan, taking it can temporarily eliminate one's own existence. If you practice in vain, you will have the opportunity to obtain the magical power of the heavenly eye.]

It took him more than ten minutes to accept this information and how to use the formation.

"Is this really happening!??" Qu Yanping was overjoyed. Suddenly, he turned around and found that the formation he had set up at the entrance of the cave had been touched.

"Catching up so quickly? The children of the Mi family are really rich."

Qu Yanping looked fearless, walked to the middle of the formation, pinched the spell, and at the same time took out one of the pills in the box and drank it.

A vortex of chaos appeared beneath his feet, and everything around him began to fade away.

"The passage opens here."

Near the Oriental Pearl Tower, in the underground parking lot of an office building.

Sutoni touched his chin with a confused expression: "Although I am not in perfect condition now, it would be interesting if I could not find any traces."

They definitely didn't arrive at this place the first time. After all, they spent some time with this guy in the playground.

"What do you mean by that look in your eyes?" Su Lin said unceremoniously: "Can you please stop looking at me with those dead fish eyes on your face like mine, otherwise I will have to forcefully give you plastic surgery."

"Can you help find someone?" Sutoni said helplessly: "Use your authority."

"I don't believe you don't have other good things." Su Lin said with a smile.

Sutoni chuckled: "My family is gone. Now I am only poor and my wife is the only one left."

The game has already begun.

Sutoni must have other props in the system backpack, otherwise Sutoni's character probably wouldn't be so confident to come to the door. What if the person on the other side is a big boss?

Su Lin now wanted to see what other good things the other party had. It would be better if he could borrow them for a few days. Maybe there would be something he could use as his entire wealth.

Luo Shengying asked with great interest: "Do you also want a wife?"

Su Lin was speechless for a moment. He recalled the scene of Sutoni being held to his waist with a sword in the paradise, as well as the somewhat abnormal complaints in the future people's diaries, and he shook his head decisively.

"It feels good to be single for a while, and it feels good to be single forever." Su Lin said seriously.

"What a pity." Luo Shengying smiled slightly.

Su Lin glanced at Klein who was smiling happily in the historical pore, directly pulled him out of the historical pore, and whispered in his ear: "There is a hidden route to the blind date in your world, Munch. CP’s route.”

"." Klein instantly returned to being a faceless man, his eyes became dull, and he asked, "Are you kidding me? I still believe in your bottom line."

"Guess." Su Lin smiled, said nothing, closed his eyes and began to search for traces of the other party.

God's will gradually blessed him, a vast and unpredictable aura appeared from his body, Tao and reason appeared visibly to the naked eye, a spiritual consciousness burst out from here, and there was no secret in Su Lin in the world.

Yu Feng's big black eyes stared at the boss. This was the secret skill he wanted to learn, not some holy light! What is this great emperor after he learns it? All immortals can be naughty!

"Can we go to the other side's world through the passage you mentioned?" Zhongli vaguely sensed that the space here was a little weird, but he couldn't tell where it was.

"Yes, yes." Sutoni shook his head and said, "Has he told you about this world?"

"I've heard a little bit." Zhongli nodded.

"Now there have been many variables. The other party's original arrival time in this world has been advanced. I suspect that the Taiqing Immortal Emperor left some back-up." Sutoni pointed at Su Lin and said: "Of course he is protected by the law of heaven. It’s nothing, but it’s hard to say whether it will survive after leaving this world.”

Sutoni was a little speechless when talking about this matter. He even used props before but the world consciousness of this world ignored him, and even deliberately avoided him.

But this also gave him a guess about why Su Lin still exists in this world, and he would like to talk to this guy later.

"It is indeed not a wise move to rush to other worlds." Zhongli affirmed: "I am curious if you can tell me about the situation in that world."

"I've found it." Su Lin said at this time: "But the other party's condition is a bit strange."

"They didn't even bring in actors? Caught an evil cultivator?" Sutoni looked at the other party's face, which was slightly younger than in memory, and a purple long knife appeared in his hand.

In the suburbs, Qu Yanping was recuperating from his injuries in a mountain stream. The place was backlit and dense, and ordinary people, even climbers, would not come here.

But he didn't notice at all that someone was already drawing a knife and preparing to kill him on the cliff behind him.

"Your Novice Village BOSS?" Su Lin asked. He also looked at the long knife in Su Toni's hand. He hadn't looked carefully before, but now he found that this long knife had an aura of expensive points all over it.

Sutoni nodded, suppressing the murderous intention in his heart and rubbing the long knife. It was too cheap to kill the opponent like this. He was thinking about how to deal with the opponent after figuring out Huan Yujie's intentions.

Unlike Su Lin in this world, he did not encounter a chat group, nor was he so lucky.

Twelve years later, with the help of the power of the Internet, the points he obtained allowed him to possess early innate cultivation, and he could be considered a martial arts master in the city.

He opened a company and used the knowledge and design drawings of the system to conduct research and development, and he achieved freedom of wealth. Because he learned from Fat Donglai's dividend model, many of his employees chose to work overtime voluntarily even on New Year's Eve.

He engages in verbal quarrels on the Internet, and basically comments on everything. After attracting enough attention, he will start to "pretend" in front of the public.

Everything was progressing in a good direction, which gave him hope of entering immortality in his lifetime.

Until that night on New Year's Eve, there was a report on TV that a gang was committing serial murders.

This evil cultivator chose his company, and the entire building became a hell on earth.

He barely survived, relying on some temporary talismans exchanged for seals.

"The happiest thing about going back to the past is besides changing regrets and saving the people you want to save. There is another thing second to this. Do you know what it is?" Sutoni smiled happily and asked and answered: "It's okay. Kill whoever you want to kill again.”

The surrounding environment seemed to have changed slightly, and the people who looked at him saw a scene of tears in the sky and boundless destruction.

"The killing blow on you is very heavy." Zhongli looked solemn.

Even Shenba Yufeng saw a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood in a trance, but as soon as he took his eyes away from Sutoni, the scene would disappear.

Su Lin narrowed his eyes but didn't say anything. That was the killing karma accumulated after the creature was killed. The other party was not affected and was regarded as the accumulation of the killer.

It's terrible, it's terrible.

"Can it be less heavy?" Sutoni restrained himself a little and said with a smile: "How do you say that? The people you kill are more than the salt I eat. We have done it before, killing all the creatures in the universe. Killing Hong If you are blind, you don’t care whether the other party is innocent or not.”

"I hope we don't have to kill so many this time."

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