I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

Chapter 222 New Zhetian Chamber of Commerce

The bamboo forest is green and the elixir is shining. Under the scorching sun, everything is so quiet and beautiful.

"During your absence, the Black Emperor repeatedly tested the edge of the medicine garden, and finally stepped into the trap three days ago." Ye Fan shook his sleeves and put his hands behind his back. Dressed in green clothes, he seemed to be banished from the world. , he sighed: "What a pity. I thought he wouldn't be able to bear it for a month at most, but I didn't expect him to persist for so long."

In front of Ye Fan and Su Lin, a black dog that was taller than a man was howling in a thunder spring. He was constantly rising and falling in the spring water, like a person who had fallen into the water.

In addition to the slurry-like blue thunder in the spring water, there are also hundreds of sword auras the size of water tanks. These sword auras have powerful light power and can almost divide the space into several different areas.

Even if you enter the Dragon Transformation Realm, you cannot escape. In the end, you will only end up falling.

But this big dog has rough skin and thick flesh, and extremely high defense. These attacks can't leave any traces on his shiny black fur, but can only make him scream in agony and make him suffer constant pain.

"What's that in your hand?" Su Lin glanced at the small wooden barrel held by Ye Fan. There was a strange fragrance inside, which seemed to be the product of dried spiritual fruits.

"Spice, unfortunately, there is no use for it." Ye Fan shook his head, seeming a little regretful that he missed a delicious meal, "I am going to the Holy City soon, do you want to go with me?"

"Wouldn't it be better for me to be a light bulb?" Su Lin picked up a spiritual fruit and ate it. The sweet and sour juice was refreshing: "I'm envious, you are so beautiful everywhere."

"I just want you to be a bodyguard, but if you are so lonely, I can tie up a saint for you." Ye Fan raised his eyebrows and said.

"No need." Su Lin decisively refused. Ye Fan was really capable of doing such a thing. He easily lifted the restriction, allowing the Black Emperor to escape from the thunder spring.

"To be honest, I went to the Holy City this time to make money." Ye Fan watched the Black Emperor escape, paralyzed on the ground and couldn't help but feel happy, "Gamble on stones, open source, magic medicine, the opportunities there are quite good. That’s a lot, by the way. We can also expand the market, but I need your help.”

"Why do you want me to open up the market? I'm not a shareholder of your chamber of commerce." Su Lin asked doubtfully.

What market is needed to sell fake goods? You can just find a busy market and set up a stall and sell them.

"It's hard for me to show my face now. They have spread my portrait everywhere, and have arranged people who have seen my magical power in various major areas. New monks who come to do business must show their magical power and verify their identity." Ye Fan He was quite helpless, with a tone even filled with sadness and hardship, and said, "The road ahead is long and difficult. There is nothing I can do in the face of this malicious business suppression."

"Isn't it okay if you don't show up in person?" Su Lin replied, just find an agent for this kind of thing.

Unexpectedly, Ye Fan shook his head, turned his back to face the sun, looked at the vast sea of ​​clouds around Shuijing Peak, and said:

"The development of our Zhetian Chamber of Commerce has reached a bottleneck period. Simply focusing on counterfeiters and low-end monks is not a long-term development plan, and it cannot maximize benefits."

"We need to transform and upgrade and take the path of high-quality development!"

"It needs the endorsement of a strong person, a strong person who has nothing to do with the Holy Body! Then use high-quality real magic weapons to build a reputation, from the wheel sea to the Taoist palace, from the Taoist palace to the four poles. From now on, we will only sell genuine products."

"With enough goodwill, we can set our sights on those great powers who transform into dragons and above the realm of dragon transformation. Then hehe"

Ye Fan stretched out his hand as if to hold the big sun in his hand. Although the figure on the back was a young man's seat cover, he had the aura of swallowing up mountains and rivers and holding the sun and moon in his hand.

In a daze, the fruit in Su Lin's hand fell to the ground with a bang, and he stared at Ye Fan's business overlord-like figure in stunned silence.

"What?" Su Lin hesitated for a moment and then said, "Do you still remember your future direction?"

"Suppress all enemies in the world." Ye Fan said, "What's wrong?"

"The future heaven should not be a commercial company, right?"


Su Lin always felt that this overwhelming style of painting was gradually going wrong. Ever since Ye Fan embarked on the road of making money, he rarely killed anyone. If he didn't have a big hatred or a person who came to chase him, he would Basically, I will try my best to save the lives of those disciples from the Holy Land family.

In his words, those are all high-quality scapegoats.

Ye Fan didn't think about it for too long. When faced with Su Lin's problem, he naturally wouldn't get entangled: "I don't care what the future holds. For me, everything I experience now is real."

"Even if I in the future can go back in time and space to see the birth and death of all realms in a single thought, he is me and I am not him."

"What I can do is grasp everything in the present and not fantasize about future achievements. Invincibility is never something you wait for, but is achieved step by step."

Su Lin sighed, he is worthy of being the protagonist of this era, his Taoist heart is unparalleled.

"More importantly, if you don't make money, you're a bastard. Why should I fight with those gangsters when I can just lie down and make money?" Ye Fan said with some disdain:

"When I see a genius, I like to stifle it. I have to find ways to stifle the genius who is not one of my own."

"After living for thousands of years, I have learned nothing else but four words: bully the weak and fear the strong."

"In this holy place, there are everything from Living Buddhas and Holy Mothers to gangsters. The master guides everyone to have their own character."

Su Lin nodded: "Indeed, this atmosphere is quite bad."

As soon as Su Lin mentioned Fengqi, Ye Fan became angry and said:

"Do you know how I feel when I see Zhe Tian? Fight, fight, fight, what the hell, fight, I will fuck you @! # %."

From Lun Hai to Dadi, everyone's favorite thing is fighting.

"But my style of painting is different from yours, is that okay?" Su Lin knew that there is also a Holy See on the earth that covers the sky, and there are things like playing with faith, playing with light, but in essence it is still this way. system power.

"There are so many different styles of painting." Ye Fan smiled. This was not a problem at all. "Which of those paleontological families and descendants has a style that is not strange? They are just different ways."

Su Lin thought for a while and agreed: "Okay."

The strength of his current clone of the God of Light is roughly between that of a Saint and a Saint King. Whether he can defeat it is still uncertain. Anyway, the ancient royal family has not yet entered the world, and those old monsters will not appear on weekdays, so the danger is not great.

"Black Emperor!" Ye Fan threw the barrel of spices aside and called to the Black Emperor: "Take out your array pattern and honor the emperor."

The Black Emperor weakly raised his head and glanced at Ye Fan. He simply closed his eyes and rested without caring about anything. The dog ignored this guy and decided to attack the emperor.

"Will Shirou Emiya go too?" Su Lin asked.

"I'm giving him a holiday. He has to prepare to go back to his hometown." As soon as Ye Fan said this, he saw Su Lin's surprised look in his eyes. He said helplessly: "I'm not a devil capitalist. Do you really think I'm going to do it?" Is it a 24/7 work system?”

Su Lin was surprised and said: "Isn't it?"


Ye Fan was too lazy to discuss this issue, so he changed the topic and said, "It's almost time for him to go back and rest. If there are no conditions, forget it. If there are conditions, returning to familiar people will provide better relief." pressure."

"Are you really going to let him go back?" Black Emperor pushed himself up and stood up unsteadily: "I heard that kid said once or twice that there is some danger in their world. What if you let him go back?"

This is a walking vein of Originium production. Ye Fan is so arrogant, what if he is accidentally abducted on the way! ?

"No." The Black Emperor shook his head and ran towards Fang Fang: "I have to carve formation patterns on his body!"

"Don't mess around!" Ye Fan didn't know that this black dog was actually just looking for an excuse to run away.

After all, Su Lin was beside him. After regaining some of his strength, the dead dog ran away on four legs and escaped with light, fearing that Su Lin would hold him accountable.

"Are you going home?" Ma Xianhong picked up a precision part and put it in front of his right eye to look at it carefully. An undetectable light spot, as big as a grain of rice, carved seals on the part.

This is Jianfeng. Ever since Ye Fan packed Shuijingfeng back from Su Lin, Emiya Shirou and Ma Xianhong have been living in seclusion here.

Except for occasionally going out to see the world in cities where monks gather, the two of them almost stayed in Jianfeng's room to study weapon refining and practice.

From the materials for refining the magic weapon to the resources for daily use, it is completely sufficient. Ye Fan and the Black Emperor will come over to guide the practice matters on weekdays.

"Well, I'll be back in about two days." Emiya Shirou placed a book of "The Hundred Refinements of Divine Machinery" in front of him, and used his hands to refine a small object according to the above method.


Along with a burst of black smoke, this small object was completely scrapped.

"Why don't you go back and stay longer?" Ma Xianhong placed the precision parts in his hand at the center of a green hexagonal cube, and aura began to come out from the gaps in this magic weapon.

"Two days is enough. If it takes too long, accidents may occur." Emiya Shirou glanced at the small object in his hand and threw it aside into the scrap pile.

Ma Xianhong placed the magic weapon on the jade table, walked to the scrap pile, picked up the items that Shirou Emiya had recently refined, looked at them, and said in a deep voice:

"You're tired, you need to take a good rest."

He reached out and snatched a new piece of material from Emiya Shirou's hand and set it aside.

"Sorry." Emiya Shirou breathed out a breath and closed the secret book of the magic machine.

"You don't need to apologize. The materials are not mine." Ma Xianhong frowned and said, "You don't have to work so hard."

The other party does have some talent, Ma Xianhong must admit this, and coupled with his uncanny skill called projection magic, he will definitely make great achievements in the art of weapon refining in the future.

Although he was from Japan, after several months of contact and understanding, Ma Xianhong did not feel disgusted with Shirou Emiya. On the contrary, he had a good impression of Shirou Emiya, and he liked his personality very much.

At least it's better than Zhang Chulan's evil-minded turtle grandson who sold him here.

The only problem is that this person works too hard.

As a weapon refiner, although it is not a problem to go days and nights without eating, drinking, or sleeping when you are inspired, it is really not good to squeeze yourself like this when you are still in the learning stage.

Ma Xianhong could see that it was not a hunger for knowledge, nor a fanatical love for weapon refining, but just the act of burning oneself desperately to achieve a goal.

"Have a good rest after you go back." Ma Xianhong turned around and called Ruhua and asked him to take away all the finished products.

"Where's my Sora Cry Roar?"

Ma Xianhong wandered around the area and didn't realize where his small lion-headed magic weapon had gone.

Emiya Shirou rubbed his eyebrows and said, "You were not here when my little girl came to play the day before yesterday, so the Black Emperor took it away and gave it to her."

"Oh." Ma Xianhong nodded. If that cute little girl wants it, just take it and then refine it.

"Ye Fan gives us a holiday, why don't you go back?" Shirou Emiya said to Ma Xianhong.

Preparing for the opening of a new store is the biggest project. The amount of orders placed on weekdays is not as much as the preparation work for the opening of a new store.

"Go back? I have no place to go back to." Ma Xianhong picked up a black iron hammer and walked to the stove aside to start the next work. The crisp sound of steel collision rang out.

While Emiya Shirou was stunned, Ma Xianhong continued:

"I was used by Qu Tong to create a self-cultivation furnace for my lost memory. The purpose was to help me recover my lost memory."

"But in the end I discovered that my past life had been modified by both hands. Qu Tong was not my sister. So where should I go after I go back?"

"My great-grandfather and grandfather were all hunted down because of the Eight Magic Skills, and I am the only one left in this lineage."

Only then did Emiya Shirou realize that he had touched the other person's scar. He lowered his head slightly and said, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry all the time." Ma Xianhong stopped what he was doing and looked at Shirou Emiya and said, "For me now, I have already accepted all this, and it's not as easy for you as for me."

"Well, then I'll go back and pack my luggage first." Shirou Emiya nodded and said, "See you later."

The moment Shirou Emiya was about to step out, Ma Xianhong shouted: "Do you have a dream? Shirou Emiya."

Emiya Shirou was a little surprised, but he still turned his head and answered seriously, "I want to be a partner of justice."

"A partner of justice? That's great." Ma Xianhong nodded and said, "My ideal is to eliminate the gap between strangers and ordinary people, so that everyone can be taught without distinction."

"Before, a descendant of the Eight Wonders named Wang Ye said that I have a low destiny, and the people I want to pursue are too big, and I cannot afford my own ambitions."

"But I don't think so. Success depends on people, and planning depends on heaven. If everything is affected by fate and is destined by God, then what's the point?"

"My memories may be false, but my dreams will always be real!"

Shirou Emiya didn't understand why Ma Xianhong suddenly mentioned his dream. When Ma Xianhong first came here, he often sat on rocks or roofs and stared at the stars in a daze. He had no idea what he was thinking. At that time, he was like a whirlpool of nothingness.

But now, for the first time in these months, he saw such a shining light in Ma Xianhong's eyes, as if a blazing flame was burning.

"Haha, just think I'm talking to myself." Ma Xianhong waved his hand and continued to start his next task, "Go back and clean up quickly."

"Thank you." Shirou Emiya turned around and left. A long sword hanging on the wall with a scabbard flew into his hand. It was the first magic weapon he made. He put it on his back and closed the refiner. room door.

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