"It seems that more than one outside god was involved in this matter." Adam looked at Zhongli's mutated figure and said, "The reality on him has been being tampered with in secret."

"There is no reason why the fallen Mother Goddess would give up such a well-matched chess piece regarding the power related to the earth." Amon pushed the monocle and said with a smile:

"Did the transformation start from the moment the barrier was lifted? No..."

"It should be that when the door from the starry sky opened, another force sneaked in along the fallen mother goddess."

"Haha, it seems that they have reached some kind of agreement. This situation is his last trump card."

The spear stuck in the chest had been completely corrupted. The sharp black shadow claws grabbed the spear that looked like a root system and pulled it out from the body.

"Strange...why don't I have any memory about you?" The terrifying figure slowly stood up from the iron-black throne. He spoke very slowly, but it had the effect of causing creatures to fall into madness and depravity. road:

"Klein, Su Lin, Lu Mingfei..."

"I know you, but maybe due to the influence of pollution, the memory has been worn..."

"I want to go back to Liyue. Where is the way back...the way back...?"

His voice was a little low, and everyone present could feel the confusion and depression.

"Su Lin, can you come over and help me purify the pollution? I think, plus the power of Source Castle, it should be enough." The golden star at the head rotated towards Su Lin, emitting a clear and pure spirit. The rhyme is completely different from the deep darkness.

Su Lin was silent for two seconds, condensing the light elements into a long chain. He frowned, as if thinking about the feasibility of his next plan.

"Zhongli" stood in front of the iron-black throne holding a ferocious black spear with flesh and blood tentacles. He made no further movements. He seemed to still have reason and could even communicate normally. He was quietly waiting for the replies from his friends, hoping to get them. help.

But the news in the chat group is completely opposite.

Zhongli: "Don't...believe him."

Zhongli: "He... is stalling for time... before the brood has merged... kill me!"

But no one in the chat group responded. Everyone was tense and thinking about ways to solve the current situation.


The small piece of source matter began to melt, and the black viscous liquid dripped down into the void, making "Zhongli"'s body feel more chaotic.

"Seal him and use the Sea of ​​Chaos and Origin Castle to put him into a deep sleep!" Klein immediately came up with a plan. He also had the pale mask provided by Bernadette, which could seal Zhongli using the same sealing method as Russell. in this world.

After that, look for the water of the "River of Eternal Darkness" to put Zhongli into sleep. In this way, he can at least delay the time and wait for the old days on this side of the earth to appear or seek opportunities in other worlds.

No, you don’t need to think too far, you just need to wait for the ‘grandpa’ in Lu Mingfei’s body to wake up. Lao Lu should have a way.

"Do you want to consider my previous proposal?" Amon smiled and gave Klein a meaningful look.

Klein paused for a moment. If Amon were to control Origin Castle.

As soon as he had this idea, Zhongli over there "looked" at him. Suddenly, Klein, whose spirit body was above the gray fog, felt that something in his body had awakened!

Within a few seconds, Klein's eyes darkened, turning from brown to black, and his eyelids drooped. He "saw" an illusory and hazy dream.

The spiritual insect "Quiet" in his body went out of control and turned into monsters, and these monsters also had "will" awakening in their bodies.


The mysterious space above the gray fog shook violently, the majestic palace collapsed inch by inch, and the ancient and mottled bronze long table was smashed into holes and broken into several sections.

The extremely majestic gray mist enveloped Klein completely. He rolled and twisted. Finally, after enough gray mist entangled him, the out-of-control spiritual insects finally stabilized!

He braced himself against the arms of his high-backed chair and struggled to his feet, terrified and confused by what had just happened.

"The first thing in my body has awakened?!"

Klein vaguely remembered that in the short period of time, those spirit insects had a special resonance with Zhongli. It was not complete madness, but more of an instinct.


They are all wrong. That is not a puppet controlled by the fallen mother goddess! What looks like pollution from an alien god is actually a layer of disguise, and its essence is dominated by the ultimate aggregation instinct.

That is the original Creator!

Klein once again controlled a marionette to arrive at the same location. The previous marionette had collapsed, and the fierce battle had begun again!

The clear and pure light turned into chains all over the sky to imprison this area. In the night, the light elements were being arranged in an orderly manner according to the formula. Magical formations covering the size of the sky rose rapidly, and infinite light elements poured out from the kingdom of God.

The tide of the Sea of ​​Chaos, which encompasses all colors, once again waves from the void. It is the birthplace of all things and the ocean that contains all secrets.

On the earth, the land abandoned by the gods that was originally a boundless desert was covered by a huge city with completely different architectural styles. This city has different buildings from thousands of years before and after the old era, as well as buildings from the first era, the second era, and even the current era. Buildings from the Fifth Century, the entire city was shrouded in fog, with occasional flashes of scarlet blood.

Klein subconsciously took a few steps back. Faced with an attack of this level, no righteous god could hold on for long and could only hope for other means of resurrection.

But when the wave receded, the dark and twisted figure stood there like a rock, but the outline of the dark shadow of the universe was slightly dimmed.

With the lesson learned just now, Klein didn't let the Marionette get too close. He just pressed his right hand on a pale metal mask.

Mysterious three-dimensional symbols like feathered serpents constantly emerged from the mask, converging into small streams in the air and flowing towards "Zhongli".

And Su Lin also completely overlapped the sky of the Kingdom of God and the Land Abandoned by God at this time. The music of nature resounded in every corner of the Land Abandoned by God. The crimson moon in the sky was blocked, and the night was replaced by the Kingdom of God. , the music composed and performed naturally by light elements is quiet and peaceful.

A beam of light like the Tyndall effect breaks through the clouds and shines on "Zhongli". It is the purest divine power of light, representing the law itself where order is low-level logic.

Due to the previous use of chaotic energy for unintended attacks, the pure chaotic energy of the sticky godhead has not yet been restored, showing a gray-white transparent color.

At this moment, when Su Lin used the power of the godhead like this, there were already dense cracks in the light godhead, and some small cracks began to appear in the ice.

As time went by, although these gaps gradually increased and expanded, the tentacles on "Zhongli"'s body curled up into a ball visibly to the naked eye, and slowly but surely shriveled up.

Thunder and lightning flew out of Adam's eyes, and the shadow of an upright thunder giant appeared. It inserted a cross hundreds of meters high into the sea of ​​chaos, disintegrating into thick thunder snakes surrounding it.

Finally, "Zhongli" in an abstract and distorted state fell towards the "City of Disaster" below. Those mysterious three-dimensional symbols like "feathered serpents" surrounded him like flies and kept drilling into his body.

The golden sun on the head seemed to be extinguished, and the golden eyes on the chest slowly closed with a humanized look of 'exhaustion'.

There is currently no safer place in this world than the City of Disaster. As long as Zhongli is sealed in Lu Mingfei's source, there is no need to worry about the original awakening!

Tick ​​tock!

At this moment, another drop of source matter from the mother's nest merged into the void. "Zhongli" got rid of his sleepiness a little bit. The dark spear twisted into many tentacles in his hand was thrown towards "Su Lin" in the sky. go.

At the same time, the star in his left hand, which was as abstract as a child's graffiti, with winding tentacles, suddenly burst out with intense golden light.

After the light dissipated, in the extremely distant void, a "world" rippled like ripples in water.

This world was originally flat, like a picture scroll, but in the process of rippling, it became more and more three-dimensional, more and more real, and finally...

A world that is exactly the same as reality is formed. Whether it is the sky or the earth, the details of all objects are exactly the same!

The only difference was that in that world, most of the head of the six-winged God of Light was chopped off, and in his abdomen, a crimson baby with blood and tears broke open and was born from a fragmented godhead.

The bodies of Mr. Wrong’s ‘Amon’ were ignited with strange flames, their faces were ferocious, and their bodies seemed to have been burned through dead wood.

A giant dragon whose whole body was covered in flames, with huge blood holes appearing on its neck, head, and abdomen, while a group of blue-gray-faced monsters ate away at his body.

"Adam" and "Klein" had the same flesh-and-blood tentacles as Zhongli's. Half of their faces turned into dark shadow outlines, and the other half smiled strangely, looking at this world from another world.

"High-latitude Overlooker!" Seeing this scene, Su Lin had identified the partner of the Fallen Mother Goddess. He was the one who had previously tampered with Zhongli's body so that they could not see the situation.

The power of this outer god had been hidden until this most critical moment, when it broke through the disguise and burst out.

The world depicting a tragic ending becomes more and more three-dimensional, quickly moving from the distant void to reality. It is about to overlap with this world but is separated by an endless illusory sea!

That was a plane created by the High-Dimensional Overlooker, who elevated it to coincide with the real world.

When that moment comes, those tiny detail changes will be retained by the world, and the picture He painted will surely come true!

Fortunately, Adam formed a dividing line through the Sea of ​​Chaos, dividing the two worlds and preventing that ending from coming.

As if to laugh at their struggles, on the moon outside the earth, the crimson color symbolizing the outline of the moon completely disappeared, leaving only a black moon blending into the deep space of the universe.

The Fallen Mother Goddess completely gave up the awakened part of herself and completely handed it over to the original Creator!

Within the body of "Zhongli" and the piece of source matter that was about to melt, the last will and power of the fallen mother goddess emerged like a small snake and looked at Su Lin above. The crimson light flickered for a moment and then disappeared.

In Su Lin's clone, a positive blessing was felt on the broken godhead, which was the sacrifice of the fallen mother goddess! An existence from the past sacrificed its own strength and will, and transferred the "life" power to Su Lin through the universe.

A faint ray of crimson lights up like a firefly, but this is not something to be happy about. This crimson power may become the lead to that ending after the worlds overlap.

With the further recovery of his original will, "Zhongli" looked at Adam and at Klein in the gray mist palace at infinite heights. The next moment.

The Sea of ​​Chaos and Origin Castle resonated at the same time. Klein and Adam felt at the same time that the original will was vaguely about to wake up, and the source of matter was responding to His desire to gather!

Gradually, the sea of ​​chaos no longer wanders in illusion, but is gradually returning to reality and converging towards Zhongli as the center, and the world depicted by the 'high-dimensional overlooker' will arrive soon.

Except for Adam and Lu Mingfei, the others were stunned in place as if they were suppressed. An illusory bloodstain faintly appeared on the face of Su Lin's clone of the God of Light, and illusory flames began to appear around Amon.

Above the star realm, those extremely terrifying giant faces were pressed against the transparent barrier. They watched closely, like scavenging birds waiting for the arrival of a sumptuous meal.

The High-Dimensional Overlooker is also among them. He exerts all his influence through the power that has descended on the earth to achieve his goal. He does not have much expectations for this attempt. He is just trying. It would be better if there is a gain, but there is no gain. The only one who suffered losses was the Fallen Mother Goddess.

In the chat group, Zhongli was still saying: "It's still too late to kill me now."

Klein smiled bitterly. He came to reality from resisting the convergence to the left and right, and saw the leisurely-looking Amon.

"Have you thought about it? Your destiny belongs to you, and Origin Castle belongs to me." Amon smiled, as if he was not surprised by Klein's appearance: "In this case, I don't have to worry about the original owner of Origin Castle waking up."

"As long as I go to the outside world and get the Fool's Uniqueness, I will immediately become the old man. You know, distance is not a problem for me."

"Adam and I won't stick around here, and you can leave together, provided you can give up your friend."

"You have a pretty good relationship, right? They are even willing to come to this world and fight for you."

Amon's words eroded Klein's heart. In fact, when Klein wanted to find him, it already showed that Klein was ready to give up Sefirah Castle.

What He said now would only speed up the tilt of the scale, allowing Klein to make a decision as soon as possible.

Amon adjusted the position of the monocle on his right eye socket and said:

"You don't have to worry that I will go back on my word. I said that you will become my favored one, and you can also leave behind a copy of the Sequence One extraordinary characteristics."

"Well, maybe I can also help you become a cross-path Sequence 0. You don't have to worry about losing control, because the Holy Light saves you. Hehehe, I plan to study this power called the Holy Light after I become the old one. I will be the one in the future. The light god of the world.”

Amon seemed to be chatting but he was constantly throwing out chips. Of course, these were all unnecessary things. Klein was just resisting the aggregation.

Finally, with Amon's grin on his face, Klein slowly said: "I am willing to..."

Ye Fan, who was in Zhetian World, couldn't stand it anymore. He saw the current situation through Lu Mingfei's live broadcast room, which lasted for twelve hours. He wanted to apply to enter Klein's world and throw away the mess. To yourself who is "above the sacrifice".

But he was suddenly stunned because a voice came from the live broadcast room.


Familiar voices echoed throughout the world again.

Klein stared at the six-winged figure at the top of the sky with wide eyes, and saw Su Lin's body walking out of the historical aperture next to the clone.

He stared at everything in the world, spread his hands, a golden giant sword lit up beside him, and a majestic and cold voice sounded:

"Dirty again!"

Visibly to the naked eye, the world that was about to overlap with the real world suddenly stopped, and even the "mother nest" that was constantly melting stagnated.

On the barrier of the starry sky, those terrifying giant faces disappeared without a trace in an instant.

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