Deep in the land abandoned by God

Ourolius sat aside, even though the scarlet flesh grew out of the shadows on the ground and spread to his body, he still looked soft and pious, closing his eyes and praying.

The power from the path of destiny delays the pollution that gathers along the shadows. The target of these pollutions is not Him, but Ouroilius does not leave, but instead leads the target to himself to a certain extent. He is working for the truth. The Creator shares the pollution.

Adam, half of his face covered by a light golden beard, walked slowly in while holding the silver cross on his chest, stopped in front of a huge cross that was both real and illusory, raised his head, and looked at the hanging figure quietly.

"You and I both understand that this day will come sooner or later." Adam said calmly as usual, "But just like when we were betrayed, many things cannot go according to plan."

The true Creator has no answer. Apart from the "fall" pollution that he can suppress, the original consciousness is awakened from His body bit by bit.

"I can now confirm that he comes from outside the universe." Adam took out a book with a red cover and said warmly:

"It's probably good news for you. That spirit still exists in another world."

The real Creator looked at the Russian text on the cover of the book and turned it into an endless curtain that connected the world to the earth. The curtain cracked, and there was darkness and light inside, with the sound of illusory tides rising and falling.

Adam stopped and stared at a certain direction on the horizon. After a while, a "shooting star" flew towards this direction with a long flame tail, and it resonated with the things in the curtain before it landed.

The surface of "Magic Mirror" Arrodes shimmered, and the boundless and viscous dark ocean gradually faded away, revealing blood-vessel-like and fascia-like crimson squirming objects underneath. They were also between reality and illusion. status.

"It seems that the first blasphemous slate needs to be used here." Adam let the meteor fall and resonate with the extension of the Chaos Sea.

As the first blasphemous slate fell into the dark liquid, the pollution from the fallen mother goddess was reversely eroded, and the fleshy blood vessels fester and corrupted into black liquid that merged into the dark sea.

The first Blasphemous Tablet came from "God", derived from His body, and had the rank of the past.

The second blasphemous tablet comes from the "ancient sun god". He was born from his corpse and is close to the old level.

After doing all this, Adam moved his left hand slightly and threw Adros towards Ouroleus at the bottom of the huge cross. The blood vessels on his body quickly faded away and returned to the shadows to continue dormant.

Adam held the second "blasphemous slate" in one hand. He looked at the dark blood dripping from the hanging figure and walked step by step towards the crack.

The shadow curtain immediately closed, leaving only the hundreds of meters tall cross in place.

After Su Lin and Adam responded accordingly.

In the cracks in the canyon covered by the meat mountain, three humanoid monsters composed of different worms were "vomited" out of the body of the meat mountain.

The crimson energy outlines a ritual in mid-air, as if an invisible giant hand has grabbed these three monsters of worms with different patterns, and they explode at the same time into clusters of flashing light spots.

At this moment, the monsters born in the darkness of the Land Abandoned by God are calling together in strange languages:

"The great gate of ten thousand doors; the guide of the endless starry sky; the key to all mysterious worlds."

“I beg you to respond, I beg you to come into this world…”

Balls of light condensed with faint stars one after another rise from the long crimson river used to suppress Lu Mingfei!

The flesh, flesh, and spirit bodies of the monsters were mixed together. Under the guidance of filth and depravity, these flesh and blood seemed to have their own life. They squirmed and entangled, gathering in mid-air to form a door of flesh and blood.

Klein's new marionette and Amon stood beside Zhongli, who had initially suppressed the pollution in his body. They listened to the strange language coming from their ears, and there was not much surprise on their faces.

In the sky above the original Giant King's Court, the gate connecting the world of light elements disappeared together with Zhongli's polluted clone.

Countless light elements condensed into the form of Su Lin. He slowly walked out from behind, looked at the location of the meat mountain with a pair of white-gold eyes, and said:

"Although we have considered the possibility that the fallen Mother Goddess will return Mr. Men to Earth, where did she get the blood of the Abraham family?"

Klein shook his head and said:

"I have confirmed that direct members of the Abraham family have not performed any relevant sacrifices."

Amon sneered, straightened his crystal-carved monocle and said:

"Normally speaking, transcendent beings below the demigod level cannot hear Bethel's voice. However, someone opened a hole in the barrier some time ago, if I remember correctly."


Su Lin drew out his two swords and said towards the mountain of meat angrily:

"Damn fallen mother goddess! I never thought you would have so many back-ups on earth!"

"Don't worry, Lao Zhou, I will protect this world!"

"Because I am the God of Light!"

After saying that, Su Lin nodded to Klein with a righteous face, turned into light and disappeared in an instant, heading straight for the ball of flesh controlled by the fallen mother goddess.

Just like a pillar of righteousness who is willing to sacrifice everything for the survival of the world and the great righteousness!

At this moment, Su Lin felt that all his actions had been sublimated. There was no more kind-hearted God of Light in all the worlds than him.

Cross-border law enforcement to maintain world peace.

"Make Light Great Again!"

With the slogan "Make the Light Great Again", the two swords merged into one. Su Lin held the expanded thousand-meter light blade with both hands and swung it hard towards the mass of flesh the size of the mountain range.

Looking at Su Lin fighting fiercely over there, Klein selectively ignored the question of why the fallen mother goddess possessed the blood of Abraham.

Klein was silent for two seconds, dug into the void a few times, and pulled out the "Lu Mingze" that he had seen in the dragon world, fused with the Black King's body.

Unlike other historical projections, this historical projection consumes some spiritual energy.

"Prepare to destroy the world's Yanling."

"Forget it, go find your brother, no, your sister will merge with him."

Of course, Klein does not intend to destroy this planet. With the seal of the God-Forsaken Land, the aftermath here will not affect the outside world. He only intends to eliminate Abraham, who is about to become a god.

Amon on the side looked at the black dragon with interest and said to Klein:

"Sure enough, it is a unique power system, just like the Holy Light Spell."

Klein did not answer, but asked about Amon:

"Aren't you going to try to steal Mr. Men's godhood ceremony?"

"This is a rare opportunity."

Amon was slightly surprised, then smiled and said:

"You seem to know a lot of things. Indeed, I had such a plan before, and even planned to take the initiative to let Bethel in. Now."

"Do you want to guess how I stole His becoming a god ritual?"

Klein rolled his eyes in his mind and thought: Amon did not have time to use his own body to summon Mr. Men's sacrifice, which lowered the probability of stealing Mr. Men's god-making ceremony. He should be waiting for the opportunity now.

"No guessing!" Klein directly rejected Amon's proposal.

Amon was not annoyed, he just stroked his monocle and said with a smile:

"What a pity. If you guessed correctly, I plan to help you change back to a male."

Klein stiffened for a moment and said, "Change back by yourself first, Miss Ameng."

"I can change back naturally when I become Sequence 0, but you can't change back until the disaster energy dissipates." Amon shook his head, looking indifferent.

And just when Klein was about to control the marionette to disappear here with the historical projection, Zhongli's confused voice came from behind:

"Become a man again?"

Klein's pupils dilated and he looked behind him with some difficulty.

Amon on the side smiled and said jokingly: "I forgot to tell you that less than half of the pollution in his body has been removed, which is enough for him to stay awake for the time being."

In the darkness, the center of the flesh and blood door connected to an alien place that looked like an ancient forest. Amidst the worship of many creatures, a huge figure composed of pure "light balls" passed through the flesh and blood door.

As soon as he passed through the door of flesh and blood, the "light ball" began to collapse and stack. At the same time, behind the iron-black throne where Zhongli sat, the door to the outside world suddenly opened!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Whether it is Silver City, Moon City, or other city-states, all kinds of doors, windows, and even the doors of areas where sealed items are stored open by themselves!

The ball of light is looking for a qualitative change. It seems to have formed a figure composed of layers of gates outside the door of flesh and blood. Gradually, the figure becomes clear, and its shape continues to twist and change, reflecting different planets and regions.

The ceremony of becoming a god has been prepared for a long time, and the extraordinary characteristics of one of the three sequences and the uniqueness of the apprentice path have been accommodated by Mr. Door.

Now, the King of Angels, who has been away from the earth for thousands of years and traveled to the stars for an era, has completed the last step of the ceremony!

The Roshan above the crack in the valley seemed to have completed its mission. Following the destruction brought by Su Lin, it began to compress itself and continued to disintegrate, rushing into the light ball together with the long crimson river that blocked Lu Mingfei. .

The layers of doors formed a figure. The moment he appeared, a bloody tide turned into a robe covering his body.

This is the plan of the Fallen Mother Goddess, who has been waiting for the right time!

One side is polluting the true Creator and the visitors from outside the universe under the influence of the "original" spirit, and the other side is waiting for the first blasphemous slate to be used in the Sea of ​​Chaos.

The "source of disaster" below is incomplete, the "light" above cannot reproduce the original miracle, and the controller of Source Castle does not even have the level of a god.

Even if the successor of the Sea of ​​Chaos reappears after taking control of the Sea of ​​Chaos, these combined cannot be an obstacle to Him.

In fact, the Fallen Mother Goddess is still wary of the forces outside this universe, but if she does not take action and seize the opportunity, she will not be able to return to her complete old personality before the barrier is lifted.

It's all-or-nothing, and awakening the "initial" comes with risks.

The blood-colored robe swayed, and crimson moonlight mixed with some black particles spread around.

The red lightning that struck from below continued to intertwine and turned into a young man with red hair; the blazing white sword that turned into endless light in the sky suddenly shrank together and turned into a holy female human being; the mountain-sized sword The rock gun grew limbs and facial features, and turned in another direction.

The interference at the level of the three gods was transformed into new lives by Him, but immediately after their birth, these lives began to lose control and alienated in directions that were not within His authority.

This is the impact of "initial".

At this moment, the door of flesh and blood at the rear suddenly collapsed on its own, covering the surface of Mr. "Gate"'s body, making him seem to have turned into another person.

And inside Mr. Door's body is the endless door that connects to the starry sky.

The main color is silver-white with a touch of crimson. The object like a bird's nest has crossed the distance limit of countless light years to come to Mr. Men's body and merge with him.

This is one of the backhands left by the fallen Mother Goddess in the starry sky, a piece of the Mother's Nest that was cut off countless years ago.

The nature of life and the negative power in this mother's nest are stable, because this is the back-up plan He arranged when the source material was complete.

When His essence was torn apart due to the initial awakening, certain changes occurred in the birth of life and the negative power of the entire universe.

This incomplete piece of source material is slowly merging with Mr. Men. The moment Mr. Men becomes a god, he will become the "Fallen Mother Goddess" itself!

Seeing that the layers of doors are about to overlap completely, the piece of source material is about to be accommodated by Mr. Door.

Without any warning, a series of rising circular formations covered the sky and the moon, and a six-winged figure composed entirely of clear light appeared at the top.

Su Lin held the symbolic spear of light in his hand, and under the full moon divided between scarlet and pitch black, he cast "the first ray of light at the beginning of the creation of the world."

The door to the kingdom of God behind was open, and endless light elements almost covered the entire land abandoned by the gods. Even the most desolate areas were no longer dark at this moment.

The previously alienated red-haired young man, the holy woman, and the activated rock gun all disappeared from this world without a trace.

Then, all the light instantly turned into a singularity.

In the violent vibration of the space, endless holy light burst out, extremely hot and brilliant.

There was no sound in the world, and the heaven and earth lost their color, leaving only pure white.

Mr. Door struggled, and he spread this powerful light through the Gate of Ten Thousand Doors into the vast starry sky to reduce the damage he suffered like a 'natural enemy'.

The huge star carries an extremely concentrated flame of light that is enough to purify the abyss and falls straight from an infinite height.

The cloak on Mr. Men's body shook slightly, and he realized that He, who was incomplete, could not give this star a "living" concept.

Before Mr. Men could use his multiple moves to banish it to the starry sky, the star made a space jump and flickered into the abyss of the canyon below Mr. Men.

The earth was torn apart, and a pulling force came from the star that jumped over Him, causing Bethel Abraham to fall with Him to the depths of the earth, facing the "sea of ​​chaos" that contains all colors and possibilities. .

In this case, those overlapping doors and light balls stopped visible to the naked eye and began to make every effort to change the status quo!

A bit of pitch-black particles suddenly drifted into the pure white world, and an illusory crimson tide surged out from the gap in the door, resisting both light and traction.

An angry and terrifying roar came over, and a hand as white as jade, like a woman's, squeezed out from behind the door. This giant hand continued to expand and extend, grabbing Su Lin at the highest altitude.

Not only that, the feeling of rejection from last time reappeared, and Su Lin's body was once again excluded from the fog of history.

But this time Su Lin "didn't panic" and just subconsciously brought up the [Initial Alarm Clock] redemption option in the system store.

Fortunately, the historical projection of Lu Mingfei and "Lu Mingze" below completed the integration, and a flame giant appeared out of thin air in front of Su Lin.

He waved his fist and knocked away the giant hand of the Fallen Mother Goddess. As if responding to the angry roar outside the door, he shouted loudly:


The Mystery Chapter is almost finished for the time being. I have to think carefully about the ending of the plot. If there are no problems with work next month, I will try to resume the two updates.

Change first and then change. Sometimes typos appear. Thank you very much for reminding me... Even though I have checked them all, there are always things that slip through the net, haha.

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