When you see an Amon on a street, don’t think too much, then there must be Amon in the air around you.

Microbes and even bacteria can wear a monocle.

Su Lin cursed secretly that it was unlucky to meet so many Amon so early in the morning.

This bunch of Amon should have come from other cities to investigate what happened on Saturday.

Backlund's original pile of Amon had merged into an angelic level and took Mr. Toy to the Land Abandoned by God, returning to his true form.

"Nothing, please help me get the latest newspaper." Su Lin said calmly.

As we all know, news is a time-sensitive thing. Yesterday’s old newspapers are not valuable and can even be obtained for free from some channels.

Su Lin picked up the ear-hanging cup and took a sip of black tea, silently writing down the account of Amon defrauding him of a penny by selling the newspaper.

After a while, the waiter Amon brought a newspaper from the store and placed it on the square table in front of Su Lin.

"A penny, sir."

"." I thought it was provided for free!

Su Lin had no choice but to silently take out a penny from his coat.

"Thank you, and wish you a nice day." She said with a smile.

Su Lin smiled and nodded. It's not a good day to meet you today.

Su Lin did not intend to make any unnecessary moves. After all, these people were superficially parasitized and would return to normal after Amon left. At most, they would leave a hobby of monocles.

Today is the day agreed to go to the Doyle Doll Store to receive the goods. The several life-size figures that I customized have been completed after nearly a month of production.

After receiving the goods later, he returned to Dao En's mansion and watched the live broadcast with Zhong Li above the gray fog.

After a few mouthfuls of bread and then drinking black tea to wash away the choking part in his throat, Su Lin took the announcement carriage driven by the coachman Amon to his destination.

Mr. Luke received Su Lin warmly. He adjusted the position of his monocle and said:

"You're welcome. According to your request, we will..."

Su Lin could no longer hear what the craftsman Amon was saying. The handsome dolls customized according to his appearance all had monocles on their faces, and even his custom-made paper man old and girl-style artworks were wearing Monocle.

[Today is suitable for: staying at home, sleeping, drinking water, practicing, and playing games.

Dislike: Amon. 】

"What do you think?" Craftsman Amon asked respectfully: "Is there anything else that needs to be adjusted?"

Su Lin was silent for a moment, took out a monocle from his pocket, put it on his right eye socket, and replied: "No, it's pretty good now."

This time it was the craftsman Amon's turn to be silent. He and the puppets looked at Su Lin together, confirming that they were not parasitizing the person in front of them.

He grinned, pinched the monocle on his right eye socket and said:

"Honestly, it's been fun."

Su Lin grinned, pinched the monocle on his right eye socket and said, "Honestly, this is very interesting."

Amon roared.

Su Lin also chuckled.

"Are you imitating me?" Amon's smile did not change. A little bit of light the size of rice grains around him continued to converge into his body. Soon, his clone reached the demigod level.

Amon tried to steal, but failed.

Amon tried to leave the shop, but was bounced back by an invisible force.

"That's it." Amon changed back to his original appearance, "It seems that I found the target directly. I'm lucky."

"Are you related to the Abyss?"

"What do you think?" Su Lin smiled. Since he stabbed Amon Wo, he should stab him.

"No need to guess, I already know the answer." Amon calmly found a seat to sit down, with a hint of joy in his tone:

"The nature of your power is very unique, and what happened in the abyss is also related to you. Unfortunately, the arrangement I left behind was destroyed by the Church of Storms, otherwise I would really like to go to the abyss now."

"Maybe it should be called Heaven now? The scenery is nice."

"Oh? So sure." Su Lin took out a chair from the historical projection and sat down.

Amon took out a piece of Extraordinary Characteristics from his body, and that piece of Extraordinary Characteristics actually had a strong aura of Holy Light.

"This extraordinary characteristic comes from a worshiper of the Demon King. I was attending a gathering of the Blood Worship Cult using his identity at the time."

"I have seen many kinds of pollution. Some will distort the way of thinking, and some will have some characteristics. But this is the first time I have seen pollution like this that changes the nature of extraordinary characteristics."

"I took advantage of the vulnerability of the aggregation of extraordinary characteristics and slightly amplified the power above."

"Look." Amon was explaining like a patient commentator, the extraordinary characteristics in his hand emitting an even stronger light.

The thickness of the holy light gave the entire room a golden glow.

The holy light was obviously more active as it passed by Su Lin, and the extraordinary characteristics flew slowly towards Su Lin uncontrollably.

Su Lin understood that this was what Fabuti did.

This current messenger of light, the Lord of Holy Light, uses his high-status characteristics to exert influence on his followers of the Blood Worship Cult.

At the same time, if these believers are on the same path as him, the influence they receive after being infused with the Holy Light will change the nature of the supernatural characteristics.

"Interesting." Su Lin grabbed the piece of extraordinary properties, and the flames of light burned away the little Amon on it, and an illusory insect figure fell from it like stardust.

"What a pity." Amon pinched his monocle, sighed and smiled: "It would be great if I could parasitize you."

"This kind of power is very new, I haven't experienced it before."

Su Lin bulged his eyes when he heard this, anger welled up from his eyes, and a sword of light appeared in his hand and slashed towards Amon.

Amon stood there, not avoiding or dodging, and allowed the sword of light to pierce his chest.

"Huh?" The corners of Amon's slowly raised mouth froze for a moment, and there were some more spells in his mind.

[Healing, slow healing, purification, chant of light.]

Su Lin raised his eyebrows and said to Amon: "Take the meeting gift that uncle gave you."

Amon's parasitism is only on the first level, and Su Lin kills him on the second level. Of course, there are definitely third and fifth levels. Maybe it is to measure Su Lin's moral level, behavior, etc., but No matter what Amon wants to do, Su Lin plans to carry out a dimensionality reduction strike in the atmosphere.

Simply put, just mess around and be done with it.

The long sword in Su Lin's hand turned into an illusory and transparent chain, binding a shadow and disappearing into the room together with the puppets.

After a while, the craftsman Mr. Luke slowly stood up from the ground and looked around confusedly.

In Baiya Town, a young man with black hair, black eyes, a thin face, and a monocle leisurely came to the foot of a two-meter-thick tree carrying a picnic box and spread a layer of checkered cloth on the lawn.

With an obvious smile, he took out a sandwich from the picnic box and was about to eat when he saw a letter in the box out of the corner of his eye.

He adjusted his glasses and smiled. He was the only one who could do this.

The young man was not in a hurry. After finishing the sandwich in his hand, he slowly opened the unsigned letter:

["Life in the Southern Continent is really boring. Fortunately, after voting, this time we won the task of investigating the 'God's Day'."

"We left a drop of blood mixed in the sandwich you made yesterday. If you can't sense us through this drop of blood, it's probably because we found the extra 'god'."

"Following the special power of his extraordinary characteristics, we can easily find him. If we stay in Backlund for too long and don't come to you, it is probably contaminated or trapped.\

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