I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

Chapter 192 Comrade Ancient Sun God, would you like a glass of vodka?

As expected, in a melee between the angels, the secret tomb here also collapsed.

All nine mausoleums are indispensable. Now that the promotion ceremony of George III has failed, the eternal dream of the emperor on earth and the idea of ​​imperial hegemony have become useless like these ruins.

Klein felt that the spirituality he had borrowed from the past for the last time was about to dry up.

‘Okay, how to run next? ’

There was no need to think about this. Klein ran towards the historical pore. He wanted to escape into the unknown ancient history before the First Era.

The historical projections can still hold on for a while, wondering, when did I become so spiritual? Klein was a little confused. Compared with himself in the Sequence 4 period, there were really too many.

Klein was running fast through the historical pores when a vortex composed of countless transparent worms suddenly appeared in front of him. Transparent and smooth tentacles extended out from the vortex.

Zaratul's true body has been waiting for me here? !

Klein felt that he was mentally prepared for this scene and was not as panicked as he imagined. He immediately canceled the historical projection from the outside world and took out the Grossell's travel notes that he had prepared in advance.

A "divineer" who does not prepare for a performance is not a good "clown".

Those transparent, smooth and patterned tentacles attacked Klein, passing through layers of history to where Klein was, as if they were about to embrace the fruits of victory.

At this time, Klein had already wiped a wisp of blood on Grossel's Travels, and with a swish, Klein disappeared into history.

The next moment, Klein came to the fantasy world in the book, which was a fantasy world created by the Dragon of Fantasy.

He did not stop to try to rest, and continued to take out a secret puppet "Hvin Rambis" from history. This audience path demigod became his secret puppet after going crazy.

Every second counts. Before Zaratul enters this book, Klein manipulates Hvin Rambis and lets him use his demigod power to lead him to the sea of ​​subconsciousness.

It didn't take long for him to pass through countless lights and shadows in the sea of ​​collective subconscious and enter the Hall of Miracles in the "City of Miracles" Livished.

Inner thoughts echoed through the city halls, mixed with the sound of his footsteps.

After a while, Klein began to try again and again. After more than twenty failures, he pulled out a slightly dim classical quill from history.


He wanted to wholeheartedly weave the future development here and write the direction of the story, so that Zarath and Amon could reasonably fail to be captured, and it was best to let them fight.

Just as Klein was about to write, the quill in his hand disappeared. After a brief moment of confusion, he suddenly found a figure sitting on a prayer seat that appeared at an unknown time.

He looks like a devout believer, wearing a simple white robe, with a light golden beard that covers the lower half of his face, his hands clasped in front of the silver cross pendant on his chest, and his expression is warm and calm.

The leader of the Twilight Hermits, Adam.

"George III's ascension to the gods failed, and Loen and Fusac went into full-scale war."


"Do you accept this ending?"

Hearing this, Klein was silent and then spoke with difficulty: "I accept."

a moment later

"You can go." As Adam's plain voice came, Klein was ostracized and flew out of the book to the outside of history. Adam did not finish the matter.

He looked at "Grossell's Travels" wrapped in tentacles in the fog of history. The book shook slightly and disappeared out of thin air.

Klein didn't have time to feel distressed and immediately started a new round of escape.

Adam controlled Grossel's Travels, looking away from the dragon on the mural, and was about to leave the subconscious ocean.

At this moment, his eyes moved slightly, and the light that passed through the enamel glass in the hall began to converge in one direction, and these lights formed a figure.

The simple and spacious hall disappeared, and was replaced by a modern palace surrounded by a red curtain. This palace had no dome, and looking up was a dark cloud.

Gradually, the clouds above the hall broke open to form a sickle- and hammer-shaped hollow. Golden light rained down from the hollow, illuminating the center of the hall.

The melodious sound of the piano sounded. Adam looked towards the place where the sound came from. Pieces of light feathers fell slowly. A man wearing a black and gray military coat from the old era was playing music on a piano. His slender fingers moved in black and white. Dancing on the keys.

As he played, six light wings composed of red light faintly appeared behind him.

He had heard that music in the distant past.


Adam fell into a brief thought. He looked at this Soviet-style palace, glanced at the decorations, and then looked at the man in a coat who was playing music.

He found a seat and sat down, only to find a red-covered book on the long circular table in front of the seat. Adam picked up the book and smiled, flipping through the book while quietly listening to the music played by the man.

The songs were presented one after another, and the last performance was "Holy War".

After the performance, the light feather gradually faded away.

The man in the center of the hall closed the piano cover, took out a classical quill pen from the pocket of his coat, and said:

"Azu Hodler's pen is about to touch Grossel's Travels. The Dragon of Fantasy will awaken as the King of Angels and compete with you for the Sea of ​​Chaos."

"Due to the Dragon of Fantasy, after the war between gods begins, you will not have the opportunity to take potions and advance to sequence 0."

"Therefore, you may not be able to return to your complete state before the end, and there is no hope for the old days."

Having said this, he placed 0-008 in front of his eyes for a moment, showed a gentle smile, and continued:

"Comrade Ancient Sun God, the Fool asked me to bring you a message."

"Do you accept this ending?"

Adam's eyes stayed on the '96° Water of Life' placed on the piano for a few seconds, his warm smile remained unchanged, and he said unhurriedly:

"If this is my destiny, of course I accept it, but I will try to fight it. At this point, there is no difference between gods and humans."

"I knew about your existence, but I never thought that the mystery would lead to such changes."

"It seems that the secret knows more than I expected. It is unlikely that it comes from myself."

"He modified his subconscious mind and forgot some memories. Now the body is dominated by a virtual personality."

Adam quickly analyzed the current situation thoroughly and drew conclusions from various details.

Su Lin smiled and put the quill on the piano.

"Would you like a bottle?" A historical projection walked out from the side, holding a plate of salad white meat, mashed potatoes, and red sausage in his left hand, and a bottle of "Stoli Vodka" in the other hand.

Adam took a slightly surprised look at these things. They were neither fake nor imaginary. They actually existed. The red sausages still had half of their outer packaging removed.

"Okay." He smiled and nodded.

"Can I tell you something?" Su Lin's historical projection opened the cork and poured the white liquid into a square-mouthed glass: "How many roles have you fantasized about in Backlund."

"It's not too many, about 100 people." Adam put the glass in front of his nose and sniffed it gently. He didn't drink it immediately, and there was no concealment in his eyes showing some nostalgia. Even if he could imagine the same thing, but The meanings are different, and the feelings are also different.

"Including the waitress."

"So I didn't find the extraordinary characteristics left by McCarol." Su Lin continued: "But she has flesh and blood, which makes me a little strange."

According to the law of immortality and conservation of extraordinary characteristics, extraordinary characteristics will definitely precipitate after the life of an extraordinary person ends.

Unlike George III, the waiter in the real vision still had flesh and blood. This was why Su Lin didn't notice something was wrong at first, and he didn't realize it until the end.

"She has died long ago. When she took the extraordinary characteristics that I imagined, I made some changes to her life script based on the extraordinary characteristics that she took."

Adam didn't hide anything, he told everything frankly, his eyes as clear as a child had no other emotions.

"So, the extraordinary materials her ex-boyfriend bought on the black market were materials you imagined." Su Lin laughed. People who sell fakes have no respect for their status.

It really proves that sentence, who says fakes are not as good as genuine, as long as you can’t tell, they are genuine.

But this is really scary if you think about it. Forget about people who are imaginary. They themselves don’t know that they are imaginary beings, but there will always be some way for a third party to detect abnormalities.

The descendants born from the union of these people with real beings are real lives, and no clues can be found, but the current Adam is not enough to affect the real descendants born from fantasy lives.

Therefore, he creates low-level extraordinary characteristics, or in other words, fantasy extraordinary materials are mixed into potions and integrated into real people. Through the audience's three-part sequence one extraordinary characteristics and uniqueness, Adam can affect these extraordinary people who have taken the relevant potions. .

He has always been in the streets and alleys of Backlund, even among the military and the church, quietly watching Klein.

"What is your purpose?" Adam asked Su Lin. Although they were not familiar with each other, the atmosphere of this conversation between you and me was not bad, and the two sides soon reached the critical link.

This was due to His deliberate guidance, but also due to multiple factors in this environment.

"If I said that I noticed that your faith was a little shaken, so I came here to have a look, would you believe it?" Su Lin's historical projection served the two of them a piece of black bread with a little pickle on the side.

Adam shook his head, picked up a piece of raw pork soaked in spices with his hands and stuffed it into his mouth. He chewed and swallowed it before saying with a smile:

"But you and I both know that this is the inevitable result of everything, and fate has already written its foreshadowing."

Su Lin nodded and said, "So as Klein said, all your actions can accurately step on his bottom line without crossing the line."

Adam quickly analyzed some key information based on the subtle details of words and eye movements, and they still focused on the mysterious attitude.

And Mystique has no intention of stopping him directly.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly:

"You are similar to Amon."

"Let me put it another way, what is the mysterious attitude?"

A bit like Amon? Where does it look like?

Su Lin put on a monocle, pulled out a historical projection of Klein from history under Adam's warm gaze, and then took out a spiritual worm left by Klein and put it into the projection.

Soon, the eyes of the historical projection became full of energy. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but the smile froze when he saw the monocle on Su Lin's eyes.

As he quickly scanned the surrounding environment, his smile gradually solidified.

"One price, six level 0 sealed objects." Klein said directly: "Add a proviso, you are not allowed to exchange any information with Amon for three months."

"We will not interfere in any way with your godhood ceremony and give up resurrecting the Dragon of Utopia."

Adam was silent for a moment and then said, "I can only take out 5 pieces."

They were really poor. Bernadette had three of them. Klein felt a little arrogant in his heart, but this was normal. The major Orthodox Churches actually had around 5 to 8 level 0 sealed objects.

Bernadette is too rich, no, Russell is too rich. Next time we meet, she must ask him to provide some paid services.

Of course, this does not include His cross or the church.

"Can I choose that cross?" Su Lin asked Adam covetously.


Klein was stunned for a moment. Is it really okay for you to be so aggressive right now?

Adam glanced at the sky and said to Su Lin: "Davarisi, aren't you a materialist?"

"This does not prevent me from looking at the hundreds of meters high cross in your hand from a materialistic architectural perspective." Su Lin replied: "My major in college was civil engineering."

Klein's eyes slowly opened. What happened during my absence? What are these two people talking about?

"Not yet." Adam smiled and said, "I can give it to you later."

He looked at Klein and said again: "When will I give you the remaining four pieces?"

loss! Klein thought in his mind that this account receivable would be delayed for who knows how long. The five sealed artifacts that could be obtained in the short term had become four.

"Give it to him first." Klein pointed to Su Lin beside him. He was afraid that Adam might lay a trail in these sealed artifacts, so handing them to Su Lin first was the best choice.

Some sealed objects are even contaminated from the stars, making it a bit dangerous to hand them over to Zhongli.

Su Lin? Excessive worries are disrespectful to Brother Gua.

Su Lin obviously didn't guess what Klein meant. He just wanted to know the effects of those sealed objects and experiment with them after getting them.

Not long after, Klein's spiritual worm gradually began to lose his mind, and his previous mystical connection with his true body was completely severed.

It seems that the main body has been captured by Amon, and the rest is none of my business.

The current ontology is dominated by a virtual personality. After the spiritual island is modified, he will ignore the existence of chat groups within his field of vision in subconscious hints.

In other words, even if the message in the chat group is "99 Plus", he can resist clicking on the message because he can't see it at all!

This is a clever application of psychological invisibility.

At the same time, he peeled off the memory seal after he obtained the chat group, allowing Su Lin to modify most of his memories, including the memories of Zhongli and others.

The current body captured by Amon is similar to the one described in the original work.

He nodded towards Su Lin, and the historical projection returned to its dull eyes. A transparent worm fell out of the historical projection and curled up weakly.

Okay, it's time for Cat and Cat to rest.

Su Lin picked up the transparent worm and put it into his bag. The palace gradually faded and disappeared, leaving only the divine kingdom that was half night and half dawn. Slowly, this divine kingdom was also fading.

Su Lin has covered his Kingdom of God on Grossel's Travels, and now it's time to lift it.

"See you next time, Davarish."

No more updates today, good night, Makabaka...

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