blue star

Future Su Lin looked at the lottery items in his hand and at his feet with red eyes.

[Qingxu Sword: A magical weapon in the Nascent Soul stage, stained with the blood of the cultivators who transformed themselves into gods. (Brother, this is a backstab of justice——Lan Zhen)]

[Ghost camera: through walls, tracking, following, invisibility. (My original intention of inventing this item was to maintain order - Edric, who was sentenced to 732 years in prison)]

[Du'e Spring Water: Improves luck and contains the property of purifying negative states. (Xuan Bu saves Fei, krypton gold can do it. There is the same model in the mall. If you get 10 bottles, you can try to jump off the cliff. Jump ten times and you may get a random inheritance.)]

"Oh my God." The future Su Lin looked at these "shattered metals" blankly and said in a hoarse voice, "Where does his incredible luck come from?!"


He threw the magic weapon in his hand to the ground and gradually calmed down.

It was okay once or twice, but the past individual who was different from me was so lucky that it was unnatural.

That guy probably hasn't noticed yet. No, the things he draws are so good that he doesn't even understand what ordinary people's draws are.

‘Damn it! I'm so sour! ’


Backlund Peripheral Daily

[There is a rumor that has recently emerged in post-war hospitals. A ghost with mushrooms on one side of its face and weeds on the other is wandering around. It feeds on disease, trauma and grief. If you see it, don’t be afraid. It is friendly. of.】

Su Lin put down the newspaper that contained various gossips, walked to the blinds, opened the leaves with his fingers, and took a look at the scene in the tavern.

Business is surprisingly good.

He sat on the sofa and browsed the system mall for a while. The system function that Su Lin used the most was not product exchange, but


It wasn't until tonight that Su Lin suddenly remembered that he usually regarded the system mall as an e-commerce software. Every time he went in, he would mostly look at it with eager eyes, and occasionally buy some "toilet paper" consumables, such as gravel of time and the like.

I don’t know since when, the bulk of his consumption has shifted to lottery draws. Su Lin was silent for a long time when he realized it.

When did I become a gambler? After visiting the mall for a long time, Su Lin opened the lottery page in silence.

'Just smoke it once and I'll smoke it once.'

‘Give it a try and turn your bicycle into a motorcycle’

‘No, after quitting for so long, do I have to give up? Don't forget the regrets from last time just for the sake of temporary pleasure. ’

Su Lin rubbed the gold coins in his hand and walked out.

He fell into deep thought as he looked at the group of drunken and drunken second-generation wealthy people who were still partying and celebrating that they had not died in the bombing.

‘Carpe diem, isn’t making money just for pleasure? ’

‘Without my current plug-in, low-level tastes cannot satisfy me. ’’

‘No, after quitting for so long, do I have to give up? Don't let desire break my will. ’

"Stud! Stud! Stud!" The gamblers cheered from the sidelines.

Su Lin's pupils dilated slightly. On the gaming table nearby, a brown-haired woman placed all her chips on the number 60. As the roulette wheel turned, the ball stopped at 60!

With an enigmatic smile on her face, the woman leaned out and put the chips into her arms. People around her were reveling in the carnival, giving a salute to the gambling king's enthronement! If it weren't for the sudden increase in luck and incongruity.


Su Lin snapped his fingers, and Delen Esso immediately appeared next to Su Lin, waiting for instructions.

"She is an extraordinary person in the monster path. Wait until she gets out and knock the sap to get the money back." Su Lin looked around and leaned into Delen Esso's ear: "Just do it secretly and give him a lesson." ”


If Luen's official status was not still useful, Derren Esso would now want to watch the show here 360 ​​days a year.

The judicial department of Loen Kingdom? Really unfamiliar.

Su Lin walked out of the tavern, contacted Klein and got a positive answer.

The monster-path extraordinary person's ability to control luck just now provided him with a new idea, and he wanted to try another method.

Just once! the last time!

In another place in the East District, in a rental house with a similar layout.

Mr. Klein, the creator of the strange stories about Backlund and Pulitzer Harbor, was sitting at a desk, holding an ink pen in his hand and writing on a piece of letter paper:

"Dear Mr. Azik:

"I began to believe that things must be reversed when they reach their extremes. This was not because I joined any cult or became obsessed with gambling."

"Back to the topic, I found that there are more interesting things in ancient history than I imagined. I believe you should be very interested, otherwise you would not become a history teacher after losing your memory."

"These histories are very involved and it is not convenient to tell you in a letter. I want to share them with you in person when you wake up."

"I made a spell called 'Yesterday Reappears' and sent you two. Compared with the one I sent last month, these two are the spells recently made after becoming Sequence 3. The effect may be Would it be better? After all, I was only Sequence 4 at that time."

"I will try to do something about the promotion of George III to the 'Black Emperor'. The probability of success should be high, because I have invited two gods to participate. Please rest assured that they are not evil gods. The specific origin is temporarily inconvenient. Telling it. I don’t know if it will cause a war between gods, so I want to keep it as secretive as possible.”

"Finally, I wish you well and hope you wake up soon."

"Your eternal student, Klein Moretti."

Klein took out the Azik bronze whistle and blew it.

The huge skeletal messenger immediately emerged from the floor, looked up at Klein, and took the letter respectfully.

After Klein finished all this, he took out another paper crane from his wallet.

He wrote on it in pencil:

"Can you come and visit me tomorrow?"

The next morning.

Backlund, on the garden lawn of a single-family house.

Will Asceptin, who is just one year old, is lying in the cradle and basking in the sun. For babies, proper exposure to the sun is helpful for development.

Facts have proved that the environmental protection law is still effective. At least he can often get sunlight soon after he was born, which is also a kind of luck.

A big golden cat with shiny fur was lying lazily on the grass on the ground. A nanny and a maid were sitting near a small white table.

Dr. Allen has been a little busy recently. His business volume has increased dramatically due to the attack by the Fusac Empire. He often leaves early and comes home late. His wife is also very busy as his assistant, so the task of taking care of Will Auceptin completely falls on him. On the maids and nannies at home.

The sun shines on the green grass, the sleeping baby, the big cat basking in the sun, the maid taking a nap, and the small single-family building in the background. Everything is so peaceful.

Will Auceptin opened his eyes suddenly, and he noticed that the two maids beside him had fallen into a deep sleep, including the domestic cat under the stroller.

This is obviously not normal.

He looked at the sky. The sun's light seemed to be more dazzling than before. Slowly, a figure was quickly reflected in the sky in his eyes.

This figure is made up of light and then becomes a virtual shadow.

Platinum eyes, black hair, and clear facial features.

Su Lin fell to the ground silently and without any weight. He held an ice cream bucket in his hand and took out a historical projection from the side.

It was Klein wearing a half-high silk top hat and a black double-breasted coat. The dull-eyed historical projection suddenly became more alert after two seconds.

"Wow——!" Will Auceptin's tears flowed down and he began to cry.

After a while, the chubby baby stopped crying.

"You betrayed me now!"

He waved his chubby little hands and cried very sadly, sobbing and said:

"You said you and a loved one came to your door."

"Where did you get the favored one from the gods?"

"I'm so unlucky. You don't want to feed that stupid snake to Ouroboros with me, do you?"

"I'm so unlucky..."

Klein really didn't know what expression to respond to, so he could only ignore Su Lin's gaze with a blank expression. He suddenly remembered a joke he had seen while watching videos on another earth.

Counting Mr. Azik, Pales, Ms. Reinette, and Will. Ascetin, there are four archangels under the Fool, the old, the young, the sick, and the disabled, and there is also a pregnant angel.

So today is just a meeting between colleagues.

Of course, Klein could only think about these words in his heart and would not say them out loud.

"I'm here today to ask you a favor." Su Lin picked up the ice cream bucket in his hand to show his sincerity and said that he was not an enemy.

Will Auceptin stopped crying, "Can you help me tell you what flavor of ice cream that is?"

"Strawberry flavor." Klein knew this clearly, because the bucket of ice cream from Sezolen's restaurant cost him 1 pound 3 soli.

"Let's talk about business first."


after noon

"A drop of the blood of the snake of destiny."

“Lucky blessings that circulate without being lost.”

Su Lin glanced at a restless dice in his hand and whispered: "You don't want me to throw you into the toilet, do you? Oh, of course you are not afraid."

"What about this?"

Su Lin raised a ball of bright flames that concentrated divine power on his hand.

The dice had the property of being alive and became quiet after hearing this.

Seeing this, Su Lin tossed it gently, nodded and said: "The dice of probability: 6 points."

The uniqueness of the monster's path - the dice of probability.

It has the characteristic of being alive and can be intimidated to keep it well-behaved and quiet for 12 hours. 6 o'clock is super lucky, everything you wish for will come true.

1 o'clock is extremely unlucky, anything you do will be unlucky, and you may choke to death even if you drink water; 3 o'clock and 4 o'clock are normal luck or unlucky.

The closer it is to 6 o'clock, the luckier it is, and the closer it is to 1 o'clock, the unlucky it is.

Cross, talisman, and consecrated Buddha statue. After everything was ready, Su Lin took a deep breath and opened the lottery page.

"Almost forgot."

He picked up his phone and played the song Good Luck Comes.




Three gray rays of light appeared on the system lottery interface. From an infinite distance, they turned into meteors and flew through space. Ripples appeared in the void, and then the three rays of light fell into Su Lin's system backpack.

Item category.

Su Lin opened the system backpack with excitement.

[One-time Fusion Evolution Device]: Stitches and fuses the characteristics of ultimate evolution. It fuses the selected object into one and automatically completes its characteristics. It will permanently retain the related status if it is not released after 24 hours. (Even if you stuff two paramecia into it, you can evolve into @#! I also added evolution effects. ——Mad scientist Selothio)

[Fengling Yueying VIP Experience Card]: Effect: Add points! Duration: 3 minutes (Within the nine realms, I am the only one who dominates. PS: Is there anyone else playing the Rise of Waste stream? No, no, no?)

[Bie Yun Gua (Broken Jade Flute)]: The jade flute carries the huge cause and effect that led to its fragmentation. Because of the cause and effect left behind, it has a very high status. Use its fortune telling and divination to deduce its own cause and effect and prevent traceability. (What does a mortal literary character say about being arbitrary for eternity and having an exclusive tune? Haha, not only did I play this tune, I also played it to all the heavens and all the worlds! Is there really cause and effect?!!! - Hao Yu fairy)

Su Lin stared at the system backpack for a long time without saying anything. After a long time, he looked at the probability dice on the ground and then at his hands.

Is it really useful? ! It doesn't seem to work.

After Su Lin tidied up the scene, he looked at the three props in his backpack and fell into deep thought.

Under normal circumstances, it seems that these props are not used.

You must have made money, right?

Su Lin looked at the related props next to each other, and finally stopped at the last prop, a dozen jade pieces of different lengths.

This thing can't be


Above the gray-white mist that spreads beyond sight, it looks like an ancient palace where the gods live.

Rays of crimson light shot up on both sides of the long bronze table, solidifying into blurry figures.

Justice Audrey stood up as usual, raised her skirt, and saluted to the top: "Good afternoon, Mr. Fool."

Immediately afterwards, she greeted the other members of the Tarot Society. It seemed that she was in a good mood today, and her voice had a brisk and rising tone.

Everyone also saluted the Fool and greeted each other.

As a Sequence 5 viewer, Audrey would distinguish some details from the actions and tone of the Tarot Club members every time, thereby obtaining some information.

But soon, Audrey discovered something was wrong.

Mr. Emperor's dress is a little different today. If I remember correctly, he was a pirate on the sea before, and last time he wore simple long sleeves.

Today, he is dressed like a traveler. The thick windbreaker wraps him tightly. He is on land?

The tone was also a little different from the past, lacking some of the excitement and desire to explore from the previous times. How should I put it, Audrey felt that he had become more mature.

Is it because of the experience at sea these days?

Klein was sitting in the front seat and didn't notice anything strange. Before he pulled the red stars into the gray fog, he specifically observed Lu Mingfei's current situation.

The spirit body is the same as before, and there are no changes in other aspects.

There are still changes. This kid seems to be living in a luxurious single room, and he seems to be doing well on Tracy's boat.

When the tarot session is over, it would be better to leave Mingfei down to explain, to prevent him from accidentally stepping on thunder, which would not be fun at that time.

The boat of friendship can capsize at any time.

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