Although she did not participate in the so-called team-building activities, McCaro was still in a good mood today.

The youngest Nalo is 9 years old.

This means that she can be freed from the task of raising children for up to six years, and if the big boss is not on a whim, she can also hoard some more savings.

'Lex is about to graduate from university. He works as a trainee doctor on a salary of 3 pounds a week. If he is conscientious, he might be able to send home 1 pound a week. ’

'Loren and Martha have two more years, it doesn't matter, it's almost here.'

"Maybe it won't take 6 years. If this job can last for 3 years, I can live a life of my own." McCarro's heart began to be full of daydreams about the future, her steps were brisk, but after a while she slowly stopped.

What else does life mean? She suddenly lost her energy and felt tired.

McCaro's father was a Loen soldier who was killed in the colonial war in the Southern Continent. His mother took the pension and eloped with an Intis man. Mai was adopted by the widow of a businessman, and the old woman was also a retired teacher.

McCaro's literary foundation is half from that kind old woman and half from school. She was a writer a few years ago, but everyone who knows about it has almost returned to the kingdom of gods.

At that time, she was a relatively famous newcomer and had serialized two novels, about girls' fantasy love stories.

Thanks to royalties, she has a certain amount of income, and she can be considered a leader among the civilian class, although these are not as good as Forsi, a rising star who has emerged in recent years.

Perhaps because she was afraid of being lonely, the old woman adopted several more children while McCaro was studying at a foreign university. Gradually, some people began to abandon their children at her doorstep.

Before the adoptive mother returned to the kingdom of gods, she once asked her if she would raise all her children for her and send them to school.

There were no babies, just 5 or 6 year olds.

The young McCaro agreed without much thought at the time.

The old woman's savings and her royalties could have lasted until the last few adopted children grew up.

However, the implementation of the Corn Laws made the cost of living higher and higher. At that time, foreign grain did not have an impact on the Loen market, and workers were unemployed and inflation happened.

Due to the pressure of reality, everyone stopped studying for a while until McCarrow met that man - Tennyson Gilbert.

A Sequence 8 mind reader.

Tennyson, who is knowledgeable and gentle, first gained the trust of the children, then got into McCaro's heart, and finally defrauded her of all the gold pounds and even prepared to sell her.

It was on that day that McCaro drank the Sequence 7: Psychiatrist's potion that Tennyson had obtained through human trafficking and fraud.

I was wandering through the memories in my mind and suddenly looked around in confusion. This was already the last stop of the public carriage, and it was about a 10-minute walk from home.

To be honest, that place wasn't really a home, it was just a gathering place of obligations and responsibilities that made her feel tired. She had to use her extraordinary ability to pay attention to the mental health of these children.

She is not kind, she is just stupid. She is stupid enough to think that the love story in the book will happen in reality, and stupid enough to think that pie will fall from the sky.

Now that stupidity has turned into a magic potion and entered her stomach, and it's time for her to pay for the stupidity.

Thanks to the king for taking back the right to education, promulgating the "Elementary Education Law" and establishing public elementary schools. This is another huge expense. Although Backlund's life is getting worse day by day.

Without these children, she would have had an easy life, right? I won't listen to Tennyson's nonsense, saying that with 800 pounds you can become a shareholder of a school and get free meals at school.

McCarol pinched himself, and his eyes regained some of their brightness. There were many houses in this suburban neighborhood, but they were all spread out.

There are many semi-employed poor people working part-time jobs and hungry children who are driven by others on the streets.

Ten minutes later, McCarrow looked at the houses not far away and sighed.

"elder sister!"

She looked back and saw 13-year-old Vina and 10-year-old Levi, each holding a basket in their hands.

"What a coincidence." McCarrou smiled, "Did you buy anything delicious?"

"Black bread." Vina opened the tablecloth on the basket and found a few pieces of black bread.

"Didn't I ask you to buy white bread and meat?"

"Here." Levi raised the food basket in his hand.

"That's all? Today is Nalo's birthday." McCarro looked a little unhappy.

"Sister Nalo said she wanted to save more money for brother Lex's tuition." A smile appeared on Vina's face. The lack of nutrition in her daily intake made the girl a little thin, and her smile was not so pretty.

McCarrou's eyes briefly became dull and dull, and she seemed to see herself more than ten years ago.

She pretended to be troubled, then smiled at the two children, "I'll make it up for him tonight, let's go."

McCarrow took the free hands of the two children and asked softly:

"Can you hold it with one hand?"


Only when life is a little better can I feel that these children are sensible and cute. I hope these few years will pass quickly, preferably in the blink of an eye.

call out--

Boom boom boom

Just as the spiritual warning in his mind responded, in less than 3 seconds, the sound of breaking through the air and the sound of explosions came one after another.

A house not far ahead turned into a fireball and exploded, with dazzling light appearing followed by scorching waves of air.

Several houses on the left and right sides were shrouded in flames, and the houses a little further away were torn to pieces by the air waves. Debris from wooden boards and the remains of unknown households' clothes fell from the sky.

A piece of wood with flames clattered down next to McCarrou and bounced twice.

Kick, kick, kick!

McCaro was so frightened by the sight in front of her that she took a few steps back and fell to the ground with her two children.

Levi rolled his eyes and fainted while holding the bread basket.

McCarol wanted to scream, but the spiritual warning was like a heavy hammer that forced her to regain her sense for a short time. She stood up and picked up the two children to escape.

The psychologist in Sequence 7 is different from that in Sequence 8.

The body has become healthier. Although there are no obvious muscles, the strength and speed are much stronger than before Sequence 8, which is equivalent to the limit of human beings.

The eyesight is improved, and even objects hidden in the dark can be seen clearly.

call out!

The moment the sound of breaking through the air came, McCaro subconsciously threw the two children far away, and her body lost balance due to this action. Before she landed, she raised her head and looked up to the sky, and saw a huge black thing coming to her. On the surface.

Then, darkness fell.

On top of the scorched earth ruins, Su Lin held a broken spirit in his hand and read some of the memories left and projected on the island of spirit thinking.

"Only the spirit body of an extraordinary person can persist for such a long time." Derren Esso used the ability of the Law Mage to immediately stop the burning of flames and the flow of life.

All spiritual bodies will return to the spiritual world where reality overlaps. This is the law of this world. This is true for the spirits of ordinary people and the spirits of extraordinary beings. It is just a matter of the length of time.

But that's normal.

That cannonball was dropped by the fleet of the War Bishop of Sequence 3. It contained extraordinary power. The spirits of ordinary people would dissipate in an instant, and the spirits of extraordinary people would be shattered.

The light flickered for a moment, and the spirituality gained by the incomplete spirit jumped a few times like a candle blown by the wind.

"Where is her home?" Su Lin's voice had no ups and downs. "How are those children?"

"In the center of the explosion."

Delen Esso paused and looked at the nearby residents lined up on the ground over there. Among them were two children holding baskets, one with an iron rod stuck in his abdomen:

"There is survival."

"The physical body is still there, and so is the spirit body." Su Lin looked at the piles of spirits that were wandering around and dissipating without will: "You are unlucky today, but you are still lucky."

"Is Ms. Arianna here?"

A female figure wearing a simple linen robe, a bark belt, long black hair, and no shoes or socks turned into reality and walked out of nothingness.

It is Arianna, the earthly angel of the Church of the Night, the hidden servant.

He gave a polite greeting and looked quietly at Su Lin, whose divine aura was getting stronger.

Derren Esso was frightened in his heart. He had heard a little bit about this angel of the Church of Night who walked on the earth all year round and knew about its existence. At this moment, the other party actually respectfully bowed to the angel named 'Salil' beside him. Give a greeting? !

Is it possible that this is a Sequence 1 angel? !

"Please turn this area into a secret state temporarily."

Arianna didn't ask why, and nodded slightly. This area disappeared as if erased by an eraser. The damaged buildings, the charred land, and the people who existed here disappeared.

The moment everyone appeared in the secret space, more than a dozen spears of light pierced the bodies of those young, young, old and lifeless.

A white beam of light fell from the sky like a waterfall. After a burst of light blur, the wandering and dissipating spirits disappeared, and a trace of blood appeared on those cold bodies.

Delen Esso's eyes widened. He had heard about the incredible high-sequence abilities of angels, but he didn't expect that such miracles could be granted casually? !

"The others and you cannot be resurrected."

[That’s good, thank you, boss]

【I can go to the great kingdom of the Night Goddess to reunite with my family.】

A message came from the spirit body.

Su Lin hesitated and asked, "Don't you want to live?"

Su Lin originally thought that the other party also wanted to survive, but he was unable to do so. He originally thought that the other party would collapse when he learned the cruel truth, but the other party was unexpectedly free and easy.

The premise of the resurrection spell is based on the complete existence of the soul and the medium. This world is different, the soul will quickly dissolve and return to the spiritual world.

According to this world, her spiritual body includes the astral body, mental body, etheric body, and spiritual body. Most of these components have dissolved and returned to the spiritual world.

The collapse is doomed, and now it is just Su Lin who has given it false integrity. It is estimated that only the real fool will be able to fool this state.

[Are you a messenger of the gods? 】

"You can think of me this way, or you can think of me as a god."

Delen Esso immediately looked not at Su Lin but at the expression of the secret servant Arianna over there. What was he talking about? He said he was God?

【You must be a kind spirit

But why is the world still like this despite the presence of gods like you?]

"God also has a lot of helplessness, but maybe you can look forward to a better future?"

[Those who put down their farm tools to chase the sunshine will surely end up with no harvest and fall into a more embarrassing situation.

I’ve already experienced it once]

"What you said is so abstract..."

[I have a deposit in Backlund Bank. Please transfer it to them. It was originally reserved for future travel]

[Although I don’t know if I can escape from Mr. Delenn’s nose. Haha. 】

Su Lin glanced at the incomplete spirit body in his hand, then at the two sleeping children lying on the ground and the people in tattered clothes around them. He was silent for two seconds and asked:

"Do you accept this ending?"

McCarol's spirit body didn't answer, it just stopped moving and seemed to fall into silence.

[Destiny is a writer and life is a script. I think I am qualified as an actor. At least I have experienced tragedy and suffering, lies and deception, and finally reached the ending I should face. 】

"You were not such a young person before. Maybe you don't know what being a young person is." Su Lin sighed in his heart, let go of the spirit body in his hand and let it transform into a human form, and said:

“A common problem among you writers.”

"I also wanted to return to my old career before, but I can't write those fantasies that have no realistic logic, so I shouldn't be a writer now." McCaro's voice was broken, her spirit dissipated slowly but resolutely, and she moved toward Wei Na He walked in the direction of Levi, squatted down in front of them, and touched his forehead.


She could no longer hold on and turned into pieces of light, blending into the eternal night of the hidden space.

At the same time, the hidden space is mixed together like a graffiti painting, and various colors are distorted and superimposed to become a normal world.

‘Are there no extraordinary special effects left? ’ Su Lin frowned, this was obviously unreasonable.

Su Lin lifted the two sleeping children on the ground and put them into the arms of Delen Esso, who was tense and didn't know how to speak.

"I'll leave it to you first."

Su Lin looked to the southwest, looking across an infinite distance to the Fusac Empire's airship fleet that had flown dozens of miles away and was still speeding up. A Sequence 2 weather warlock did not directly participate in the battle but was in front. Answer.

From a rational point of view, this war has nothing to do with him. There are too many tragedies in this era. He is not the savior of the world and cannot prevent all tragedies from happening. McCareau is just one of the many tragedies. A microcosm.

In addition to her, many civilians on this street lost their lives and their families.

The housewife in an apron is holding a child's arm, the young man in overalls is holding a bouquet of withered roses, and the child who has just woken up is crying for his brother.

He deliberately did not take a closer look at these things before, and did not understand the lives of these people precisely because he knew that besides being unable to change, he would also destroy the mentality of himself as a bystander, and make his relatively good mood a mess.

‘Should I thank Fusac’s fleet for making me, a golden elixir-stage light god from another world, soberly aware of whose home field this is? ’

‘You make me unhappy and I still want to talk to you about being a bystander or a reasonable person? ’

‘I can do whatever I want! ’

Su Lin moved his wrist and looked at Arianna, the secret angel.

Of course, the premise is that Lao Zhou cannot be affected. Well, Ms. Arianna's role has become highlighted.

"Ms. Arianna." Su Lin smiled, pointed to the southwest and said:

"There is a Sequence 3 War Bishop opposite. How much can his extraordinary characteristics be sold for on the black market?"


Arianna slowly shook her head and said:

"There are no extraordinary characteristics of a saint on the black market."

Arianna seemed to have already analyzed what this strange god might do next, and said without any lag:

"If you are willing, our Church of the Night will definitely be able to offer a price that satisfies you."

Uh, I'm late, sorry.

Then there’s the reason why some people think I’m writing about a female protagonist. Readers who have read Mystery all know that the background of that world is actually all kinds of exploitation and ordinary people who follow the trend and become victims of the times. The squid is really great. It's amazing. It incorporates the contradictions of modern Europe and the helplessness in the background of the times. The tragedy is depressing but also humorous. The fifth and sixth volumes that impressed me most about the mystery actually happened to be the fifth and sixth volumes.

That's why these chapters have the perspectives of Zhongli, Su Lin and Lu Mingfei to witness the reality of this world.

It can't be the heroine...

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