Su Lin didn't expect that Klein, an honest man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would secretly do these tricks.

When did this happen? Such a fun thing didn't even bother me.

"Awesome." Su Lin glanced at Lu Mingfei not far away and sighed sincerely.

"Awesome." Ye Fan nodded and agreed.

"Where, where." Lu Mingfei used his fingers to twist the hair on his forehead in a circle, and said modestly: "I have no idea how to digest the instigator's potion."

No. I'm saying that Klein is great.

"I'm very curious." Su Lin thought for a while and said, "You haven't seen Lord of Mysteries in so long?"

Lu Mingfei smiled awkwardly and said, "Due to various force majeure factors."

Such as cultivating immortals, online games, falling in love... the life of Xianchong is really great.

Lu Mingfei thought that Su Lin meant that there were related ways of digesting potions in the book.

Zhong Li frowned at first with a slightly strange expression, then shook his head with a smile on his lips.

"By the way, Lao Zhou said you have a Sequence 7 potion." Lu Mingfei said to Su Lin: "After I finish digesting the Sequence 8 potion, can you trade it to me?"

You are really brave.

Su Lin's eyes twitched, he glanced at the serious Klein, and muttered, "As a gift."

"Okay!" Lu Mingfei raised his right hand above his head. What, it turns out that everyone is so nice.

Klein thought for a while and said to Lao Lu, "That's okay, just pay attention to safety."

With this old dragon here, he doesn't worry about Lu Mingfei. As long as he doesn't do anything, there should be no problem. And judging from what Klein has seen before, ordinary pollution sources are useless to him and he even has to worry about being polluted by him in turn. .

The only problem is, it wouldn't be fun if you were exposed.

Klein suddenly felt something was wrong. He felt strange about what he had just thought.

‘I don’t really want to turn Lu Mingfei into a witch, do I? Don't worry about it now, he will find something wrong when he gets there. ’

‘I shouldn’t need Lu Mingfei to do anything for me. The power that Lao Lu can exert is unstable. In fact, I don’t want to launch a god war in Backlund. The power of three god levels is too high-profile, and uncontrollable factors will also increase...'

'However, I might be able to commission him to do something else later. '

Dispelling his distracting thoughts, Klein looked at Lao Lu and said, "Well, about the reward."

Hearing this, Lao Lu didn't wait for Klein to finish:

"Needless to say, it's just the reward."

"That's it."

Lao Lu took out a handful of Gungnir from nowhere and handed it to Klein.

"?" Klein was a little confused.

"Isn't it enough?" Lao Lu touched the curved black spear and said, "This is the one I made before. It's not as good as the one given to Zhongli, but it's not a one-time consumable. Even if you escape to a parallel world, it will be useless. The winning attributes are the same."

"It should be enough as a ticket, or you can tell me the number."


Klein silently took the spear, and after a while, he said: "That's enough."

Do college students transfer money to the director when they work as extras?

"That's good." Lao Lu nodded, turning into particles and integrating into Lu Mingfei's body.

Su Lin took out a golden branch from the system space and threw it towards Han Li.

At that moment, the Black Emperor's eyes were as wide as copper bells, and he followed the golden branches and made a parabola.

"This is?" Han Li was a little confused. He could feel that the branch in his hand had an extraordinary charm.

"It seems that the buds of the golden apple tree will take 666,600 years to bear fruit. Please find a place on Shuijing Peak to cultivate them." Su Lin explained.

"Golden apple tree?" Klein asked after pocketing the spear given by Lao Lu, "Where is the golden apple tree?"

"The one in Greek mythology." Su Lin replied.

"Where did you get it?" Ye Fan stared at the golden bud held by Han Li. "The status of golden apples in Western mythology is equivalent to the flat peach in Eastern mythology."

"Guess." Su Lin smiled.

"I don't guess!" Ye Fan picked up the little girl and walked towards the other side, "Let's go, brother will take you to eat something delicious."

The Black Emperor glanced at the branch in Han Li's hand with nostalgia. When he looked away, his eyes collided with Su Lin's. He shuddered all over and immediately woke up.

That kind of breath

"This Great Emperor, I take my leave!"

He immediately rushed towards Ye Fan with all kinds of questions.

"Remember what I said." Su Lin transmitted the message to the Black Emperor's ears, "If there is something missing when I come back here."

"do not worry!"

Su Lin had a smile on his face. He felt so refreshed after this operation. He thanked Ye Fan for providing him with this opportunity.

"Let's go, Old Zhou." Su Lin looked at Klein, only to find that he was standing there, his neck slightly raised, his eyes deep.

"what's on your mind?"

Klein stared at the golden apple buds in Han Li's hand and said, "Before I traveled through time, I was quite interested in those myths. Su Lin, have you ever thought about the effects of the golden apples in myths?"

Su Lin didn't understand why Klein suddenly mentioned this. He thought about the descriptions he had seen before. Golden apples. I often saw this item when watching Olympus Stars. It also appeared in some books. Pass.


Su Lin spent some time recalling, but found that he only knew that the golden apple appeared as the introduction of the story every time, and there was no detailed record of the related effects of the golden apple in his memory.

Yes, this item only exists in some events in mythology, and I have never heard of the related functions of golden apples in my mind.

Seeing this, Klein slowly spoke:

"The earliest recorded record of apples in the West comes from the legend of the "golden apple" in Greek mythology. In the myth and legend, the earth goddess Gaia gave a golden tree to the wedding of the god Zeus and the queen Hera. Apple tree as a wedding gift.”

"Then, the only records in mythology are that the golden apple was heavily guarded by the gods. In many mythological stories, the golden apple appeared three times, the twelve trials of Hercules, and the three goddesses arguing about the most beautiful god, Atalanta. Death Race."

As Klein said, Su Lin only knew this information, the trigger of the Trojan War, and the golden apple, a mysterious prop in Greek mythology.

"The golden apple in Nordic mythology has a more practical effect than the golden apple in Greek mythology. It is a divine object that maintains the immortality of the gods." Lu Mingfei said: "Of course, the golden apple in our world is actually a A product of alchemy."

"There is another record related to apples in mythology, and that is the forbidden fruit of wisdom in the Bible, but don't you find it strange?" Klein frowned slightly, "If the Greek golden apple is useless to the gods, why did the gods send gods to Guarded by a dragon?”

"It just so happens that this version of the golden apple has no relevant role records in the myth, and the lives of those who get the golden apple are full of twists and turns."

Stop talking about it. If you continue to talk about it, it won’t develop according to the mysterious fairy tale.

"Are you sure that's the golden apple bud in Greek mythology?" Klein asked.

"Sure." Su Lin nodded and said, "We'll know what the situation is after the seeds come out."

Su Lin raised his head and said to Han Li, "I'm sorry to bother you, but let's see if I can use your little green bottle to ripen it."

Han Li nodded. From the few words spoken by a few people just now, he also learned that the origin of this bud was extraordinary. A fruit tree that only took 660,000 years to grow must be a natural treasure.

Klein temporarily dismissed the curiosity in his heart and turned his attention to business.

"Let's go."

He split a spiritual insect, separated the dangerous knowledge from his mind and threw it towards the portal leading to his rental house.

After doing all this, Klein stepped forward and led everyone into the portal leading to his world.

Go to that mysterious world shrouded in the mists of history and darkness, where the waves of steam and machinery become the mainstream, where humanity and divinity dance in crazy chaos.


Backlund, No. 160, Beklund Street, North District.

Dwayne Dantès's mansion.

As a member of Backlund's upper class, a successful investor and arms smuggler, Klein's abundant funds allowed him to use Dwayne Dantès' waistcoat to occasionally enjoy an upper-class life in Backlund.

A huge house, a spacious master bedroom, wool carpets on the oak floor, and a light aroma in the house.

Even the toilet, oh, no, the bathroom, is ten square meters in size. A glass mirror is hung on the expensive tile wall, with a touch of water vapor on it. The bathtub is filled with hot water, and a secret person is lying there. I.

"Praise you, the great master of the bathroom." Su Lin put his right palm on his left chest, bowed to Klein devoutly, and praised:

"Great Lord of the bathroom, when we walk in the bathroom, it is like walking in your country. The sink is your holy table, the bathtub is your holy pool, and the toilet under my feet is your throne."

"Ah~! What an honor this is! Praise you!"

Klein tried his best to maintain his calm expression with the faceless man, but in his heart, he had already brought up the memory of Su Lin being beaten by him before, and said:

"This toilet is very expensive, about 15 soli. God should not excrete. If the great God of Light doesn't want to go to the toilet, please get off the toilet."

"Your will is my will." Su Lin jumped off the toilet and looked around curiously. This was a bathroom with quite a Western-style decoration. There was an incandescent lamp on the ceiling, shining through the hazy water. The fog emits a white light.

"My suggestion is that you don't try to practice in this world." Klein looked at the position next to Su Lin. There was a historical pore there. Su Lin's body was hiding in it, wearing purple clothes, lying on a bed. He was sitting on a rocking chair with a quilt covering him.

"Yes." Zhongli agreed with Klein's statement. He pushed open the mist-filled glass window and looked up at the sky. "I can feel that the laws of this world have many restrictions."

"Don't try to practice techniques like Sunflower Moon Dew, otherwise it will be dangerous."

"The danger has come." Su Lin said. There was a kind of power trying to enter his body based on the knowledge he knew. Of course, this kind of power had no effect on either his light god clone or his body. will be isolated.

"Just understanding it will lead to contamination." Zhongli felt this power, "It can be described as a disaster for beings with insufficient levels."

"Okay, everyone." Klein clapped his hands and said to the three of them, "Can we go out and chat?"

"Let my butler prepare a sumptuous Loen delicacy for you as a reception ceremony. Maybe we can go to the Meige Manor in the suburbs, which is my property, where we can enjoy an open-air candlelight dinner."

"I want to eat braised lamb with young peas and Dixie pie." Su Lin said to Klein: "Pair it with a cup of sweet ice tea."

"There are also tomato oxtail soup, pan-fried fish fillets, roasted squab, and some brown bread. I want to try it."

Black bread.

If others found out, they would think that I, Dawn Dantès, was embarrassing the guests.

"You won't like eating that stuff, believe me." Klein said seriously: "It's bitter, hard, and tastes sour, salty, and smelly."

"Fingel ate that stuff when he had no money." Lu Mingfei recalled Fingel's description. "If it wasn't a mixed race, its teeth would be broken."

"It doesn't matter, people always want to try new things." Su Lin didn't care about Klein's statement. He naturally knew that black bread is difficult to eat.

"Okay, gentlemen." Klein controlled the marionette in the bathtub to get dressed, transformed into Dwayne Dantès, and walked out of the bathroom. The moment he opened the door, the first thing that came into view was a simple building. The pendulum clock stands in the corner of the room. The firelight in the fireplace is reflected on the glass of the pendulum clock, and the second hand keeps rotating with the pendulum hand.

"There are still four hours until the dinner. You are free to move around, but please cover up your appearance." Klein took out a money bag, thought about it, took out three gold pounds from it, and ignored Su Lin's disdainful eyes. It was distributed among three people.

The black-haired, black-eyed Oriental faces in this world are the characteristics of the elves handed down from the Second Age. Those remnants of the old era are in the Western Continent. The elves’ hometown is also in the Western Continent. They retain recipes for cooking animal offal. , and good at using spices.

"I will arrange a guide for you."

Klein looked at Zhongli and said with sincerity in his eyes: "You can charge it to Dawn Dantès."

"Very good." Zhongli nodded with a smile on his face.

"What day is it today?" Su Lin asked Klein.

In this world, there are still 365 days in a year, seven days in a week, and twenty-four hours in a day. Klein once thought that he had traveled through time, but in the end he discovered that he had just arrived in an era many epochs later.

"Monday." Klein replied subconsciously.

"Will the Tarot Club be held this afternoon?" Su Lin's eyes flickered, and with a smile on his lips, he stepped forward and approached Klein.

"Take away the holy light in your eyes." Klein immediately understood what Su Lin wanted to do.

The power of the holy light flickered in Su Lin's eyes.

"I'm very curious!" Su Lin grabbed Klein's shoulder and said, "Old Zhou! We have known each other for so long, and we spend the most time playing black games on weekdays. You haven't taken me to see your entrepreneurial team yet. Woolen cloth!"

"It's not impossible." Klein hesitated. Others would just forget it. Su Lin's words

"You won't cause trouble, will you?"

Su Lin looked stunned and asked, "Am I that kind of person?"

Klein glanced vaguely at the last victim, Lu Mingfei, who was squatting in front of the fireplace to warm himself.

Zhongli was admiring the antique porcelain displayed in the room. Hearing the conversation between the two, he turned his head and said, "If it's convenient, please take me with you."

Klein was silent for a moment and said, "Okay."

When Su Lin heard Klein's reply, he placed his right palm on his left chest and said with a smile: "Praise the Fool!"

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