"Turn it off, it's boring." Klein shook his head and said.

Is it fun to play games with cheats? Can you experience the fun of getting stronger a little bit? Can you make yourself a strong person within yourself?

It must be fun to cheat, right?

"Are you really not some doraemon?" Xiao Yan couldn't help but say something like this: "Can you show me your pocket?"

"Let's go." Su Lin replied unceremoniously: "You can't reveal what happened in the past two days after receiving the benefits!"

"Not at all!"

"Okay, Su Niuma." Xiao Yan nodded, collected the gravel of time and left.

"Okay, Su Laoba." Ye Fan also left.

"Tony Su, give me a haircut when you have time." Irena waved her little hand and left.

Su Lin turned to Zhongli. The sadness in his eyes made Zhongli hesitate for a moment and said, "Thank you for the gravel, Su Lin. I'll go to Wangshu Pavilion to study it first."

After watching a few people leave, Su Lin turned to look at Klein, glanced at the golden gravel at his feet and asked, "What do you want to change?"

Klein gathered his thoughts and said, "I am about to plan to prevent George III's godhood ceremony, but I must prepare in advance so as not to deal with Zaratul and Amon in a hurry."

Su Lin nodded slightly. Even if he learned about the future, Klein should try to avoid contact with Zaratul and Amon. For the current Klein, even if he has digested most of the ancient scholars' potions in advance, , has obtained the authority and power of the Dragon King of Sky and Wind, but there is still a huge gap between Amon and Zarath.

"I want to ask you to take action."

Su Lin was not surprised that Klein wanted him to take action, but what Klein said next was a bit unexpected.

"I need to concentrate on dealing with Zaratul and Amon, so I would like to ask you to minimize the casualties caused by the war to the people as soon as the Feysac Kingdom launches a war against the Roen Kingdom."

"You can choose to do this secretly. I just hope you can save as many people as possible."

"In terms of reward, these gravels plus sealed items or magic potions."

Klein did not continue speaking, but looked at Su Lin quietly, waiting for his answer.


Su Lin looked deeply at Klein, pondered for a moment and then said: "Have you never thought of asking me to directly help you deal with Zaratul or Amon? Or even Adam."

"I can't stop the trend of the times." Klein tapped and drew circles on his chest clockwise. His face squirmed and his figure changed. After a short time, he returned to a bookish and delicate appearance, and said, "I can only Do whatever you can to make the water less rough.”

"Suffering is like a dark cloud. It looks black from a distance, but underneath it is just gray."

"This is my destiny, not theirs."

"Besides, I can't afford the reward for you to deal with Amon and Zarath."

"My main purpose now is not to deal with the two of them. I am sure to avoid fighting with them as much as possible,"

Su Lin was inexplicably envious. This was a ridiculous feeling, but he did feel envious that these "protagonists" could speak these words calmly and make unexpected choices.

A little ridiculous but common sense.

If we look at it from a rational perspective, this approach is undoubtedly irrational and unprofitable. Because it was just a bunch of strangers

Always remember that you are alone.

"Yes, but I have to make some preparations." Su Lin agreed to Klein after thinking for a while, then turned and left, "The reward will be a Sequence 1 sealed artifact for the time being."

Su Lin didn't plan to do anything overly arrogant in that world directly and with great fanfare. He was just going to do things according to Klein's request. Be careful when sailing for ten thousand years, especially in a world where the underlying logic is disorder and madness. Su Lin should be even more careful.

Otherwise, it would be fine when you go, but it would be no fun when you come back with an egg from an alien god on your body.

Klein was slightly relieved when he saw Su Lin agreed, and then walked across the space passage and left the secret room.


[Thank you gods! These are the four words that people have mentioned most frequently in the past two days. We can find that since the two gods fought on the third day of the Lunar New Year, all the diseases and disabilities in the world have been miraculously cured]

"Have your friends made arrangements?" The next morning, Su Xiangrong was watching TV news at home and asked when he saw Su Lin opening the door to go home.

"Well, everything has been arranged at the hotel. We'll leave tomorrow."

In fact, except for Irena who was wandering around the city and Zhongli who was practicing on Water Mirror Peak, the other three had already gone back.

Klein is now placing a few spiritual insects on top of the gray mist to guard the Origin Castle instead of himself, handling daily prayers. The main body cannot be left for too long, otherwise the few spiritual insects will gradually lose control.

After Ye Fan and Xiao Yan purchased some New Year's goods from Earth, they returned to their own world to practice. They were among the first few to leave. Of course, with the notarization of Morax, several people signed the contract with their true spirits, promising not to mention what happened in the past two days in front of others in the future.

"That's good."

"Aren't they going to play for two more days?" Liu Yumei asked.

"They should leave first if they have anything else to do." Su Lin picked up a piece of fruit and gnawed it. The TV was showing scenes of his previous appearance, as well as the attitudes of various countries in handling the incident. "Such a big thing happened. , everyone must pay more attention to those myths."

"Actually, what does it have to do with ordinary people like us." Su Xiangrong picked up the hot water bottle and poured some hot water into the cup. "We shouldn't eat when we should, drink when we should, and sleep when we should."

"You kid, listen carefully. Don't follow those people and run to the Taoist temple in the mountains. Don't let the gods be found by then. Your father and I will have to call the rescue team to save you."

"The rescue team has been very busy during this period." Liu Yumei shook her head and said, "There are also those scenic spots with so many people that they can't even stop them."

"Don't worry." Su Lin replied calmly: "I still want to make money."

"Don't wear out the good body the gods gave you. Zhang Laosan next door was cured of his alcoholic liver disease. He drank to the point of stomach bleeding last night."

The miracle Su Lin performed was a compensation for the ordinary people and the compensation for disrupting their lives. Many things that followed were not his responsibility, such as those who sneaked into the blockade and were trapped in the mountains in order to seek immortality. .

"I know." Su Lin replied perfunctorily.

Some people cherish this opportunity, while others naturally feel that they have gained the capital to squander it a second time.


"If you don't really love me~~" "Ah! Patchouli GO!" "Blue Road~!!" "Stinky tofu, pickled cucumbers, be late and feel happy in your mouth." "Just because you are so beautiful~ Just because of you So beautiful~" "Joyful, lazy~" "I want O bubbles, I want O bubbles OOO." "Heng Yuan Xiang, sheep, sheep, sheep!" "Jiangnan Leather Factory, Jiangnan Leather Factory closed down! Bastard." "Kill the horse and kill it. Matt~”

The audio mix in my head plays, and every second this music is playing in my head.

"Give me a treat!" Future Su Lin, who had a haggard face and messy hair, looked at the person in front of him with red eyes, bloodshot. After not sleeping for several days and nights, he was now extremely irritable.

He is still unable to move from the neck down, and the only thing that can move and is not damaged is his handsome face (Su Lin's perspective).

"I think I'm already very kind." Su Lin sat on the bench with his legs crossed. He was wearing a white coat and holding a list in his hand, which was a new playlist. "Our relationship is better than Brothers are still close, how could I kill you?"

"Of the 90 days you traveled back in time, you spent 80 of them working hard. To thank you for having a normal brain for ten days, I set your singing time to be ten days and ten nights instead of 90 days. "

"Do you still like the famous RAP singer's music that I borrowed from my friend the day before yesterday?" Su Lin sincerely greeted Su Lin in the future: "That is the most famous RAP singer in a different world."

"You are talking nonsense! You are playing the chaos creature's nonsense in my brain 24 hours a day!"


Su Lin flicked the opponent's head. In the future, Su Lin felt that the whole world suddenly became quiet, as if silence was eternal.


Why do tears appear in the corners of my eyes?

"What grudge?" The silence didn't last long, and there was an echo in my mind again. Even if the music stopped playing, the chaotic and noisy noise would still automatically echo in my brain.

"Immortal hatred, eternal grudges that will never be resolved." Su Lin said solemnly.

If nothing else, this dark history can never be erased. All we can do now is to prevent secondary spread.

"You still have five days left to serve your sentence, but I have decided to give you a chance for parole."

Su Lin took out the broken light godhead, threw it in front of the future Su Lin, and said: "If you can fix this godhead, I will let you out of prison in advance."

"Choose for yourself."

The future Su Lin raised his head and closed his eyes. After relaxing for about ten minutes, he regained his energy a little and said, "Where did it come from?"

"The system drew it."

Future Su Lin put it into the system backpack, checked the effect, and then took it out.

"If it cannot be repaired, if the system notes cannot be repaired, then it must not be repairable."

"Alas." Su Lin glanced at this godhead with regret, raised his arm and said, "Then you can continue to have beer."

"Wait!" Future Su Lin quickly shouted: "Although it can't be repaired, I have a way to prevent it from breaking!"


Su Lin lowered his raised arm again.

"As expected of me, cheers to your unparalleled wisdom." Su Lin took out a bottle of red wine sent by Irena from the historical projection, poured it into a goblet and handed it to himself who could not move.

"You don't want to toast with my eyes, do you?" Future Su Lin warned: "If you pour red wine into my eyes, I will sublimate it to you."

"Hahaha, how could that be?" Su Lin took out another goblet, clinked it, and fed him the glass of red wine.


"How much did you spend to get this godhead?" Su Lin from the future asked: "And your ability is similar to projection."

"Almost three thousand."

"Are you kidding me?" Or maybe the phantom voices in his mind were mixed together and he heard it wrong.

"No, it's just three thousand." Su Lin thought for a while and said: "I spent 3,000 to get this historical projection in the first lottery, and spent 10,000 to get this Shuijing Peak in the second lottery. The draw was for this godhead, and the fourth draw was a one-time Sword Immortal card for 5,000 points, which was a bit of a loss.”

"First draw. 3000?"

Oh my God, look what this is? An upstart was saying that he spent 3,000 yuan on his first trip to the city! oh! Damn it, his luck in drawing cards was so good, he simply cheated Lady Luck. I mean, he's pretty lucky, well, pretty good, good enough to be able to use combos to avoid the side effects of this godhead.

"Are you crying?" Su Lin was stunned. He saw the other person closing his eyes and shedding two lines of clear tears, then taking a deep breath with a smile on his lips, as if he was remembering something.

Could this guy have been corrupted by listening to music, no? With his personality, could he be corrupted by the voice of the true Creator?

after a long time

"Dyeing." Su Lin from the future said: "This is a godhead that is completely composed of order attributes. It can be transformed to a certain extent through dyeing, or it can act as an adhesive."

"Be specific."

If you want to go to the mysterious world, then this godhead is absolutely indispensable. It does not mean that Su Lin has no other trump cards now. In fact, with his current savings, he is enough to not be afraid of the Seven Gods and even the Outer Gods in a short period of time. But if he could use this godhead for a long time, he would undoubtedly save a lot of money.

"The transformation process of things from a chaotic state to an orderly state absorbs energy, which we can call "Yin"; the process of things transforming from an orderly state to a chaotic state and releases energy, we can call it "Yang"."

“The balance of yin and yang.”

Under Niu Ma's explanation, Su Lin understood what his method was, using the corrosive properties of the power of chaos as a filler in the cracks in the godhead. In this way, although the godhead was still fragmented, due to the addition of the power of chaos, the In the process, the wear and tear will first be transferred to the power of chaos.

It is equivalent to using the power of chaos as 502 super glue to stick up the broken parts. At the same time, due to the filling of the power of chaos, the durability will also increase.

"However, this method is very dangerous."

"First of all, the level of the power of chaos cannot be lower than your godhead, or even higher than the level of your godhead. Otherwise, there will only be a collision between order and chaos."

"Secondly, you have to ensure that this chaotic power has a certain degree of purity. This is not easy to find. Only pure chaotic power will not add impurities to your godhood."

"In the end, you have to maintain stability and not lose control."

Speaking of this, the future Su Lin remembered the state of the guy in front of him who had been blessed by God before, and said, "What is your situation now? A biological son of Heaven?"

"Oh, you can call me Su Bantian." Su Lin was thinking about how to meet the above conditions.

"How did you do it? He never paid attention to me before." Su Lin from the future said sourly: "Why are you still thinking about that broken godhead when you are like this?"

He used to think that the guy in front of him was unlikely to stay in a certain timeline until the end of time. Now it seemed that he would have to hang around for at least a few hundred years. But what didn't make sense logically was why he was so interested in the future of this world. Not at all informed. There should be other unknown secrets here.

"My VIP will expire in 10 months." Su Lin touched his chin and suddenly thought of someone.

Chaos power, high quality, pure

Su Lin pulled out a wheelchair from the historical projection and put Su Niuma on it.

"Take you to meet a friend."

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