I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

Chapter 143 Brother Su, can I go to your house to celebrate the New Year? (2-in-1)

"Is this the direction?"

"should be."

Midnight is getting closer, and the time is between 11pm and 1am.

Song Shuhang opened his eyes and ended the operation of the "True Self Meditation Sutra". He had adjusted his state to the best, and his whole body was full of energy and energy.

He began to recite mantras, placed his spirit ghost in the center of the formation, and began to dance in a strange posture, which looked like dancing to a great god.

Su Lin took a look and saw that at the time on the clock, he should be able to go home in time for lunch.

He arranged five high-level healing spells in the direction of the window of the villa. When Li Tiansu flew in from the window, he would pass through the five light spells.


"Here we come." Venerable White warned.

Su Lin looked out the window and saw a cyan figure approaching from far away, shooting toward the villa.

It could be vaguely seen that it was a man wearing a blue Taoist robe. There was a blue light around him that formed the shape of a giant sword, wrapping him tightly.

Su Lin felt a little emotional. Venerable White's physique was indeed a bit weird, and monks who were on the verge of disappearing would come to him and leave their property.

Li Tiansu escaped from that terrifying secret realm, and the meridians and Dantian in his body were almost shattered. He just relied on the sword escape triggered at the last moment to take his body away.

‘Yinzhu’ he stretched out his hand to grab the little girl with white hair, but unfortunately it was just an illusion after all.

With a whoosh, the sword light led him into a separate courtyard, and Li Tiansu felt warm all over.

‘Is it going to end here? ’

He felt like he was back in his mother's arms.

"How long do you want to lie in my arms?"

A male voice came from above.

Li Tiansu opened his eyes and saw a pair of white-gold eyes, sacred and inviolable. The clear outlines were like works of art. A faint glimmer of light shone on this person, as pure white as milk.

"Still not getting up?!"

It was uncomfortable to be held in the arms of a grown man.

"Oh." Li Tiansu stood up in a hurry. He suddenly found that the burning sensation of destroying his meridians was gone. There was no tearing pain in his body. Only a warm power was repairing his body. This The power is constantly flowing, like the most skilled tailor, weaving flesh and blood and repairing the soul. If the raw materials are insufficient, it will transform itself into its own flesh and blood soul.

Li Tiansu never thought that he would have such an opportunity in such a desperate situation and survive!

"Senior!" Li Tiansu bowed his head, kowtowed to Su Lin and said, "Rogue cultivator Li Tiansu thanks senior for saving his life!"

He held back his tears so that he could continue to fight for his daughter's life.

"Keep your voice down."

Su Lin pointed to the other side, and Li Tiansu turned to look. It turned out to be a young monk making a contract with the spirit ghost.

It seems that he has broken into the place where this senior is plundering for his disciples. Next to him is a man who looks like a mortal immortal, with long black hair falling behind him, and eyes as bright as stars. Li Tiansu couldn't help but feel his heart beat faster. He hurriedly looked away, not only because he was rude, but he also discovered that this person turned out to be a seventh-grade venerable!

"I'll lend you some soul power." Venerable Bai approached Li Tiansu and forcibly peeled off some souls from him.

The feeling of losing his soul was not pleasant. Li Tiansu groaned and held his head in pain, but then the holy power began to repair his soul again, making him feel relieved.

Venerable White threw this power into the spirit ghost in the magic circle over there, and the spirit ghost's aura shook.


Li Tiansu didn't understand why this senior wanted to help the spirit ghost who was about to be surrendered.


After a while, the spirit ghost turned into a ball the size of a fist. After Su Lin gave him a BUFF, Song Shuhang used the contract again.

"Let's settle the account." Su Lin said to Li Tiansu. Without waiting for Li Tiansu to react, he continued: "That ring on your hand is good. It will be used as treatment expenses."

"Oh, oh." Li Tiansu quickly took off the third-grade magic weapon ring on his hand. This ring was of little value, and the spirit gathering array on it was also the most basic.

He subconsciously thought that this senior was noble and upright, and did not want him to have a psychological burden.

‘What a blessing! You can still meet such seniors in the most critical moments. ’

Su Lin got the ring and handed it to Song Shuhang. According to the original plot, this ring may be related to the flame knife move that Song Shuhang learned.

"I want to inherit your skills, are you willing to give them to me?"

Although Li Tiansu only appeared briefly and then left in his original destiny, his background is not small.

He once had a master-disciple relationship with the Immortal Chi Xiaozi. It was through this relationship that Song Shuhang fell into a dream for the first time and gained Chi Xiaozi's attention across time and space, and acquired a set of sword skills.

Li Tiansu's fate was full of twists and turns. If his daughter Li Yinzhu had not unfortunately suffered from a cold disease and invested all his resources in her daughter, I am afraid that he would not be a seventh-grade venerable but also a peak sixth-grade true king.

Sometimes monks are like ordinary people and cannot afford to get sick.

"Of course I do." Li Tiansu said respectfully. Now that he had recovered, he felt that the senior in front of him was like a vast sea of ​​light, and he was like a small boat in the waves.

Although I don't know why this senior wants his own skills, Li Tiansu is naturally willing. The grace of saving his life is greater than heaven.

two hours later

Su Lin held a jade slip in his hand and said to Li Tiansu: "I don't want your skills in vain. In the future, you can go to my Wangshu Pavilion to choose a skill with Song Shuhang over there. , it’s considered bartering.”

"Today's matter is about your relationship with him."

After Su Lin finished speaking, he turned around and stepped into the portal to leave, leaving behind Li Tiansu and others who wanted to say something else.

After Song Shuhang subdued the spirit ghost, he walked up to Li Tiansu and said, "I don't know why, but I always feel that I feel like old friends with Senior Li at first sight. It's better to do this. If Senior Li doesn't dislike it, we can leave our contact information and communicate more."

‘I’ll do my best again in the future. In this way, your daughter will also be my daughter. ’

Li Tiansu was a little confused. Everything that happened today was too sudden.


above the gray fog

An old wooden house sits quietly in a corner of the palace.

The mottled door was slightly ajar but never closed, and Audrey walked inside.

This time it was not separated by a stone wall, but by a wooden partition with tiny hollows on it. Through the invisible light, Audrey could barely see the world on the other side.

"Good evening, Mr. World." Audrey said with some joy in her tone. According to the agreement, regular psychological treatment will be carried out on the world above the gray fog tonight.

World. Klein, Audrey learned Mr. World's real name from Mr. Star when she was in the Honesty Hall.

Audrey no longer had the fear of the crazy adventurer Hermann in her past, because she knew that Mr. World was actually a gentle and kind person.

"Good evening, Miss Justice." Klein greeted in a calm voice.

As an extraordinary person in the audience path, Audrey can detect the emotional changes in every conversation with Mr. World.

"You seem to be in better condition than before." Audrey said happily, her clear voice as beautiful as a bird.

"It's true." Klein said honestly without denying it.

The two of them were chatting like friends, and unknowingly, Audrey had already shaped the atmosphere of the conversation.

"Is there anything worth being happy about recently?" Audrey said with curiosity in her tone: "I can feel that your mental state has improved a lot during this period compared to the past."

This is not Audrey's deliberate act. In fact, she is really curious about what is happening in the world. Compared with the first consultation, the mental state of the world has not only stabilized, but he seems to have found his 'target' ? Audrey wasn't sure what it was, but she was certain that Mr. World was no longer as depressed as before, but she could feel that Mr. World still had a lot of pressure.

"Can you share it with me?" Audrey asked.

After Klein considered it for a few seconds, he said, "I made some friends."

'friend? ! ’ So Audrey was also a little surprised, but it was reasonable. Friendship is indeed something that can make people feel happy.

"Well, what kind of friends are they?" Audrey struck while the iron was hot and continued to ask, while using 'Appease' on him to relieve the negative emotions caused by pressure and guide the continuation of the topic.

Klein was silent for a few seconds and said: "After meeting and getting along with each other several times, they are all good people, except for a few people... Hmm."

Klein wanted to say something, but felt that it did not fit the image of World Herman. He felt that even after being stabbed in the back by Leonard of Honesty Hall, he could slowly restore the image of "The World" as a vest.

‘Leonard is an idiot, I probably shouldn’t have taken him with me at all. ’

Even though he had been warned in advance, this fool still inadvertently exposed his identity.

It seems that the relationship is not bad, Audrey analyzed it this way.

"Are those people also extraordinary?"


Well, as they are also extraordinary people, Mr. World can also talk to them about many things, which will have a positive effect on Mr. World's mental state.

"That should be more than what makes you happy, right?"

Emotional gains between people take time to materialize. Audrey recalled the process of these several diagnoses and treatments. Mr. World's mental stability had completely eased, and then entered a fluctuating range.

What really kept him mentally stable was something else.

"I went to a place that seemed familiar."

Audrey could clearly feel the joy hidden in the other party's words.

"That place must make you feel very familiar and nostalgic. You can find inner peace there."

"Yes, that is my former hometown, but it is not my hometown." Klein paused and said calmly: "It's just a shadow, and there's no one I'm familiar with."

Mr. World has found his hometown? Audrey remembered that Mr. World had awakened from the distant past. He had mentioned this during the first consultation. Like Mr. Fool, he had awakened from ancient times. This was probably why he could become Mr. Fool's favorite. reason.

Audrey was happy in her heart for the world.

"Did you meet those people there?"

"That's right."

"This is a happy place, Mr. World." Audrey said:

"At least that place can give you a little solace and the company of friends, which are all wonderful things."

"But I found that you have a lot of pressure inside. These things have affected your emotions and your experience of beauty."

"If you don't mind, could you tell me?"

Audrey guided Klein to a certain extent and wanted to know the cause of his troubles and uneasiness.

This time, Mr. World on the opposite side was silent for a long time.

"Do you accept innocent lives being given up?"

"I won't accept it." Audrey said without hesitation. She immediately thought that Mr. World might have encountered some kind of problem. The gentle Mr. World wanted to save innocent lives, but seemed to be powerless?

"What if their sacrifice is necessary?" Klein said with a cold tone and a low voice:

"Even the gods have recognized their sacrifice, and their lives and endings cannot be changed. What should I do?"

"They are people who are destined to be swept under the sea by the tide of the times."

"Their lives will drive changes in the times and bring changes to the future."

Audrey was stunned. The seriousness behind what happened to Mr. World was beyond her imagination. These words revealed a lot of information.

The tide of the times is coming.

Many lives will be involved.

Many lives will be lost because this event cannot be avoided.

There were gods involved, and it seemed there was more than one.

The sacrifices of these people will change the future.

The thin words in the book and the things she has seen in the sea of ​​subconsciousness so far cannot allow Audrey to give an answer that satisfies herself.

Various thoughts swirled in her mind, as if she was digesting this matter and looking for answers.

In the darkness, silence fell.

Neither of them made a sound, just talking to each other across the wooden board.

Only then did Audrey realize that things were far more complicated than they appeared. In her eyes, although Mr. World's mental state had stabilized a lot, the cause of this consultation was the matter that World had always hidden in his heart, like a little powerful bullet. A small mental bomb cannot make the world go out of control, but it will hurt this gentle person.

After a long time, he bit his lower lip and made a calm judgment.

"I think I can't accept it." Audrey said seriously. She did not use her experience from the outside world, the knowledge she learned from books, or her extraordinary abilities. She just followed her heart and said:

"That's too cruel and I can't accept it."

She repeated her attitude on the matter twice.

"I can't accept it either." Klein's voice echoed in the wooden house, so calm that it was a bit scary.

Audrey hesitated and said softly: "Mr. Fool"

"Mr. Fool doesn't like this either."

Audrey lowered her head in shame, yes, how could Mr. Fool, such a benevolent and great god, allow such a thing to happen.

‘Audrey, you need to reflect on your lack of firm belief. ’

Audrey told herself this in her heart, but she immediately reacted. Mr. Fool didn't like it, but Mr. World couldn't change it, or it was difficult to change it. That meant

"Is it some being from the Church of the Seven Gods? Or is it a god other than the Seven Gods?" Audrey asked.

"Perhaps all the seven gods have acquiesced," Klein replied, his voice unwavering: "There are even other gods involved."

Audrey pursed her lips. She felt deeply powerless at such a development. Even Mr. Fool might not be able to do anything about it.

There was a sense of sadness and emptiness in her heart, a feeling of sadness for what was to come.

‘Calm down, Audrey, you are a doctor, you have to be rational, and you have to appease Mr. World. ’

"I'm sorry for telling you these cruel things." Klein looked at 'Justice' Audrey in front of him through the faint light.

"No. We will know sooner or later, right?" Audrey's voice trembled slightly, then adjusted and restored:

"At the moment of strife and turmoil."

"Thank you, Mr. World. At least I can make some preparations early to protect my father, mother and brother."

Klein lowered his head, crossed his hands on his crossed legs, and didn't know what he was thinking.

"You can try to get along with your friends more." Audrey tried to suggest and said:

"At this time, communication with friends can adjust one's mentality."

"Go back to a familiar place, be with your friends, and chat happily."

Klein nodded and said, "This consultation will end here. Thank you, Miss Justice."

Klein propped himself up and walked outside.

"We have no other choice, right?" Audrey said softly. She was telling Mr. World, and she was also telling herself that there was nothing that could be done about it, and there was nothing that could be done by investing emotions in it. This was a disguised form of relief.

Klein paused and said, "But maybe we can do our best."

Let the sinners get the ending they deserve, just like the ending of a story in a fairy tale book.


Su Lin was sitting on the sofa at home, bored and watching TV series and chatting in group chats. Immortal cultivators should also give themselves a seven-day annual leave and practice hard after the New Year.

Zhang Chulan was preparing to cause trouble in Biyou Village. After this guy learned that he had Qi Ying in his body, he became even more unscrupulous and determined to smash Lao Ma's stove.

Emiya Shirou said that Constantine's alchemy is very powerful. Since he changed his teacher, his alchemy learning progress has begun to speed up.


Ye Fan is preparing to practice the foundation-building elixir system at the same time. In the final analysis, due to the great changes in the world, the practice method of Zhetian World is more about developing oneself and giving up too much spiritual power from the outside world. His behavior is like everyone else. During afforestation, he went to the mountains to cut down trees. Fortunately, he was the only woodcutter.

Han Li had already crossed over to Nascent Soul and arrived at Wangshu Pavilion.

Su Lin planned to close the group chat and projected the inspirational story of the fish seller on the plasma TV at home. He loved watching this recently.

Klein: "Brother Su, are you here?"

Su Lin was so frightened that he almost lost his grip on the remote control. It was Klein.

Su Lin: "?"

Su Lin: "You're celebrating the Chinese New Year, don't scare me."

Klein: "Tomorrow is the second day of the Lunar New Year, right?"

Su Lin: "Yes."

Klein: "What are the arrangements for tomorrow?"

Su Lin: "Sleep late, then go back to your hometown in the countryside, visit relatives, and eat a local banquet."

Klein: "Brother Su, can I go to your house to celebrate the New Year?"

Su Lin: "what?"

I have no choice. I can only guarantee a minimum of 4,000 to 5,000 words recently. I will be on a business trip next week and my mobile phone may not be used very much. Sorry, I will try to update as much as possible in March.

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