I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

Chapter 139 From today on, we are good brothers

How much sorrow can you have? Just like a river of spring water flowing eastward.

I originally thought that Dog Management was the top one in the plug-in industry, but I didn't expect that there was something even more outrageous. Even Su Lin, the wall hanging man, was willing to be defeated.


"The Fool" Klein sat in the Origin Castle above the gray fog, tapping his index finger on the table.

In the deep voice, all the members of the Tarot Club below straightened their backs.


Klein was just wondering why there were such outrageous guys in other worlds, so he subconsciously couldn't control himself.

It's a bit bad to multitask.

"Justice" Audrey and the others were nervously waiting for Mr. Fool's words. They felt a little uneasy and didn't know why Mr. Fool was sighing.

What should I say...

Klein thought for a while. In the eyes of others, maybe something big was about to happen.

The far-reaching and tall figure in the gray mist chuckled and said:

"Another being has resurrected. He resurrected so quickly that I didn't expect it."

"You guys go ahead."

In the shock of everyone, Mr. Fool once again returned to the state of being integrated with the space behind him, obviously not intending to continue talking.

And every member of the Tarot Society felt a storm in their hearts.

Xiao Yan is happy about the authority over the flames he has obtained. Although it has been weakened due to the lack of dragon blood, his control over the flames is completely different from the past.

The Qinglian Earth Core Fire jumped in her hand, with purple and green flames flying beside her, appearing in the form of Yan Lingjun Flame.

Suddenly I saw the news in the group, and the flames on my body flickered.

This is not called cheating at all.

The GM is gone! ! !

Xiao Yan: "Are you sure it's one year? Not billions of years?"

Zhang Chulan: "Kneel down..."

Klein: "That's outrageous."

Han Li didn't want to speak, so he just took a deep breath, and the sky began to move. After a while, he was neither happy nor sad.

Zhong Li had just overcome the thunder tribulation and glanced at him suspiciously. Han Li said, "Look at the news in the group."

Zijin Shenlong: "From today on, we are good brothers @Song Shuhang"

Zijin Shenlong: "If you need anything, call Brother Long!"

After all, everyone in the group underestimated the lower limit of this dragon.

Mudd, shameless!

Su Lin silently deleted the content in his chat box.



Doudou slapped Song Shuhang's paw.

"What are you doing!" Song Shuhang asked, covering his face.

I saw this Jingba staring blankly forward, its claws still in the posture of taking action.

"I'm not dreaming?" Doudou said confusedly.

The curiosity in Venerable White's eyes was even worse, as if he wanted to take Song Shuhang apart and study it carefully.

"One year? God's way?!" Doudou muttered to himself first, and then exclaimed.

"How is it possible!" Song Shuhang himself didn't believe it. This kind of thing was simply more outrageous than suddenly having a chat group in the world in his mind.

There was a strange silence in the little villa.

Doudou is recalling his past life.

This kind of thing is even more outrageous than when the Tong Gua suddenly turned out to be correct one day, the Three Waves of Crazy Blade became a man of Gou Dao, and Ling Die was no longer a daughter-in-law.

Fake, fake, all fake.

Maybe the chat group in the heavens is just Song Shuhang's hallucination, and he has gone crazy.

There is no such thing as a chat group in the heavens. It is just the fantasy of an obsessive first-level monk.

That must be the case.

"Shuhang, look at that novel. Where is our plot going now?" Venerable White said.

"Ah?" Song Shuhang himself hadn't recovered yet. Even if Doudou gave him a claw, he still felt that he was dreaming.

"oh oh."

After he reacted, he began to flip through the chapters of the novel. Doudou's eyes narrowed, and he actually discovered that the title of the catalog had Senior Bai coming out of seclusion.

After Song Shuhang entered, he checked what he was going to experience today.

"It's true." Venerable White nodded, "Because I planned to dismantle all the appliances such as the refrigerator and study the principles last night, but I didn't do it when I encountered something more interesting."

In other words, refrigerators and other appliances escaped today.

"Was there originally a monk from the Wuji Demon Sect to follow you? And also sent a monk to steal the door in vain? Interesting." Venerable White followed Song Shuhang's eyes and read.

"Yes, Spirit Ghost Li Tiansu." Senior Bai has confirmed that this novel indeed records their future. In this case, wouldn't it be true as the administrator said, that little friend Song Shuhang will be dead in a year's time? Has it become a way of heaven?

In the eyes of ordinary monks, ninth-grade monks are already the brightest stars in the universe, elusive. Such existences have only appeared in legends and have not been seen in front of the world for many years.

The way of heaven was originally thought to only exist in concepts. Can such a thing be achieved through cultivation?

Venerable White had many questions in his mind. These questions made him very curious. It seemed that this trip would be very interesting.

After flipping through it, Doudou looked at the paw in his hand tremblingly.

‘Did I just slap Future Tiandao? ’

"Okay, Shuhang, don't scroll down yet." Venerable White said, "Let's go through the process first."

"It's time to go shopping."

"Okay." Song Shuhang nodded. After all, there will be a monk from the Wuji Demon Sect later.

No matter what happens in the future, it’s right to listen to what Senior said now, not to mention that Senior Bai is so gentle and good-looking. Ahem.

Song Shuhang turned his head and looked away. It turned out that Senior Huangshan had forgotten to explain the things he should pay attention to when getting along with Senior Bai.

Now Senior Bai also saw it and felt embarrassed.

Senior Bai had just taken two steps when he turned around and asked, "Let's just skip to the ending and take a look. I'm very curious."

"Me too!" Doudou thought so too.

Song Shuhang re-projected the contents of the books in the chat group.

a moment later

The amount of information is a bit large, what about Jiuyou, Heavenly Way, Senior White Two, etc. Song Shuhang has no idea what the situation is, but the point is.

‘A-Sixteen is pregnant with my child? ! ? ! ! ’

Doudou's weird look made Song Shuhang feel uneasy.

"Su Clan's Sixteenth, is he a descendant of Tianhe Su Clan?" Senior Bai asked: "It seems that this little girl is your future wife."

"By the way, I think you seem to know Su Clan's Ah Qi. Do you want him to introduce you to you?"

"Senior Bai, they know each other." Doudou said, wagging his tail.

"That's even better." Venerable White chuckled. As for the names and nouns of those he didn't recognize, he didn't need to worry about them for the time being. Did he not expect that he would be transcendent in the future? This is also good news.

But it’s only been a year.

Senior Bai was also confused. It seemed that a lot of things would happen when he left seclusion this time.

"Let's go out first."


Song Shuhang hurriedly followed, his face was red, the petite and cute Sixteen. No, you can't think about it, you haven't even written your horoscope yet.

‘It seems that Sixteen’s injury is fine, that’s great. ’ Song Shuhang diverted his attention, and at the same time, he suddenly remembered something.

‘I haven’t expressed my gratitude to that senior Su Lin yet. ’

Song Shuhang: " @Su Lin, thank you, senior, for your novel! This junior is very grateful."

Zijin Shenlong: "Brother! Come to our place to play when you have time, and I will take you to see the beautiful little girl."

Song Shuhang hurriedly closed the chat group, pretending that he had not seen the ruffian dragon.

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