I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

I feel the need to apologize for the ending of the Dragon Clan arc

Sorry, everyone has high expectations for the Dragon Clan Chapter. I admit, it is indeed too rushed. The last chapter has been re-edited. Some readers still haven’t given up on the book after reading the original version. It’s True Love.

Sorry, you can refresh it. But maybe the revised version will not be too satisfactory. Indeed, the level of the last few chapters has dropped, and there is a lot of foreshadowing. But I personally ignored some issues when I first wrote it. One is the perspective of the group members, 21 One is a matter of content sorting, and the third is a matter of length.

I think the length of the article is actually pretty good. Haha

I originally wanted to spread out the background world view of the Dragon Clan. After all, Jiangnan Old Thief has made so many patches, which looks quite interesting. There are also the hidden forces and items in the original Dragon Clan. Readers' reactions are overwhelming. Some readers say it is well written, and some readers like it or dislike it. These are all normal, but I should try my best to achieve a balance.

I was rushing to update it late after get off work last night and wanted to finish it. You guys were definitely right about the last chapter. When I woke up this morning and revised it, I felt a little regretful. I should have ended this story properly.

It's a done deal, all I can do is to overhaul it later and make the story of the Dragon Clan as good as possible. The number of words will only be more but not less, and I won't repeat subscriptions. Some unfinished parts can only be used through branch lines with Lu Mingfei. From the perspective of the old road, we should pay attention to these issues in new copies in the future, try to plan as much as possible in advance, and then write well at your own pace.

Then let’s talk about the character issues of Lao Lu and Eri Yi. Lao Lu’s description did have some problems at the end, which have been corrected, but Eri Yi’s character itself is very possessive. The original work also described it in this way. This The only time the girl shared things with others was to Lu Mingfei. Before that, she didn't even share her things with Yuan Zhisheng.

The protagonist has no guidance for her. At most, it just prevents her from being coaxed into agreeing with Lao Lu. Her own personality is destined to not tolerate others in relationships. She just has unconditional trust in Lu Mingfei and is easy to coax.

Some readers said that I made Eri look like a yandere, and I am going to complain.

Then there is the issue of updates. Really, this month is busier than the Chinese New Year month, and I have to go on a business trip next week, so I can only maintain it to 4,000-5,000 per day. So far, I haven’t asked for monthly tickets since the update was launched. One type of thing, because it is really shameless.

Only starting from mid-March, we started to refuel with a minimum of 6,000.

Some people must have thought it was an update coming in. Haha, sorry again.

It's gone tonight...don't wait any longer

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