"Kill Matt, kill Matt

Wash, cut, blow, wash, cut, blow~blow, blow, blow~”

A magnetic male voice came from the mouth of the red-haired young man in front of the camera. He was giving a passerby a free haircut with the hair clipper belonging to Teacher Tony Muraguchi.

"Old fellows who enter the live broadcast room, please pay attention and look for my ID. The last royal family will kill Matt." Although he has a killer haircut on top of his head, the haircut given to passers-by is pure and handsome in one word!

"There is no need to exchange money or gifts. The house manager helped me seal all those who exchange gifts."

This is Tony Su, a well-known Internet celebrity in the local city during this period.

Although I help people wash, cut, and blow dry for free in public places, the quality is beyond praise. They also provide beauty treatments, and the skin care products and cosmetics they use are all famous brands.

"Two viewers are randomly selected from the beauty salon every day. Dear friends, time is limited. Time is limited. Remember to follow my other account later, human high-quality male Su Yulin. That's right, that's my big size."

"I'll give you another dance tonight."

Luo Shengying knew that her boyfriend had a mental problem many years ago. After all, at that time, other worlds had not yet invaded, and there were no extraordinary abilities in society, but this man was always doing weird things on the Internet.

But what she didn't expect was that after so many years, he still couldn't forget the whole thing.

Her eyes were dull, and she kept mumbling that this guy was not Su Lin. Su Lin was usually elegant, easy-going, and polite to others.


Su Lin: "Is your name Zijin Shenlong? Come on, come on, I will release the world authority, you come directly!"

Su Lin: " @Zijin Shenlong, I don't even need you to pay for the cross-border talisman. Come here!"

Su Lin: "I am a very friendly person. The group rules also say that group members cannot fight each other. Let's come over and communicate."

Zhang Chulan was in Biyou Village. He had just moved into Biyou Village and had not had time to rest. He looked at the messages in the chat group and trembled unconsciously.

Now Zijin Shenlong doesn't know whether he really discussed the important matter of dragon birth with the little female dragon or he is too timid to speak out. Anyway, Zhang Chulan just hopes that this big boss who is busy in other worlds will not pay attention to him.

It seemed that except for him and the newbie named Song Shuhang, everyone in this group seemed to have a fighting ability that could crush him.

He didn't sleep last night and searched the names of these people on the Internet, and roughly studied the outlines of novels related to these people.

Some people have found them, while others have not. The God of Light Su Lin, Song Shuhang, Irena, and Zhongli have not been found at all.

Those people you found, what kind of group are you? !

What about Ye Fan who covers the sky, fights against Xiao Yan, mortal Han Li, dragon clan Lu Mingfei. Is this a group I can join?

The combat power described in these books seems to be Lu Mingfei's being the lowest, but if the settings are followed, this guy can crush temporary workers even if he is ruthless.

The combat power seems to be different from that in the novel. Not long after the Dragon Clan in his world had finished serializing Tide of the Black Moon, Zhang Chulan took a look at the content compiled online. The Dragon Clan has the power of the World-Destroying Word Spirit, and the one named Eri Yi The girl ends in tragedy in the story.

But judging from the situation in his live broadcast last night, it seems that the one named Lu Mingfei is completely inconsistent with the original work. His combat power is way behind the situation in the original work. The same goes for Eri Yi, who burned the city with flames. He couldn't figure out how the Herzog villain could win.

Is it because of the improvement brought about by things like chat groups? I don’t know how long these people have been in the chat group, and I don’t know why they got into a fight last night.

Zhang Chulan was thinking intently, trying to restore the full story from the fragments of chat records.

And in Song Shuhang's world.

After Song Shuhang "robbed" Senior White, who had been in seclusion for a long time and turned into a statue, back from ordinary people last night, Senior White broke out of the statue.

To be honest, this senior Bai is like a mortal immortal, with long black hair falling behind him, stars shining brightly in his eyes, and flying in white clothes. The most important thing is that this senior Bai also has a passive charm that does not distinguish between men and women. , last night left a deep impression on Song Shuhang.

‘It would be nice if there wasn’t that horrible fall on the ground. ’ Song Shuhang thought silently in his heart.

This Senior Bai is now a Venerable at the seventh level. When he is distracted, he will fall down accidentally, and a huge crater will appear where he falls.

For a small first-grade monk like him, this kind of power is too early.

While communicating with Senior Bai about the changes in modern things, he mentioned that he had just joined a special chat group, which seemed to be a new method for monks to communicate through text directly in other people's minds.

This made Doudou and Senior Bai very interested.

"Wow! That chat group you mentioned seems very interesting. Who is the senior in the group?" Doudou asked.

Some monks in the cultivation world like to make some inventions for fun when they have nothing to do. This kind of chat group that appears in other people's minds is more convenient than chatting on QQ on mobile phones.

"Let me take a look." Song Shuhang checked the members of the chat group within his field of vision. "There is only one administrator, and his name is Su Lin."

"Never heard of it." Doudou shook his head.

Senior Bai also said that he had never heard of this person.

"Let me see, there are Ye Fan, Han Li, and Xiao Yan." Song Shuhang suddenly realized something was wrong. He usually likes to read books, whether they are novels, literary works, classical anthologies, or even books that make people's heads grow bigger just by looking at them. He can read all kinds of boring theoretical knowledge with gusto.

"Hahahahaha." Doudou, the dog demon, suddenly laughed and rolled on the ground when he heard Song Shuhang's name: "You are being punished."

"Perhaps these monks in the group are all novel lovers."

The Pekingese dog demon stood on two feet and faced Song Shuhang and said: "For thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, I have been responsible for suppressing all enemies in the world as Emperor Dou. What can a mere kid from Huangshan do to me?"

"Haha." Song Shuhang shook his head in embarrassment. Seeing the group of friends mentioning the live broadcast, he also clicked in to take a look.

next moment

Infinite light is coming

Song Shuhang collapsed on the ground, his body covered in cold sweat.

next day

Song Shuhang woke up from his dream and washed his face with water. He dreamed of the last live broadcast he saw in the chat group last night.

He was frightened last night under the gaze of Doudou and Venerable Bai. The two asked him what happened because he felt trembling and nervous.

Song Shuhang briefly described the scene he saw, and then began to browse through the relevant information of this chat group in his mind.

After more than half an hour of research and what the group friends said, he conjured a cross-border talisman out of thin air under the watchful eyes of Doudou and Senior Bai, and then confirmed that the chat group of all worlds was real. .

He tidied up, opened the door, and Doudou rushed in.

"Woof! Quick! Let me be healthy!"

"What are you looking at?" Song Shuhang pushed Dou Dou away, saliva dripping on his face.

"That chat group!" Doudou said excitedly.

"How can I show it to you!" Song Shuhang said helplessly.

"Senior Bai has a way. You'll find out when you get down."

Song Shuhang stood up and walked downstairs. Senior Bai seemed to have not slept all night. After a preliminary understanding of modern things, he began to study mobile phones and QQ. He now knew what a chat group was, and he could understand what Song Shuhang said. Chat groups across the world are interested.

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