Feng Baobao was slurping a bowl of hot pot noodles, and a basket of steamed dumplings was placed on Zhang Chulan's table in front of him.

"If you don't want to eat it, I'll eat it for you." Feng Baobao tentatively picked up a steamed dumpling with his chopsticks, but found that Zhang Chulan didn't react at all. She sighed: "What happened to the claw?"

Zhang Chulan shook his head and continued to bury his head, focusing on the chat group in sight. He was frantically looking for the button to exit the group chat.

‘It’s a rip-off! ’

Why doesn’t this group chat have an exit button?

Zhang Chulan looked at the God of Light on the screen, firing a series of sacred spells that could destroy a city and a country, while attacking the senior named Zhong Li with a speed that could kill more than a dozen of his monsters in an instant.

Take another look at another live broadcast room, that one from Klein’s perspective.

The golden elixir-level monk who is said to be the true body is fighting fourteen continents with one sword of frost and one sword of light and cold! Intercontinental continent!

His legs were shaking.

‘It’s okay, it’s okay Zhang Chulan, if you don’t agree, he can’t enter your world. ’

Zhang Chulan told himself this in his heart, and slowly began to sort out the existing information. He had not yet figured out the cause of this melee.

Han Li: "Su Lin is a nice person. You don't know what happened. It doesn't matter."

‘Look, don’t the people in the group also say that this person has a good personality? ’

Zhang Chulan: "I dare to ask. What is Manager Su like in normal times? I mean in life, is he a kind senior?"

Lu Mingfei: "When I first met him, he took me to eat and drink everywhere in his spiritual medicine garden. He was a very nice person and I ate a lot of his spiritual fruits."

Zhang Chulan breathed a sigh of relief. He seemed to be a really nice person. He also gained some appetite when he saw that he still had half a steamed dumpling left.

"Sister Bao'er, leave some for me!"

He used chopsticks to drive away Feng Baobao's hand.

"What's wrong?"

Feng Baobao tilted his head in confusion.

"I almost planted a hidden danger for the world." Zhang Chulan picked up a dumpling and dipped it in some vinegar.

"It's a bit scary."

Lu Mingfei: "But no matter how you think about it, I have nothing to do with the kind senior. Later, I signed a contract of sale, and he forced me to work as a cowherd in the Cowherd shop in the Internet cafe toilet."

"You should eat it," Zhang Chulan said to Feng Baobao, who suddenly felt a little boring.

Zijin Shenlong: "It's him I'm scolding! I'll put my words here, Uncle Long. I'll beat that guy named Su Lin every time I see him!"

Purple Gold Dragon: "Just a birdman, when Master Long returns to his peak, I will take him as a slave!"

Zijin Shenlong: "I will go to his world and beat him! Beat him a hundred times!"

The Sword Immortal looks good, but there is still a gap compared to the level of Uncle Long at his peak. Damn it.

Zhang Chulan was stunned. This Purple Gold Dragon seemed to be the boss among the bosses.

Zijin Shenlong: "Not to mention that his true form is a so-called golden elixir. When he returns to his own world, Uncle Long will come to educate his true form. He must learn from those birdmen!"

Ye Fan: "Are you sure?"

Zijin Shenlong: "What an idiot! Am I still afraid of him? If you have the ability to fight me with your own body! @Su Lin"

Xiao Yan: "It seems that you have the ability to conquer the sky. Xiao Yan admires you."

Purple Gold Dragon: "?"

Klein: "He is now equivalent to Heaven's own son in his own world."

Klein: "How about you wait until next year."

While Klein narrowly dodged a sword beam, he thought to himself, the administrator will be someone else next year anyway, and he can still bring a bucket of popcorn to be an audience.

Purple Gold Dragon: "??"

Han Li: "It's almost equal to half of Heavenly Dao."

Purple Gold Dragon: "???"

Irena: "What is the way of heaven?"

Han Li: "It is equivalent to the consciousness of the world and the universe."

Zijin Shenlong: "Uncle Long is not free recently. He wants to go on a date with the little female dragon to talk about the ideal of dragon life."

Zhang Chulan: "I have always thought that Holy Light is quite handsome! If I have the chance, I would also like to learn from him!"

Zhang Chulan: "We are now an international society. We are not burdened by many skills, but we can also promote common progress!"

Zhang Chulan covered her mouth, turned her head away, and held back the tears. Tiandao's own son had come out... Didn't this group of messages have a recall function?

It was obviously late at night, but Irena covered her mouth in bed, tears overflowing from her eyes, and her face was slightly red.

No more.


"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

a few minutes later

Klein: "My spirituality can still last for 10 minutes, and the alchemy matrix on the opposite side will be activated in 12 minutes."

He has now begun to use false spirituality. Even if his spirituality is more spiritual than ordinary ancient scholars, it is almost reaching its limit now.

Zhongli: "Okay, run away, Klein, and go back to the gap in history!"

Zhongli: "Xiao Yan, Yaochen, I'm sorry."

After Zhongli sent this message, the shield on his body suddenly dimmed and could no longer withstand the attack of the creature of light. Under Su Lin's surprised eyes, he smiled as he watched Su Lin's four clones use their swords. , axes, swords, and halberds pierced his chest.

Zhongli: "This is my last rock spear."

Lu Mingfei: "Have you seen anything strange recently?"

A strong entanglement of rock elemental power and spiritual power shot straight into the sky like an arrow.

Zhongli's body began to fade and turned into stone, leaving only a smile on his lips as he looked up at the sky.

The next moment, the stone statue turned into powder and dispersed in the wind. The eyes of the historical projection that was fighting against the old road lost their color and agility, and the movements of their hands also became somewhat dull.

In the universe, the casting of the rock gun has reached the final step. The arrows of rock elements and spiritual energy hit the rock gun with brilliance.

Zhongli's last strength turned into a torrent, filling up the ravines on its surface.

In a blink of an eye.

The golden light shines!

The uneven ravines above turned out to be written in seal characters.

Tao and reason are intertwined, and the rock gun begins to move towards the earth.

Klein raised his head. He could no longer maintain his composure. His arms naturally hung on both sides of his legs, and he stared blankly at the rock gun in the sky.

"too strong"

Just the sharpest tip of the gun is as big as the city of Tokyo.

Su Lin looked at the rock gun that was as big as a planet in the sky and said in surprise: "What did he do in Han Li's world?"

There are formations and runes engraved on it by the essence of divine power and mana, and some of the style of the inherited magic on Water Mirror Peak can be seen in it.

Han Li looked at the live broadcast and shook his head. When Zhongli first came to this world, he spent one day practicing qi, three days building foundation, and ten days golden elixir. In order not to attract attention, he had to bring him with him every three days. Follow Zhongli and change places to survive the tribulation.

Irena and Zhang Chulan in the group were a little flustered.

Irena: "Are you going to blow up this planet?!"

Lu Mingfei: "It's okay. This is Su Lin's divine kingdom and cannot be blown up."

Klein had no intention of running away. He planned to buy a miracle of recovery for free, so that he would have less time to digest the magic potion when he became a Sequence 2 Miracle Master.

Lu Mingze smiled, and his spiritual elements were violent, interfering with the release of Lao Lu's authority.

"Ha." Lao Lu sneered: "You probably don't know that I got tired of alchemy many years ago."

Eight streams of various colors emerged from his body, and the streams of light turned into eight Lu Mingfei with different clothes. In addition to the deep and dark spear in Lao Lu's hand, the eight different weapons flew into their hands.

Lu Mingfei, who was wearing a mage's hat, glanced at the several historical projections around him unruly, and knocked on the ground with his blue-gray cane. Weird words came out of his mouth, and the space was divided into abnormal and weird shapes, twisted and chaotic.

Lu Mingfei, who was wearing a robe similar to that of an ancient emperor, looked around, smiled freely, and pointed his blue sword at the sky. The space behind him turned into a majestic world, and the sound of all the people surrendering and singing came from the void. The phantom of the fully formed armored regiment appeared. They were powerful and fearless.

Lu Mingfei, who was wearing a white training uniform, raised his hands, and a flying knife turned into silver light and flew around. Amidst the sound of howling through the air, it seemed as if a full moon was rising from his hands.

These existences began to attack the existences other than Lu Mingze in the alienated space. The offensive and defensive changes just now, whether it was the historical projection summoned by Klein, or the Lord Yao and the Dragon King, began to be overwhelmed. We can only start to maintain the war situation.

On the normal battlefield outside the Dawn Hall, only Lao Lu and Lu Mingze were left, separated from the rest of the people.


"Limiter Removal."

Lao Lu snapped his fingers, and Lu Mingze felt that the other party had released the suppressive power of his authority, and his authority could be used normally.

Lu Mingze had some confusion on his face. He glanced at Lao Lu in confusion and did not rush to take action.

"Let's play together, Lu Mingze." Lao Lu smiled happily at Lu Mingze. Two brown wooden boxes rose in front of the two of them. The lines of the alchemy matrix were released, and seven weapons of various types appeared in front of the two of them. In front of me, there are daggers, samurai swords, zanma swords, and ancient Han swords.

This is a weapon at the pinnacle of alchemy created by the Dragon King of Bronze and Fire during the Kaiyuan Period in order to destroy all his brothers and sisters - the Seven Deadly Sins!

There was supposed to be only one set of this weapon, and it had been traded to Su Lin, but now there were multiple sets of weapons here.

These are two sets that Lao Lu quickly made through his own alchemy technology, and they are almost the same as the original ones.

"Humph, hahaha." Lu Mingze covered his head and laughed heartily, "That's it, hahaha."

He seemed to understand something.

At this moment, there are still ten minutes before the activation of the alchemy matrix.

"Then let's play together, brother." Lu Mingze stopped smiling, and a cheerful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Limiter Removal."

The invisible shackles on the two men were shattered by each other, and the seven swords in the sword box flew out. They each held a weapon in their left and right hands, and the rest of the weapons were surrounding them.

Lao Lu held Pride and Taotie in his hands and looked at Lu Mingze across from him. His younger brother held Pride and Greed in his hands. The two looked at each other and smiled.

The next moment, the two disappeared from the spot.

The light of the sword was flowing, and the attack and defense just now were instantaneous. In front of the human camera, we could only see countless sparks born out of thin air in the sky and then splashing everywhere. Occasionally, extreme ice collided with explosive flames. The earth continued to collapse and reorganize. The purple thunder suddenly became bright and silent. destroy.

The natural disaster dance was staged, the earth's crust shattered into a stage, thunder and wind played music, fire and ice danced hand in hand, and the protagonist of this banquet had already started dancing the tango.

"Su Lin!"

The sound of the old road sounded in front of the Dawn Hall.

"Don't let anything else bother me!"

Su Lin stopped what he was doing and gave up on pursuing Klein under the interference of the Snake of Destiny.

He looked up at the rock gun in the sky that had entered the atmosphere. From just now, the Kingdom of God, which overlapped with the main plane, had experienced a rapid increase in gravity.

Some hybrids in the temple have begun to move slowly, and some are even unable to move. You must know that on this battlefield, the weakest hybrids can raise their bloodline to A level through violent blood.

When the Demon God of Salt Heulia fell, her power collapsed and overflowed, turning the betrayers into salt. Is this gravity the release of rules brought about by the fall of the Demon God of Rock, or is it?

"Are those runes effective?" Su Lin squinted his eyes and looked at it. The clone of the God of Light looked at the position where Zhongli fell and then turned into white light and came to the main body.

"You are the boss and you have the final say."

The degree of damage is related to the use of god-level spells. Try not to use god-level spells if you can, especially those more powerful god-level skills. After all, this bright godhead is very useful for Su Lin. Anyway, he is a sword fairy. Cards are time limited.

The clone of the God of Light took the baton and attacked the phantom of the Snake of Destiny. Su Lin took back the Han Bafang Sword in his hand and closed his eyes. The true energy flowed, the sword intention was restrained, and the existence of the whole person began to decrease continuously.

The gravity became stronger, and the bones of the hybrids were already broken, and they were struggling to maintain their movements. Even at this time, the hybrids from the Secret Party and Dawn were still struggling, fighting bloody, and using guns and blades to eliminate each other.

"Old man Zhao! That's it. You hate the Dragon Clan more than I do, but now you work so hard to be a slave?"

In the fifth temple, there were only a dozen hybrids fighting. After the sublimation of dragon blood, there were only two people left in the Zhang family's hybrid team. The other party was Rodvia, a 1976 graduate of Kassel College and the former president of the student union. .George and the mongrel army he led.

"In the final analysis, today's victory or defeat is related to the monsters above. Do you have to eliminate me personally to feel comfortable?" Rodvia George activated the fifth degree of violent blood. He has become half-dragon and now he can't even fight those powerful monsters. The next generations of the species are all capable of fighting.

"Stupid." Zhao Huaigu's golden eyes were filled with blood, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes. The machete in his hand fell, and two hurricanes appeared on both sides of the blade to deflect the attacking hybrid.

The hurricane roared and the wind speed increased. Zhao Huaigu was using his words to continuously reduce the absolute amount of oxygen in the temple building.

He stood upright, looked firmly at the place where Long Wei came from, and said to Rodvia George: "In the beginning, I wanted to be an internal support for you, and the old man from the Wu family probably thought the same way."

"Then what are you doing now? Are you so intoxicated by your young body?"

Yes, Zhao Huaigu now looks like a young man in his twenties.

Rodvia George and Zhao Huaigu had the same faces when they first met. In 1980, they met during a mission to investigate the underwater caves of the Mississippi River. However, that mission actually involved the eggs of a next-generation seed, and they were eliminated by the second generation. Chased by more than a dozen deadpools, the injured companions continued to use their own blood to create opportunities for the others to escape.

Three weeks later, they walked out of the cave two hundred kilometers away. At that time, only two of them were left in the team of twelve.

"I am just using my own power to end this history of fighting between dragons and humans." Zhao Huaigu said, staring at Rodvia George firmly.

"Are you being ruled by the Dragon Clan? Becoming a dog in their captivity?!" Rodvia George said with disappointment in his voice. His body began to be overloaded and he had to allocate part of his strength to fight gravity.

"No." Zhao Huaigu bit the medicine in his mouth, vertical pupils appeared in his golden eyes, and the wind cut through two bullets like a sharp blade, severing the necks of the two hybrids behind him.

He said firmly: "Together with the Dragon Clan, we will be ruled together!"

"We will have only one ruler, and he will not be a certain race."

"My power is like a firefly in front of those bright moons, but I also want to shine a light, even if it only illuminates a brick on the way forward."

"Your mind is controlled!" Rodvia George said decisively: "You"

Rodvia George wanted to say something more, but found that her voice gradually became weaker and her breathing became difficult.

The storm covered the fifth temple, and when it dispersed again, only Zhao Huaigu remained in the place.

"He actually doesn't care about ruling at all. He is just annoyed by our quarrel with the Dragon Clan."

He pushed open the door with all his strength, wanting to rush to other temple buildings for support, but the moment he pushed the door open, he looked up and saw the golden rock creation in the sky.

"George, you are right, it seems that it has nothing to do with us anymore." He fell to the ground, leaning against the stone door, waiting for the end to come.


Klein once again borrowed false spirituality. He looked towards Su Lin, only to find that there was only the clone of the God of Light that restrained the Snake of Destiny.

Obviously in his memory, Su Lin was still there a moment ago.

What Klein doesn't know is that Su Lin has not disappeared now, but is everywhere.

"The way of heaven moves and all things are constant." The way of heaven is too huge. Even a true immortal is still too small for heaven. If the immortal resonates with the world with his own immortal soul and immortal body, he may be swallowed up soon. With the tide, disappear.

"Meet it with your body, touch it and leave it, creating a glimmer of life."

The subtlety of borrowing a sword from the sky is that before being swallowed by the waves, you can use your own sword core as a rope to return to the shore in an instant, while leaving a trace of information in the way of heaven.

【Borrow the Sword from Heaven】

Su Lin withdrew from that ubiquitous state, and his humanity returned to his body. There was nothing in his hand, but he seemed to be holding a sword.

The rock gun that destroyed the heaven and earth turned into the sky, and those talismans were like the stars in the sky before, which had not yet reached the atmosphere and were outside the orbit of the earth.

The wind and clouds swirled, and thousands of sword lights gathered together. The silver light in Su Lin's hand flourished, turning into a stream of swords and rushing into the sky.


The figure was vague, and it seemed that a man with a vague face overlapped with Su Lin's figure.

With all his cultivation activated, Su Lin's sword carried the power of heaven and transformed into a meteor that went against the wind, slashing towards the rock spear in the sky.

The first thing to collide was not the sword light and the creation itself, but the laws that began to erode and collide with each other. The supreme auras eroded each other. Even in the normal earth space, the rest of the people seemed to feel that the catastrophe had come and the world was about to be destroyed. .

No, if this battle is fought on the earth, not only the creatures on the surface will be cleansed by the aftermath, but whether the earth itself can still exist is a question.

With Su Lin's indomitable momentum, he seemed to feel that the sword immortal named Henbieli merged with him at this moment. He became a large computer, feeling and calculating, from every trace of mana. , constantly cutting off the rock gun above the head in every detail.

At this time, Klein was also spiritually exhausted. He spread his hands and all the historical projections disappeared. His head was groggy and he seemed to want to fall asleep and rest. Su Lin, the god of light over there, glanced at him and waved his hand to throw out a beam of white light. , to make him feel better.

"If you can't come down, why don't you give me a blow?" Klein looked at the slowly slowing down rock gun and the increasingly powerful sword light in the sky. He felt that Zhongli might not be able to land this last move. .

The Miracle Experience Card cannot be wasted.

The God of Light, Su Lin, glanced at him with disdain and ignored him, as if to say that he had no interest in defeating his opponent.


After all, Su Lin underestimated the rock gun created by Zhong Li. All the magic power of Henbieli was poured into this sword. Su Lin brought a hint of God's will to the sword and touched this precious thing, but the talisman and seal on it were The lines lit up, and the first two seconds of his sword seemed like a mud cow entering the sea, entering a space, but two seconds later, it shattered the cave world hidden on this rock gun.

The runes on the gun suddenly shattered into pieces.



In the two seconds of delay, Su Lin's sword smashed the gun shaft, and the sword light flew towards the stars.

The gun head accelerated and fell downwards without hesitation.

At this time, there are still 1 minute and 33 seconds before the alchemy matrix is ​​activated.

And according to the speed of the gun head, I'm afraid it will fall and hit the ground in more than ten seconds.

The mana in his body was still recovering. Su Lin wanted to activate the clone of the God of Light, but saw——

Strands of true spiritual light lit up on the broken rock gun fragments. Su Lin turned his head in disbelief and found Zhongli's illusory figure standing high in the sky. He put his hands on his chest and stared at Su Lin. The rock gun The fragments turned into a spear of gold and black.


Several spears pierced Su Lin. Su Lin spat out a mouthful of blood and watched Zhongli's shadow dissipate in the air.



A violent explosion sounded, and Su Lin's body was swallowed by divine power in the sky.

Bang bang bang——

"Wonderful." Klein clapped his hands and said to Su Lin, the god of light, who was about to disappear: "A good ancient scholar wants to fight in his own body, but you still haven't learned enough."

"Who was the last fortune teller as reckless as you? I forgot who it was."

"If the old road can't stop it, then we will win this mission."

Klein said, and he suddenly saw a meaningful smile rising from the corner of Su Lin's lips as he dissipated.

A shiver ran down his back and he looked at the battlefield over there.

The moment Klein turned his eyes, Master Yao broke away from Xiao's reappeared state yesterday and used self-destruction to delay the arrival of this rock gun.

At the last moment, Xiao Yan threw out a Buddha's Angry Fire Lotus that combined Yao Lao's fighting spirit and strange fire, and he was also involved in the aftermath and was swallowed up.


Klein was pinned to the ground and couldn't move. When he raised his head, the golden light had reached the top of his head. His whole body was spread out on the ground, welcoming the incoming rock gun.


The time when Su Lin's body was just penetrated

"Brother, you are going to lose." Lu Mingze flicked away the arrogance in Lu Mingfei's hand and stabbed it with greed, with an expression of a sure victory on his face, "You won't regret it or cheat, right?"

Lu Mingfei blocked it with his Taotie, swung his sword towards Lu Mingze, and said, "That idiot Su Lin! But it doesn't matter anymore."

"I've wanted to beat you up for a long time!"

"It would be nice to beat you up!"

Before Lu Mingze swung the knife and returned his hand, Lao Lu grabbed Lu Mingze's wrist, pulled it over, and punched Lu Mingze in the face.

He was just playing along, but now he is getting serious.

‘How many times do you think I have fought in other worlds and other planets? ’

The two weapons broke through the defense of Lu Mingze's weapons and pinned his hands to the ground. Lao Lu rode on Lu Mingze and punched Lu Mingze in the face.

"You told me to leave me alone!"

"Tell you to arrange for me to be the Supreme Being!"

"I told you to stay there all day writing scripts!"

Lao Lu sat astride Lu Mingze and punched him, but he did not take the opportunity to use his authority to resist the head of the rock gun.

"damn thing!"



"Are you crying, brother?" Lu Mingze kept smiling, looked at Lao Lu and said, "You are so old, but you still like to cry."

"Shut up!"

Lao Lu punched Lu Mingze in the face with left and right punches, without any intention of stopping.

Golden light shone on the earth, and the rock gun in the sky was about to overlap with the earth in the Kingdom of God. Lu Mingze's pupils reflected the golden color, and he quietly looked at the person in front of him. This person is called Lu Ming. wrong person.

"That is?"

A ray of crimson appeared in his eyes. In the golden light that covered the sky, that ray of crimson light was not suppressed.

Lao Lu had been staring into Lu Mingze's eyes. The more he looked at Lu Mingze's appearance, the angrier he became and the faster he moved his hands.

But he stopped at this moment, and he also saw the crimson light.

Lao Lu turned his head and looked at the sky.

In the virtual reality center, the revived Su Lin is continuously conveying divine power to the past.

As the chosen Saint of Light, she was given the greatest authority in the Kingdom of God.

The originally pure white flame of light was dyed with the red lotus color of the God of Fire by the divine dye.

'lose? Whose kingdom of God do you think this is? ’

In the eyes of the world.

A figure with two wings of red flames on its back and holding a long knife blocked the rock gun that was about to fall.

Judging from the back, it was a girl with long dark red hair, and a huge Eye of Judgment above her head.


A pillar of flame rising covering half the earth!

[God-Level Spell Purifying Flame]

Burning, purifying, endless crimson flames burn in the kingdom of God that overlaps the earth. The manic light element disguises itself as the fire element with the help of divine dye, and follows the orders of the Lord to weave and gather.

A scene that looks like an apocalypse.

In the center of the flame, Eriyi holds a long knife. The divine power is concentrated on the long knife to make it extremely sharp. The long knife in her hand is pointed at the tip of the rock gun in the sky, and the vast and unrivaled power is concentrated on it. A little sword.

The rock gun was being burned by flames, and the runes on it flickered darkly and brightly.

Seen from space, the pillar of flame covering half of the earth began to rotate slowly and turned into a tornado of flames.

The wings were waving, and the power of flames came from the body. Eryi held a long knife and hit the tip of the rock gun.

[God-level spell of light]

This is a divine spell that gives the beneficiary a huge positive bonus. Before the end of this spell, Eri will have the physical fitness of a god, and will even receive various positive BUFF bonuses from light spells.

The cave space on the rock gun was burned, and the hidden true spirit was annihilated bit by bit. After the long knife touched the tip of the gun, the rock gun began to gradually collapse, and large and small cracks appeared on it.

After a moment, the rock gun turned into countless fragments, and Zhongli's remaining true spirit dissipated after taking a look at Eriyi in this state.

The moment Eri put away the sword and canceled the "Freedom Law", a blue light lit up on the top of the Dawn Hall, and the spiritual power began to spread like ripples in the water.

Except for the few people who came to the chat group, humans, dragons, and hybrids all over the world who were originally on the earth had a command implanted in the depths of their minds.

"What a surprise, brother." Lu Mingze said helplessly: "We have won, and we have fought. Why are you still sitting on me?"

"I am not a sister now."

"Oh" Lao Lu stood up blankly, looking at the figure in the sky. The consciousness belonging to Lu Mingfei in his body began to want to "restore the throne" and take back his body.

"Eriyi?" He called out tentatively.

The clones in various places in the Dawn Palace returned to their own bodies, with weapons surrounding them.

In the sky, the figure wearing a black trench coat and holding a long knife turned to look at the old road below. She was wearing a JK school uniform under the trench coat. There was flame floating in her long red hair, and from time to time, little sparks were flying around her. The wine-red eyes were crimson.

"Sakura." Eriki said softly, "Eri is here to help you."

A happy smile spread across her face.

In the virtual reality center, the people of the Sheqiba family were as motionless as stone sculptures, staring blankly at the girl on the screen.

Wu Wu took off his sunglasses and said to Yuan Zhisheng at the side: "Young Master, the young lady has really become a queen, and you will become a relative of the emperor."

"According to what the other party said, you call me Uncle Guo?"

Normally, even if Yuan Zhisheng ignored him, the others would still scold the crow, but at this time, no one knew what to say. This situation was something none of them expected.

"Isn't that Shana!" A mixed-race person who likes watching anime exclaimed, holding his head.

Not only him, but now people from all over the world who have watched the anime Shakugan no Shana have begun to surf the Internet.

"I thought Deidara was a hybrid disguised as a dragon. Could it be that the dimensional passage in this world has also been opened?"

"Second dimension! I want to go to the second dimension!"

"This Shana seems a bit mature."

"Don't you allow people to grow?!"

"This doesn't fit the setting."

"Does the War of Gods conform to the setting of Earth?"

This kind of power was not something she should have. Lao Lu looked at Eriyi flying in the sky with a slightly dull expression.

And this outfit is also extremely restored.

It's ridiculous, this is impossible, but what's going on with her power? ! I can't explain it.

"Thank you, Eliyi." Lao Lu said solemnly.

"I'm helping Sakura." Eriki shook her head, "Sakura hopes that the matrix can succeed, so I will help him."

After she finished speaking, she raised her long knife and pointed it at Lao Lu: "But Eriki has thought clearly during this time."

"Whether it's Sakura or Lu Mingfei, they can only belong to me."

"I'm going to drive you out of Sakura's body."

In an instant, Eri Yi arrived at the position behind Lao Lu.

Lao Lu's pupils shrank and he blocked Eri Yi's attack with a dark red dagger.


But this girl wouldn't give him a chance to speak.

The swords were flying, and the sounds of fighting resounded outside the Dawn Hall.

"Brother, you are just trying to tie yourself up." Lu Mingze tidied up and said jokingly. He watched the battle with interest.

Lao Lu had no time to take care of Lu Mingze. Instead, he used the nine weapons to block the attack and said to Eri Yi: "Stop, Eri Yi, I just want everyone to be happy."

"But then Eriyi will become unhappy." Eriyi said decisively.

Lao Lu doesn't understand why Hui Liyi's personality has changed in this world line. It's obviously not like this in other world lines, and everyone lives together.

No, it's not her personality, she was always this kind of girl, but her attitude changed.

Change, variable.


"Su Lin!!!" Lao Lu roared loudly: "You bastard betrayed me!!!"

There are no Fire Mist Warriors! It’s all this messy job! This bastard deceived an ignorant girl!

Su Lin used the authority of the Kingdom of God to return to the Dawn Palace.

"It's written in black and white, I'll help you rule the world. Hasn't the task been completed?" Su Lin pretended to be puzzled: "Why do you think I betrayed you?"

He patted Behemoth on the side, healed his wounds, and added a few BUFFs along the way, "Go, help your Supreme."

Lu Mingze smiled and nodded. Behemoth brought the wave, black water and extreme ice to repel Eli Yi, giving Lao Lu some time to breathe.

Lao Lu stood on top of the black snake Behemoth and said to Eri Yi: "Eri Yi, let's go home first."

"Who is more important, Eri Yi or them?" Eri Yi said with a temper in her tone.

It wasn’t so hard to coax before!

Su Lin came to the basement and woke up Emiya Shirou: "We won, the projection can be cancelled."


So the weapon in Lao Lu's hand disappeared, and he could only take out a giant sword from Lu Mingfei's storage bag.

Su Lin returned to the outside of the palace, looked at it, and said: "This is quite restored to the original work."

Eri Yi in her current state is already very strong, but Lao Lu is still reluctant to attack her. He can only rely on Black Snake's ability to wastefully deal with it. Lu Mingfei's consciousness is still causing trouble in his body. That's right, this guy just wants to understand the threat. , instead of wanting to be the king of the world.

A ball of flame condensed into a fist the size of a tall building and hit Lao Lu. The characteristics of purification and judgment were hidden in it, making Lao Lu quite uncomfortable.

Lao Lu gritted his teeth secretly. Lu Mingfei was also trying to get his body back. Although he could only do some interference, it was not an option if he continued like this.

In fact, the current ending is not bad. At least the immature self has grown up a little, and he is still enjoying himself. At least it is not unacceptable as the closing ceremony of his personal life.

But why.

Just so fucking unhappy!

No reason! Just unhappy!

In one month, he can let his past self and those girls cook. Those girls are not vegetarians. When the time comes, he will throw this guy over there.

‘Su Lin, you better not have your godhead broken. ’

There is only one way to stop Eri in her current state.

He sank his consciousness into the deepest part of the sea of ​​consciousness, a prison.

[Agreement 1: Do not harm others]

[Agreement 2: No ****]

There are things like clauses carved on the stone wall, some of which seem to have been blown away by the weather, and the writing is blurred.

"It's time for release." Lao Lu walked outside an iron fence and said to the prisoners inside.

Here are imprisoned those aspects of personality that have been thrown into some strange and twisted world.

"Is your strength enough? Hehehehe~" There was Lu Mingfei inside, with his back to Lao Lu, his head turned at 180 degrees and looking at Lao Lu, his eyes full of madness.

"What's the harm? I just make everyone better!"

"You all can't tell what is real and false in this world!"

He roared, roared, and then his voice was gentle and low:

"Come and see the world in my eyes~."

"If you don't go, I'll let him out." Lao Lu kicked the fence behind him. There was a chaotic and crazy object inside. When he felt the movement, the puddle of objects turned into something like Lu Mingfei.

The man in front of him, Lu Mingfei, glanced at the other side and said:

"I will be obedient, as best I can."

The number of words in this chapter has not changed, so you don’t have to worry about spending extra money to subscribe. I wrote the title after thinking about it and writing it more carefully. At the end of the chapter (Part 2), I will post a free chapter as an apology for today’s mistake. No (middle) ha. Sorry, posting a draft ruins everyone’s reading experience.

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