I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

Chapter 124 Don’t sleep, get up and get ready

"I haven't heard you play the piano for a long time." Luo Shengying was in a shopping mall, playing Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata with Su Lintan next to her.

Pedestrians on the side gathered around to watch and listen to this harmonious ensemble of a man and a woman.

"Many years." Su Lin said with a smile.

I think back then, in order to redeem this master-level piano music skill, he spent 20 "heavy gold" points to redeem it.

It was really a nostalgic time. One and a half years, 20 points, although it was just a small skill, it marked that he had half a foot away from the whole life and stepped onto the ladder of art.

In an interview on a variety show, he relied on this skill to severely slap in the face a businessman who openly mocked and said that he had no ability and only relied on comedy and marketing to attract attention.

Originally, there seemed to be nothing wrong with it. But everyone was just here to make a living, and he also said that the video was for everyone to laugh at, but that guy obviously wanted to set him up as a negative example to praise himself, so Su Lin did not hesitate to play in the field where the other person was best at There are tricks.


This kind of unpretentious urban scene is quite refreshing to think about now.

It's just that he turned the dignified system of appearing saints in front of people into a system of big stars in urban daily life, which is sad and helpless but funny at the same time.

I don’t know how much holy points I have earned by taking the high-end boutique route at this time. Without him, the most popular special effects producers on the Internet platform would not even be able to redeem their piano playing skills.

Silly boy, it's better to fix things quickly. Mosquitoes are still meat no matter how small they are. It's not like he can create extraordinary events 24 hours a day.

I can’t let go of my face. Let me help you. Compared to the survival of all mankind, mere face is nothing.

The traffic password that spans the ages is in my hands, and we can definitely change the future!

I’ll buy two packs of hot pot base ingredients later, and I’ll stew myself in an iron pot tomorrow.


Dawn Hall

Melodious music echoed in the spacious auditorium, and moonlight shone into the dark auditorium through the glass windows above the wall.

Countless feathers of light emerged out of thin air and slowly came into being. The fingers of the sacred and innocent God of Light played on the black and white keys.

Beautiful and stunning.

"So cool." Lao Lu took a photo with his cell phone, "I really want to know what he is thinking about all day long."

Old Tang's throat was a little dry, and he felt it was fake, but it didn't stop people who saw this scene for the first time from feeling full of style.

The two listened quietly to Su Lin finishing playing, and applauded twice symbolically.

"Send me the photo, thank you." Su Lin said.

He stood up from the stool, turned off the live broadcast function of the chat group, and ignored the personal evaluations of his group friends.

The clothing made of light particles faded away, revealing the black down jacket underneath.

"I'm so handsome." Su Lin said.

Lao Lu was silent for a moment and said, "I really hope you are mute. This is a good thing for You's followers."

"I don't need believers." Su Lin put away the light, and the falling light feathers turned into illusion and disappeared, "Let's go and find Chu Zihang."

Awakening Jormungandr does not even require the use of resurrection spells. After all, her spirit is still alive, she just lacks a body.

The three of them walked side by side, and the old road opened a portal in front of them.

"Aren't you looking for Jörmungandr?" Old Tang asked doubtfully.

"Didn't you tell him?" Su Lin asked Lao Lu.


The three of them crossed the portal and arrived at the door of Gao Tianyuan Nightclub.

"Chu Zihang is your brother-in-law, and Jörmungandr's eggs are parasitic on Chu Zihang." Lao Lu explained.

"What kind of plane is she doing?!" He exclaimed, his voice a little shocked: "Is she serious?"


"It's not wrong to give her lust!"

Su Lin added on the side: "Oh, by the way, Caesar is Macallan, the son of Pompeii, so he is considered your nephew."

Old Tang covered his head with his hands, his face full of disbelief.

"Is it fashionable for dragon kings nowadays to find a human to have a monkey with them?!"

"You guys are all out of your mind!"

"Shut up, you guy who has been in an open country for more than 20 years and still has no luck with women."

Chu Zihang likes to have a beginning and an end when doing things. Even if he is a cowherd, he will not leave without saying goodbye.

It was the humpback whales that took them in after all.

A farewell ceremony was held in advance, and after a sword show at the end, Chu Zihang bowed amidst the tears and shouts of fans, marking the end of the flower-like cowherd "Ukyo".

Then came Caesar's exit show.

The ardent fans threw money in large quantities, eager to keep this man here, but he walked behind the scenes without looking back and returned to his room along the corridor to prepare to pack some personal belongings.

In fact, there is no luggage, just some clothes.

He turned on the tap and began to wash off the champagne.

Last night, he and Caesar rushed to the Michelin three-star restaurant, only to find that two mixed races were fighting on the street, and they were all mixed bloods who had mastered violent blood techniques.

Under normal circumstances, they should find a hidden location to observe and find a way to contact the school.

But Chu Zihang rushed out and used the fourth degree of violent blood to rush towards the god riding the eight-legged horse.

The being on the eight-legged horse took off his mask, and what was revealed was Chu Tianjiao's face.


"I am your father!"

Then both sides retreated, leaving Chu Zihang and Caesar behind.

Until Angers walked out of the restaurant and took them away.


The cold tap water calmed Chu Zihang's mood a little.

He has no time to worry about the identity of Caesar's father now. His father has come back, which is a headache for Caesar himself.

The problem before him now is...

Lu Mingfei…

"If you were also a dragon..."

He turned off the faucet, pulled the towel aside, dried the water droplets on his body, and changed into clean clothes.

bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump

The sound of knocking on the door sounded at this moment, Chu Zihang turned the door handle and opened the door to the room.


In front of him was a young man who was smiling and waving to him. Different from the messy and unkempt image in the past, he was wearing slim-fitting and gorgeous clothes and his hair was combed.

There were two people following behind him, one of them... was the god who had appeared in his mind...

Su Lin, God of Light

"Long time no see, senior brother." Lao Lu greeted Chu Zihang.

"Come in." Chu Zihang walked towards the house.

Several people closed the door.

"Who are you?" Chu Zihang asked.

"Lu Mingfei, senior brother, don't you recognize me?" Lao Lu opened his arms and said.

"The Lu Mingfei I know has different eyesight from you." Chu Zihang said.

"Eh?!" Lao Lu pretended to be surprised and said, "It seems that I miss you, senior brother, and the look in your eyes has been noticed. Come on, junior brother, give me a hug."

"Uh, forget it." Lao Lu restrained himself after seeing Su Lin's weird eyes.

"In some worlds, you wouldn't..." Su Lin couldn't help but ask.

He seriously doubted whether this old dragon had transformed into a man in a certain world line to marry someone else.

"I've been straight for a million years!"


Chu Zihang asked Lao Lu, "Why did you come to see me?"

"Let's wake up Jormungandr," Lao Lu said.

He snapped his fingers in his hand, and the surrounding space began to shake and fluctuate violently.

Before Chu Zihang could react, everyone arrived at a campus playground.

The light of the setting sun shines on the campus, and in the orange-yellow autumn day, the red maple leaves fall with the wind.

"Shilan Middle School?" Chu Zihang looked at this scene with some confusion.

Lao Lu pointed to the basketball court over there, and everyone looked over.

There was a young Chu Zihang playing basketball, and there was a girl in the audience.

Chu Zihang couldn't believe it. He had obviously killed that girl, the Dragon King. The blade cut through the dragon scales and cut into her heart. He still remembered the cold scales and the hot blood. besides…

That face in memory.

The light of the setting sun shines on the auditorium in the basketball court, dyeing the world red. A girl is sitting on a plastic chair. She wears a turtleneck sweater on her upper body, a school uniform skirt on her lower body, and a pair of brown women's leather shoes on her feet. Boots, she looked at Chu Zihang quietly, with a smile as bright as a flower.

"I didn't expect you to survive, Brother Norton." Jörmunganda smiled, his arm as white as a lotus root resting on his thigh, and his chin with his palm, "Senior Brother Lu has not forgotten me as a junior sister when he has grown up. It's really So touching.”

"I am your father." Lao Lu read.

Jörmungandr's expression froze, and his face looked a little unnatural.

"Is this guy your husband?" Old Tang glanced at Jörmungandr, pointed at Chu Zihang and said, "Young cows eat old grass, you?"

Jörmungandr's expression dropped, he glanced at Chu Zihang indifferently, and said nonchalantly:

"He created a girl named Xia Mi, and I just played the role he created to achieve my own goals."

"Look at this human being, trapped in the shadow of illusion, trapped in that cage."

"It's a pity that you showed up, otherwise I would one day crush his consciousness and break out of his cocoon."

Her tone was full of sarcasm and arrogance, "You're lucky, Senior Brother Chu."

Chu Zihang remained silent, just staring at her.

Su Lin put his head close to Lao Lu's ear and pretended to whisper, but his voice could be heard by everyone present: "I just said her mouth is tougher than an alchemical weapon. If you still don't believe it, this guy can't I know that Tsundere will retire from the environment in 2023.”

Lao Lu covered his mouth with his hand, glanced at Jörmungandr, and said, "Understand, she even lied to herself, and she has to be tougher in front of outsiders, otherwise she will lose face."

Su Lin shook his head and said, "Teacher Daye is very hard to get."

He pulled out a book from the historical projection.

Su Lin opened the book and showed it to Lao Lu, "Look at this paragraph. Just now he said that he would not jump on his boat, and then this paragraph said that we are people in the same boat."

Old Tang also moved his head curiously.

The three of them were turning the pages of the book rustlingly. Old Tang's eyebrows full of joy kept trembling, and he raised his head from time to time, looking at Jörmungandr with pitiful and mocking eyes.

The spiritual world is full of joyful atmosphere.

Tokyo time, 11 p.m.

An emergency meeting was held

"Chu Zihang is missing." Angersong said to Lu Mingze: "And it has just been confirmed that Jormungandr, the Dragon King of the Earth and Mountains, has revived. Our spies saw her on the floating island."

"It's probably my sister who kidnapped him. It's a small matter. Don't disturb me while I'm picking up girls at the bar." Pompei stood up and wanted to leave without caring, but was stopped by Chu Tianjiao.

"Speak clearly to me!" Chu Tianjiao stared at Pompeii with his eyes.

He had just emerged from the controlled state not long ago, and it was just one day before he was reunited with his son. Now his son is missing. Is it related to the resurrected Dragon King of the Earth and Mountain? !

Like Angers, sitting at the same table with the Dragon King does not mean giving up the conflicts and hatreds of the past, but just to face a more powerful enemy.

In fact, the world was changing so fast that he couldn't even bring up the idea of ​​fighting that supreme being. The cake the other party drew was quite to his liking.

But that’s how work is, you have to do it even if you don’t like it.

"Why is she arresting my son!?" Chu Tianjiao suppressed the uneasiness in his heart. The only thing he cared about most was his ex-wife and son.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?" Pompeo laughed disdainfully: "Who in Kassel doesn't know that she is your son's girlfriend?"

"You don't know that your son has found a dragon king to fall in love with, right? Otherwise, do you think your son can kill her based on his true skills?"

Like a bolt from the blue, he looked at Angers dully.

Angers hesitated and nodded.

Is this kid so wild? !

"So." Yuan Zhisheng said to everyone in Kassel College: "The three special commissioners you sent to the branch are the Incomplete Supreme, the Dragon King's boyfriend, and the Dragon King's son?"

"This is a coincidence." Angers said sincerely.

The members of the Sheqiba family broke out in cold sweat on their backs.

This is not a special commissioner for inspection. He simply sent three nuclear bombs here.

There are 3600 words, and there is still one chapter left. When I get back to the dormitory, the Dragon Clan chapter will be finished within this week. I will try my best to write more and write the story completely.

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