"Lu Mingfei?!!!" Duden opened his eyes wide and said in surprise.

The mixed-races and Pompeii present were about to take action, but found that they could only move their heads, and their bodies were as heavy as lead.

"Sakura!" Eriki hugged Lu Mingfei happily, not caring why he suddenly appeared here or what his current appearance was.

"Go back, I'm sorry, I didn't have fun with you today." Lu Mingfei touched Hui Liyi's soft hair. The smell of the shampoo from last night's shower entered his nostrils, and he felt very peaceful.

‘You have 10 minutes left. ’

"You must be Duden." Lu Mingfei buried Eryi's head in his chest and said to the other side, "I have seen you before, in my memory."

"Oh, and William, there are two committee members today." Lu Mingfei said, looking at a blond woman: "And Nashata, I'm so lucky to be able to kill you with my own hands. Well, that's not what I want to say. Yes, please, can you wait and let me do it myself as promised?"

Lu Mingfei seemed to be talking to himself, but no one dared to interrupt him.

"I heard what you just said, and I also know what kind of person you are." Lu Mingfei said to Commissioner William, "So, disappear."

Commissioner William had no time to say anything. It was not a word or a syllable, but an order. The moment the order was issued, Commissioner William collapsed like loose sand and disappeared.

"It's a pity that the old guys on your committee are not here, otherwise I really want to teach you a lesson." Lu Mingfei thought for a moment, and said in the frightened eyes of Duden and the surrounding hybrids: "Forget it."

He looked away as if he had lost interest. The people within his field of vision seemed to be forgiven, but then he suddenly became frightened because Lu Mingfei turned his head again. He took a look at the person named Nasha. The woman from the tower: "If you seduce my dad again and ruin my parents' marriage, I will kill you and all these committee members. Do you understand?"

'Kill her, you idiot! ’

Lu Mingfei came to Lu Mingze with Eli Yi in his arms, rubbed his head, pulled his face a few more times, let go in Lu Mingze's dissatisfied eyes, and said:

"He asked me to tell you, the game is not over until world domination."

"Just be happy. No matter what, it's better than these guys plotting against me all day long. The secret party, the mixed-race family, the doomsday sect, and the Dragon King can all disappear for me."

Lu Mingfei deliberately used Chinese to avoid affecting his image in Eliyi's mind.

‘You have seven minutes left. ’

"We are one, brother." Lu Mingze Youyou said: "If this is your idea, it's not impossible for me to lead the way now."

"But I really don't want to have a harem, nor do I want to be the king of the world." Lu Mingfei said.

"Okay, I understand." Lu Mingze raised his shoulders: "I will fulfill your wish for you, just remember to give me your soul."

‘Six minutes left. ’

Lu Mingfei nodded, and then looked at Pompeii. The silver dragon, the Dragon King of the Sky and Wind, was stiff and his scales were trembling slightly.

"If you were not my boss's father, I really want to chop you off right now. After all, you have done all the bad things." Lu Mingfei followed Lu Mingze's example and patted Pompeii's head, "Also, you The road is getting wider.”

With the last move, Lu Mingfei slapped the giant dragon into the ground.

"More people, more efforts." He said to Lu Mingze

‘It’s just useless work. I will help you take care of the government for decades. You just take the strategy and start a harem. Their initial favorability towards you is already above 60. ’

Lu Mingfei nodded to Klein.

‘Please, Lao Zhou. ’

Klein also nodded towards Lu Mingfei.

‘This projection should be very effective. ’

After the two looked at each other, Lu Mingfei and Eli Yi disappeared from the place. The next second, the two were at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

Under the bright starry sky, Erika poked her head out from his shoulder.

"so beautiful."

'Five minutes left. ’

"Hui Liyi." Lu Mingfei's cheeks were a little red. In his life of more than 20 years, he had never held a girl so intimately.

"Sakura, that's amazing." Eriki's face was very close, almost touching her.

"There's something I have to tell you." Lu Mingfei felt that his blood was gushing all over his body. Although Eriyi was full of temptation now, he couldn't let the other one take advantage of him.

Lu Mingfei took a deep breath and said seriously: "My real name is Lu Mingfei!"

"Lu Mingfei?" Eryi tilted her head in confusion, "The man just now was called Lu Mingze."

"That's my brother."

"He is very cute." Eriki thought for a moment and said, "Like a doll."

"Lu, Ming, Fei?"

"I still like to call you Sakura."

"Why?" Lu Mingfei asked doubtfully.

"They all seem to be trying to grab Lu Mingfei, but Sakura is mine." When Eriyi said this, her fingers grabbed Lu Mingfei's shoulders very hard.

Lu Mingfei fell into silence and flew toward the city below. His target was the black building.

"Eriyi, I will always be with you, whether it's Lu Mingfei or Sakura." Lu Mingfei kissed the girl's forehead and whispered in her ear: "No one will hurt you again. ."

"I'm going to help you get rid of all the Ultraman."

He sensed it, put away his dragon wings, turned back to his human form, and the next moment he took Eri Yi to a tea room.

Uesugi Goe, Minamoto Kasaki, Minamoto Natsuo, and several other parents of the eight snakes, except Tachibana Masamune, are all here.

‘I have sent someone to make arrangements, you still have 2 minutes. ’

Everyone present was subconsciously on guard when they saw the two people suddenly appearing. After seeing who they were, they lowered their guard.

Eriki didn't understand why she suddenly returned home and wanted to speak, but was stopped by Lu Mingfei who put his finger on her lips.

"Go home." Lu Mingfei reminded.

Eriyi nodded and looked at Yuan Zhisheng with some disappointment and fear.

Uesugi Yue's attention was completely attracted by Eri Yi, his eyes widened, but he thought of something and then looked at Lu Mingfei with an unfriendly expression, but after a while, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you." Yuan Zhisheng nodded and said, "But the principal has told us the situation. Next time we meet, we may be enemies."

"What does one family say when it comes to two families, uncle?" Lu Mingfei is no longer afraid of boiling water, he is now very thick-skinned.

Yuan Zhisheng's brows jumped.

'One more minute. ’

Lu Mingfei smiled relievedly and let go of the hand holding Eliyi, "Eiliyi"

Lu Mingfei was a little reluctant to give up, and Hui Liyi subconsciously wanted to reach out and grab Lu Mingfei.


There is nothing in sight

Floating Island Dawn

Inside the Hall of Dawn

Lu Mingfei, no, Lao Lu put on a set of clothes with black as the main color.

This outfit looks like a suit but it incorporates many Chinese elements and has gold embroidery patterns. It gives the first impression that only a king can match this outfit.

Standing in front of the mirror, he looked at his messy hair, wiped it back with his right hand, and combed it back.

Nodding with satisfaction, he opened the door to his room and walked out.

In the meeting hall of Dawn Hall, many mixed-race species stood in two rows, looking upright and solemnly at Lao Lu.

He walked step by step towards the middle of the long table. On either side of his left and right hands, Su Lin and Old Tang were sitting there respectively.

Old Tang drooped his eyebrows, supported his chin with his hand, and leaned on the table, looking very tired.

Su Lin crossed his legs and held a crystal bottle with bright red liquid in his right hand. He raised the crystal bottle and looked at it through the light of the crystal chandelier, with a smile on his face.

"Sorry, I didn't let you see Tokyo Love Story until the end." Lao Lu smiled and sat down.

Representatives of mixed-race families took their seats below.

"It doesn't matter, I've finished reading." Su Lin shook the bottle in his hand slightly, and the half-full liquid inside swayed.

"Yeah, that's good."

Leave a clone behind? Or is the main body nearby? Lao Lu didn’t think much about it.

"From now on, we will officially announce our existence to the whole world." Lao Lu paused, "And, issue an ultimatum to all countries."

"Starting from tomorrow, the dawn of a new era will arrive!"

"We are willing to convey the Supreme Will to the world!" XN

Su Lin ignored the people who were in high spirits, put away the crystal bottle in his hand, and smiled happily.

The start time update time will be stable the day after tomorrow. Sorry, the Dragon Clan roll is about to be completed.

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