I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

Chapter 110 It doesn’t matter, I will take action

After Lu Mingfei 'carried' Uesugi Eri out of Genji Heavy Industries, saying that he was abducted was a bit incorrect. In fact, Eri recognized Lu Mingfei by messing up Lu Mingfei's hairstyle and turning it into a messy chicken coop. In order to encourage him to live, Eryi also gave Lu Mingfei a little duck.

So Eri put on her usual miko uniform and took Lu Mingfei out to play together, which was called running away from home.

This girl felt novel when seeing a vending machine. The first thing Lu Mingfei saw when he looked over was Yui Aragaki as the spokesperson, and Eri pointed to the orange juice she was advertising.

Lu Mingfei put in two coins and took out a drink. The orange juice was sold out, so he only bought two cans of hot coffee.

There were no aliens to disturb the two of them, because there was a God of War dozens of meters below blocking the monster spawning point. It would take some time for the aliens to find a way to escape.

The red-haired girl looked out the window at the hazy night through the glass curtain wall. The city seemed to be covered with a veil, the buildings and streets were lit with lights, and even though it was late at night, there were still vehicles driving on the elevated roads.

The city is beautiful but cold.

The profile on the glass curtain wall was so breathtakingly beautiful that Huiliyi took the coffee from Lu Mingfei with her little hand, opened the buckle, and took a sip of the hot coffee. White steam filled the tip of her nose.

Lu Mingfei just watched quietly, his heart was extremely peaceful at this moment. Hot coffee was the best thing at this time. It felt warm in his hand, as if he owned the whole world by holding it.

Strictly speaking, this was the second time he saw Eri Yi, but the strange thing was that Lu Mingfei didn't feel happy in his heart, there was no thought that he would be single after finding the heroine, and there were no other distracting thoughts, except for His heart would occasionally slow down a beat, but he felt very peaceful now.

"Beautiful." Eriyi grabbed Lu Mingfei's hand, stretched out her fingers to write on his palm, and then pointed to the golden "Tokyo Sky Tree" in the distance to show Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei came a few days earlier than his original destiny. It didn't rain today, but it was still a little cold.

"That's the Tokyo Sky Tree, the tallest radio tower in the world. You can go up there. It's said that Tokyo is the most beautiful from the observation deck above." Lu Mingfei read out the information he knew. In fact, he didn't Been there.

He looked at the girl next to him. She had been locked in the 20cm thick alloy gate for most of her life. She could only play games and watch anime. The ones she was most familiar with and had the most contact with were doctors and Nurses, as well as oxygen tanks, blood filtration carts, cardiac resuscitation machines, high-pressure shock pumps, angiography X-ray machines, linear accelerators and other large medical equipment worth millions of dollars.

It's not that Yuan Zhisheng abused her, but that Eri's bloodline is too high and needs serum to stabilize it. Once out of control, Eri's destructive power is no less than a 'nuclear weapon'.

But even so, Minamoto Zhisheng did what a brother should do. In his free time, he would take Eri to eat at top restaurants, play games with her, and watch anime.

This girl doesn't even differentiate between men and women, and she doesn't realize how attractive she is to the opposite sex. In her eyes, men are probably the same kind with flat chests.

"Want to take a look?" Lu Mingfei said, "I can take you there."

Eryi's eyes were filled with light, her head nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, she looked at Lu Mingfei expectantly, and then felt a little disappointed.

She took out a small notebook and wrote in marker: Brother will catch us.

Lu Mingfei smiled. He originally wanted to throw away his phone, but after thinking about it, it was quite valuable, so he turned it off and ignored Lu Mingze's arrangement. Originally, an elevator would appear at this time, followed by a helicopter. Take them away from the rooftop.

Lu Mingfei took out a golden giant sword. This method of transforming objects out of thin air made Eli Yi feel very powerful.

Fortunately, I was influenced by the Immortal Sword. At that time, I felt that I had to learn the art of sword control no matter what, so it took me a whole day to learn and master it.

Lu Mingfei stepped on the sword body and stretched out his hand towards Eli Yi:

"Let's go, Eriyi! Let's go see the Sky Tree together!"

The second day

"Eri has been away from home for 20 hours!" Minamoto Zhisheng slowly clenched his fists, "The identity of that group has not been found! All practical work has been stopped, and all forces have been mobilized. Even if every building in Tokyo is destroyed, Even if the building is uprooted, I have to bring Eri Yi back to me!"

The men under his command looked at the anxious Yuan Zhisheng and sighed in their hearts, it turns out that this guy is a girl control.

"Please don't worry!" Yasha replied deeply, "In this bustling Tokyo, it is indeed dangerous for the innocent Miss Eri to be with an unidentified man. I promise that if anyone dares to hurt Miss Eri, I will twist it with my own hands." Break his neck!"

"What I'm worried about is not Eri's safety." Minamoto shook her head and said quietly: "As long as Eri wants to, 20 hours is enough for her to destroy Tokyo."

"At that point, only God could stop her."

When Yuan Zhisheng's men heard this, their faces tightened, as if they had heard something incredible.

"It doesn't matter, I will take action." Su Lin stood on a tall building several kilometers away, looking at the man and woman cooking hot pot in the hotel with his extraordinary eyes, and an aunt's smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

"I didn't expect that it would be interesting to compete with real people. I can understand the fandom CP."

"This kid like Lu Mingfei will enjoy it. Fatty beef slices, enoki mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, radish, cabbage and green onions. Unfortunately, it's not a red oil pan."

"Isn't that the spiritual fruit from my mountain? When did this kid pack two of them? Let him pay for it next time."

Su Lin looked a little greedy and used historical projection to take out a table, a gas stove, a red oil hot pot, fatty beef, tripe, yellow throat, and meatballs.

Li Qing from the mixed-race family stood respectfully behind him, showing hesitation.

"But, is it really okay?"

"Don't worry." Su Lin took out himself in a suit and asked the projection to prepare the dishes for him. "Your supreme leader said that there should be less bloodshed. It is not only the enemy, but also yours. If you don't fight hard, don't fight hard."

"I've given you life-saving things, how can I use them wisely?"

"If you can't beat us, retreat and I'll take action. Guerrilla warfare, you know." Su Lin took out a chair and sat down, "How about some together?"

"No." Li Qing shook his head, looking a little flattered. "The war ahead is not over yet, so I will leave first."

After saying that, he entered a portal.

While Su Lin was heating the hot pot, a pigeon flew over, landed on the chair opposite, and then transformed into a man with a bookish air.

"Good guy, the whole earth is in chaos, and you still have the heart to eat hot pot here." Klein looked around the table, "Where's mine?"

Su Lin took out a set of bowls, chopsticks and oil dishes from the historical projection.

"Another cheat meal?!" Klein couldn't believe it: "Why don't you eat something real?"

Even so, he picked up a piece of tripe and poured it into the pot.

"The war is not over, how can I really indulge in pleasure?" Su Lin said: "But you, if you change sides and surrender as a courtesy?"

"Stop, stop!" Klein waved his hand to stop, "You're too deep into the drama!"

"Has Lu Mingze's body been snatched out?" Su Lin stared at the two people drinking red wine in the hotel in the distance.

"Originally, we wanted to ask Yao Lao and Zhong Li to take action." Klein said, "But Lu Mingfei became the Sword of Damocles hanging over their heads. They took the initiative to seek cooperation. Lao Lu must also know about it."

"Your blitzkrieg is too fast. Without Zhongli and Yaolao, the world would not have fallen into your hands for more than a month."

"I was thinking of settling it before the Chinese New Year, but now I'm in trouble, so I might as well take annual leave and go home." Su Lin murmured.

All of this happened secretly. Leaving aside the Japanese mixed race, North American mixed race, Kassel Academy, the secret party, and various forces large and small, they have all been attacked to varying degrees recently, especially in the After Norton, the Dragon King of Bronze and Fire, resurrected, he conquered and occupied almost at an overwhelming speed.

Zhongli and Old Tang fought against each other the night before yesterday, but Zhongli did not show his strength, and Old Tang did not use the World-Destroying Word Spirit. The two sides exchanged blows casually, and Old Tang gave up the task of occupying.

Su Lin was occasionally called to help, but mostly to recover the wounded and give those people some life-saving buffs.

‘I should have taken action myself, but I have to continue to accumulate strength. ’ That’s what Lao Lu said, and Su Lin didn’t know what he was hiding.

Naturally, there were many hybrids who resisted, and they were all imprisoned in the dungeon of the floating island.

"It seems that you are really planning to fight him to the end." Klein picked up the cooked tripe and dipped it in the oil dish.

"There's nothing wrong with it. It's just that Lu Mingfei wants to take more Liuwei Dihuang Pills in the future." Su Lin said, "I can provide him with unlimited amounts."

"He won't like the way the world is turned out."

Now, except for some of the mutts who have defected, the dragon-slaying sect headed by the secret party has begun to cooperate with Lu Mingze, integrating all resources and strength, and preparing to march towards Tokyo, which is about to become a battlefield.

Klein would naturally not tell Su Lin this news. Although he was a group friend, after all, there was a temporary change in the camp.

"If Lu Mingfei becomes the ruler, this world will be over in less than ten years." Klein followed Su Lin's gaze and glanced at Lu Mingfei, who was taking out his tablet to watch anime for Eliyi. The two of them just ate and watched the show, "I'm talking about this Lu Mingfei."

"If you want something, you have to pay something. This is Lao Lu's original saying." Su Lin didn't care. "For the general public, the benefits should outweigh the disadvantages."

"Actually, there is no irreconcilable conflict between the two of them."

"It's just that Lao Lu's throne is too heavy, and it takes Lu Mingfei time to accept it." Su Lin turned his head and asked Klein: "What has Xiao Yan been doing recently?"

"Secret." Klein smiled elegantly, picked up the hat on the side, and wiped the oil stains on the corners of his mouth with a tissue.

Seeing that the magician exit method used by Klein turned into a bunch of white doves and left, Su Lin withdrew his gaze, canceled the historical projection, and left the rooftop.

"We need to do a good job in the aftermath."

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