At noon, Su Lin woke up from bed.

The quilt is a very magical thing. Even if he is already a cultivator, he can't live without this warm quilt.

Perhaps it's because in this materialistic era and society where people's hearts are not as old as they used to be, only this quilt can warm people's hearts.

On a new day, the projection is pulled out from history, and the body squirms into the historical pores with the quilt, controlling the historical projection to pull out a new historical projection for tidying up.

Feeling that it was almost done, Su Lin lifted the defensive formation and left the room.

Arriving from the teleportation array to Akihabara, together with Emiya Shirou who had just woken up, Su Lin controlled the projection to look for food.

In fact, he has no feelings for Akihabara. After all, he has already watched the anime produced during this period, and has even forgotten many of them, and cannot even remember the plot.

I just have nothing to do today, so I just want to take a walk.

Finding an open-air restaurant where he could see a large commercial screen, Su Lin sat on a white round table under a sun umbrella, enjoying the sunshine and black tea, waiting for the food he ordered to be served.

While he was leisurely enjoying the time without anything happening, he tapped the table and looked at the opposite side. The promotional video for the third season of "Shakugan no Shana" was playing on the huge electronic screen.

He vaguely remembered that the protagonist suddenly became the final boss.

"Sir, is this the steak you ordered?"

The voice coming from my ears was quite familiar.

I saw Lao Lu dressed like a waiter, with shiny hair, a black vest on his upper body, trousers on his lower body, and shiny leather shoes.

"I don't want to see you today, can you please disappear?" Su Lin turned his head and continued to look at the picture on the screen.

"It's rare that I find time to come out to see you in my busy schedule." Lao Lu put the steak on the table, pulled out a stool and sat down, "Is this Emiya Shirou?"

"Hello." Emiya Shirou greeted the obviously confident Lu Mingfei in front of him.

"I hope you came to me for work." Su Lin said: "Whether you want to resurrect Jormungandr, Constantine or Fenrir, hurry up."

"After I finish my work, I will go home to celebrate the New Year."


Like flicking a coin, a flat crystal flicked towards Su Lin.

After Su Lin caught it, he held it in his hand and felt the majestic message coming from inside.

[Sword Twenty-One] [Three Flowers Yingqi] [Bayuan Spear Technique]...a total of 107 types

"The advance payment has arrived." Lao Lu said with a smile: "The remaining reward will be given to you later."

"It's best to wait for his golden elixir, so that I can mobilize more power and knowledge." Lao Lu moved his fingers, "It will probably be less than a year, right? Very soon."

Su Lin nodded and put away the crystal.

That day, Lao Lu placed a list in front of him.

They are Xianwu: traditional martial arts, classical Xianxia, ​​modern cultivation, fantasy cultivation, cultivation civilization, mythological cultivation...

City: super powers, super powers, genetic promotion...

Fantasy: Eastern fantasy, alien continent, high martial arts world...

His reward was not a single skill, but to let Su Lin choose a series, and he directly chose 1/4 of it and gave it to the compressed package.

Later, when the so-called extra money was added, this was also what was added.

Su Lin planned to wait until all the rewards were received before choosing a suitable technique. It would be nice to avoid the system's high tuition fees.

"Actually, I have one more thing to come to you for today." Lao Lu sat across from the two of them and put away his smile, "Come here and help me officially, Su Lin."

"The agreement between you and Lu Mingze can still be carried out. I don't think the terms in it will conflict."

He crossed his hands to support his chin, with expectation in his eyes.

"I'll add money."

"Wait!" Shirou Emiya couldn't hold it any longer and asked Lao Lu first: "I heard that you plan to conquer the world. Is it true?"

"Really." Lao Lu nodded, crossed his fingers with his hands and supported his head, "This is a great cause related to the welfare of all mankind."

"Su Lin, I value you very much. If you are here, the speed of this change will be accelerated. Even most people are still sleeping, and everything has fallen into place." Lu Mingfei said, "Our actions are just. ! Don’t have any psychological burden, just like people sing, you are the spreader of the gospel!”

Su Lin calmly took a sip of tea and watched Lao Lu's performance quietly. He picked up the knife and fork and made a cut into the steak.

"For the harem or the sea of ​​stars for mankind?" Su Lin asked.

"Happiness." Lao Lu softly spat out these two words, "happiness for all mankind."

"Do you know how many people die every minute around the world?"

"Sickness, war, plague, hunger..." Lao Lu's eyes were deep, as if he was recalling, "Human beings are too fragile and too contradictory."

"For thousands of years, they haven't even left the planet. They are addicted to internal fighting and disputes, exploitation, and slavery. They suppress the powerful when they see them, and rob the weak when they see them. I don't blame them. They are limited by the times and various factors."

"Resources are limited, and the level of science and technology is not enough. If you want to develop, you must absorb it. Science and technology must be locked up. There are gaps between countries. The gap between people's living standards is as big as the sky. Many of them are things that cannot be helped in this era. It was not until 270 years later that most diseases were defeated, 500 years later there were still wars, 900 years later, civilian technology was shared between countries, and 1,700 years later, humans began to fully cooperate.”

"But what about the ordinary people in these 1,700 years?" Lao Lu's tone became serious: "Go with the flow, wait for fate to roll the dice, and bury the uneasiness in your heart. Those who are lucky can live a happy life, and those who are unlucky will suffer. Stay, stay!”

"What does this have to do with you?" Su Lin was puzzled. From the moment he came to this dragon world, he believed that the purpose of this old dragon was to change the misfortunes in his life.

"Perhaps you will think that I am being compassionate and have nothing to do with me." Lao Lu glanced at the two of them and smiled, "I was defended by all living beings and pushed onto the throne. They all thought that I was the savior and hope."

"I am the king, the king of humans, hybrids, and dragons!"

"You always thought I wanted to rule the world so I could keep the best for myself, bullshit!"

"The best thing is that I will kill all those conspirators now, and then find a beautiful girl to give him. Well, the finale! Next, whether he wants to play e-sports or sell newspapers, It doesn't matter." He spread his hands, looked at the electronic screen in the distance, and paused. There was a promotional video of Warcraft on it, which happened to be the scene of the Lich King inserting his sword into the ice.

"NetEase can live without Blizzard, after all, under Blizzard..."

"But just as Azeroth must have a Lich King, this world must also have a king!"

"A king who promises a future to all living beings and leads them forward!"

"Lu Mingze said that I am too greedy and want to get everything. It is true." Lao Lu grinned, showing his white teeth. "What I want to reverse is the misfortune of everyone in this era!"

"Order, resources, lifespan, technology, I bring only benefits to this world, no harm!"

Su Lin was stunned, as was Shirou Emiya on the side. He was even so shocked by Lao Lu's speech that he couldn't speak.

Su Lin put down the knife and fork in his hand, and the situation of this person suddenly opened up. What could he say?

"I'm not your target today."

Even though his Su Linxian attitude is a bit excessive, he is still quite familiar with the routine of the workplace.

"The drunkard is not interested in drinking." Su Lin glanced at Shirou Emiya who was still caught up in Lu Mingfei's ideal grand plan.

This guy must have gotten some information from Ronald Don and knew who the new guy was.

"I'm serious too. Do you want to help me, Su Lin?" Lao Lu smiled, his eyes serious, "I admire you very much, really."

"Why? Because of divine power?"

"Because you cured all the illnesses, even though it was only temporary." Lao Lu said, "You are not a saint, but a good person."

"Wrong, I am a selfish person." Su Lin threw the crystal in his hand, crossed his legs, and tilted his chair back, "Everything I do is for myself."

"Then why is there such a miracle as cure?" Lao Lu looked at Su Lin with a smile.

Su Lin was silent for a moment, and the scenes he had seen in his previous life flashed through his mind, "I want to check the situation first, and I have a question."

"you say."

"How much do you add?"

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