I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

Chapter 104 My sister can’t be that cute

"Brother, do you want to exchange?"

A similar scene in a Chicago subway station, but the difference is that the person sitting opposite is not a little boy.

A little girl with waist-length black hair, wearing a medieval aristocratic dress, sat across from her. Her cute face and golden eyes gave people the feeling that they could only be seen from a distance.

As soon as the scene changed, the little girl hugged Lu Mingfei and whispered in his ear: "Give your soul to me, brother. I can make any wish come true for you."

Jingle Bell

Lu Mingfei woke up from his dream, his head was dizzy, and he spent dozens of seconds remembering who he was, where he was, and what he was going to do.

"Lu Mingzhao..."

"so cute…"


Lu Mingfei was agitated, and his recent dreams had become more and more strange. Although he was happy that he didn't have to fight and kill, these were all the same!

Speaking of which, last time I dreamed that a giant white dragon turned into a little girl with white hair and golden eyes and competed with Lu Mingze for his brother...

"My brain has been corrupted by anime, right?" Lu Mingfei complained to himself, "I rarely watch it recently. I just went to Akihabara that day..."

The time is now 6 o'clock in the afternoon, and Lu Mingfei is going to clean up and wash up before going to work.

Under the coercion of someone, he had no choice but to finally come to Gao Tianyuan nightclub and become a busboy.

Caesar actually enjoys it and is interested in this kind of job that relies on good looks to make money. The top rich second generation seems to have gone astray in their experience of life...

But there was nothing they could do. The Sheqiba family had arranged a bunch of crimes for them that were outrageous to both humans and gods. Now they were wanted criminals.

There really isn’t much else to do except this Takamagahara nightclub.

Mop the floor, wipe the tables, close the ventilating windows and turn on the central air conditioner.

There are many things to do, after all, he is a "trainee cowherd".

This is also in line with his wishes. To soothe the lonely hearts of those young ladies, leave it to Caesar and Chu Zihang to take out the golden tickets from their pockets, and try not to arouse other people's ideas...

The only rewarding thing is probably that his poor Japanese has improved greatly during this period of communication with guests and colleagues.

Around 9 or 8 o'clock in the evening, urban beauties after get off work began to visit this city that never sleeps.

Lu Mingfei was guiding several guests to the booths, holding sticky notes and menus in his hands, ready to record the guests' needs.

"Little Sakura, the boss is looking for you, please leave this place to me first."

"oh oh."

Lu Mingfei didn't know what the bald man, the humpback whale who looked very vicious but was actually a nice guy, wanted to do with him. The assessment had been completed long ago.

After all, it was Lu Mingze's property, and no matter what they said, he would be left behind, but he really couldn't accept it. That man actually thought that Lu Mingfei's ikebana looked like a poppy.

"Tonight, there are two distinguished guests who need your company by name. Please be sure to serve them well!" the humpback whale said in a loud voice and suddenly lowered his voice: "You must also protect yourself, little Sakura!"

On the sea-blue velvet sofa, the humpback whale crossed his legs with a serious expression. The last words should not have been uttered because it would offend the two noble people, but he really couldn't bear to see Sakura being wronged!

Even though those two are both good-looking and high-status... for most men, this is simply a plot that only appears in their dreams.

Isn't this part of the plot? !

Lu Mingfei stared blankly at this bald man who was as strong as a giant bear. He seriously doubted if someone was playing tricks on him. After all, those guys also came to this world today.

Except for Zhongli, Lu Mingfei had no lower expectations for other group friends in this world, especially Su Lin, who had no lower limits.

The humpback whale stood up, opened a secret door, and motioned for Lu Mingfei to follow.

"That's probably Lu Mingze." Lu Mingfei sighed. He was familiar with the plot and knew that the real boss's office was inside.

In the fish tank, the elegant silver arowana swam slowly by, while other ornamental fish species floated up slowly from the seaweed with small bubbles.

The fish tank wall in the owner's room of Takamagahara Nightclub actually uses a one-way peeking mechanism, with one-way glass on the back. The things in the hall can be clearly seen from the secret room, but people in the hall cannot see this. A luxurious secret room.

The decoration of this secret room is luxurious, with crystal chandeliers and marble floors complementing each other. The walls are covered with beautiful photos of meritorious cowherds over the decades, which are enough to witness the glorious history of Takamagahara. From the sofa to the desk, they are all antique furniture, old-fashioned A vinyl record player played Puccini's "Madame Butterfly."

The man with the name of the giant whale stopped and stood respectfully at the connection between the secret room and the passage, turning sideways to leave Lu Mingfei enough space to pass through.

There was some sadness in his eyes. In order to maintain this store, he would give small cherry blossoms to the two "queens" tonight.

Lu Mingfei glanced at the humpback whale strangely, then his expression remained unchanged, he shook off the sleeves of his non-existent robe, and walked in calmly. He was an immortal cultivator, what was he afraid of?

Sitting on the leather sofa were two real bosses. They complemented each other and caught Lu Mingfei's eyes.

The girl on the left is a forest-style girl with long, refreshing hair, while the girl on the right is ancient and enchanting, with a dark high bun and a red ribbon wrapped around her hair.

They were all wearing pitch black leather jackets and skirts, black stockings, knee-high black patent leather boots, and silver metal high heels that were as sharp as murder weapons.

The two of them sat on the sofa side by side, on the far right and left respectively.

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment. Aren't these two the nanny combination arranged by Lu Mingze for him? The one with long legs looks like Mai Shutoku, and the other forest girl is probably Su Enxi, a rich woman.

"Sakura-chan, come and sit." Mai Shutoku straightened her skirt and patted the seat next to her, "Humpback whale, you can go out first."

The humpback whale bowed and exited. Before leaving, he looked at Lu Mingfei pityingly, with deep apology in his eyes.

"Sit over here!" Su Enxi twisted her shoulders and patted the position on her left, "I paid for this place. In other words, I am your boss. Come here."

"You now give people the impression that you are a female gangster who wants to use your power to bully good men and women." Mai Shutoku shook her head, "You can't change your temperament even if you change your clothes. Temperament is not easy to change."

"Witch, shut up!" Su Enxi patted the empty space next to her with a somewhat excited tone, "Little Sakura, come here and let me heal you."

Seeing Lu Mingfei standing there dumbfounded, her infatuation reflected in the fish tank behind him, Su Enxi blushed slightly and restrained herself slightly.

"Ahem, come here, let's talk about work issues today."

"Watching a romantic drama and you think you're the heroine?" Mai Shutoku said teasingly: "Sure enough, after being single for a long time, even your will is easily affected. You almost took off your clothes. Look at me, you didn't do it at all. Feel something.”

"Haha, can you get out of here and stop being a light bulb?"

Lu Mingfei was a little confused when he saw the two people quarreling with each other.

What happened?

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