"Have you been kicked in the head by a donkey?" A man with droopy eyebrows and a slightly happy appearance raised his eyebrows and said, "You brought me back to life just for this nonsense."

At a roadside stall, two dragons and one god sit on a wooden bench and slurp a bowl of Japanese ramen for 1,200 yen.

After confirming that the boss could not understand Chinese, the three exchanged information in Chinese.


"Do you want me to take you back?" Lao Lu chewed two mouthfuls of noodles with a dangerous look in his eyes.

"Forget it..."

Whether as the Dragon King of Bronze and Fire or Ronald Tang, He believes that the beginning and experience can be bizarre or even outrageous, but the purpose cannot be nonsense.

In the future, Lu Mingfei became the Supreme, or he was originally the Supreme, and then traveled back from the future world line to save everything.

Very good, very energetic.

He has watched a lot of Hollywood blockbusters. Although they are all downloaded pirated resources and have not contributed a penny to the cinema, this does not hinder his understanding of this kind of science fiction plot.

Then, the current Lu Mingfei was able to travel to other worlds, and the god of light who resurrected him, named Su Sheng Guanglin, who was produced by the Chinese-Western Union, also came from other worlds.

Oh ho ho, time travel dramas and different worlds are not bad, he also likes them.

Finally, the future Lu Mingfei wanted to open a harem for his past self and rule the world. The Supreme brother and the current Lu Mingfei disagreed, so they found three helpers from another world.

Now the two parties are about to fight, so he is resurrected in advance to participate in the fight.


The world is changing too fast, and this old dragon can't keep up with the pace of the times.

Ruling the world or something like that is not incomprehensible with the dominant thinking of dragons. Moreover, this world was originally under the control of the Supreme, and He who wanted to take back everything also had this ability.

But this thing about falling in love with a human being...

I don't know why, but it feels a bit absurd. Even though as Ronald Don he really likes to see those bikini girls, it doesn't stop him from feeling weird about this kind of thing as Norton.

There is no real dragon king who would fall in love with a human and want to have a monkey with a human...

The opponent is still the supreme leader of the Dragon Clan.

He still had some doubts.

"What's the background of the other party?" Old Tang felt that the Japanese noodles were so confusing that he followed the old way of eating them and asked Su Lin to translate and ask the boss for a bowl of rice.

"Morax, or Zhongli, a retired God of the Earth, is now the Demon God of Rock and an Immortal; Xiao Yan, the protagonist of a novel about breaking up an engagement, is good at rubbing mushrooms and carries a grandfather plug-in with him; Klein Moretti, A weird demigod, similar to the Ke style."

After Su Lin finished translating, he said to Old Tang: "Oh, by the way, I am actually with them, but I will not participate in frontal combat. Probably, maybe, after all, the deal between me and Lu Mingze does not include this One item."

"And this person in front of me is still my employer."

"Good guys..." Old Tang took a mouthful of rice, "Your ingredients are a bit complicated."

"How many elements were sewn in?!"

Su Lin thought about it carefully, "It shouldn't be too much."

"Why does the Demon God also work part-time as an Immortal? This one is also a Chinese-Western fusion?" Old Tang felt that there were really all kinds of situations in the different world.

"Forget it, give me a mobile phone and add me to the group. I will lead the group of strengthened hybrids as the vanguard."

"That Macallan..."

"Hey, that guy really ate his brother, and he even had an idea for me and Constantine. We have to settle this account!"

There was a cold murderous intent in Old Tang's eyes. He took advantage of his early awakening to start planning, including them all, and now he wanted to devour Constantine's keel.

This beast deserves to be punished!

"Don't be in a hurry." Lao Lu finished his soup and rice and wiped the corners of his mouth: "We'll talk about it later after my sister wakes up. I have something else to do these two days, so I asked Su Lin to accompany you first."

"Which sister?"


"She hasn't woken up yet?"

"I woke up and turned into a cocoon again."


After eating ramen, at the entrance of a shopping mall, Old Tang shook his eyebrows while holding a new Apple machine.

"I didn't expect it to be replaced again, and the price has also gone up."

"I'll pull you into the Q group." Su Lin said.

"Okay." Is there QQ in another world? It feels like this guy is very skilled.

[The God of Light in the Early Stage of the Golden Elixir] requests to add you as a friend.

Old Tang rubbed his eyes to make sure he saw it correctly, and then glanced at Su Lin again, with that oriental face.

"What's wrong?" Su Lin asked.

"Is this popular over there?" He pointed to the ID on the phone screen: "Do you like novels about cultivating immortals?"

"It's not a question of whether it's popular or not. It's true that I am also a cultivator of the Golden Core Stage." Su Lin denied it and then said: "Do you want to see my flying sword?"

"no thank you…"

Lao Tang still knows more or less about diversified development.

[Norton, the Dragon King of Bronze and Fire] joins [Love each other as a family]

[Norton, Dragon King of Bronze and Fire]: Hello, oh hey, hello, who came up with these stupid names?

[Supreme]: Me.

[Norton, Dragon King of Bronze and Fire]: Real earth.

The mixed-races who saw the news didn't dare to interrupt at all, and doubts arose in their hearts. Wasn't Norton successfully defeated?


"This is Ronald Tang, these are the people I mentioned to you before."


"Cline Moretti."

"Xiao Yan."

"Hello, I'm Norton, you can also call me Ronald Don."

Late at night, Su Lin said he was going out for a late-night snack, and Ronald Tang also came.

"Nice to meet you!" Klein strode forward and shook hands with Old Tang warmly, "Have you eaten?"


"That's right. I haven't eaten either. Can we blow two bottles together later?"


Su Lin had always felt that something was not right about this guy when he met him these few times. What should I say? This was reflected in the fact that no matter what he said or did, Klein always looked like a good gentleman.

The same goes for group chats. Sometimes I will chime in with a few words, saying what is right and reasonable, and I have learned from it.

Did he have this kind of personality before? This is a picture of someone who has been in the human society for a long time and has a high emotional intelligence. He is able to get along well with everyone he meets.

Su Lin looked at Zhong Li and Xiao Yan, pointed at Klein and said, "Is he also very enthusiastic towards you recently, compared with before?"

When Klein heard this, his back stiffened. He used the abilities of the clown and the faceless man to still maintain his enthusiastic appearance, and went about his daily routine with Old Tang.

Zhongli thought for a while, "Speaking of which, he paid for all the shopping in the afternoon."

Xiao Yan also said: "Although it was all funded by Lu Mingze, he still dragged us to karaoke."

Su Lin approached Klein, with a playful look in his eyes, and took a look at this young man with a bookish aura and a harmless appearance.

"It turns out that you are going to be promoted to a saint. Xiao Su is here to congratulate you in advance."

"Sister Master, it's still early. It's early."

"When will you be promoted?"

"." Klein saw this and said truthfully: "Maybe in this month, the potion will be almost completely digested."

"Actually, with the relationship between the few of us, it's quite easy for you to project historical images, right?"

"I just want to improve the success rate. After all, a 50% success rate and a 99% success rate have a huge impact in battle." Klein said, looking at it confused. What were the two talking about? Old Tang said: "By the way, it would be nice to add more characters to the card pool."


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