"This strength is indeed that of a half-step demon king. Let the children retreat first. They are no match and will only lose their lives in vain. I will deal with him."

The Elephant King's dark brown eyes flashed, and he drove back thousands of demon generals with just one word.

It is said that King Xiang likes to have adopted sons the most. He has thousands of adopted sons in the Tianhe Longxiang clan alone. He has always followed the system of family and world.

Therefore, children are also collectively referred to as children.

As thousands of Tianhe demons retreated, King Ming suddenly stopped King Xiang, "Hey! It's just a little wolf demon, there's no need for you to do it yourself, big brother!"

"Just let me do it, brother!"

Seeing this, the Elephant King grinned, "There's really nothing I can do about you. Since my hands are itchy, I'll let you play."

"But don't be merciful because of your greed for war like last time. This time it concerns all races and must be resolved quickly."

Prince Ming stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, "Don't worry, I will definitely not show mercy this time!"

"Because rather than having a hearty battle, what I prefer now is to put aside their bellies and see what their structures are like!"

After saying that, King Ming directly rolled up his body in the air, as if he was accumulating strength. He kicked his legs and suddenly let out a sonic explosion in the air!


Accompanied by a harsh roar, King Ming's body suddenly ejected like a cannonball and rushed directly to the ground!

"Little wolf cub, try first to see if you can take my move!!"

Seeing King Ming coming at him like a cannonball, he was so fast that he was like a falling meteor, making the air scorch!

The demon generals surrounding Chen Xuanqing were about to step forward, but were knocked back by Chen Xuanqing's halberd, "Everyone, stand back!"

Xuan Yan and others were shocked when they saw this, "Wolf King, you...!"

Before Xuan Yan could finish speaking, Chen Xuanqing's figure suddenly raised the moon-whispering halberd and faced King Ming who was approaching at a rapid speed!

boom! !

Along with a loud noise, King Ming's figure suddenly arrived, and his thick and powerful arms collided with the Moon Roaring Halberd in Chen Xuanqing's hand!

Such power!

At this moment, the ground under Chen Xuanqing's feet suddenly cracked, and under the influence of this tremendous force, his feet sank deeply into the ground!

Chen Xuanqing's eyes narrowed. The power of this punch was so terrifying that even the White Wolf King might not be able to take it!

If he hadn't just used the Taixu Immortal Sect's energy-transforming technique to transfer this force into the ground, the blow just now would have been enough to shatter his arms!

It is said that King Ming only attacks but not defends, and his power is comparable to that of an ordinary fifth-level monster. It seems true! !

A little blood spilled from the corner of Chen Xuanqing's mouth, and the remaining aftershocks caused many injuries to his internal organs!

This was just a face-to-face meeting, and Chen Xuanqing could feel that he was clearly at a disadvantage! !

Seeing this, the corners of King Ming's mouth gradually cracked, "Hahahaha, good, good, I didn't break it, now I can play with it!"

After saying that, King Ming suddenly turned over, and his huge body fell backwards. With this force, his feet struck out again and hit Chen Xuanqing's chest!

bump! !

There was another loud bang. The Moon-whispering Halberd in Chen Xuanqing's hand was too long. Before he could defend himself, he was hit in the chest by the blow and flew backwards!


A mouthful of blood spurted out from Chen Xuanqing's mouth, and his body threw an arc in the air along with the blood!

Chen Xuanqing's eyes widened when he saw this. He gritted his teeth and twisted his body directly in the air, and pierced the Moon Roaring Halberd in his hand deeply into the ground!


As the Roaring Moon Halberd hit the ground, Chen Xuanqing's body flying backwards stopped!

He looked at King Ming with bloodshot eyes. After all, he had underestimated the bloodline of Tianhe Dragon Elephant. As a branch of the Ancient Dragon Clan, the quality of their bloodline was extremely close to that of the Howling Moon Wolf Clan!

Chen Xuanqing did not obtain the complete bloodline of the Howling Moon Wolf Clan. For the bloodline of the Howling Moon Wolf Clan, he could only barely touch a bloodline talent!

And this bloodline talent is the most common Zhuyue among the Howling Moon Wolf Clan!

It is a bloodline talent that increases speed. It can travel thousands of miles in an instant, but it takes a long time to recover every time it is used before it can be used again!

On the other hand, the Tianhe Dragon Elephant Clan, although they only have three bloodline talents, they are all used to increase their own strength!

Fortunately, Chen Xuanqing absorbed the blood essence of the Dolphin King and understood the Dolphin King's bloodline talent of amplifying the body, so he could withstand the direct blow to the chest!

Seeing Chen Xuanqing steady his body, Prince Ming twisted his neck, "An indestructible toy is really good. Now, the warm-up is over!"


Another loud noise came, and King Ming's figure swooped over again!

Seeing this, Chen Xuanqing approached him again. The Elephant King on the side shook his head, "You actually chose to confront that brother of mine, how stupid you are..."

As soon as King Xiang finished speaking, Chen Xuanqing, who was about to confront King Ming, suddenly jumped up!

He rolled directly in the air and passed King Ming!

At the same time, the Howling Moon Halberd in his hand turned and suddenly stabbed straight into King Ming's back in the air! !

puff! !

A large area of ​​blood burst out, and the skin and flesh on King Ming's back was instantly torn apart, leaving a deep scar visible to the bone!


King Ming's eyes suddenly widened, and he roared in pain. He suddenly threw his arm back, but didn't touch anything, and almost fell to the ground!

At that moment, Chen Xuanqing's speed suddenly increased sharply, like a silver flash of light flashing across his eyes. He must have used some kind of blood talent!

Everything happened so fast that King Ming was caught off guard!

He is not good at defense, Chen Xuanqing's blow can make his skin and flesh to pieces!

The severe pain stimulated his brain and made him even more excited!

King Ming turned his head, touched the blood on his back, and then stretched out his tongue to lick the blood off his fingertips!

"That's great. No demon has been able to hurt me to this extent in a long time. You wolf cub has made me excited!"

Looking at King Ming who looked crazy, Chen Xuanqing held the Howling Moon Halberd and once again distanced himself. What he just used was the bloodline talent of the Howling Moon Wolf Clan.

Even ten King Ming couldn't react to the speed that was close to teleportation.

However, in the short term, he will not be able to use it every month.

But if it was just King Ming, it would be okay. At least Chen Xuanqing had a way to kill him. But if King Xiang also intervened, the result would be hard to say.

King Ming shouted loudly, and immediately, the red dragon scales all over his body shone like flames!

This is the dragon power, one of the three major bloodline talents of the Dragon Elephant clan!

"When I use this move, I can smash you into a puddle of flesh with just one punch. See if you can still dodge!"

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