Therefore, first of all, we can rule out the possibility of finding a normal entrance to the Dragon Tomb, such as finding the idea of ​​​​hiding the entrance of the cave with a blindfold or concealment spell, which is basically as good as sleeping.

"Since it's called Ice Glowing Dragon, there's a high probability that it should be a giant dragon that can freely control ice elements. Since it's a cemetery..." Cheng Rang stomped his feet hard on the solid ice under his feet, "Maybe it's also below here. maybe."

However, in order not to do useless work, Cheng Rang still opened the God's Prosthetic Eye first and checked for the least likely possibility around him.

As expected, he found no caves or buildings hidden by magic or occult techniques nearby.

"Then it can only be at your feet..."

But as the God's Prosthetic Eye penetrated further, although Cheng Rang was surprised that the thickness of the ice under his feet had reached nearly 10,000 meters, he still found nothing.

"There's nothing but ridiculously thick ice down there, how could that be?"

If, according to Elachim, the location given by Nicola is correct, the area and underground have been surveyed, where else could the dragon hide itself?

"Is it possible that he still plans to die in heaven?"

However, in addition to the deep night sky and the red moon hanging high overhead, it is obvious that the sky above this glacier


"Weird, if you can't find it anywhere, how did Nicola find the location of the dragon tomb?" Liang Yilan held her chin and turned back and forth, the endless smooth ice fields in front of and around her reflected in the dark red like a mirror. Beneath the night.

Cheng Rang scratched his head and said helplessly: "This is why she is the provider of information, and we can only buy it from her..."

Even though the final answer is in front of them, a seemingly unsolvable puzzle still stands between them and the truth.

Noretti stared at the ice field in front of her, then looked up at the red moon in the sky, murmuring something in her mouth.

Cheng Rang turned to look at Elachim and said to her: "Ella, can't you just use your nose to smell it again? Maybe you can find a way in."

"...Do you think I'm a dog?"

"Hey, aren't you?"

"Be bold, I am a real dragon!"

A small flame seemed to break out on Elachim's head. Fortunately, Veronica touched her head in time and said a few words of comfort, which calmed her down.

"Perhaps, we should think in a different direction..."

Noretti finally spoke. She seemed to have thought of something and pointed to the red moon hanging high in the night sky.

"Although this is the Death Glacier, and the dragon is also called the Ice Glow Dragon, maybe the key point of finding the entrance to the dragon tomb is not the key point of "ice". "

"Oh, what do you say?"

"When it comes to ice dragons, we always subconsciously think that it is an icy blue frost dragon that spits out extremely cold mist when it opens its mouth... What's more, the ice under its feet is so thick that most people will think that it is , the place where the Dragon Tomb is located must be frozen by these thick layers of ice."

However, because he possesses Cheng Rang's Righteous Eye of God, he can ignore all illusion interference and conduct a wide range of perspective. He saves most of the useless work of digging the permanently frozen ice under his feet and eliminates this option as quickly as possible.

Noretti continued: "However, the full name of this dragon is "Ice Brilliance Dragon." In addition to the easiest-to-understand ice attribute, it seems that the characteristic of "brilliance" is the key to finding out what is hidden in the dragon tomb. "

Hui generally refers to shining light, which means that in addition to ice, this dragon seems to be able to control the power of light.

"I have been very concerned about this terrain before..." Noretti raised her hand and pointed to the semi-gully-shaped glacier in the distance. It seemed like a shallow plate, surrounded by a whole circle of raised glaciers.

However, unlike the road we came from, the ground here and some surfaces of the glaciers in the distance were so smooth that they were abnormally smooth.

"The Dragon Tomb must have appeared longer than the birth of the Red Moon. After all, the Red Moon only appeared three years ago. Before the Red Moon was born, the world had sunlight..." Noretti stared at the ice. Looking at the shining red moon, "If it's a clear day, the ice surface here must be able to reflect the most dazzling light, right?"

She raised her lips as if she confirmed her suspicion.

"So - I wonder if you have ever seen such a thing as a "mirage"? "

Chapter 194: Mirage: Tomb of Ice Glory Dragon

Chapter 1384 Chapter 194: Mirage: Tomb of the Ice Glory Dragon

After listening to Noretti's speculation, Cheng Rang suddenly realized. He patted his head and felt a little ashamed that he had not considered this!

"There needs to be enough light to solve the mystery of this glowing dragon tomb. The slopes of the smooth glaciers around it are likely to act as mirrors to reflect light at specific angles!"

Similar to the principle of mirage formation, but it must also be mixed with more profound dragon language magic. Ice Glory Dragon Esshid probably used mirage to hide his dragon tomb in another unknown location. In the face.

So after the red moon disperses the sun, the Death Glacier shrouded in eternal night basically has no possibility of naturally showing the Dragon Tomb mirage.

Now that they thought of a solution, everyone immediately started working on it.

The first was Noretti, who tried to use the light of condensed magic to shoot into the sky, using the light from the stars to form enough reflections in the glacier basin.

But the brilliance of the stars is definitely not as bright as the blazing sun. Even if it has been pushed to its limit, the light cast by the dazzling stars is still far less than the light enough to reflect the mirage in the glacier basin.

But not all was lost, at least Cheng Rang saw through God's Righteous Eye that at the moment when the stars' light flashed to its highest point, a hazy light blue outline of a majestic building flashed past.

"The direction is correct. I saw the outline of the Dragon Tomb flicker for a moment."

"I saw it too!" Liang Yilan shouted in surprise.

Noretti shook her head regretfully, "But unfortunately, my Condensation Magic is not bright enough."

"Let me try." Cheng Rang rolled up his sleeves and formed a seal with his hands. Under his urging, the golden spell power began to surge through the spell circuit in his body.

"Mantra Spark!"

Just like the light that had pierced the thick fog in the swamp before, it shined again, making everyone subconsciously squint their eyes in the clear night sky.

However, this dazzling golden light still did not make the mirage completely appear, but made it appear more obvious and solid outline, and as the light of the sparks dissipated, it turned into clouds and smoke again.

"Isn't this okay?"

Thinking it might be a matter of angle, Cheng

Jean flew high into the sky and tried again, but the result was no different from the last time.

The refracted and reflected light gradually outlines the appearance of a palace, but at the last second when it is about to solidify, it always fails.

"Since the ideas and methods are correct, is it possible that the final step of manifestation is still due to the insufficient brightness of the light source?"

So in the third attempt, Cheng Rang tried to work together with Noretti to emit the light of condensation and sparks.

Suddenly, the low basin in the center of the entire death glacier was illuminated like daylight, and the effect seemed to be more intense after the lighting was intensified.

This time, the outline of the entire palace was completely mapped out. Liang Yilan rushed to the door of the palace, trying to touch and open the closed mirage door.

But her arms that pushed the door forward passed through the Dragon Tomb Palace outlined by the mirage light without any hindrance.

"No... you can't touch it at all. The dragon tomb has not been opened yet. We should still be missing something necessary."

"What else is missing? Could it be that the key is missing?" Cheng Rang put down his raised hands, and the light of the spark gradually dissipated.

Noretti also stopped casting spells due to excessive consumption of magic power. She took out a bottle of blue medicine and drank it. The palace that was finally formed once again dissipated in the air as the light faded.

"Perhaps, you are indeed missing the key..." Elachim stared at the gradually disappearing Dragon Tomb Palace and said: "In other words, no matter how bright the light formed in this way is, you, as humans, are not qualified to open it. The gate to the Dragon's Crypt."

Elachim stepped forward and gave way to Noredi. She took a deep breath and raised her hands to push back her long golden hair. Her bright red vertical pupils contained a complex look, and finally said: " Maybe—it can only be me.”


Before Noretti finished speaking, Elachim's humanoid body instantly swelled up against the storm. The dazzling dragon scales instantly covered the skin, and the clothes on his body also degenerated. The strong skeleton expanded to hold up the wide wings, and the wings spread out. A strong wind blew up, and a huge golden dragon reappeared in the glacier under the red moon.

"Listen up, human." Elachim, who turned into a giant dragon, turned her head and looked at the people below who were looking up at her with her huge red vertical pupils.

"The reason why I choose to help you now is not just because of Veronica's existence, but because along the way... you really made me feel like a so-called "friend" again. The loneliness of being alone in an underground prison for hundreds of years was relieved in just a few days. To be honest, I quite enjoyed traveling with you. "

"Perhaps, this is why I think the way of life and communication between humans is much more interesting than when we were dragons."

After saying that, the golden dragon stretched out its wings, flapped it hard, and rushed into the sky.

A loud dragon roar came from the mouth of Elachim, who was hovering in the sky, seeming to be calling the being sleeping in the dragon tomb.

Immediately afterwards, Elachim's figure curled up into a ball under everyone's gaze, suspended above the glacier like an unlit sun.

Gradually, light emerged from her dragon scales that reflected the dazzling light. It was a dazzling light like gold. Although the brightness is far less than Noretti's Condensing Magic and Cheng Rang's Spark, the light, as heavy and solid as gold, is gradually outlining the refracted mirage into a more solid outline.

"Is that...the brilliance of the Dragon of Gold and Treasures?"

The majestic palace in front of him was outlined by golden threads. As the golden light on Erachim's body shone brighter, the palace that originally had only the translucent outline seemed to have real weight.

In the end, a dragon tomb palace that flipped out from the mirage finally showed its true appearance in front of everyone.

The huge main body of the building floats in mid-air like a floating city. It is carved from a light blue substance that looks like rock. There are no joints formed by stone bricks.

Transparent crystal prisms bloom like ice flowers on the corners and spiers of the architectural palace. As the light penetrates, it reflects rainbow-like brilliance. The overall look is like a dream castle floating in the air.

Liang Yilan and Noretti stared stupidly at the dazzling light blue castle in front of them. It seemed that this kind of building that only appeared in girls' childhood princess dreams had excited them beyond words.

"So beautiful, Noretti!"

"Well, it's even a little gorgeous, so I don't know how to describe it..."

[Discover the hidden area: Mirage·Tomb of the Ice Glowing Dragon]

After the mirage dragon tomb hidden in the hidden world was completely revealed, it seemed that it no longer needed the continuous irradiation of light to continue to maintain it. The golden dragon in the sky stretched out its body again, swooped down, and reappeared when it was about to land. Changed back to human form.

"Well done, Elachim!"

Cheng Rang did not hesitate to praise him, he clapped his hands and shook his head, thinking it was wonderful.

However, Elachim showed an uncharacteristically solemn expression, staring at the closed door of the castle in front of him and saying: "It's too early to be happy now. My movement just now has woken up the owner inside - and he seems to We are not welcome to come..."

As if in response to Elachim's words, a heavy grinding sound suddenly came from the closed door in front of the castle, and a gap opened with a rumble.

And just that gap was enough to be seven or eight meters wide, and then a man wearing a dark blue robe slowly walked out of it.

There is no doubt that the "male" who does not look too old should be the owner of this dragon tomb.

"Ice Glow Dragon Esshed..." Elachim raised his head and called him by his name.

After seeing Elachim standing among Cheng Rang and others, the man also raised his brows slightly, showing an unexpected look.

"I didn't expect to see the same kind of people here, but it seems--" Esshed paused briefly, and then showed an uncomfortable sarcastic smile, "You are a complete "loser", Little gold bug. "

Cheng Rang clearly noticed that Elachim's breathing had become heavier, her fists clenched together involuntarily, and she glared at Eshid standing in front of the castle gate.

"You guys are still the same as before, always like to act condescending and unpleasant...!"

Esshed opened his arms and said in a declarative manner: "Of course! Because we are the strongest creatures, the kings who survived the battle between the Winged Tigers and are qualified to live in the land of sky and sky - no Like you, you don't even have the mark of Longxiang in the Land of Sky and Sky. I'm afraid you haven't been able to see the true grandeur of the Land of Sky and Sky until today, right? It really made me laugh...!"

Chapter 195 The Battle of Wings 2.0

Chapter 1385 Chapter 195 The Battle of Wings 2.0

There is no doubt that it was a pain that Elachim would never forget for the rest of his life. As the strongest creature with pride engraved into his instincts, he was regarded as the "weakest" among them and his dignity was trampled down, and he almost died.

In a world where the strong are only respected, as a weakling, she has no right to speak. Everything she does is in vain. The dragons in Skyland have no idea what respect is. In the end, they are just They are just a group of cowards who bully the weak, fear the strong, and fear power.

Because of his own strength, he despised beings weaker than himself. When he met a similar person who was stronger than himself, he behaved in front of them. He didn't dare to take a breath, and he hid in front of the weak with an arrogance that made Elachim feel ridiculous. Barking.

That's not the strongest at all, let alone arrogance.

On the contrary, Elachim learned what respect and arrogance are from "human beings" that he had looked down on before.

And, what kind of person can be called the real "strongest".

That was a power that was daunting to me, and at the same time, I didn't hold too much pride.

Respect yourself and others...even if you are facing the weak, you must use the utmost magnificence to kill them.

He did not deny his assessment of the treachery often committed by human beings, but frankly admitted it.

"I won't deny your point of view. There are indeed too many betrayals between humans. No matter how gorgeous I use words to cover up, it is still an unchanging fact."

Later, after clarifying the definition of betrayal to himself, he spoke with absolute confidence:

"I have no reason to betray you, nor any motive to betray you, because I am better than you."

At that time, Elachim only felt like a lump in her throat. When she looked into his deep black eyes, she understood something in her heart as if she suddenly understood - this is the "arrogance" that a strong person should have.

"The strongest person in this world right now is not you, not a dragon, and not even a god."

In a gesture that dazzled her, the man raised his thumb to his chest and smiled confidently——

"But me."

In those words that seemed to swallow up the world, the so-called betrayal was an act of the weak, and he had no need at all, nor did he bother to do it.

Just because he is the strongest.

And for those who follow this strongest man on his journey, their ultimate goal is to conquer the red moon and stars in the sky!

Being able to become friends with such people and go on a journey with them, maybe this is what I have always dreamed of when I was a child, right?

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