"My princess, this is the junction of the Dragonfall Forest. How could a human child come here?!"

"Isn't it just what our father taught us to treat every one of our subjects as our own? I won't give up easily, and I will also be very careful. Don't worry, Patra."

The sound gradually got closer, and the swaying of the trees became more and more obvious.

In the end, the sassy silver-haired woman in hunting attire rushed through the thorny trees and found Elachim who was lying on the ground and about to lose consciousness.

When she saw the seriously injured Elachim, she couldn't help but be so surprised that she took a breath of air-conditioning, and then hurried forward and asked with concern: "Are you okay! Boy, answer me!"

He was saved...maybe.

The moment he saw the woman, he felt a sense of stability from within, and the fatigue that hit him took away his consciousness.

When Elachim opened his eyes again, he found that he was lying in an extremely luxuriously decorated room, surrounded by a faint and pleasant fragrance.

The soft bed and neat bedding seem to be lingering with the smell of sunshine and warmth.

"I survived...?"

The joy of escaping death first burst out of his chest, and then the sense of loss of losing everything completely surrounded him.

He fell from the sky and lost his qualifications as a powerful creature. Now he is just like a lost dog, saved by humans.

However, Elachim soon figured out that although he was a weak and despised existence among the dragon clan, in the human world, he was undoubtedly the most powerful "dragon" in their eyes!

He will be admired by thousands of people, and the weak insects will spontaneously kneel at his feet and kiss his feet in order to win their favor.

"Then, I will be invincible here ~ hahahaha!!"

Thinking of the emotional excitement, Elachim opened the

The quilt looked up to the sky and smiled, and then was interrupted on the spot by the sound of the door opening.

"Ah, you finally woke up!"


The person who opened the door and walked in was the silver-haired figure she last saw before she fainted. When she returned to the palace, she had long since shed her heroic hunting attire. Her long silver hair is spread down, she wears a delicate silver-white crown and an elegant white veiled dress, which perfectly outlines the woman's graceful figure.

She has a pair of golden eyes, like the deep stars lighting up in the dim night sky, so beautiful and moving. His face seemed to have been carefully carved by the great Creator, making him unable to move his eyes away.

After seeing her energetic appearance, the woman smiled easily. She covered her mouth gracefully and narrowed her eyes.

"It's great to see you so energetic~"

"This, I...where is this? Who are you?"

"This is King Durer City, the city tightly surrounded by the forest where you were found. I am the princess of the Durer family - Veronica Durer. What about you?"

"My name is Elachim! I am the most powerful... the most powerful..."

Elachim's voice became softer and softer as he spoke, and finally sat back on the bed with a disappointed look on his face, "Forget it, just call me Elachim."

"——A dragon?" Veronica whispered, blinking at the same time.

"Hey! How did you know!?"

"Shh!" She quickly put her finger to her lips, signaling Elachim to be silent, "You can tell with just one look that your blood is not human color... Don't tell others, I secretly saved you. Come back!"

Chapter 149 Elachim just wants to make money

Chapter 1339 Chapter 149 Elachim just wants to make money

Rescued secretly?

Only then did Elachim realize that the clothes he was wearing had been changed into a skirt, but as a dragon, he didn't pay much attention to the difference in clothing between men and women. Coupled with his already handsome and delicate face, there is no sense of inconsistency.

"As a princess, men are definitely not allowed to enter my room at will. In order to hide it from others, I have to do this."

After rescuing Elachim from the Dragonfall Jungle, on the way back, Veronica and her attendant Patra discovered that he was different from ordinary people.

His blood was not red, but like flowing gold, shining with a strange light. Even fine-quality leather armor would be easily pierced by the thorns here, but those thorns couldn't even leave white marks when they touched his exposed skin. Not even the dagger could pierce his seemingly soft skin.

"Princess...this, is this a dragon?"

The reason why this forest is called the Dragonfall Forest is because of the rumor that has been circulating for a long time: It is said that the forest is located directly under the Land of Sky and Sky, where the dragons live.

The Dragon Clan will start an internal fight to eliminate the weak Dragon Clan every hundred years, and those dragons that are killed will fall from the sky into the Dragon Meteor Jungle.

However, most of the dragons died before landing. Their corpses would turn into dense magic and disperse into the forest, where they would be absorbed by the animals.

The plants, earth, and animals bathed in the dragon's blood will have more vigorous vitality than before. However, since they have no divinity, they cannot absorb all of it, and they are only equivalent to wisps of contamination. Even so, countless powerful creatures appeared in the Dragonfall Forest.

The materials from these creatures can be used as raw materials for making extremely superior magic mediums, weapons, and armors. Therefore, this place is also a natural hunting ground for materials, and the strong magical atmosphere in the air is also an excellent place for practicing magic and martial arts.

But meeting a real dragon... to be honest, it was the first time in hundreds of years.

Knowing that this incident would definitely cause turmoil in the entire continent, Veronica chose to hide it and only publicized that she had saved a person who accidentally entered this place and was attacked by a monster.

The only person who knew about this was Veronica's personal attendant Miss Patra. However, the two were friends who grew up together. Patra and Veronica were as close as sisters, even if King Durer personally questioned her. , Patra will definitely remain tight-lipped.

Elachim was a little confused about Veronica's behavior. Since he knew he was a dragon, why did he hide it?

A powerful existence needs to be exposed to everyone. If you hide your head and tail here, wouldn't you die of oppression?

Veronica just smiled slightly after hearing this and said: "Then, why did the powerful dragon lady fall from the sky?"

"I'm a male!"


"Falled from the sky because..."

Because he was very weak, he was almost killed directly.

Now there is nothing he can do to prove his strength. Although the wounds on his back have begun to heal inexplicably, because a vital part like his back has been severely damaged, Erachim has temporarily lost even the ability to fly, let alone magic. .

Even he himself couldn't tell how long this injury would take.

"How did you treat me?"

To this question, Veronica replied: "I don't know either."


"But it seems that gold and jewelry can be absorbed by your body and used to repair it..." She showed a helpless smile and shook her head: "Really, even the souvenir given to me by my mother has been

You "ate" it. "


Veronica gently touched her white collarbone with her hand and pointed at her empty neck: "The gold necklace my mother gave me melted instantly after it came into contact with your blood. Then the injuries on your body were visible to the naked eye. The ground is better.”

Her expression began to turn resentful: "So in order to save you, we spent a lot of money!"

At least many of Veronica's beloved jewelry were "eaten" into her body by Elachim.

"If someone with ordinary status picked you up, they wouldn't be able to support you at all."

Elachim was in a daze.

Can gold and jewelry repair your body? This is the first time he knows!

The Land of Sky and Sky is located in the sky. There is not much gold on it, not even much silver. There are very few pearls that can only appear in the ocean and precious jade buried under the earth.

As a dragon of gold and treasures, Erachim was born in the land of sky and sky, and had no access to the medium that was its original power, so its power was so weak.

My own dragon breath has no power, it can only make things glittering, but it only makes things glittering. It cannot convert other magic materials into gold.

Is it because I didn’t “eat” enough gold?

After all, all those dragons with frost and thunder attributes can do every day is to look for trouble from dark clouds, hail and thunderstorms...

"-I need more gold!"

Veronica didn't know how many times she held her forehead in distress and sighed: "Do you think gold is something everywhere? That is the hard currency on the mainland, and it is a very valuable and precious metal. Where are you? Can you just ask for it?"

"What should we do?"

"Well... after all, gold is considered property, or "money". In the human world, if you need money, you have to earn it yourself. Just like when you use magic, you have to pay the magic power as the price - if you need money, you have to pay the price, understand? "

Elachim nodded: "I understand, then I want to make money."

"It's not easy to make money."

"I'm a dragon. I'm just in the human world. What can be difficult for me!?"

"Hey~" Veronica looked at Elachim's innocent face and showed a subtle smile, "Is that so?"

"Of course!"


Veronica came back from outside with a large pile of books and piled them on the table in front of Erachim. Sitting in the chair, he was shocked by so many books.

"What is this... a magic book?"

"No, it's my homework."

"Family...Falling Night?"

"——It's homework!" Veronica patted the non-existent dust on her hands, pointed at the pile of books on the table and said: "Since you want to make money and you can do anything, then help me with my homework. Well, if you finish this, I will give you... a necklace." She raised a finger and said with a smile.

"The reward is too little!"

"Isn't this enough? It's just a matter of moving your fingers. You know the value of my gold necklace, but it can feed an ordinary civilian family for several years!"

Elachim was startled: "Have enough food for several years?!"

In his mind, he began to picture the other dragons feasting on their food like evil spirits. The food was piled as high as a hill, but it was only enough for one meal. How many years would it take to eat this kind of food?

Goosebumps suddenly appeared all over my body - it's terrible, gold is such a precious thing, no wonder there isn't much of it even in the sky!

Things are rare and valuable. Since you can get a gold necklace as reward for completing these so-called homework assignments for her, it would be a big loss if you don't work hard!

Chapter 150: Got it

Chapter 1340 Chapter 150 Got it

"No problem!" Elachim agreed, then took a book and opened it with great enthusiasm.


"What are you doing standing around? Write, the pen is ready for you."

"Veronica, what do the symbols on this mean..."

The temperature in the air seemed to begin to drop because of Elachim's words. Veronica's eyes widened and she blinked twice in disbelief.

"No way, you don't even know the words?"

"After all, I am only a hundred years old and still a child." Elachim scratched his head.

"Are you kidding? My grandma didn't even live past 100 years old when she died of old age."

"I don't care about this, now I just want to make money, so teach me."

"——Start from scratch?!"


Now, Elachim's external identity is a girl who was rescued from the forest by Her Royal Highness the Kind Princess. Since her relatives have died in the Dragonfall Forest and she is homeless, she was taken in as Veronica. maid.

But he is actually a very beautiful boy... ah no, a male baby dragon.

He is searching for gold in order to regain his great power - that is, he is running wildly on the road of figuring out how to make a lot of money.

Due to his identity, Elachim could not do the physical work he was good at. Otherwise, it would be too much for a petite underage girl to run around carrying dozens of tons of city stone with one hand.


"Knowledge is power, knowledge is wealth, Miss Ella! So as long as you master knowledge, assist the country, and benefit the people, you can get countless wealth!"

Veronica is working on what she sees as a "long-term training plan," which starts with teaching Elachim how to read.

When she first learned that this dragon was illiterate, Veronica actually collapsed a little. After all, she had to do all the heavy homework herself. If she had known it, she would not have fun and went to the hunting ground to relax... But because of this I picked up a beautiful dragon sister (fog?) and it turned out pretty good.

However, after she started teaching, Veronica discovered that the talents of the most powerful race with divinity were completely incomparable to humans.

In less than three hours, Elachim had learned the common characters and grammar of all continents, and was able to write fluently.

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